1047 - Physics Part - I

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Physics (objective Type) * Marks: 12 SSC. (PortIpA- 2015 (New course;New scheme ) Paper Code| 5 Sessions:2012-2014,2013-2015 & 2014-2016 Group-I- Time: 15 Minutes 4-15: LA reste ent ait ZE DAC BASRA Were sinds Soro taL etre) Ue SURI Are LUALD | CB ABEL NOTE: Write answers to the questions on objective answer sheet provided, Four possible answers A,B,C & D to each question ‘re given.Which answer you consider correc, fil the corresponding circle A,B,C or D given in front of each question with Marker (oF pen ink on the answer shest provided. 4.4, The energy stored in coal is: a 4A) Heat energy Geer (C) Chemical enersy GA 2. What should be the approximate length of a glass tube to construct a waler barometer? (A) 0.5m {B) 1m 3. On Celsius scale, the temperature 300K will be. (A) 260° (B) 250° 4. In gases heat is mainly transferred by. (A) Molecular collision s4@A (C) Convection AE 5. Volume of 1 lite is equal to : (A) tom? (8) 10cm* “6. Cheetah can run at a full speed of: (A) 60kmh* (8) 70kmh* 7. Aballis thrown vertically upward, its velocity at the highest point is: (A) toms" (8) Zero 8. Which of the following material lowers friction when pushed between metal plates? (4) water dy () Air oe meer Zit 11 (8) Kinetic energy GiiGSe (0) Nuclear energy GAA bud US vA Le Ayo 2 reboot (©) 2.5m (0) 11m be300K EASE 3 (c) 240° (0) 270° ea eINEIIL tT 4 (8) Conduction or () Radiation cst, wet Dt 5 100m (©) 1000cm* Se Cnt Lhe Pivic nile 6 (C) 80kmh* (©) 0kmh* ae dad ysSile Vee SASL ih 7 (©) none of these walt ind Ment nueuttine 8 te Dyn fMerL ote (B) Fine marble powdersbi zp (0) on JT (C) toms* 8. A boy jumps out of moving bus. There is a danger for him to fall. 4862 LiA Mri tOfige tutbndtOLG .9 (A) towards the moving bus. SAKA {C) in the direction of motion Ute fo? 10. Two equal but unlike parallel forces having different, line of action produce. (A) atarque Ct {B) a couple 14, A force of 10N is making an angle of 30° with horizontal. {ts horizontal component will be: - (Ayan (8) 5N {B) away from the bus eu? {0) opposite to the direction of motion Ute wle lei PT ite a tlvikiien .10 12, The value of g at a height one earth's radius above the surface of earthis: -<-dnpsdsir£ eLCetia titel 12 * (ay2g (om “Vigan (C) equilibrium 461 (D) neutral equilibrium CASE Seg 30° AL Six ri Liliet0 14 reed Fini (C) 7N (D) 8.7N () be ©) te 225-09-0- WW He S8C- (ruts) A208 (New course;New scheme ) . Sessions:2012-2014,2013- Physics say type) Group-I-~ Marks: 63 Time: 2:45 Hours 2 2:45:35 Section-I 2x16=92 2-Write short answers of any five parts from the following, 2x5=10 15 & 2014-2016 ‘. Subject Code| 5 | 0 | 4 | 7 a Define base quantities and base units, ‘What is meant by significant figures and how many significant figures are there in 0.027? ha fSA Sadr i Zt0.0272-< eure Sent i, Define rotatory motion and give an exemple. Lie nd Soltek ried Siwigiei ee Pnspe ron creas wv uhaPSAS LL iib sei Le APSE i iv. Sketch a graph of an object moving with uniform acceleration. . Apintr completes its 100m rece in 128. Finds average speed. eine i vi, Define force and its St unit. vii, What is centripetl force? Write down its formule sii, How much force is needed to prevent a body of mass 10kg from faling? Viki PLE Led HPL E10 vil 2x6=12 aon 3-Write short answers of any six parts from the following. vw Define head total rule Define axis of rotation. Define principle of moments. Define fied force. Define gravitational field strength, Define work and write its unt Which are the kinds of machenical energy? ‘A body of mass 0.5kg. strikes the ground with the velocity of 20ms"'. Find its Kinetic energy. So thar’ aS OES wv ween GAS vi sure ee Sehr otc 0.5k9 Le wi Abe, Sibebag the Ix. Define nuclear energy. 4.Write short answers of any five parts from the following. 2x5=10 i, How *Plasme" the fourth state of matter is formed? Ji, Define density and vate down its equation. ii, How evaporation differs from vaporization? iv. Whet will be the temperature on kelvin scale of temperature when it is 20°C on celsius scale? te Uted Pienaar KG vi v. What is difference belween heat and temperature? vi, Define and write down the mathematical form of latent heat of fusion. vil, What causes @ glider to remain in the air? Ne rk tints vil, Write down the two uses of condueter and non conductor. sti Section -II Note: Answer any three questions from the following. 5. 8) Prove it araphicaly by dlagram, (b) A screw gauge has 50 divisions on its circular scale. The pitch of the screw gauge is 0.6mm. What is its least count in centimeter? 6. (2) Explain stable and unstable equilibrium with examples. (b) A bullet of mass 209 is fred from gun with muzzle velocity 100ms". Find recoil of the gun ifits mass is Sko. 7. (a) Define force of gravity and with the help of law of cravitation find the mass of earth. (b) A body of mass 50kg is raised to a height of 3m. ‘What is its Potential energy? 