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* Good afternoon, Camila, I'm Yennifer, today I'll be the one who interviews you

Gud afternuun Camila, aim yennifer, todei ail bii do uan juu ìnterfyuuz yuu

* Sure, take a seat and let's start

Shoor, teik e siit end lets start

* Well, tell me, what do you currently do?

Uel, tel mii, uat duu yuu kèrontlii du?

* Great, we are looking for staff for reception and customer service in this company, where
you have to have a good attitude, be proactive, empathetic and treat customers well

Greit, uii ar lùkin foor stef foor rəˈsepSH(ə)n end kàstomer sèrfes in dis kàmponi, uer yuu jaf
yuu jaf a gud ˈadəˌt(y)o͞od, bii prōˈaktiv, ˌempəˈTHedik end triit kàstemerz uel

* Have you ever worked in customer service before?

Jaf yuu èfer uèrkt in kàstemer sèrves bifoor?

*Of course, you have to manage data from all clients and they have to provide you with that
data, but you cannot manipulate that data, since it is private, that is how we work here

Af kòors, yuu jaf tuu mànech dèite fram ool klàionts end dei jaf tuu prefaid yuu uid det
dèite, bat yuu kànat menìpyeleit dat dèite, sins it iz pràifet dat iz jau uii uerk jiir

* Excellent, now tell me, do you have time available to work rotating schedules?

- I can't, since the schedules of my university vary a lot, so I could only work part time but in
the mornings

* I understand, and can you work on weekends?

- Of course, those days I don't have classes, so I could take advantage of them

* I think it's perfect, on weekends can you work full time?

- I have to travel?

* No, of course not, the job is in a certain space all the time

- So yes, I have to organize myself to be able to better manage my time

* Okay, now tell me, can you work under pressure? Since the company works with a
considerable number of clients and we need speed in the area

- Sure, I've already had similar jobs and I can handle it

* Very well, I tell you that in the company sometimes clients of foreign nationality appear and
I would like to know if you handle other languages

- No, I only speak Spanish and English at a basic level

* I understand, what is your age?

- I'm 22 years old

* Where are you from?

- I'm from Ica

* Are you available to start tomorrow first thing in the morning?

- Sure, I can start first thing in the morning

* Very good, then go to the human resources area so they can help you with what you need to

- Thank you, have a nice day

* Also Camila, have a good day.

- Hello, good afternoon, my name is Camila

* Good afternoon, Camila, I'm Yennifer, today I'll be the one who interviews you

- Can i sit?

* Sure, take a seat and let's start

- Thank you so much

* Well, tell me, what do you currently do?

- I am a Psychology student and I am looking for a part-time job, I saw your job offer on the
Internet and here I am

* Great, we are looking for staff for reception and customer service in this company, where
you have to have a good attitude, be proactive, empathetic and treat customers well

- Yes, of course, I have aptitudes for the job

* Have you ever worked in customer service before?

- Yes, I have to deal with them in a way that makes them feel comfortable and satisfied with
the attention, so they will want to return to the place
*Of course, you have to manage data from all clients and they have to provide you with that
data, but you cannot manipulate that data, since it is private, that is how we work here

- Yes I understand

* Excellent, now tell me, do you have time available to work rotating schedules?

- I can't, since the schedules of my university vary a lot, so I could only work part time but in
the mornings

* I understand, and can you work on weekends?

- Of course, those days I don't have classes, so I could take advantage of them

* I think it's perfect, on weekends can you work full time?

- I have to travel?

* No, of course not, the job is in a certain space all the time

- So yes, I have to organize myself to be able to better manage my time

* Okay, now tell me, can you work under pressure? Since the company works with a
considerable number of clients and we need speed in the area

- Sure, I've already had similar jobs and I can handle it

* Very well, I tell you that in the company sometimes clients of foreign nationality appear and
I would like to know if you handle other languages

- No, I only speak Spanish and English at a basic level

* I understand, what is your age?

- I'm 22 years old

* Where are you from?

- I'm from Ica

* Are you available to start tomorrow first thing in the morning?

- Sure, I can start first thing in the morning

* Very good, then go to the human resources area so they can help you with what you need to

- Thank you, have a nice day

* Also Camila, have a good day.

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