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D> Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) \\E DIRECTIONS: Th sction contains mnliple chotee qietions Each question has four chotees (a), (b), (0) and fd) out of which ‘only one is correct >» ‘The set which represents the isotope, isobar and isorone respectively is (AP, 1), oAu!™, gg!) and (He, ,H) @ 0) GHE, 9, GoAu!, spHel) and (HI, FP) (© Ge HP), GHB, HP) and GyAul””, shia!) @ GUE, HP), GUE, 1D) and (yAu!™, gl!) Which of the following statements are trucfalse for isotope? |. Same number of protons but different number of neutrons. IL Same number of neutrons bur different number of protons. IL Same number of protons and neutrons @ REE @) RTE © TT @ TRF 3. Ifthersdius ofa nucteus of mass number 3 is R, then the radius ofa nucleus of mass number 81 is, @ 3R ©) 9R © NR @ mR Which of the following statements are truefalse? 1. Atoms of isotopes have same electronic structure IL Atoms of isotopes ovcupies sume place in periodic table IL Atoms of isotopes have same number of protoas Atoms of isotopes have same number of neutrons @ TTRE ) TET © TTT @ BIBT a Nuclei e Consider the following statements and select trueifalse 1 The relative abundance of different isotopes differs from element to element. 1, Atomic species ofthe same element differing in mass but same number of proions are called isotopes. IL Hydrogen has 1wo isotopes. @ TRE ©) BLE © TEP @ TET Ina nuclear reactor, moderators slow down the neutrons ‘which eome out in fission process. the moderator wed have light nuclei, Heayy nuclei will nt serve the purpose, because @) they wil break up () clastic collision of neutrons with heavy nuclei will not slow them dove (©) tho net wight of the rexetor would be unbearably high (substances with heavy nuctei do not occur liquid fr gaseous state at room temperature radius of the 77 Al nucleusis estimated to be3.6 fermi then the radius of 35 Te nucleus be nearly @) Stemi 0) 6 fei ©) Stemi © sie “The constituents of stomic mice are believed tobe {@)_ neutrons and protons (©) protons only © (@)_lectons, protons and neurons lecitons and protons “The mass number ofa nucleus is (@)_ always less than its atomic number (©) always more than its atornic number (©) always equal its atomic number (@) sometimes more than and sometimes equal tits storie number , n. 13. 16. 1”. ‘Thevolumecfanuelesis ely popationalto 19, oA OO OME war Outside nucleus (0) proton and neuron bath are sable © (8) neither neutron no roan is iable neutron is stable 20, neutrons unstable Acleus represented by the symbol $x has (@) A protons and (Z~A) neutrons (8). Z neutrons and (A~Z) protons (©) Zprotons and (AZ) neutons (8) Zpretons and Aneutrons Which ofthe following statement is incorrect?” (@)_ Atoms of isotopes have same elestroni srt. () Atoms of isotopes ovcupies same place in periodic ‘able. (©) Atoms of isotopes have same number of protons. (4) Atoms of isotopes have same number of neutrons. Ifthedistance between nucllis2 « 10"! em, the density ‘ofnuclear material is (©) 321~10-P kgm’ (b) 1.6 10k? (©) 210% gin? (©) P10" ky? Which of the following statement is incorrect ? ® % © 2. Nuclear density is a constant forall mater. Nuclear density is around 3.3 » 10"? kg/m. Nuclear density is very large compared to ordinary trate @ radius ofthe Mass of ordinary matter is mainly duc to nucleus, Al nulousis taken tobe Ry then the radius of 25% nucleus is nearly 23. o (2)"m Which of the following statements is tue for nuclear forces? (@) they obey the inverse square law of distance (©) they abey the inverse third power law of distance (©) they are short range forces (@) they areequal in strength co elecromagmetic Forces, [fin auclea fasion process the masses ofthe fesing nucle nd the mass ofthe resultant aueleus bem, 26. a. ©) momen, © @ m<(m,+m) Heavy water is used in nuclear reactors @)_t absorb neutrons to sustain controlled reaction (6) to absorb neutrons to stop the chain reaction (©) toreduce hazardous radiation from nuclear reaction (@)_teslow down the neutrons to thermal energies Which ofthe fllowing nuctene reactions isnot possible? @) c+!8e—s iNew Ate ) pets +fie (© "pee" —s3pe+dtte (Jit $e at Bp In any fission process, the ratio isso fasion prot rus of parent nucleus (@) equalto1 (b) greater than 1 (©) lessthan 1 (@) depends on the mas of the parent mucus Frm he illowing equnions pick out the possible macear rien (@ CB + HC +43Mev () (C24 H+ .N3 42 Mev © {NYS HI ,0% 47.3. Mev (6) ggB+ gat > ggXlO gS" ag! “y+ 200MeV ‘A nuclei having same number of neutron but diferent number of protons / atomic number are called 2) isobars (6) isomers (@ isotones(l}_ isotopes ‘The nuclei of whieh one ofthe following pairs of nucle are isotones? (2) 480, gyal (b) ggSe¥4 5g Se8® CMO, ypZP2 A) ga, 8? For effective nuclear forces, the distance should be @ 10m © 10m © 10m © 10m ‘Theratioof the mass densitiesofnucei of 0c, and 16g is @5 ©2 OM 1 Nucleus ofan atom whose atomic mass is 24 consists of @ 11 electrons, 11 protons and 13 neutrons (6) electrons, 13 protons and 11 neutrons (©) 11 protons and 13 neutrons (@) 11 protonsand 13 elecirons 2, 30, aI 32. 3 34. 36. a ‘A nucleus splits into two nuclear pats which have theit ‘locity ratio equal to2 : 1. What will be the ratio oftheir nuclear radius? (@ 281 (1218 © 38 @ 1:3" ‘Atomic weight of boron is 10.81 and it has two isotones B!Cand ¢B!! Then ratioof B®: 6B! in nature would be @ 19:81 ) 1-11 © 15:16 (@ 81:19 ‘The nuclear radius of yO! is 3 10" m. [fan atomie mass unit is 1.67 » 10-2” kg, then the auclear density is approximately (@) 235% 10!" gem (© 235% 10" gar? Nuclear forees are (@) spin dependent and have no non-central part (6) spin dependent and have @ non-central part (© spin independent and have no non-central part (@)_ spin independent and havea non-central part ‘Twonucleons are ata separation of | fermi. The net foree ‘betseen thems, iboth are neutrons, F fo are prokons ‘and F fone is profon and he other isa neutron. Then @ Fy>F>F ©) FARE © FPF > @ F-R>F ‘Amoderatrisusedin nuclear reactors inorder {@)_ stow down the speed of the nuetrons (©) acceleecate the neutrons (6) imerease the number of neutrons (0) 235% 10!" ken" (@) 23510! kgm (4) decrease the number of neutrons Fusion reactions take place at high temperature because {@)_atomsare ionised at high temperature (©) molecules break up at high temperature (© nuclei break up at high temperature (@) kinetic enrgy is high enough to overcome repulsion between nuclei For a nuclear fusion process, suitable nuclei are (@)_anyruel (0) hewn (©) lighter uctet (nuclei lying inthe midale of periodic table Fusion reaction occurs at temperatures of the order of @ WK 0) WK © WK @ WK ‘Control rods used in nuclear reaetors are made of ) graphite (@)_ plutonium Sei (@) stainless steel (© exémium K._Which of the fllowing statements is tue? (2) gPt!® has 78 neutrons (0) ggPoPt > Pb? YB (6) gyU®% > gp Th? + He? @) gp TH? > g Pa + Het ue accel \\\ DIRECTIONS: Each ofthese questions contains an assertion followed by reason. Read them carefully and answer the question on the hasisof following options. You have to select the one that best describes the vo statement (@) Ifboth Assertion and Reasonare eorrect and the Reason the eorreet explanation ofthe Assertion. (b) Ifboth Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is no the correct explanation ofthe Assertion, (©) Iube Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect (0) Ifthe Assertion isincorreet but the Reason is correet >>» + Density ofall the nuclei is same Radius of nucleus is directly proportional tothe cibe root of mass number clear forces are independent of charges iuelear force is nota central force 5> match the Following {\\—— DIRECTIONS + Bach question contains statements given it ‘vo columns which have to be matehed. Statements (A, B. C.D) in colunn-t have to be matched with statements (I, 2,3, 4) colt D>» 41. Mateh the coluran-l and eolumn-I Column = ‘Column 11 (A) Nuclearfusion () B=met (B) Nuclearfission ——Q)-_ Generally possible or nuclei with low atomic number O Prtecay @)- Genorally possible for nuclei with higher atomic number © (4) Essentially proceeds by ‘weak euction aueleae forces @) AIP: BEKO) 0) ©) AIA; BAO) 94) © AF0k BE.) +4) @) A >Bi BAKO) 0) equivalence UL cy \ —= >>> DIRECTIONS + Complore the Jollowing watements wiih a appropriate word /term to be filled in the blank space(s) 42, The nuclei ,C! and ,N! can be deseribed as, 43. Order of magnitude of density of uranium nucleus is (00, = 167 10" kg) yim. 44, Theratio of volumes of ucle (assumed tobe in spherical shape) with respective massnumbers8 and 64 is 45, fu denotes | atomic mass unit. One atom ofan element has mass exactly equal o Au, where A is mass number of ‘element and is equal 10 46, Ifthe radius ofa nuclous?5°X is 8 fermi then the radius of 4 He nucleus willbe fem >>» —\— DIRECTION answer as true oF false. Tad The following statements and wre your a7. 