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»» > Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) \\——_ DIRECTIONS Tis section contans muliple oie questions Each question has four chotees (a), (b), (e) and) out of which The diagram shows the path of same energy being scattered by the nucleus of an atom simulateneously. Which of those is not physically possible? y — (@) Banda (b) 2and3 (© Landa (@) 4only Rutherford's model could explain 1. Nacleus is positively charged. IL ‘Thereisa maximum empyspacein an atom, ‘Trueifalse statements ace @ TF @) RT © TT @ BE When an e-particle of mass 'm' moving with velocity 'V bombards on a heavy nucleus of charge Ze’ its distance of closest approach from the nucleus depends on vas four ecpartieles of the @ v The observations of Geiger-Marsden experiment are 1. Many of a-patticles pass straight through the gold ‘al, IL. Some of e-partcies seared through small angles. IL, Few cparticles (1 in 1000) is deleted more than 0" IM. Very fow particles aro relosted back. Trueifulse statements are @ TRL © © TEBE o RETT 11,17 Atoms e 5. When hydrogen atom isin its first excited level, it's radiusis (@) four times, it ground state radius (6) twice times, it ground state radius (6) sae times, it ground state radius (@) alftimes,it ground state radius 6, Bobe's atomiemodel concludes that 1 Orbitsareclliptical T, ‘Theradiation of energy oocurs only when an electron jumps rom one permitted orbit to another Trucifalse statements are o® o 8. The ionization energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. Following Bohr's theory, the energy corresponding to & transition between Sed and 4th obit is @) 340ev ©) Liev (©) O88eV (©) O60 Four lowest energy levels of H-atom are shown in the figure. The number of possible emission lines would be @ 3 4 @s @6 10, Whichotthe following series in the spectrum of hydrogen stom lies in the visible region of the elecivoms spectrum? (@)Paschen series © (©) Lyman series @ Balmer series Brackett series n 1B. 4. 1”. Which ofthe following statements nat corret according ‘to Rutherford model ? [CBSE 2020], (@) Most ofthe space inside an atom is empty. (©) The electrons revolve around the nucleus under the influence of coulomb force acting on them. (©) Most part of the mass ofthe atom and its postive ‘charge are concentrated at its centre (The tability ofatom was established by the model ‘The simple Bohr made! eamnot be direcily applied to calculate the energy levels ofan atom with many electrons. ‘This is because (@) of the electrons not being subject toa central force (0) ofthe elecrons colliding with each other (6) of sereening effects (@) the force betwoen the nuclous and an eloctron will, no longer be given by Coulomb's law For the ground state, the electron in the H-atom has an angular momentum = h, according to the simple Bobr model. Angular momentum is a vector and heaee there ‘will be infinitely many orbits with the vector pointing in all possible directions. In atuality this is not true, (@) because Bod model givesin correct values of angular momentum (©) because only one of these would have a minimam cenorgy (©) angular momentum must be in the dieetion of spin of electron (@) because electrons goaround only in horizontal orbits ‘Two Hatoms inthe ground state collideinclastially. The ‘maximum amount by which their combined kinetic energy is reduced, is (@ 1020eV () 2040eV (© 136eV (@) 2720 Rutherford’ atomic model was unstable because (@) nue’ will break down (©) electrons do not remain in orbit (©) orbiting electrons radiate eneray (@) clectrons are repelled by the nucleus In Balmer series of emission spectrum of hydrogen, frst four lines with different wavelength H, Hp Hy and Hy are obtained. Which line has maximum frequency out of these? @ Hy ©) Hy © Hy @ Hy Eleetton in hydrogen atom frst jumps fom third excited state to second excited state and then from second excited tothe firs excited state. The ratio ofthe wavelength ‘emitted in the wo eases is @ 15 () 2720 © 275 @ 207 According tothe Bob theory of H-atom, the speed ofthe ‘locwoa, its energy and the radius ofits orbit varies with the principal quantum number n, respectively, as 19. a. 2. 