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Lampiran 1

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, or D!

Past perfect tense
1. They … before I reached their place.
a. had left
b. have left
c. are leaving
d. were leaving
2. A few years ago, circumstances … me to leave school.
a. has forced
b. were forced
c. is forcing
d. had forced
Present perfect tense
3. Nobody … him since yesterday.
a. has seen
b. had seen
c. is seeing
d. was seen
4. The film … yet.
a. has not released
b. had not released
c. wasn’t released
d. is releasing
Future perfect tense
5. Amanda … cook when her husband arrived at home.
a. will have finished
b. was going to finish
c. has not finished
d. is just finished
H. Answer this following questions clearly and correctly!
1. Rearrange the words below into good sentences!
a. Cookies - Susie - has – the – all – eaten
b. Shake – Have – read – you

A project about Cornwall

arrange • bring • choose • decide • find • get • go • say • start
Last month Jenny, Nick and Ben …………..(1) to do a project together. They ……. (2)
Cornwall. First Jenny….. (3) to a travel agency and…………(4) some brochures. Nick
and Ben……….(5) some interesting books in the library. Then they …….. (6) work. A
week later they……………(7) all their material to school and ………..(8) it on a poster.
‘Your presentation is interesting’, ………(9) Miss Hunt.
Ø Complete the questions!
10. My mother fried tofu this morning. What …?
11. Last night I went to your home. When …?
12. Mrs. Puff saw a strange sponge that night. Who …?
13. Mirna went shopping with Marina last weekend. Whom …?
spears? – Have – read – you
14. Sansan did his examination well. How …?
15. The baby cried at 11.50 p.m. What time …?


Ø Give suitable present perfect into the sentence!
16. The tent … two hours ago. (build up)
17. Our clothes … by a tailor. (sew)
18. Father … us some money. (give)
19. Mother … a big cup of ice cream. (make)
20. James … to the Hawaii thirty minutes ago. (go)

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