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PHYSICS Electric Charges and Fields >» i \\\—_—_ DIRECTIONS: This Each question hus four choices (a) (©) and) out of which Tpke chotce questions “Two small spheres each having the charge +0 are suspended by insulating threads of length from a hook This arrangement is taken in space where there is 10 gravitational effect, then the angle between the two suspensions and the tension is in each thread. @ 180 2. Two equal point charges each of 3C a certain dista nee in metres. If they are located at (2+ j+&)and (27 +37 + &), then the electrostatic force between them is @ 9«10°N () 16% 105N (© WN @) 9x10 A body is positively charged, it implies that (@) there is only positive charge in the body (©) there is positive as well as negative charge in the body but the postive charge is more than negative charge (©) there is equal positive and negative charge in the body bu the positive charge lies inthe outer regions (4) negative charge is displaced from its position (a rubbing, when one body gots positively charged and other negatively charged, the electrons transferred fom positively charged body to negatively charged body are {@) valence electrons only (©) electrons of inner shells (©) beth valence clectrons and electrons of inner shell (yet to be established ‘Three charges +q, 12g and +g as shown in the figure. What is ABand BC? connected by strings (of tensions in the % @ @ 1:2 Obs @ 21 @ 3 Two charge g and 3g are placed fixed on x-axis separated by distance d. Where should a third charge 29 be placed sue that it will not experienee any for devid @ Twopesitiveions, each carrying chargeg, are separated bya distance d. IF Fis the fore of repulsion between the ons, the number of electrons missing from each ion will be (being the charge of an electron) {as © \ Fe neg Fd? ° \ 9 A large nonconducting sheet M is given @ uniform charge ‘density Two uncharged small metal rods Aund Bare placed rear the sheet as shown in figure, Then (@) Mattructs A M (©) Mattracs B AG ae) om [ay Fa —_ © (©) Aattracts B (@) Alloftese Three charges -q, , +g, and ~q, are place 3s shown in the figure, The «-compenencathe bree qi proportional 19 @ © Rn 1B. 4. 18, 16. ", A oval chargeQ is broken in wo partsQ, and Q, and they are placed at adistance R from each other. The maximum farce of repulsion between them will ccur, wien =2.9- 2 9-90-22 © @=2.0=0 £.0-0-% =2. 9-32 -2.9,-2 © m-Goa-B @ a-Za-$ Figure shows the electric lines of force emerging from a ‘charged body: Ifthe electric field at 4 and B are £,and E, respectively andif the displacement between 4 and Bs, then @ Ey> Ey © Ex oF oft ‘Ange ried Anal roatsd—> ‘Theeleetic intensity due a dipole of length 10.em and having a charge of SIN) WC, at a point on the axis at a distance 20m from one ofthe charges in ait is (@) 625 WNC () 928» NIC © BixtNC — @ 205*10'NC A rod of length 24 m and radius 4.6 mm carties a rnogative charge of 4.2 = 10-7 C spread uniformly over il surfce. The eletrie eld near the mid-point oF the ro, at @ point on its surface is, @ 86 10NC! — @) 86x 108NCT © 67 1ONC! — @ 67x 10'NC ‘The toal electric ux emanating from a closed surface enclosing an a-paricle is (electronic charge) oF of om oF fare surface of side Z- meter in the plane of the paper placed ina uniform eletric field £ (vol) actingalong the same plane at an angle 0 with the horizontal side of the squareas showm in Figure. The electric fx linked to @ Be AAs (b) EL? cose. (©) EL?sine (d) zero. fA, ee 5 : @ = ® F oth we 2m, 26. m. 28, 29, 31. At the centre of cubical ox + Q charge is placed, The ‘value of total fux thats coming outa wall is @ Qa 0) Q/36, © Qe, A QM6, ‘The Gaussian surface {@) can pass through a continuous charge distribution (©) cannot pass through a continuous charge distribution, (©) can passthrough any system of discrete charges (@) can pass through continuous charge distribution as well as any sytem of discrete charges, ina regin, the inensiy of an electri Hel i given by B- 21+3) +k iN These tux through asutoce S= 101 m? in the region is (@) Nn () 10NmeC~! (©) INC! (@ 20NmC“ Inthe figure the net electric fux through the area A is witen the sytem is in ar, On immersing the system in water the net electric flux through the area (@) becomes zero (©) remains same (0) mereases By (decreases A charge q is placed atthe centre of the open end of a ‘plindrical vessel. The Mux ofthe eleteie Held through the 102 ofthe vessel is . rer 4 © ae, (© 42 @ 2a, Ifthe electric fax entering and leaving an enclosed surfice respectively is and dy, the electric charge inside the surface will be @ r~% ©) @-e)*e © 4) ©) 4) 6, the net elecri¢ flux through a closed surface is zero, then weean infer [CBSE 2020] (@) no net charge is enclosed by the surface (b) uniform electric field exists within the surface. (©. electic potential varies from point to point inside the surface. (4)_charge ispresent inside the surfice. In figure two positive changes q, and q fixed along the y- axisexert amet electe free in the x-direction on acharge 4, fixed along the xaxis, Ia positive charge Qisadded at 6.0 the forceon g, 2 Be (a) shall increase along the positive x-axis (0) shall decrease slong the postive x-axis (©) shall point along thenegative x-axis (4) shal nerease but the direction changes because of the intersection of Qwith dy and dy ‘A point positive charge iS brought near an isolated conducting sphere (Figure), The eletrc fis bes given by \. \ ) ' (Cee) © @ ‘Theelecri flux through the surface » “ « o G@)_inFig (iv) isthe largest () ing (ip isthe least, (©)_in Fig, (i) is same as Fig, (ii) but is smaller than Fig div) (@) isthe same forall the figures Fivecharges qj, 43,4544, 8ndqg are fixed at ther positions as shown in Figute, $ is a Gaussian surface. The Gauss" 4 A. Which of the following ‘} cn law is given by [A statements is correct? G@) Eon the LHS of the above equation will have a contribution fromq,, gg nd). 4s and; while gon the RHS will havea contribution from q, anda, only (©) Eom the LHS of the above equation will have a contribution from all charges while gon the RUS will have e contribution from 6, and a, only (©) Fon the LHS of the above equation will have a contribution from all charges while qo the RHS will havea contribution fram q).4y and gy Both E on the LHS and q on the RHS will have contributions from q, and q, oaly o 35. 36. a 38. 39. 40. 41. 2. Figure shows electric field lines in which aneletric dipole P is placed as shown, Which ofthe following statements is correct? (@)Thedipole will not experience any force (©) Thedipole will experiencea force towards right (©) Thedipole will experience a foree towards eft (@ Thedipole will experiencea farce upwards Appoint charge + qsplaced ata distanced from an isolated ‘conducting plane, The field at point Pon the other side ‘of the plane is (@) directed perpendicular wo the plane und away from the plane (©) directed perpendicular to the plane but towards the plane (©) directed radially away from the point charge (@) directed radially wards the point charge. ‘Ahemisphere is uniformely charged positively. The electric: fieldatapointona diameteravay fom the centre is directed (@) perpendicular tothediamerer () parallel tothe diameter (©) atanangletlted towards the diameter (@) aan angle tilted away from te diameter ‘Among two dies A and B, fist have radius 10 cm and ‘harge 10-6 Cand second have radius 30 emand charge 10°5C. When they are touched, charge on both and respectively willbe (9) 4y=27SHC, gg3.15uC 0) qg~LOPHC gy = LS3uC (© ag™ ay™5.5HC (None of these Figure shows some ofthe electric field lins corresponding toan elect fied, The igure sugzest that (@ Ey>E_> Ee (6) Ey-Fg-Ee © Ey =Be> Ey @ Ey-Be mass of B (©) massofA) existonlyin the immediate vieinity of lacs charges (©) exist only winen both positive and negative charges fare near one another (2) areimaginary A region surrounding a stationary electric dipoles las (@) magnetic field only (0) electric field only (©) beth electric and magnetic fields (@) no electric and magnetic felds ‘The electric field at a point on equatorial line ofa dipole and direction of the dipole moment (@) willbe parallel (©) will be in opposite direction (©) willbe perpendicolar (@) are not related ‘An electric dipole is placed at an angle of 30° 10 ‘non-uniform electri fel, The dipole will experience (@) translational force onlyin the direction ofthe field (©) atanslational force only in the direetion normal 19 the direction ofthe field (©) atorqueas well asa translational force (@) a torque only ‘The spatial