8, (a) Derive. formula to find pressure in liquids (b) A stee! wire 1m long and cross sectional area 8x10Sm* Is stretched through ‘mm by a force of 10,000N. Find the Young's modulus of the wire. 9. (a) Explain the epplications and consequences of radiation {b) How much ice will meit by 0000) of heat? While latent heat of fusion of ice is 836000}k0". Section -IiI(Practical ) Note: Answor any two parts from the following. 40-A. Zero error of screw gaugdf--0.06mm for given sphere, Main scale reading of soffw gauge=4.5mm, circular scale reading=27! Find volume of sphere. Tx3624 04 03 03 04 $x2=40 1,30 auhfeylowrd a Setibion ed Seva Ler FAP 5 250, L SSCL (oe Kotte o.smmé Le itrornlt AcE varddovicd OM 6 ede Soreh Abe! 20-8 Oe) Fir SELSssng 0m 28 we beg ULL Gots Zp iichinns Vict 3 HAGE 50 oe) San Phage wp Fieriti Sepp tow (tl) B AAP B10 MPL AL ECHL Ge) SHtmm td Gute 2613100000 wwe ir Pata Soe ten Karten Ets Sunl SLM & Sic SE se Fe LAr 17 J250000 - s3000jAg" 28 Sse Ayre wffenLsity Se tbsow BF pL Lp4b0.06= ELF shot SEM pba 52 Lhe eee B. withthe reference of fee fll method find the value of (gems?) it Agere 2 ome LvLe ALG) B A AGATE I Oe ‘Time for ten viberations | Perpendicular distance covered by metallic hob Sec cm 162 81.0 16.3 82.0 16.4 83.1 C. Draw a graph between load and extension. war tal LPS uss c Load 39(N) o1 | 03 08 07, lExtonsionsiizdu(em)| 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 226-09-A- yew 85.0 (rtpa- soe Roll No. _| (New course;New scheme)| Paper Code | 5 | 4 | 7 | 4 Sessions:2012-2014,2013-2015 & 2014-2016 ‘Physics (Objective Type) Group-Beu/ Marks: 12 Time: 15 Minutes 22°15:< LA brn ihe ren tag E sD CBAC ROLL Jinn A eae SoetnL oily Uf SSRN Arie LUED | CB ARE NOTE: Write answers to the questions on objective answer sheet provided. Four possible answers A,B,C & D to each question are given.Which answer you consider correct, fil the corresponding circle A,8,C or D given in front of each question with Marker OF pen ink on the answer sheet provided. 4.1, Absolute zero is equal to: - (aera (8) -273°C (c) 100° (0) 212°F 2. In solids, heat is transfered by: ca ee JBIpai? 2 (A) Conduction 2" (B) Convection 6% (C) Radiation ost, (0) Absorption efice 3. The least count of metre rod is: net LHI 3 (A) imm (B) 0.01m (C) 0.01cm (D) 0.01mm 4. Which graph represents a uniform acceleration? serie Hen sAy 4 v v v v «) [ ® | © I © | x t t t t 5. The unit of acceleration is: eA 5 (A) Km"? (8) ms* (¢) Kmh? (0) Kms* 6. If velocity of the body becomes double, then centripetal force will bo: Sri ligce Lavlitnsil? 6 (A) Helf 3} (B) Three times greater 43 1 (C) Double vy (D) Four times greater st 4b 7. Inertia depends upon: eb 7 (A) mass Ut (B) Weight wis (C) Velocity is (D) Netforce W4ey* 8. The states of equilibrium are: USE AE! 8 (A)2 (B)3 (ce) 4 (0) 5 8. Aforce of 10N is making an angle 30° with x-axis, The Dh 30 AL Sind Le10 9 horizontal component of this force will be: breed Boi ie. (A) 4N (B) 7N (C) SN (0) 8.7N 10, Earth gravitational force vanishes at: ebb coud ASes 10 (A) Infinity LG (B) 6400Km (C) 1900Km_ (D) 42300Km 11, The work vill be maximum wien angle between Leb rhabieobin Ly M4 | fotee and displacement is: -g begin = (Ay 45e (8) 0° (c) 60° (D) 90° 12. In S.1 system, the unit of Young modulus is: etter 12 . (A) Nm (B) Nm* (C) Nm? (D) Nms 227-09-0-F0 9 SSC (Partly outs “a Jaimei| (New course;New scheme ) | Subject Code| 5 | 0 | 4 | 7 ‘Sessions:2012-2014,2013-2015 & 2014-2016 Physies (ssay type) Group--2/ cen v3 Marks: 63 Time: 2:45 Hours & 2:45:25 63:2 Section-I 2xtG=32 Jim 2ewrite short answers of any five parts fromthe following. axse10, Ae Arbre Se tbe 1, Define Atomic Physics and nuclear Physics. SUAS Ain ZI Le A i, What do you know about basic and derived quantities? SE ten Labatt und fle it ii, Differentiate between distance and displacement. uk Je set i iv, Derive frst equation of motion iv \ What is meant by gravitational acceleration? Write is value y Vi. Diferentate between sliding friction and roling friction. eth Dust oi i, Writ tho lard coneeiation OF momenta? celui gL PS vi viii, Find the acceleration produced by a force of AS 00N EA LE E50 vii 400N in a mass of 50kg, she Sige er 3-Write short answers of any Six parts from the following. xe. oe Lamge Se uibite3 i. What is meant by centre of gravity? sey bea I li, Explain the first condition of equilibrium. ii, What is meant by couple. iv, What is meant by gravitational field strength? Explain. ei yfe SUS se iv v. On what factors the orbital speed of satelite depends? sede Apna A tise v vi. What is meant by the efficiency of a system? seaype wt — wi Vii. Define Kinetic energy and write its formula, Aisi i Fa ASEAGSE xi vil, A man has pulled a cart through 35m applying a force of 300N. E3EM IG: LIL GAS BOON DIL vil Find the work done by the man. Spine teh S v PS PLISEA ix 4 Pe talite Ne tibseore .. How is energy converted fram one form to another? Explain. 4-Write short answers of any five parts from the following. 2xé=10 i, Define density and write its unit. Ji, Describe two applications of Pascal Law. i i, Define the terms heat and temperature, LAS eviefditew i Iv, Define latent neat of fusion Labo Gik iv v. How temperature effects evaporation? Seti Rated v vi, Define thermal expansion, Fi Jota vil, Which are four faces (surfaces) of Lasiie's cube? sa Sistinb ls 7 vil, Define conduction and give its exemple. Section -IT (2 Note: Answer any three questions from the following. 