23. @ © Electrons inthe atom ate held tothe nucleus by G@) etecinostatic free) cleat free (©) vander waal’s force (@)_ gravitational force According to the Rutherfoed'satomic model, the electrons inside the atom are (@) stationary (©) not stationary (6) centralized (@) None of these According to classical theory, the citeular path of an electron in Rutherford atom is @ spiral (©) circular (©) parabolic (@) straight ine Which of the following statements is correct in case of “Thomson's atomic model ? G@)Itexplains the phenomenon of thermionic emission, photoelectric emission and ionisation, (©) It could not explain emission of line spectra by ements (©) Iteould not explain seater (@) All of the above Rutherford’s atomic model was unstable because (@)_ nuclei wil break down (©) electrons do not remain in orbit (©) otbiting electrons radiate energy (@)_clectrons are repelled by the nucleus Rutherford scattering experiment wasexplained by making following assumptions that (@) thecollision is inelastic (6) themucteus can be treated as a point particle (©) themucleusis ight (@) None of these Which one did Rutherford consider to be supported by the results of experiments in which a-particles were scattered by gold foil? @)_Themucleasofan ator is hold together by forces which are much stronger than electrical or gravitational Forces ‘The farce of repulsion between an atomic. nucleus and an a-particle varies with distance according 10 inverse square law (©) «cparticlesare nuclei of Heli (Atoms can exist with aseries of disereteenergy levels In the ground slate in... electrons are in stable equilibrium while in ..B.. cletrons always experiences a net force, Here, A and B refer to (@) Dalton’s theory, Rutherford model (©). Rutherford’s model, Bobr’s model (©) Thomson’s model, Rutherford’s model (@)Rutherford’s model, Thomson's model ofacpartcles| ) m. 28. 29, 30, a 2. a M. 38. 36. a ‘The significant result deduced from the Rutherford's scattering experiment is that (@)_ whole ofthe positive charge is concentrated at the ‘entre of atom () there are neutrons inside the nucleus (©) c-partciesare helium nuclei (@)clectrons are embedded in the atom (@) electrons are revolving around the nucleus ‘Value of Impact parameter willbe zero, when scattering angleis @ 2) R —(@) 2W/3 (B32 ‘The correct relation between scatering angle (0), impact parameter (b) and distance ofelosest approach (D) is, (@ sin@=Db cos =D © In an atom, dhe «wo eecttons move round the nucleus in circularenitsof radii Rand AR. The atioofthe time taken by them to complete one revolution is Ow O1 OM O18 ‘Aneparlo of energy $ MeV isseatered hough 180"bya fixed uranium nuclews, The distance ofclosest prac sof the order of| @) 10 em ©) 10cm @) 10%em wo According to Bobr's model of hydrogen atom (@) the linear velocity ofthe electron is quantised {b) theangular velocity ofthe electron is quantised (©) the linear momentum of the electron is quantised (@) theangelar momentum ofthe election is quantised ‘The spectrum obtained from a sodium vapour lamp isan cexample of {@) band spectrums (&)_ continous spectra (©) mission spectrum —_(@)_ absorption specium ‘The time period of an electron in n! Bob's orbit is proportional :0 @m Om @n Wim ‘Current due to he orbital motion of an eleetron revolving inn Bohr'sorbit is proportional Oi Mm Ox Wa “The Balmer series forthe H-atom can be observed (6) if wemeasure te frequencies of ight emitted when an excited atom fas tothe ground state (6) itwe measure the fequencies of light emited duc to transitions between excite states and the first excited state (©) inuny transition in a ator {@) None of these ‘The rato of radi ofthe fest ihre Bohs orbits is @1 @) 1233 o1 @ 1:8:27 a a 4B. 47. ‘Which ofthe following staementsare true regarding Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom? (@) Orbiting speed of eleciton decreases as it shifts to siserete orbits away from the nucleus (©) Radit of allowed orbits of electron are inversely proportional othe principal quantum number (©) Frequency with which electrons orbit around the ‘nucleus in discrete orbits is inversely proportional to the cube of principal quantum number (@) Binding force with which the electron is bound tothe nucleus increases as it shifs to outer orbits ‘When an electron jumps from the fourth orbitto the second orbit, one gets the {@) Second line of Lyman series (6) second line of Paschen series (©) seeond line f Balmer series (@) first line of and series ‘As the quantum number increases the diference of energy between consecutive energy levels (@) emainihe same (©) increases (6) decreases (@) sometimes increases and sometimes decreases. Line spectrum is obtained whenever the incandescent vapours at low pressure of the excited subsianee are in their G@) atomic state () molecular sate (©) nuclear state (©) None of these ‘The angular speed of the electron inthe n™orbit of Bohr hydrogen atom is @) directly