cisribution of electric field due to charges (A, B) is shown in figure. Which one of the fallowing statements is correct ? ot. a. on. G@)Ais+veandB-ve,/Al> B) () Ais-ve and B 4ve,[A|=|B) (©) Bothare=vebut A>B. (@)_ Both are -ve but A> B In the figure, charge q is placod at origin O. When the charge qis displaced fiom its position the electric field at point P changes (@)_atthesame time when qis displace. oP (6) atatimeatter \ where cisthe speed of ight OP cos (©) atotime ater (0 stains ser 22588 Andi diesen aun dei The apacwileraice (stad inte diet ote () tectiat l dace neocon opt hel (6a whic il ote ition dle (O) mong imeianda etl ep i On desing the disanc bten theo charges of pote shih bs pependiea to koe eld and dctessngtbeangc tees he pdeand ees eld thetic nedole (eros 0 dezease CO reionane capa ‘phere ofa Rha unfrm dbtim of eerie dhnyenisvolme Arad tam scone rx Seeger fel iedelypepeton! f@) Wt) ix x @ Inamedium of diekstriceonstantK, the electri field is B. ity of the free space, the eleciric Weg is permit Sepa weir KE i ge : » Ew F @ 2 oy Ke 0 Bw» £ © SE © Kae Pogitive electric flux indicates that electric lines of force aredirecied (@)_ outwards (6) inwards (©) either(a) orb) (@)_ None ofthese the fux of the electric fleld through a closed surface is zar0,then (@) the cleric field must be zero everywhere on the surface (0) the elevtic field may not be zero everywhere an the surface (©) the charge inside the surface must be 2er0 (@)_ the charge in the vicinity ofthe surface must be zero 0. m0. nn n. nm 15. 16. 7. IMthe oletric fax encringand leaving an enclosed surfice respectively is 6, and 4, the electric charge inside the surface wil be @ rane, © He ‘The Gaussian surface (@) can pass through continuous charge distribution () cannot pass through a continuous charge séstebution. (© can pass through any system of disrete charges (@) can pass through a continuous charge distribution as well as any system of disrete charges. ‘Gauss’ law is true oly i force due to a charge varies oar oF @f or For a given surface the Gauss's law is stated as fea @) Eis necessarily 2¢0 onthe surface (©). Eis perpendicular tothe surfice at every point (©) the total fux through the surfaceis zero (@ the Hux is only going ou ofthe surface ‘Total electric ux coming out ofa unit positive charge put ©) (-) «2, @ @-0)*5 0, From this we ean conelude that @ % — ) ot ©) [Am Army ‘Ahollow sphere of charge does not produce an electric fieldat any (@)_ interior point ©) outer point (©) beyond 2m (©) beyond 10m A point charge *q is placed at mid point ofa cube of side *L’ The electric flax emerging from the eube is 2 @4 w St © 4 & a & % 65 Wignot convenient tousea spherical Ganssian surfiee te findthe electric field due oan electric dipale using Gauss's thearem because (2) Gauss's law fils in thisease (©). This problem doesnot have spherical symmetry (©) Coulomb’ aw is more fundamental than Gauss’ law (@) Spherical Gaussian surface will alter the dipole moment ‘An electric dipole is pat in north-south direction in a ‘phere filled with water. Which statement is correct? (@) Electric fux is coming towards sphere (©) Flectric fu is coming out of sphere (©) Eleciric ux entering into sphere and leaving the sphere are same (@) Water does not permit electric ux to enter into sphere ‘The electric field near a condveting surfice having a unifirm surface charge density is given by (6) © and is parallel to the surface % (©) 22 and is parallel to the surface % (© & and is normal to the surface (@) 22 and is normal to the surface Select the correct statements from th following (@) Theclctrie field due tocharge cts the Gaussian surficecemtibuteszeronct ix through the uric. (0) Theclegrie axofthckstri ft PEAR ize, The lected iszer everywhere on the sure. (©) Total fos inked witha closed bry, not enclosing any sarge wl bozo (G) Total ltrs Mido is enclosed by asrfice The mumbor of electric tines of roe that radiate carwards Rom one enulomb of charge in vacuum fa) 1.13 10!" (b) 1.13 = 10! ( 061 ~ 10!" () 061 * 10 tn igre + Q charges load atone ofthe ee ofthe cube, then electri nx through cube ducto Q chargeis 40 40 0 ie one +0 +0 te O Fe ? é o aL. A square frame of edge / em is placed with its positive ‘normal angle of 60° with auniform electric field E. The flaxof the