Semana 8

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Y: Hello.

My name is Jennifer
C: hello nice to meet you, I'm Camila
Y: Hello Camila. how are you? Today we are going to talk about unusual events and
experiences that we have had. Let's start.
Y: Have you ever had anything unusual?
C: Well, sometimes I talk to myself, that is, I ask questions and answer them myself.
Y: oh, it's kind of funny. In my case, I usually create conversations, I guess it's weird,
but in my fictional world it's a lot of fun. and tell me, have you ever eaten something
C: When I was seven years old, my family made me try a worm called Suri. It was
weird because it wasn't dead, if it wasn't alive and they ate it, it was weird. Have you
ever eaten something unusual?
Y: I haven't had the experience of eating unusual foods, but some of my family
members have, and just seeing what they can eat is unusual for me.
C: Yes, I imagine, tell me Yennifer, ¿have you ever bought something unusual online?
Y: Well, so far, I haven't bought anything unusual, but I have seen too many weird and
unusual things that they sell on the internet, like a kit to kill vampires, UFO detector,
among others. Have you ever bought something unusual online?
C: It's funny that they sell and buy things like that, I remember that on a website they
were selling torn and worn pants for a thousand dollars. I once bought oversized
sunglasses, but it was out of curiosity.
Y: yes, there are many weird things on the internet, talking about unusual things, have
you ever attended any unusual festival?
C: Sure, when I went to a Halloween party with my friends, it was fun to see other
people's costumes, some dressed as chickens, hens, I dressed as an avocado with a
friend. Tell me, what about you?
Y: I remember that, with my family, we held a contest for the best jokes, it was
surprising that my whole family participated,
C: Have you ever seen something that surprised you?
Y: Something that I have seen that really surprised me was the lightning that appeared
in Lima. This was a phenomenon that he had never seen before in such an amazing way.
Have you ever seen something that surprised you?
C: When I went to the beach and saw a dolphin swimming with the people, I was
surprised because it was unusual for Chincha beach. I also remember that, in 2007, there
was a strong earthquake and I didn't know what to do because there was a lot of
desperation in the street, it was something very shocking.
Y: Have you ever met someone famous?
C: Well, I haven't met anyone famous, but my mother has. One day she was at the
airport and there she met the players of the Peruvian national team. She had been very
excited. And I get excited too. Have you ever met someone famous?
Y: I don't know if it's considered famous, but I met Lucia de la Cruz, Daniela Darcourt,
it was at an event where they brought together several female singers. Have you ever
met someone famous?
C: Well, the famous person I saw and met was Johnny Depp, the actor from Pirates of
the Caribbean, I liked him a lot, I was very excited and happy, because I like his movies
too much and he is well known.
Y: I think that during life you come across one or another unusual or rare thing. Well
Camila, I have to go do my homework. Take care, see you soon!
C: It was a pleasure Jennifer. see you soon take care

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