proportional ton (©) inversely proportional to Jip (6) inversely proportional ton? (@) inversely proportional ton? In a hydrogen atom following the Bohr’s postulates the product of linear momentum and angular momentar is proportional to (n)*where*n’ isthe orbit umber. Then x” @0 2 @2 wt The ratioof maximum tominimum wavelength ia Balmer @ 34 © L4 © 5:36 @ 5:9 Energy of an electron in an excited hydrogen atom is =3.4eV. Itsangular momentum wil be G@) 3.72% 104s () 2.10% 1045, © 151x105 @ 420% 1045 In HyGrogen spectrum, the wavelength of H, line is 656 fam, whereas in the spectrum ofa distant galaxy, H, Hine wavelength is, Estimated speed ofthe galaxy with respect lo earth is G@) 2=108ms () 2*10%ms © 2*10%ms (@) 2*105ms What element has , line of wavelength 1.785 A? R= 109737em', G@) Phinum (6) Zine (©) Iron (Cobalt 48, The wavelength of K line characteristic emitted by an Match the Following \ —— DIRECTIONS ¢ Bach question contains siemens given te colts which have to be matched. Statements (A, B, C, D) In colunn-t have to be matched with statements (I, 2,3, 4) in ‘colune D>» 7S. Matsh quaniies given in Columa - 10 those given in Colusa Columat ‘Column T 1 (A) Number of scattered oS particles proportional 10 @) Distance of elosest a approach is proportional to (© Impact parameter is % proportional to Radius of oxbitis ® proportional to @ Q>2¥B) >A (0) 8) ©) AF0%B) AO 36.0) © AFEkO+040;0)>4 (@) None of these «01 (02) >>» DIRECTIONS + Complore the following Statements with an appropriate word / term fo be filled in the ble ank space(s 76. According to classical theory, the path of an electron in Rutherford atomic model 77. When an electron jumps fom the fourth erbit to the second orbit, one gets the series 18. p. Excitation energy ofa hydrogen like in in its excitation state is 40,8 eV. Energy needed to remove the electron from the fon in ground state is ev. AS one considers orbits with higher values of m in a hydrogen atom, the potential energy of the atom ‘Taking the Bohr radius as a, = $3 pm, the radius of Li jon in its ground state, on the basis of Boh’s mode, will be about pm, According to Bohr atomic model, the the electron orbit is always an Broglie wavelength, sumference of multiple of de [CBSE 2020) >>» —\— DIRECTION answer as true oF false. Tad The following statements and wre your ‘82, Bobr had 1o postulate that the elecicons in stationary orbits around the nucleus radiate energy. 83 According. to classical electromagnetic theory, an accelerated charged particle, should continueously radiate energy ‘84, The force of repulsion between atomic nucleus and «= particle varies with distance according to inverse square las 85, Rutherford did a-partile scattering experiment e « e 2 1. @ cepanicle cannot be atrated by the nucleus. 14. @ Weknow that, 2 © Electron onthe lowest state ofthe atom, calle the ground 2. Atclosest distance of approach, the kinetic energy _sale have the lowest energy and the eleston revolving Pachants vil maven eoleely cece, in the orbit of smallest radius, the Bob radius, e, The joa Gee energy othisstate(n= 1, i6~13.60V. Total encrgy ftw H-atom inthe ground state collide 12 Kinotic energy KE. = Sn? inciasically=2(-13.6eV)=—27.2eV. 2 ‘The maximum amount by which their combined kinetic . ve . KQq energy is reduced when any one H-atom goes into frst Potential energy PE, =~ excited stateafter the inelastic collision, So that the total i 1 nergy ofthe two H atoms after the inelastic collision oo ~[EP)e36)= rr [forencted sate (a =27] 4. @)_ Geiger and Marsden (students of Rutherford) studied 2 the satering of a-particles by gold oil on the advice of _So, maximum lss oftheir combined kinetic energy Rutherford and all those observation. Duo inelastic collision 8. @)_ 1,2 4,.n°, where r, is radius of eround-state and ris 272-17.0=102eV radius ofn™ state, (For first excited staten = 2), 1S.) 6G) Bohepostlate that anclectroninan atomican more 16. (@) Since outof the given four lines H, ine has smallest, ‘und the nucleus in certain ccularsablecrbitswithaut wavelength, Hence the frequency of this line will be crniting radiations. ina 7. (©) According to Bohe's second postulate © & @ E-E,-Ey Cov i F n(n) i 9. @ Numer of possible emission lines = “U 10, @) Transition fram higher states ton =2 lead temision ofraditon with wavelengths 656 3nmand36SOnm, These The wavenumber (¥) ofthe radiation = ‘wavelengths fall inthe visible region and constitute the - alier series feat lod 1 @ Link 12. @ Thesimple Boke modelcannotbedirecty appliedto Now forease(I) m= 3. calculate the energy levels ofan atom wih many electrons Sothe nuclear theelectronsnot being subject toa central force. 