electric field through the surface bounded by the frame is er nB EPR @ Fe (2 >» TONS : Stuy he given Cis following. questions. assage an answer The CaserPassage t A body can be charged by following methods. (@) By fretion: By rubbing 10 bodies together, both positive and negative charges in equal amounts appear simultaneously duct transfer of electrons from one boxy tothe other, (6) Bycleetrostatie induetion : Ifa charged body is brought ‘near a neuzal body the charges body will attract opposite chargeand repel similar charge present in the neutral body. ‘Asa result ofthis one side of neutral body becomes (+ ve) hile the othe (-ve). This proosssis called "electrostatic indvetion" (©) By conduction : Take two conductors, one charged and other uncharged. Bring the conductors in contact with cach other. The charge (whether ~ ve or + ve) under its cow repulsion will spread over both the conductors. Thus the conductors will be charged with the same sign, 82, When a body is charge by induction, then the body (@)_ becomes neutral (©) does not lose any charge (o)_ loses whole of the charge on it (@) loses part ofthe charge on it 83. On charging by conduction, mass of «body may (a) increase (b) decreases ()imerease or decrease (@)_ None of these Ifa body is positively charged, then it has (@) excess of electrons (b) excess of protons (0) deficiency ofelecttons ({) deficiency of neutrons 85. A clyindrical conductor is placed near another positively charged conductor, The net charge acquired by the ‘ylindrical conductor willbe @)_ positive only () negative only (© 210 (@)_eiherpositivecenegative 86. A positive pointcharge Qis brought nearan isolated metal ‘cube then (@) the cube becomes negatively charged. (©) the cube becomes positively charged. (©) the interior becomes positively charged and the surface becomes negatively charged, (@) theinterior remains charge fee and the surface gets ‘nonuniform charge disteibution, Case/Passage-t Electric dipole isa pair of equal and opposite point charges separated by a small distance. Dipole moment isthe produet ofthe magnitude of either charge and the distance between them, Dipole moment = [ It is directed from negative to positive charge. Dipole in a uniform external field: Theresa force gE-on gand force aE on-4, The net force on the dipoleis ero, since Eis Uniform. However, the charges are separated, so the forces act at different points, resulting in atorqueon the dipole. When the net force is ero the torque (couple) is independent ofthe origin. £ 4, bogs rt ao ae 87, An lectrie dipole has pair of ual and opposite point charges geod -g soprted by e ditnce De The ais atthe apote is (0) frm positive charge to negative charge (b) frou negative charge to positive charge (©) perpendicular tothe line joining the two charges farina the eer and pointing upward dirscion (@) perpendicular to the lin joining the two charges drawn at the centre and pointing downward direction 88, field ata point on equatorial line ofa dipole ion ofthe dipole moment @)_will be parallel (©) will be in opposite direction (©) will be perpendicular (0) are not related 189. An clectric dipole is placed at an angle of 30° to a ‘non-uniform electric field, The dipole will experience (@)_atranslational force onlyin the direction ofthe field (©) translational force only in the direction normal to the direction ofthe field (6) atorqueas well asa translational force (@) a torque only 90, Intensity ofan lect Field (E) depends on distaneer due toa dipole, isrelated as 1 L @ cat wy Fez @ Fe co Ot On deen te snc wen th no chars ata Gute whic be pepondedar we come Ba and decreasing the angle between theipole and electric field, the torque on the dipole (@) increases (©) docreases (©) remains same (@)_ cannot be predicted CaseiPassagetI orca vera acai aa cacti fld i the tla numb of cleste Hine of forecrossing hiaren It is measured by the product of surface area and the corresponding comporent of elect feld normal othe area. of Eas Ivisasetar quantity SL units volt metre (Vin) oe Nic Dimensions (MLIT 3A) 92, Fora piven surtcethe Gauss lawis saiedas § From ise ean conclu that (a) Eisnevessarily ero onthe surface (by Eisperpendicifr tote srface at every point (©) the teal la through the surfaces zero {@)_thefox ison going out ofthe surtace 