7x3=21 wp hfeyrLeiind be cibibe 23 5. (a) Explain in detail the uniform velocity and uniform acceleration. 04 ~ Sole cry, ai) 5 (b) Your hair grow at the rate of Imm per day. Find their 03 LogeretAsawimm HEAT growth rate in ns - Leb tnmsst ex 6. (@) Deine friction. Give two methods of reducing friction OF Foe PLLA LGA 6 (0) The steering wheel of a car has @ radius 16em. Find 50-2 fF ALR LEL AS OD Torque produced by a couple of SON. 03, Flr Stites sch EL 7. (a) Find the value of mass of the earth? 04 Sob neti (al) I (b) A block weighing 20N is lifted 6m vertically upward. 03 pucdbumeasosniasioont WQ Calculate the potential energy stored in it SEP Snb nda t | 8. (a) On which law the breaking system in vehicles works? Explain. 04 wp fertse reels isugt (0 8 {b) A wooden block measuring 40cmx10crmxSem has 8 03 AL YALL Ap4oomxt0cmxbem () | mass 8509. Find the density of wooden block ne FL she 50g UE 9. (a) What measures do you suggest to conserve energy in houses? Ot fee CEA ATM & | {b) How much heat is required to increase the temperature 03 Luntostce Chelios of 0.5kg of water from 10°C to 65°C? pike F beret Section -ILI(Practical ) Spr Note: Answer any two parts from the following. Sx2-40 thy feiacrmoe inthe ee 40-A. Define negative zero error. Apply zero correction on a cylinder of Es gid 0.01- diometer 0.8em measured by a verier calipers heving posiive — -<-N/"0.8 zer0 error 0.0%em. Find corrected diameter of cylinder. FP ere nie B, With the reference of free fall method, find the value of "g(ems“)" (4 it. SA Jobber OS Ses Time for ten vibration Perpendicular distance covered by metallic bob t(sec) (cm) 4.27 90 4.19 85 4.00 80 C. Density of water at room temperature. - asd Weight of @ body in water. wake Utdt sSSichdre 20,=0.892Kgmr* Weight of a body inal =W.,=0.050N .045N By using the above given data find the density of a body heavier than water by Archimede's principle. 228-09-A- week ‘Roll No.. biel Physics (Objective type) Marks: 12 EAM Sten en Kit (Old course;Old scheme) Session: 2011-2013 Group-Tet Time: 15 Minutes 2152254 SSC (Partha. 2016 Paper Code | 1 | 4 UR SS MVE Aire LUWLD) OB Azer 716 Grw3 rat AEE DACB ALOE Snes VbreyrLc wetted NOTE: Write answers to the questions on objective answer sheet provided. Four possible answers A,B,C & D to each question 4re given.Which answer you consider correct, il the corresponding circle A,B,C or D given in front of each question with Marker (oF pen ink on the answer sheet provided. 4a 6 10. "1 12. In system international, the unit of power is: (A) Watt et (8) Volt 24s .. Mechanical advantage of screw Jack is: M== e) M=2% Mar e) th In system international, the unit of pressure is: (A) Nm (B) Nm™ Co-efficient of linear expansion is expressed by. (ay & ©) 2 The book “Al manazar" was written by: (A) Alkund) efi (B) A-Berumi daz ‘The unit of velocity is. (A) ms® (B) ms* The rate of change of velocity is known as: (A) Displacement 2x47 (B) Acceleration v4 In system international, the unit of momentum is: (A) ms {B) ms? is vector quantiy. (A) Velocity (rls (B) Speed ty sind is equal to: (A) Pependicuiar yf — (B) Base Base wat Hypotenuse The equation of Torque is: , 1a) (8) a =~ In system international, the value of "@" is: (A) 5.57x10'Nm?Kg? —(B) 6.87x10"'NmKg? nettle 1.4 (C) Joule Uz (D) Newton vit om =22h (0) 4 7 h Fi ALTE 3 (C) Nov? (0) N HSER AGILE 7 ) # vi ur rs {C) Ibn-ul-Haithem 1 (D) Aristotie to! ees 6 (cm {D) ms reuse 7 (C) Motion Gir (D) Distance let 8 (©) Ns* a (©) Mass ut -ealcsin? 40 (C) Base 4 (P) Perpendicular yf Perpendicular ys “Hypotenuse 3, nee 14 z (C) Jerr (o) J=— a nb weed f "6" LSE 12 (C) 6.67x10"'Nm?kg* —_(D) 6.67Nm"Kg? 333-09-A-We ve SSC - (Parts) -A-2016 Marks: 48 Section-I 2x15=30 2-Write short answers of any five parts from the following. i. Define Plazma Physics. fi, Write two achievements of Alberuni iii, What is the use of Vernier Calipers and what is its least count? iv, What is meant by proportionality constant? v. A car covers a distance of 400m in 20S. What will be its average speed? vi, What is uniform speed? vii, Define force and its unit, vill, Write two methods to reduce friction. 3.Write short answers of any five parts from the following. i, Define resultant vector. ii, What are the rectangular components of a vector? fi, Define centre of gravity iv, Define Torque. v. What is Centrifugal force? vi. Describe the variation in the value of "g" with Altitude. vii, Define potential energy. vii, State the law of conservation of energy. 