48, The muclear density is independent of mass number. Strong nuclear force isthe strongest force in natuce 49, Nuclear force is charge dependent 50. 1 (R) is eelated to mass number (A) as R=R,A!? where Ry isa constant ANSWER KEY & SOLUTIONS & 4, n 13. 4. (0) {HP and IP are isccopes He and ,H? ae isobars pAul®™ and sgHg® are isotones. (@ For is isotsope Z is same and A is different. ‘Therefore the number of neutrons A-7, will also be diferent @ (©). The nuclei having equal number of neutrons called isotones 40) Hydrogen has three isotopes (©) The moderator used have light mci (like pron). When protors undergo perfecily elastic collision with the neutron emitted their velocities are exchanged ie. neutrons eome to rest and protons move with the velocity ‘of neutrons. To slowdown the speed of neutrons substance should be made up of proton for perfectly clastic ie, we nee light uci not heavy nuclei because heavy nuelei will not serve the purpose because elastic collisions of neutrons with heavy nuclei will not slow them dows o spesd but only direction will change, @ R=R WANE anys 125 4a) Nucleus contains only neutrons andl protons (@ Inboydrogen, atomic number and mass number are qu. {@)_ Radius of nucleus R = RyA!® whore Ais the mass ‘number of nucleus vetmnofouinn = aR fai }a Volumes proportional to. (©) Outside the nucleus neutron isunstabe (ite =992.). (©) 4.x has protonsand (4 ~ 2) neutrons. s (© Density ofnaclear material =mass'volume J bef? 10 bg 45 4xQx10 8) : ° 15.) ASR < 419 and volume of nucleus is proportional to R° is proportional to. Thus, the density of nucleus is a constant, independent of A, for all nuclei. Different rnucle are Likes deop of liquid of constant density. The density of nuclear matter is approximately 2.3 « 10)” kg This density is very large compared to ordinary mater, say water which is 102 kg nr. This is understandable, as we have already seen that most ofthe atom is ray Ordinary mater consisting of atoms has. alae amount of empty space. 16. (a) Aswe know, R=R,(A)!? ‘where A= mass number Ry“ R,2=3R, RHR, (125) = SR, 17. (© Nuclear forces ae short range attractive forces which balance the repulsive forces between the protons inside the nucleus. 18. ym) Cs mt my= mE] as B= [omy 4 my- my) C2 19. (@)_ Heavy waters used in nuclear reactors to slow down the neutrons to thermal energies to initiate the nuclear reaction, 20. (@) In this reaction mass is not conserved, 21. (€) Binding energy per nucleon for fission products is higher relative to Binding energy per auclean fr parent nucleus, ie., mare masses are last and are obtained! as kinetic energy of fission products, So, the given ratio < 1 20 B@ G@)_Isotones means equal number of neutrons ie, (4-2) =14-34=71-31=40, 28. (©) 26. (@) Nuclear density sindependent of atomic number 27. (@) Nucleus does not contain electron, 28.) Asmomentum iseonserved, therefore, 2. storie weight =1081> x=19 30. 31 32. 3. M. 38. a 38. ». 40, at 2. Nata bo | No #l 8 (©) For nucleus of sO'* Mass=(16) (1.67% 10) kg 36 10 in 235% 10!7 kgm o (©) Incase of Proton-Proton Electrostatic repulsive force isalso present which reduces the net force. (©) Moderator slows down neutrons. (@ Extremely high temps needed for Fusion make K.E. large enough to overcome repulsion between nuclei ©) 36.0) (©) Control rods are made ofeadium. © (a) Density, p 4 pray © @ A3AB3OO 340) (sotones) As (C!8 and N' have same no, of neutrons (136 =7 for and 14—7 =7 for N), so they areisoiones, 43. (1017) The order of magnitude of mass and volume of uranium nucleus willbe m= A(1.67% 10-77 kg) (Aisatomie number) veda? 3 2x10 mA 4.2510 malp $n((.25s10- mal} (672 1077kg) 2x10 mA, Hence, P=; 2.0% 10! kg/m, (0.125) Asweknow R=Ry A" Ra ald AS VaR or VA @ Asi BR 47. (Trwe) Theorder of nuclear density is 10" 48. True) 49. (Fale) ‘50. (False) Radius R= Ry!

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