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>» Ma erensca at \\ Di vainsmapTeo Each question has four choices fa. (0), (c) and (out of whic ‘only one is correct 5 questions T. Inthe equation AB™C, Ae the current density, C eihe electric field, Then Bis (@) resistivity () conductivity (©) potential difference (@)_ resistance Avwire X has halfthe diameter and halfthe lengua ofa wite ofsimilar material. Theratioof resistance ofX to that ofY is f@ 81 4:1 © 21 @ ul 3. The voltage V and current J graphs for a conductor at two different temperatures 7; and 7, are shown in the figure. The relation between’, and 7) is © Teh i © h 64) and internal restanees rand respectively are connected in parallel asshown in figure (@) The equivalent emfe,, of the two cells is betwoun &, and 1256, << (©) Theesjuivalent ome, is smaller than (0) The fis given by ga 6; +6 always (de,is dependent of internal resistances r, andr, A resistance R is to be measured using a meter bridge, student chooses the standard resistance S tobe 10002 He Findsthe ull point at = 2.9 em, He is told wattempt to ‘improve the accuracy. Which of the following isa useful way? (@) He should measure I, more accurately (b) Heshould change 5 to 100002and repeat the experiment {) He should change Sto-30 and repeat the experiment (@) He should given up hope of a more accurate ‘measurement vith a meter bridge ‘Two cells of emt approximately 5 V and 10 V are to be accurately compared using a potentiomerer oflength 400 (@) The battery that runs the potentiometer should have voltageof8V () The battery of potentiometer can havea voltage of 1S ‘V and R adjusted so thatthe potential drop across the wire slightly exceads 10V () The firstportion of $0 em of wie tse should have a potential drop af 10 V (@ Potentiometer is usually used for comparing resistances and not voltages A meal od ofengt 10 em anda rectangular enoss-section ot ten !cniscomevestos bates cpa aces, The resistance will be (a) maximum when the batery is connected across I im J can taces 2 29, 30, a1. 2. 3. 34. (6) maximum when the battery is connected across 10em x Tem faces (0) rvaxinnuin when the battery is connected across 10cm 1 Sem faces (6) same irrespective othe three fces Which of the following characteristics of electrons determines the curent in a conductor? (@) Drift velocity alone (6) Thermal velocity sone (©) Bath dei velocity and thermal velocity (Neither drift nor thermal velxity ‘Two sources of equal emf are connected roan external resistance R. The intemal resistance of the wo sources age R, and , (R > R). Ihe potential difference across the soureehaving imetnal resistance R, is 7270, then (@) RR)—Ry (RRs xR) +RVRy-Ry) (©) RERIRIAR-R)) (@ RRR, AR;—R3) In the circuit shown in figure, with steady current, the potential drop eros he capacitor must be a. ¥ — w av oY of wo % ‘Thecurrent in the primary circuit ofa potentiometer wireis 0.5.8, p forthe wire is 4 = 10-7 Q-mand area of coss- section of wireis 8 « 10-*m?, The potential gradient in the wire would be (@) 28mVimeer (&) 25mVimeter (©) 28 Viner (@) 10Vimaer Kircbof's first lan, 3i~ Data junction, dels with he conservation of| (@) charge (0) eneray (©) momen (6). angular momentum Drift velocity of electrons is de {@)_ motion of conduction electrons due to random calisions, ‘motion of conduction eletrons de to elect field é (©) epuson tothe conduction eletrons due t inner electrons of ons {@)_ collision of conduction electeons with each other For which ofthe following dependence of dit elcity vg on electric field E, is Ohm's law obeyed? (@) vy xk? &) vgn El? (©) vq= constant @) yrk ® 35. 