93. Inaregin of pace havinga uniform electric field B, hemispherical bol fad isplacad. The dectre Mc through the bowls (@) RE) APE CO) ZIRE RE 94, cylinder ofradius and length (is placed na uniform electri fell E parle tothe sxisofthe einer Theta flux over the cived surface of the cylinder is (@ ew () ARE fo) 2a) BYR? 95. Electric ux over asurfacein an electric field maybe (@) positive () negative (©) 20 (@) Allofthese 96. Elecvic changes are distributed in a small volume. The fx ofthe electric field through a spherical surface of radius 1 rmsurrounding the total charge is 100 V-m. The lux aver the concentric sphere ofradius2 m will be G@) 28Vam-() SOV (@) 100m (a) 200m Case/Passage-lV Figure shows five charged lumps of plastic. The eross-seetion| ‘of Gaussian surface $ is indicated. Assuming q,~4,~3.1 nC, 4s =-5.9nC, and q =~ 3.1n€. Find the net electric flux through the surface is (@ —s70Nere 9 @ (b) +670Nm2C so OG @ (d) +360Nmeh 98, Electrified at point A depen on charge @ a A © a ©) doth g, and gy (None of these 99, The surfice density onthe capper sphere is. The electric field strength onthe surface ofthe sphere is @o O62 © a2, W a/c, A charge q is placed atthe centre of the open end ofa ‘plndrical vessel The lux ofthe electric Geld through the surface ofthe vessel is @ =e. 3 ©) ae, © ae, @ 296, 401. At the contre ofa cubical box * charge is placed. The valueof otal fax that seaming outa wal is @ Qe, ©) Q/36, ©) Q/4e, Q/6E, \——_ IRECTIONS Fac ofthese questions contains an aertion followed by reason. Read them carefilly and anssver the {question on the basis of following options. You have to seleet ‘the one tha best describes the ro statements (2) Mfboth Assertion and Reason are correet andthe Reason isthe correet explanation ofthe Assertion ffboth Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation ofthe Assertion, Ifthe Assertion iscorreet but Reason is incorrect, ihe Assertion isineorreet but the Reason. >» ©) © @ 102. Assertion : When bodies are charged through fiction, there is a transfer of electric charge from one body 10 another, but no creation or destruction of Reason: This allows fiom eonservation of eerie charees 103. Assertion : Coulomb force and gravitational force follow the same inverse-square law Reason : Both laws are same in all aspects. 104, 10s, 106, 107. 108, 109, 10. Assertion : The property that the force with whieh ro charges attract or repel each other are not affected by the presenes ofa third charge, Reason : Force on any charge due to a number of ether charge is the vector suim ofall the forces on that charge dducto other charges, taken one at a time. “Assertion : Consider two identical charges placed distance 2dapar, along xanis. The equilibrium of a positive test charge placed atthe point © midway between them is stable for displacements slong the x-axis Reason: Force on test charge is 70, Assertion : Ifa proton and an electron are placed inthe same uniform electric field. They experience different sceeleration. Reason : Electr force ona test charge is dependent of Assertion : A metallic shield in form ofa hollow shell may be builtto block an electric field, Reason : In « hollow spherical shield, the electric field inside itis zeroat every point Assertion: A point charge is brought in an electric field, the field at a nearby point will inerease or decrease, depending on the nature of charge, Reason : The electric field is independent ofthe natureot charge. Assertion : Electric field is always normal to equipateatial surfaces and along the direction of decreasing onder of potential Reason : Negative gradient of electric potential is electric ficld. [CBSE Sample 2021] Assertion : On disturbing an electric dipole in stable ‘equilibrium in an electric fel, it returns back its stable equilibrium orientation, Reason : A restoring terque sets onthe dipole on being distuhed from it stable equilibrium. Assertion : On going away trom a point charge or small elecvie dipole, electric field decreases a the sume rate in both the cases. Reason : Eleiri field is inversely propertional to square of distance from the charge or an electri dipole. Assertion : Four point charges gy. x ad gy a shown in figure. The flux over the shown Gaussian surfice depends only on charges q3 and dy ou Gaussian