4-Write short answers of any five parts from the following. i. Write the names of parts of a screw jack. li, Define Effort and Load. ‘What is meant by wheel and axle? iv, State Hook's law. v. Define buoyant force. vi. Write the units of stress and strain. vii. What is meant by anomalous expension of water? vill. How is heat transfered through "conduction"? Section -I1 _e/eiuei] (Old course;Oid scheme) [Subject Coae| 1] 4 [7] . Session: 201 Physics say type) Group-I-~2 -2013 31 2x5=10 WP Lunia Met bsor2 ABA uit th ibLbd i Seber terdtlale 1 HULME: Serpe e ein, Iv ~e VE tdE 2016572400 KL v hile! Sepa depts vi abe Euied vii ELLA wilh axs10 AeA Caribe Se utdion3 Bait i See FAILS ha si Safle iv Se Geo» wv hh ptels orLigee BA AS6AF% wii SoG ASK vil x10 oA Caribe Ne tiend ~All bit i Lae Pe i tei Ms alii wIeeL iv La ASiS dat v LL a pory vi Sete stews LO vil sede A Plow shi il io Note: Answer any two questions from the following. see LfeyeLeiirne de ttiow wd 5. (a) Derive 3rd equation of motion. 2as=vf-vi? (b) The mass of a car Is 500kg. In order to raise its velocity from rest to 40ms" in 208. How much force will be required? 6. (a) Explain the law of gravitation, (b) An electric motor lifts @ weight of 2N upto height of Sm in 4S. Find the power of the motor. 7. (a) State Archimedes principle and derive its equation. (b) How much gas pressure from 1x10°Pa be increased at constant temperature that its volume reduce to one third? 334-09-A- 04 ase Pv olen V Ale? (HI) 6 08 een thl20e I< A500 WHE O) Vie ted Aes some a oy kind PLE 4 Ufertnfosl aS (20 6 05 KAS ULLEA wnkehe2rHOiti () Share UE 4 Sole Kisorleits (I 7 05 Sexe 1x10 PaZsuT snl (ed sebudlRLeliKVEy SSC- (PorvAs 2016 Session:2015-2017 Paper Code | 1 }-4 | 7 | 3 Physics (Objective Type) Groupdays/ woud Marks: 12 ‘Time: 15 Minutes 215: at Ldn {iQue orn Mert le Dui CBActastiel dreads Sire teLetrrtied Ufa UME Ase LUMLD | CB ARE NOTE: Write answers to the questions on objective answer sheet provided. Four possible answers A,B,C & D to each question ae given Which answer you eonsider correct, fil the cortesponding circle A,B,C or D given in front ofeach question with Marker or pen ink onthe answer sheet provided. 4.1. ‘The water converts into ice at the temperature. mete bet 14 2A) OF (8) 32°F (0) -273k (0) 0K 2. Rooms are heated using gas heaters by. wtih A feuiLat 2 (A) conduction only ui (8) convection and radiation <-w%istunie“i (C) radiation only wiih (0) convection ony oS 3. 3% equation of motion is: : ei? 3 (a) S=Vt (8) Wi=vitat (©) W-v? =2as (Dy F=ma 4. The branch of Physics which deals with study of motion of objects, Kf atettlerfaeritssd 4 its causes and effects is called: Note: Ancwer any two questions from the following. eats -LfeirLetwe de then 2d 5. (a) Define transiatory motion and explain its diferent types. 04 -fentin lS rineenAleirs AY (AI) 5 Tb) How much time is required to change 22Ns momentum 05 Li Sigh S22 tee[eer () bya force of 20N? Bats G320N 6. (a) Write a detalied note on couple. o AE (0 6 (b) A 500g stone is thrown up with a velocity of 15mse¢ 05 ee bale inh 15msec FALL 500g () Find * potential energy at its maximum height" and IAL ti BASH pees” kinetic energy when it hits the ground. Lie EA 7. (@) Define speciic heat. How would you find the speaiic 04 Loon ea Artew (AN) .7 heat of solids? se dee {b) Acube of glass of Scm side and mass 306g,hasa 05 si yinie 808g UIK_ WL ER LL ¥LSOM OL) cavily inside i. If the density of glass is 2.55gem", 52. 8590m S362 debbie find the volume of the cavity. LF eft 232-09-A- Physics (Ovjective Type) Marks: 12 Lb Siren KM NOTE: write answers to the questions on objective are given. Which answer you consider correct, fil the cr pen ink on the answer sheet provided. PaperCode| 5 |4|7 | 1 sessions; 2012-2014, 2013-2015 & 20 (4-2016 ‘e Group-bo/ wou? ‘Time: 15 Minutes 21555 SSC -(Portd}8- 2016 iat LE DAC BAL URAL Irnet Sadi Soo talc lop ed UE CSM We LUWLD | CB AZEL answer sheet provided. Four possible answers A\B,C & D to each question corresponding circle A,B,C or D given in front of each question with Marker i ‘One micrometer is equal to: we tibdi AA (a) 10m (8) 10%m (©) 10%m (0) 10° 2. Scalar quantity is: ede 2 (A) Velocity Fs (8) Momentum (C) Speed (0) Acceleration #4 3. Rale of change of displacement is: et Abts 3 (A) Speed iy (B) Torque {C) Velocity is (D) Work ir 4, Which material lowers fiction when pushes “Edenh tnd Leys A between metal plates? se den oprl te (A) Water bt (Ar —~ yor (0) Fine marble powder SLG7 5. Newton's first law of motion is valid only in the absence of: te tncunelryie Lehetbiar ASS 8 (A) Force ui (8) Momentum ¢% — (C) Friction uF (D) Net force whee 6. Aforce of 10N is making an angle of 30° with horizontal, its ve Deeg 30° FL pA fibeki10 6 horizontal component will be: bevel dinind (ay an (8) BN () 7N (0) 8.76 7. Two equal but un-like parallel forces having Able tabay elite 7 different line of action produce: wu geuntfiti (A) Torque Se (B) Couple (€) Equiibrium 42561 (B) Momentum 8, The value of 'g' at moon is: iS 8 (a) 1.5ms? (8) 1.7ms? (©) 4.6ms? (0) 1.8ms? 9. Work will be maximum when the angle between force and biplidnd wip abrolie nits 9 displacement will be: (a) 90° (6) 0° (c) 60° (0) 180° 7 10. The unit of pressure -eeahy 10 (A) Watt ets (B) Volt 4s (C) Joule dz (0) Pascal Ut 44. The temperature at which water freezes: welch Ard 1 (A) OF (6) 212° (©) 0K (D) 0°¢ 12. In gas, heat is mainly transferred by: -ebrPe wiht 12 (A) Conduction A" (C) Radiation Hit, (@) Convection v7 {D) Molecular collision siASusSt 228.09-A SS0- (Porth) -&-2016 Loin Ph Marks: 63 2-Write short answers of any five