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Please take your dog ,Cali, out fo a walk-he really needs some exercise

2. what a beautifu day it is on the beach, here in beautiful and sunny Hawaii.

3. rex Qauinfrey , a renowned scientist, created a plan for invisibilty machine.

4. Yu never did tell me how many copper pennies where in tha jar; how come?

5. max Joykner sneakly drove his car around everycorner looking for his dog.

6. the two boys collecting twigs outside, for an over an hour, in the freezing cold.

7. when do you think they wili get back to their adventure in Cairo, Egypt.

8. Trixie and Veronica , our two cats just love to play pink ball of yarn.

9. We climb over the top of the mountain in just under two hours ; isn’t thatgreat.


Hector quizzed Mr. Vexife for two hours, but he wasunable to get theinformation

12. I have three things to do today; wash my car, call my mother , and feed my dog

13. xavieer Purve eighty large boxes sixteen small boxe stacked outside.

14. the reckson family deicided to go to an amusement park on Wednesday.

15. Thatherd of bison seems to to be moving quickly; does that seems normal to you?

16. All the grandfather clock in that store were set at exactly 3 o’cloc.


There are so many places to go in Europe for vacation im Paris , Rome, Prague,etc.

18. Thosse diamonds and rubies will make a beautiful piece of jewelry

19. The steamboats seemed to float down the Mississippi river at a snail’s pace.

20. in order to keep up at that pace, zack squeve would have to work all night.

1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush .

2. Caught I between a rock and a hard place.

3. closing the barn door after the hordse escape

4. Do I look like a turnip that just fell off the turnip truck?

Don’t count chicken before they hatch

Don’t make mountain out of a molehill

Friends are flowers in the garden of life.

The grassisalways greener on the other side.

Juasst staying one day ahead of yesterday.

Liedown with dogs and wake with flies.

The sharper the berry, the sweeter the wine.

The squeaky wheel, get the grease.

The stronger the breeze the stronger the trees

The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach

A weed is no more that aflower in disguise.

We’ll cross the bridge when we come to it.

You can lead your horser to water you can’t make him drink

You can’t tricks an old dog new tricks.

All work and no play robs one some of fun in life

Your car is out of date as soon as it is paid for.

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