surface oa ectre field at all points on Gaussian surface depends only on charges qy and qs 113, Assertion : The surface charge densities of two spherical ‘conductor of different radi are equal. Thea electic field intensity near their surfaces are also equal. Reason : Surice charge density is equal to charge per unit Assertion : A uniformly charged disc has pin holeat ‘centre, The electric field atthe centre ofthe disci zero. Reason : Disc can be supposed to be made up of many rings. Alsoclectric field at the eente of unifermly charged ringis zero, Assertion : On bringinga positively charged rog near the uncharged conductor, the conductor gets attracted towards the ro. Reason : The electric field lines of the charged rod sre perpendicular tothe surface of conductor Sea \— DIRECTIONS + Each question conains statements given in ‘vo columns which have 0 be matched. Statements (A, B, C.D) 14, ms, >> ‘in colunmt have tobe matched wih staemers (1,2 3, 9) in coon 16. Column Column 1 Charge (A) incr cage desy¢)) SEE Charge (B) Surice charge density @) Length Charge (©) Volume charge density @) SESE (©) Discrete charge &) System consisting distribution ofuttinate individual charges @ A5Q,B>@,C>0),D> 4) © AF().B4E), C40), D> 4) © AFQ,B5(),C40),D> 4) @ A+@,B4Q,C+0),D> 4) Match the entries ofeolumn I with tht of Column I Column t ‘Column 1 (A) Coulomb's law (1) Total electric flux through «closed surface. 47. @) Gauss’s law (©) Principleor superposition 2) Vector sum of forces. 8) Foree is inversely proportional to square of aistance () Quantisation of charge 4) Diserete nature of ree @ AF2.B) 9.030, D4 ©) A3B.B) 30,032), > © A408), 0) +2) @ AFV.B)F2)O40), D4 A\—§ DIRECTIONS appropriate word / term to be filled in the blank space(s. >>» Tomplete The following starements wilh an 118. 11C charge contains n units of basic charge e, where 1 119, Whew an leer dipole P ieplacedin uniform electric field then angle between P and E the value of torque will be maximum is Ifthe electri ux enteringand leaving closed surfice are 6» 10® and 9 10° S.. units respectively, then the charge inside the surface of permittivity of free space 6 is 120, 121, The magnitude ofthe average electric fetd normally present inthe atmosptere just above the surface of the Earth sabaut ISON, directed inward owards the center ofthe Earth. Ths gives the total net surface charge carried by the Earth tobe {Given F,=885% 107 Nan? Re= 637% 106m) Muhvelecri fields given by (57 +4) +98). Theeletric 122, flux dhrough a surface of ures 20 unis lying ip the Y-Z plane will be DIRECTIONS + Road the foToning statements andl write yom answer as true ar false >» 123. The pesitive charge particle isplacedin Font of aspherical uncharged conductor, The number of lines of forces \erminating onthe sphere will be more thn those emerging fromit. ‘The surface charge density at a point on the sphere nearest to the point charge will be negative and maximum in ‘magnitude compared to other poins onthe sphere, The property that the force with which two charges attaet oe repel each other are not affected by the presence of a third charge. Force on any charge due to « number of other charge is the vector sum ofall the forees on that charge due to other charges, taken one at a time. 14, 1s, 126, Oo ANSWER KEY & SOLUTIONS facts on the spheres is electrostatic repaision aad so the “angle between two suspension becomes 180°. So force between the sphere ie ine (OL 2 @) Heeqalejek— By Coulombis laws, 9x10? 310° 3 10% Wy x10™?N, Nearest answer is 16 10" N, that a body ts charged, we always mean that the body is having excess of clecirons (negatively charged) or is of deficient of elctrans (positively charged), {Valence electrons are outermos electcons these ean get transferred on rubbing © Te Lot a charge 2g be placed at P, at a distance F from A where charge q is placed, as shown in figure ‘The charge 2g will nt experience any force, when force, hea force of repulsion on it due to g is balanced by foe of attraction on it due 10 ~39 at B where AB = d aKa) __ Cava) neg? dney((+ay (C+ 02-38 of 28 po waved va 4 dtd 2 Let be thenumber ofelectrons missing, 2d #0 10, 2 1B. 4. 