parts from the following, i i iv. vi vil 3-w vi vl x 4-Write short answers of any five parts from the following. ii. wv, v vil Sessions; 2012-2014, 2013-2015 & 2014-2016 YSICS (Essay Type) Group-I-4 ‘Time: 2:45 Hours & 22454, Section-I 2x16=32 Define electromagnetism and sound What is meant by scientific notation? Give an example. Define scalars and vectors. Differentiate between rest and motion. Define distance and displacement. Differentiate between action and reaction. Define momentum and write SI unit. Stale Newton's second law of motion. rite short answers of any six parts from the following, |. Define head to tai rule. Define perpendicular components, Define principle of moments. How can you say that gravitational force is @ field force? How the value of 'g' varies with allitude? Explain, Why fossils fuels are called non-renewable form of energy? Name two devices that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. What is meant by renewable sources of eneray? Give an example. Which form of energy is most preferred and why? Define pressure and give its unit Differentiate between temperature and heal. Which law is used in braking system of car and bus? Define it. -eAGostiyite ra wiewtP UL ue jh What is heat capacity? Write its ST unit, What is the thermometer? Why mercury is preferred as a thermometric material? Give one preference. ‘What will be the temperature on kelvin scale of temperature when it is 20°C on Celsius Scale? What is the principle of floatation? Describe the impact of green house effect in global warming, Subject Code| 5 | 0 | 4 [7 2x5=10 2x6=12 wale Jie Fey PLuzible Me utdieo2 anny SF 5 Sie Lite Wife ihe ii vi wii x Sean ook ili FP Linige Ve tied Sa SSuFite aA fot BASIL oi Se BLASS RELUAL CT iw ~Lertiste tet AVA Lbded Sov Sere Ms Slee S ERAS AL igh sacl vl weet Subbe BeoE Absece A palISEAM ix 2x5=10 -& je Laatbe Ve tious pha Sob tewald ai Aerie ye IFW iv LPESALEL NL eta HP -Erteleotrt Ga ted SOI i 20°C hd SURE wii Fo vitaPyspyAL bd si Section -iI Note: Answer any three questions from the following. 5, (@) Derive the first equaton of motion with the help of 7x3=21 graph. 04 (b) There is an interval of 200/28. Change it into seconds 03 and write answer into scientific notation. 6. (a) Describe four methods to reduce the friction. o4 {(b) Find the magnitude of a force if its x-component is 12N 03 and Y-component is SN. 7. (a) Explain the variation of value of gravitational eceleration 'g' with altitude. (b) A block weighing 20N is ited 6m vertically upwar Calculate the potential energy in it 8. (2) Write Kinetic Molecular model of matter in detail (b) Find the volume of brass cube at 100°C whose sid 40cm at 0°C Co-efficient of linear thermal expansion of brass =1.9x10°"" 9. (a) Define thermal conductivily and derive its equation. 4 ds, 03 04 eis 03 8 (b) Normal human body temperature is 98.6°F.Convertit 03 1,10 Ui feyele irda Ve tbion 23 Siew e Kiera uSt (3) 5 A LAL PLL M200 OD Aafia SLE ALESIS (M6 DON wed ASSIA OD) -eNeay ted Solos (7 -Soushe ‘Seid n20N fi () <4 Yiviom el Sah EE UA Glee (0 8 POSE A ALP A00°C () od Ele tO REA UE ILI (OD into Celsius Scale and Kelvin Scale. Bt uk Section -II1(Practical ) Qype Note: Answer any two parts from the following. 5x2=10 utefeyelann — ble tdibe ed 410. From an inclined angle iron, find 28 and for a roling bat §— Spb wi2sd Leyes (I-10 and then find the acceleration ofthe bal. Seu fus Aue [bite ey 2s e SrNo |S t cm | Sec? cm Sec 150 4 Sec 2 200 6 Sec B. A meter rod is balanced on a wedge. Prove the principle of moments. i 1Sem Co W,=0.8 N C- Write procedure to find the density of solid body using Archimedes principle. 2 26-09-A- W,=0.7N Ate de uutie ©) Lape S80 -(orti)A. 2016 a Sitawt [Paver code | 5 | 4 [7] 4 Sessions: 2012-2014 ,2013-2015 & 2014-2016 : * Physics (objective Type) Group-Teg/ wou? Marks: 12 Time: 15 Minutes 2*15:25 12d EAS Sr MMR PEE DAC BARA LE Sr A Me Sore iiaLc tried Ufa CRUE Aire LWALD! CB AZEL NOTE: Write answers to the questions on objective answer sheet provided. Four possible enswers A,B,C & D to each question are givenWhich answer you consider correct, fl the corresponding circle A,B,C or D given infront of each question with Marker or pen ink on the answer sheet provided. ff-1. Unit of heat capacity is: ee 14 (A) JK (6) JK {C) Jk? (D) JK? 2, ‘The major source of heat energy is: eine Hes 2 (A) Moon 410. The orbital speed ofthe lowest orbit satelite is: ede Sswle ee 410 (A) Zero 7° (B) &ms* (C) 800ms* (D) 8000ms* 11, The unit of work is, es AN As (®)N (C) Nm? {D) Ns 42. Liquid pressure at depth '7t" is equal to: eA COUS h' 12 (A) Poh? (8) pah* (©) poh ©) fe 227-09-A-W SSC- (Ports) 4.2016 Sodio Sessions: 2012-2014 ,2013-2015 & 2014-2016 Physics ¢€ssay type) Group-I/ Marks: 63 Time: 2:45 Hours 2 2:45:25) Section-I 2xt6=32 ‘2Write short answers of any five parts from the following. 2x5=10. i. Define Physics. ji, Differentiate between physical science and biological science. ili, What is meant by circular motion? Jv, Define velocity and give its formula ¥. Write the names of two scolar quantities, Wi, Define inertia. vi, A20N force is acting on @ body of mass & Kilogram. Find the acceleration produced in this body. vil, Define momentum and write its formula. 