13, (@ Accroding Boh’s second postulate stares thatthe electron evolves around the nucleus only in those orbits foe which the angular momentum is some integral multiple b of Where his the Planck's const (€66» 10° Js) So, themagnitude of angular momentum Iskep sual tosome nepal mulpteof where his Planck's constant and thus, the Bohr model doesnot gives correct valieaf angular momentum, 19. 20. 28. 26. 2. 28. 30, a 32. 33. M 38. 2. 40. “4. (@) In an atom, electrons held to the nucleus by electrostatic force o me © (€) In Thomson's modle, electrons are in stable ‘equilibrium i.e., no foree or no net force, while, in Rutherford's model, there is always w centripetal force acting on electron towards nucleus. {@).Thesignifieant result deduced from the Rutherford's scattering is that whole of the positive charge is ‘concentrated atthe eenire of atom i.e. nucleus oO Bo 20) BO AO Ze(22) (8). Distance of closest approach "=e tncg( Lam?) Enermy, E= 5% 10% | 6x10 9:10? 92516010) @«1.6x10-%) S105 2- ‘Thus, the element is cobalt a 1 a @ = -R-o | a 2. 5. a 55. 56. s7. 60. sl. (0) ‘The smallest frequency and largest wavelength in ‘ultraviolet region will be for transition of electron from ‘orbit2t0 orbit 12107» a 3412210" ‘The highest frequency and smallest wavelength for infrared region willbe for transition of electron from cote Sed exbit >R | = Spare O70 < Number ofemission line N = @ o (a). The significant result deduced from the Rutherford's seattering is that whole of the positive ebarge is ‘concentrated atthe cen of atom i.e. nucleus. (@ Whenb=0, scattering angle, 0= 180° 202 {@)_ Distance of closest approach 1) = Energy, B= $x10®x1.6x10 9) 9109 «(921.610 ) (21.6107 Sxl 1.610 52x10 ¥m=53 «10-2 em, o ‘Obviously, difference of 11. 1eV is not possible -1stev mr. 34eV Toa “nev feet 7. nt. 40, 36xduZ oz. 4 Now required energy toremovethe electron from ground 1362? a (@)_ Electron after absorbing 10.2 eV energy goes to its first excited state(n=2) om ground state(n = 1). g h Increase in memeatum = 3 6.6.10-# 6.28 105107445, (©) For Balmer series, n, = 2, = 3 for 1 line and m, = 4 for second line = 4860 A (©) Givensat B, Ionization energy the aiom E,,-E) =0-(186eV)=15.6eV -IS6eVSE, So, ionization potential = 15.6 V ©) Forshort wavelength limit ofthe series terminating at n=2, a transition mus take place from = ao state to 2 state For this, AB =5.30eV. 12400 4 _ 12400 4 _ 95394 AneV) “S30 (©) Theexcitation energy for the n=3 state is 1 E,=156-308=12520V Excitation potential 12.52.V 12400 _ 12400 jE 1252 Wave number 1.009107 mr! 2” 990.10 (©) Because excitation energy or the second shell is more ‘Han 6 eV, hence eleciron having inital kinetic energy of eV will not interact with the atom. Because it cannot transfer its energy tothe electron in the ator, (©) According to postulates of Bohr’saiom model the clectton revolves around the nucleus in fixed orbit of “defniteradii As long as the electron isin a certain orbit n n. 4. (0) ForLyman series, a 78. (@) Absorption transition © _—_ 16. B t 7. J__, “Two possibilities in absorption tanstion. a 7 B os A ‘Three possibilities in emission transition ‘Therefore, absorption transition “emission, = ‘) The wavelength in Balmer series is given by. 0, nea. 36 __36___ 65654 SR Sal oo7sI0 st. 2. m9 Daia= 2 =" _, = 96464: 7 Loo7.a0 = ‘The wavelemth 6563A and 3O46A lic in visible region. 84, ‘Therefore, Balmer series lies invisible region as. ® — sin®(0/2) Number ofseatterd partivle, N oe Distance of closest approach, Inypact parameter, b 2 et (6/2) at Radius of rit, =F (Spiral) According to classical theory, the path on an eleeton in Rutherford atomic models spiral (Galmer) hump to secon exit lads to Balmer series When an electron Jumps from 4 obit to 2 erbit shall give rise 1 second lin ofBalmer series (544) Excitation ney AE= By-B, 34080136347? 262. [Now required eneray to remove the electron from sound 13.622 a ncreases) The poteatical energy ofthe atom increases higher valuesofn (18) According to Bol’'s model of atom rading ofan atom state = 23.62.67 =54dev. ingounsuencis = hei adsandz isa atomienumber, Given fy=53 pm The atomic number oflithium is 3, therefore, the radius of Li” ion in its ground state, onthe basis of Bohr's model wile abt nso at Boras, So, the radius of ithim ion = = 18pm. (lategral maltiple) (False) Bobr’s postulated that electrons in stationary or- bits around the nucleus do not radiate (Trey (True) (Tre)

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