15, 16. (8) In the absence of gravitational force, the only foros & i (©). Force on charge q, de tog, is Fg eke 6 Force on charge q, due to gis Fyn kD ‘The X-- component ofthe force (F.) on isFiat Rissind R Gita 4 992 1 «AM % % Fas Bein @ and P= AZ wy @ Q+0:=0 From Dandy «= 202-2 Hon g-n-2 Foro bemasinnum gy = 09 8 =O = 5 @)_ Figure indicates the presence of some positive charge tothe ef of A. E> Ea ( @) Given, Dipolemoment, p= 4» 10 °Cm Electric field, F=$<108NC*! Torque is given by zope sind 4% 109% 5% 104 sin30°=1 10-4 Nen ©) Thedirection of electric field 4 at equatorial point 4 or B will be <> in opposite direction, as thal of \ — © To specify particular charge on body, term used is polarity On rubbing, plastic rod acquires negative charge, cat's fur acquires positive charge. There are only two kinds of charges: 1, ) (@_ When a positive point charge is placed outside a conducting sphere, rearrangement of charge takes place ‘on the surface. But the total charge on the sphere is zero aso charge has left or entered the sphere tue Es q/4nr? ©) charge particle is putat rest inclectre field, then it will movealong line of force 60, o, 6. 6s. 66. 6. 0. n n nm ™. @ 5. 56.) 57.0) (©) The direction of electric field at equatorial point 4 ‘or B will be in opposite diction, as that of direction of «pote moment, (©). The electric field willbe different at the location of. force on the wo charges. Therefore the two ehurges vill beunequal. This will result ina forceas well as torque. (Since Lines of force starts from Aand ends B,so.A is +veand Bis~ve, Lines of forces are more crowded near A\SoA>B. (©). The cloctric field around a charge propagates with the speed of light away from the charge, Therefore the ee OP mal a ai required time = (© When « dipole is placed in « uniform electric field, ‘two oqual and opposite forces ct om it. Therefore, a torque ‘acts which rotates the dipole, (©) Since t= pE sin Bon decreasing the distance between the two charges, and on decreasing angle ® between the dipole and electric field, sin ® decreases therefore torque decreases, (©) Since x < R, that is the point is inside the sphere slctricfield B= Mx R @ Electric displacement vector, D = cE AS, es opk. 2D =eqkE @ 62.0) (a) Gaussian surface cannot pass through any discrete charge because electric ficld due to a system of discrete ‘charges is not well defined atthe location ofthe charges. But the Gaussian surface can pass through a continuous ‘charge distribution, o © fed er Electrified any point on thesurfice may beer. (©) Total fox coming out from unitcharge represents charge inside close surace is (@) _Atthe interior point ofa hollow sphere, the electric fields zero. (@) By Gauss theorem, ‘Total charge inside cube g “Total electric Mux = % & % 76. si. 2. m1, © (©) Ifelectric dipole, the fhux coming out from positive charge is equal to the flux coming in at negative charge ‘total chargeon sphere 0, From Gauss law otal ox passing through the sphere (©) Electric Field near the conductor sure is given by &% @ (a) Here, g = 1 C, 69 = 885 « 10°? Cyt? Number of lines of force ~ Electric force £1 Fm 885x107 and itis perpendicular to surface, 131011 © @) Fux ©) Charging by induction involves transfer of charges {rom one part o the other ofthe body Noloss of charge is involved. (©) Oncharging by conduction, boxy may ‘aoquires negative charge. Itmay lose mas, if positive charge. (©) Positive charge is due to deficiency of electrons. (©). Net charge acquired by induction is ero, asthere is only transfer of electrons from one part of body to the other. @ 870) 4 ©) Thedircction of electric field Sceipatca polut A&B sill be <> in opposite destin, a6 thal of ireetion of di AAPEAA cos 0? = £P/2 © 4 ‘Theclectric cid willbe diffrent athe location of force on thewocharges. Therefore the two charges will be unequal. This will result in aforceas wel astorque (@) Intensity of electric field due 10a Dipole I © Gay Vieotont > Fr 0) Since == pE sin on dereasing the ditanebewcen Theo charg anon decreasing angle ste he ipa tnd eared nO demas hererctargs tienen (© GE-di-o, represents charge inside close surface is 2240, lect Field as any point on thesurface may be ze, (©) = E(Us) cos8= Ear’ )eos! @)Forthe curved surface, 0 90° §=E ds e039" =0. aE 95, 96. 97. 98. 99, 102. 108. 106. 107. 109, 110. Mm. @ (©). Flux does not depend on the size and shape ofthe

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