3-Write short answers of any Six parts from the following. 2x6=12 i. Define centre of mass. li, Differentiate between Axis of rotation and moment arm, Subject Code] 5| 0 | 4 7] (ee), 3 63:7 Jil oP Lurible He tion? Lah LOA Br edly borin Lain iL oneS, Sele vA eS 20netie i Fe Spt ek tet ut Aik wa AGy vi vii vill eye Lorige Se tuieod -Lajhnse USA peru 5I A ii, Why a body cannot be in equilibrium due fo single force acting on it? Seu By ites ce dsk ey iv. Why faw of gravitation is important for us? ¥. Write the value of mass of earth with unit Vi. Define potential energy and write its methemetical form. vil. What is meant by the efficiency of a system? vill. Define energy and give two types of mechanical energy. ix. What is meant by geothermat energy? 4-Write short answers of any five parts from the following. i. Write two properties of Kinetic molecular mode! of matter. i, Define Archimedes principle. ii, Define Co-efficient of lineer thermal expansion, 'v. Define latent heat of vaporization Define thermal expansion. vi. Write the difference between apparent volume ‘expansion and real volume expansion. vii. Define the rate of flow of heal and write its equation. vii, Write the use of convection of currents. 2x5=10 Se Mies l A Leech SNL AEP Pla Sb 14 See ASA, Sere cae eS Ade 6 Zarit ~SaSorivcssedusse LBA esse i 7 -£aAS5 - LDR tsbepbnsabssbee wee Si Zao lew So MT Saba i ix Pow PLirbre Se tdsewnd wil 5, (a) DerveS=Vitt ar? with the help of speed-time graph. Section -IT Note: Answer any three questions from the following, 7x3221 =u ZfelieLetirbe de utiou td (©) Express the following quantities using prefixes 03 (i) 5000g (ii) 2000000W (ii) 52x10"°kg 6. {a) Derive equation for law of conservation of momentum. 04 (b) A force of 100N is applied perpendicularly on a spanner 03 ata distance of 10cm from a nut. Find the torque (2 gs ite? anafirte A 5 rie Ay her Sete FL ay Ia 6 EG10ome eA fer 100 () Loti the Gti 42% produced by tha foros Sohn ; 7. (a) What are arificial satelites? Explain the geo-stationary orbit. 06 Beri fenid Arte Lut ortve (aN) 7 (b) A body of mass 50kg is raised to a height of 3m. 03 Wie S ami LL JF 50) Find its potential energy BABI 8. (a) What is meant by Young's Modulus.Find its mathematical 04 BBE Ye & (AN) B formula and write Si unit, -Lefussuidee (b) The head of 2 pin is a square of side 10m.m. Find the 03 ig Om. metre VO p-duveg ll (2) pressure on it due to force of 20N. Wrestle AAS 20N Woche 9, (a) State and explain green house effect. 4 LL base I (MB (b) A brass rod is 1m long at 0°C. Find its length at 30°C. 03 Stet LE do's atu WL (Co-eficient of inear expansion of brass=1.9x10°"). Lite bil PBB 0S Sal Section -I11(Practical ) pre Note: Answer any two parts from the following. 5x2=10 US fouling Met 1s 10-A\(i). A screw gauge has 50 division on its circular scale.The 03 SEA te 280 SESEAL (H-0 pich ofthe serew gauge i 0.5mm. Find is least count (li). ifthe radius of cylinder is 0.8em-Find its area. 02 FMA Fo SomeAt belts AS ii) B. Prove that the time period of simple pendulum is 05 & independent of amplitude. cents WS | S.No. Amplitude ‘Average time| Time Period sed (tbs! | . 1. 7om [2 ‘cm Average time period =? AePtbaia? C.{i). Why metals are good conductor? 03 suber” (DCO) |. Write two advantages of cooling effect of evaporation, §— 02 AH ALL wget Keuts il) 228-09-A- woos 5S. Poin s18 Roll No. eSptinael Paper Code| 5 7 Session; 2014-2016 - Physics (Objective type) Group-hs/ wu? Marks: 12 e: 15 Minutes 2°15: at . LA brtigiina en RP LLE ONC BActleteL Irn seed Vooatirle trptied UE VIE thie LULD | CB Are NOTE: Write answers to the questions on objective answer sheet provided. Four Possible answers A,B,C & D to each question 2re given Wich answer you consider correct, il the corresponding clcle A,B,C or D glen in font of each question with Marker or pen ink on the answer sheet provided. Sgn 14 1.4. Two equal but unlike parallel forces having different line of -<-U/izn BMI STKR oH action produce. (A) a torque er (B) acouple {C) Equilibrium E661 (D) Neutral equilibrium Getsfi! 2. Earth's gravitational force of attraction vanishes. we Obed Asts 2 (A) Infinity distance Let (B) 6400Km (©) 42300Km (©) 1000Km 3. Rate of doing work is called: UESPSLLG 3 (A) Energy GH {B) Torque We (C) Power sb {D) Momentum 4. In which of the following state molecules do not leave their position? MALATE 4 (A) Plasma Ui, (8) Gas Ut (C) Liquis (0) Solid us* Which of the following affects evaporation? elegy Rote tol 5 * (ay temperature £2 (B) surface area of the liquid LwEes (C) wind (D) allofthem Uy ‘6. In solids heat is transfered by: a online 6 (A) Radiation of, (B) Conduction 2" — (6) Convection #6" — (0) Absorption o/c An interval of 20015 is equivalent to: eG SL A200 7 (A) 2x10"%s (8) 0.028 (C) 2x10%s (D) 2x10°S 8. A ballis thrown vertically upward. is velocity atthe highest pointis: -VrkeUigp bur Fehe Vg SAS IAL 8 (A) Zero #* (8) -1oms* (C) 10ms* (2) 9.8ms* 8. The value of ’g' on surface of earth is: -ceiSaptil 9 (A) 40cm* (B) 10m (C) 10ms* (D) 10ms* 10. Inertia depends upon: eben eA 40 (A) force gust (8) netforce goke — (C) mass gut (0) velocity ges 411, The unit of momentum is: ewe 11 (A) Nm (B) Kom? (c) NS (0) Ns* 12, The number of perpendicular components of force is: ne Bl Siti Has 42 “aya (6) 3 (c)2 (0) 4 315-09-.0. WW te ssc Physics ssay tye) Marks: 63 vi 3-Write short answers of any six parts from the following. ix, * 4-Write short answers of any five parts from the following, vi vii Sessio1 Group-I- 1 ‘What is meant by screw gauge's pitch? Define prefixes. What is meant by random motion? Define relative motion. Define mation, State Newton's first law of motion, State law of conservation of momentum. Define centripetal acceleration, What are unlike parallel forces? Define trignometric ratioes sin @ andcosé. Define centre of gravity and centre of mass. What is meant by force of gravitation? Differentiate between ‘o' end 'G. What is unit of work? Define it. Define energy and write its unit, Define efficiency. Write the names of parts of a heating system. Define the term pressure and write its unit, Why is water not suitable to be used in a barometer. Write two applications of thermal expansion. What are lower and upper fixed points in thermometer? Define hy What is celsius scale? Define radiation, Define convection current. Time: 2:45 Hours & 2: Section-I 2x16=32 2.Write short answers of any five parts from the following. (are) 2.2018 014-2016 2x! 2x6=12 2x5=10 en 637 Jie RPL Nabe Se big2 os, a WWedvpes ii uta sue tte La AS cosd xisin@ BF Jit 4 > it Seaipe My ie iv bah Regt io SLE ASEA vii cL HE wil EL ix WP Lable bE tbbed vii wong aA i rb Writ ohhh si Aiur L st bar i Says Sanat, uaF eM Section -IT (pao Note: Answer any three questions from the following. resent yp fefeyeLeowne abe tibet? 5, (a) Explain the types of motion. 04 Serine OH) 5 (by Rewrite the following in standard form 03 Ape een (yrieaxio4 (ii) 0. orxio® (ii) 728x10>ka 1. 1s fp 3 6. porve S=nf-+at" wh the hep of speedsime graph. spat crak sfir tg 6 phen nibchi50 ( (by Find tne perpendicular compononts of force SON making an angle of 30°(degree) with x-axis. Sp hilt rh Psy Sac Lbh (D T 7. (a) How doos the value of gravitational acceleration change with altitude? Explain. {b) A biock weighing 20N ised 6m vertically upward 3 Caleulate potential eneray stored int 8. (a) Explain the method fo measure the atmospheric pressure. 08 {b) How much would be the volume of ice formed by freezing 03, 4 litre of water? 49. (2 Diferetate between land and sea breezes. o (0) Abress rod is 1m long at 0°C. Find its tength at 30°C 03 Jute (coveficient of linear expansion of brass= 1.9x10°K") Log biel BOOS Ceroxto ef Wenlit Section -II1(Practical ) Hoe yeLoras ie ebite 29 1 Efi hi) (AAO Note: Answer any two parts from the following. 5x 410.Ac{). Which ore types of zero error and zero correction in 08 vernigr calliper? (i), What is meant by least count of a screw gauge? 02 ai) BB, The data is given in the table measured during vibration 05 1 of simple pendulum, Find average value af 7; by using It “Length of simple Pencuium (2) JUfhiznt-_| Time Period (7) Leet | 1 ‘000m 28 2 4560m 2.48 > Verily the principle of moments by using the data civen in figure below: Center of gravity=50cm Oc 316-09-A- tok scons 2018 Roll No. fisting Paper Code| 5 | 4] 7 | 4 . Session: 2014-2016 . . ‘Physics (Objective Type) Groupes wu? (Marks: 12 ‘Times 15 Minutes 2151555 1d LE OAC BAe IRL IrceyrerSoouLewrpted Le SL SRL toile AULD | CB AREY OTE: Write answers to the questions on objective answer sheet provided. Four possible answers A,B,C & D to each Lin saen tts question are given.Which answer you consider correct, fil the corresponding circle A,B,C or D given in front of each question with Marker or pen Ink on the answer sheet provided. 4.1, Water freezes at: metre hrdy 14 (A) °F (B) 32°F (C) -273K (D) 0K 2. In gases heat is mainly transferred by: eee bel Plnity? 2 (A) Molecular collision si£6/2. (B) Conduction (C) Convection Af (0) Radiation igs, 3. A measuring cylinder is used to measure. etelpre tt, 3 (A) Levelofliquid Udit (B) Volume pus (©) Area Lt (D) Mass Ut 4. Cheetah cen run at a maximum speed of: Se Cindi Leia nity 4 (A) 60Kmh"* (8) 70Kmh* (c) 80Kmh* (D) 90Kmh* 5. What i the value of gon the surface of earth? ekrteie 6 ~ (A) 10ms* (8) 10ms* (C) 10m. (D) 10cm* 6. Centripetal force always acts___to the motion of body. VE _ Le SS UI 6 = (A) Opposite ie (B) Parallel Ne (C) Perpendicular lf (0) atan angle of 45°22 E45" 7. Co-efficient of friction between tyre end dry road is: we dred MeeornL Lae 7 _ 08 (8) 40 (©) 0.05 (D) 02 8. Two equal but unlike parallel forces having different ~udAge. WTR Neti fvls 8 ____ tne of action produce: (A) Torque St (8) Couple (C) Equilibrium EAsEI —(D) Neural equilbrium Losi st 9. The number of perpendicular components of a force are: eb SPIE Hos 9 as (2 3 40. The orbital speed of a low orbit satelite is (A) Zero, (8) 8ms" (©) 800ms" (0) 8000ms" +1, The work done wil be zero when the angle belwean the force and the distance is: -hAr=e2¥ (D) Stress= Strain Ux, : 317-09: (A) Stress / Strain=Constant U2*k S80-dmeb amis RollNo. ew Zosnwi Session: 2014-2016 . Physics (ssey 1ype) Group-I-2/ (en v3 Marks: 63 Time: 2:45 Hours & 2:45.25 6:4 Section-I 2xt6=32 Jim ” Rewrite short answers of any five parts from the following, 2x5=10 Pein eit i. What are the base quantities? Give one example, ii, What is the least count of vernier calipers? ii, Differentiate between distance and diplacement. iv. Define uniform acceleration and give one example, v. Can body moving with a constant velocity have acceleration? vi, What is dlfference between mass and weight? vii, State law of conservation of momentum, vill, Why is rolling friction less than sliding friction? 3-Write short answers of any Six parts from the following. Differentiate between torque and couple. il. Define the first condition of equilibrium, ii, Write an example of moving bady which is in equilisrium. Iv. How does the value of ‘g' change with altitude? v. What is meant by field force? vi. What is meant by power? vil. How can you find the efficiency of a syetem? Vill, Define kinetic energy anc write its formule. ix. A body of mass S0kg is raised to a height of Sm. What is its |, Potential energy? 4-Write short answers of any five parts from the following, |. Why does the atmospheric pressure vary with height? ji, What is upthrust? ii, What is meant by convection current? iv, Why are metals good conductors of heat? ¥. Define the terms heat and temperature. vi, Why is mercury prefered as a thermometric substance? vi. Define latent heat of vaporization, Vil, Temperature of water in a beaker is 50°C. What is its value in Fahranheit scale? “ete Es a -Seuittints i Liss vi cAI PERS wii Sede Mbt by vii xeri2 eure Je tsi STALL i LUA ARSE EMER SESE LIS i SednterArLbded so iv Se dani wv Sqapeal vi ELE ALU vit Avi La ASEALS si He VIEL am Lip AE 50 ix sean Pe aso owe Cable SetEnd Serbs Ld Ay foie J Seip aASIUEN Seer ii sud iw wth afbewseveds 8 MOEA HL IKI EL ih Ba Nes RIugs wi AcW-< °C LEE Mee tA il le wv She Section -II Note: Answer any three questions from the following. 5, (a) Prove by the graph: 248 = (©) Write in standard form: 7x3=21 04 03 (i) 6400Km_ (ii) 380000Km 6. (@) Write four methods to minimize friction. (b) The steering wheel of @ car has a radius 16om. lorque produced by a couple of SON. 7. (a) How can the mass of Earth be determined? Explain. (b) A block weighing 20N is lifted 6m vertically upwards. Calculate potential energy stored in it. 8. (a) Explain the working of hyéraulic press. (b) An iron sphere of mass 5kg, the density of iron is, 2200kgm'*, Find the volume of iron sphere. 04 ind the 03 9. (a) Define thermal conductivity. On which factors does thermal 04 ‘conductivity depend upon? (b) How much heat is required to change 100g of water at 03, 400°C into stream? Letent heat of vaporization of water is 2.26x10°JK"'a, Section -III(Practical ) Note: Answer any two parts from the following. 10-A. of vernier callipers. (Mean length of cylinder=3.5em (ii). Mean diameter of eylinder=0.9em B, A moter od is balanced on 2 wedge. Prove the principle of moments, -=.bOri 45cm Find the volume of a cylinder with the help of given data Sx2=10 05 60cm (pe peeleitind be tibitu 23 pheteussh i) 5 wurltpande 2as=v?-v? oi (ii) 300000Km, PplE LIF 6 WE s0N-g 160m et KEL IL OD Lcolnte Cue As imets (a) 7 wef tv pilot Mab x20NL (2) Spa Ped Aiur Fer L FL Ag it (DB eee yep Let) ~<-8200kgm SL ALL BAPE LAY (BD 9 Sgetneg PLE Aba tuchd 00°cshi1009 ea Pend Bibetven? ~6-2.26x10°K'g ere few L dane Se Pion 29 fee sloth Se ud hes CAN-10 oe 3.5om=SULai S24) 90cm co W,=0.8 N C. (i Differentiate between Hypsometer and polystyrene cup. (ip. hiy areas water of seme quantity boils early as compared 02 ESI tUtMsagerV to plain areas. Why? 318-09-A- 03, W,=0.7N ABM) Fudue (i) fi sledue suntg _eSihind Physics (Objective type) Marks: 12 . - LA erighitinut on SSC- (Port 6.2019 (For all sessions) ‘Time: 15 Minutes 2°15:255 . larg Le DIAC BASRA Sr ZL bind WireyaL ety iad Paper Code| 6 | 4 | 7 Ufa SV Ah fuse tUA£D | CB AszEL NOTE: Write answers to the questions on objective answer sheet provided. Four possible answers A,B,C & D to each question ‘ere given. Which enswer you consider correct, fil the corresponding circle A,B,C or D given in front of each question with Marker or pen ink on the answer sheet provided. 4.1, The number of base units in SI is: (a) 3 (8) 6 (0) 7 2. The unit of velocity is: (a) ms (8) ms" (c) ms? 3. The formula of Newton's second law of motion is: (A) Fema ®) p=" © pid a m 4, The formula of centripetal acceleration is Wg = © ga” - “eZ 6 aE 5. The unit of torque is: (A) Nm (8) Nam (Cc) Nim* 6. The formula of mass of earth is: ) y =F 8 ® v. (c) yw, =e —G G 7. One joule is equal to: (A) 1J=1N.1m (B) 1J=1N.1S (C) 1J=1N.1h 8. Mass-energy equation is: (A) E=mo? (B) E=m*c* (C) E=me 9. The unit of density is: (A) Kg.m (8) Kg." (C) Kom? 10. The Formula of specfic heat is: (A) = AQ (B) =< mAQ (C) = AQMt mat At - m 14. The boiling point of lead is: (A) 1750°C (B) 1757°C (c) 1752°C 12. The major source of heat Energy is: (A) Moon 2 (B) Sun Gr (C) Earth oti 2225-09-09 US! 1.4 8 ets (D) ms?

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