36. a. 38, 2. ‘When a potential difference Vis applied across conductar at a temperature T, the drift velocity of electrons is, Proportional 6 @W OV OF wT Inthe absence ofan else field, shemean velocity offiee clectons ina conductor st absolute temperature (T) is @ a1 (independent of T (©) proportional oT (proportional to T? A current passes through a wire of nonuniform exoss- section. Which ofthe flowing quantities are independent ofthe cross-section? (@) Thecharge crossing (0) Dri velocity (©) Currentdensity—_(@)_Freelectron density IN, rand mare representing electron density, charge, relation time and mas of an electron espctively, then the resistance of wire oflength (and crosssetional area Ais given by me 2mta « Netar © nee © “ame ‘Theenample of non-ohimicresistance's (a) diode (©) copper wire (©) filamentlam (@)_ carbon resistor ‘Theclecre field intensity. cursent density Fand specie resbtanoe kate elated to each the through the eation, (a) E-Jk (b} B=Jk (©) E=ki (d) k-JE Nichrome or Manganin is widely used in wire bound standard resistors because of thelr (@) temperature independent resistivity {b) very weak temperature dependent resistivity. (©) strong dependence of resistivity with temperature (@)_ mechanical strength Two resistors A and B have resistances Ry and Ry respectively ith R, = Ry, Theresistvitesoftvirmateras sre Pg and py Thon No?rA NeA mee @ Pa? Pa ©) Pa~ Ps © Pas Pa (@)_insufficiem information topredict elation ‘The figure shows the 7 circuit diagram of five resistors, a battery and a mp —_e site, Ifthe swite S is = a closed then currentdrawm st> }——__»-—___ from the batery - # (@) increases (b) decreases (6) remainssame (4) initially inereases and when the resistance & gets ested then decreases. In the network shown below, the ring has zero resistance. ‘The equivalent resistance between the point A and B is () 2R a mR p © 4 oR 45. 46. a 48. 4. 52. 54. Intheeircuit shown in Fig, the current in 4 £2 resistance is 1.2 A. What isthe potential difference between Band C? (36,0 ©) 63 var (© 18vatt (@ 24vat Kirchhof's first and second laws for electrical ctcuitsare consequences of (@) conservation of eleetrie charge and energy respectively (0) conservation of electric charge (© conservation of energy and electric charge respectively (@) conservation of energy Emfofa cellis (@) the maximum potential difference between the ‘terminals of call when no currents drawn fiom the eal (©) the force required to push the electrons in the cireuit. (©) the potential difference between the positive and negative terminal of all in closed circuit ()_lessthan terminal potential difference ofthe cel, When potential difference isapplied across an electrolyte, then Oh’ law is obeyed al (@) zeropotential () very low potential (©) negative potential (@)_high potential ‘Todrawa maximum current from s combination of ells, how should the cells be grouped? (@) Parallel () Series (©) Mixed grouping (@ Depends upon the relative values of internal and ‘external resistances. A cell of internal resistance ris connected to an external resistanee R. The current will emaximum in Rif @ @) Ror @) Rr Under what condition will the strength of euzrent in a wire ‘of resistance R be the sae for connection is series and in parallel ofn identical cells each ofthe internal resistance? When @ @) Renin © @ Royroo ‘A capacitor is connected to cell Fern? E having some infernal resistance r. The potential dference across the (@) callisE —(@)_eapacitoris» When a potential difforenes is applied across the ends of a conductor, elacteons are deifted towards the positive terminal of the field, this velocity sealed drift velocity. “m ned ‘72. IFN, ¢,tand mare representing electron density, charge, relaxation time and mass ofan electron respectively, then the resistance of wire offength (and cross-sectional area Ais given by me 2mra ® NeAy © nee Net Nea © “ame © Omet ‘7. When a current Lis set up in a wite of radius r, the deft velocity is vy. Ifthe same current is set up through a wire ‘of radius 21s the dif velocity will be @ 4% ) 244 © wy @ vga 74, A steaight conductor of uniform cross-section carries a ‘eurent I, Ifs is the specific charge of an electron, the ‘momentum of ll the fie electrons per unit length ofthe ‘conductor, due to their drift velocity only is (@ Is ©) Ws © vs @ (is? 75, Theresistanoe ofa wireat roam temperature 30°C is found to be 10 £2, Now to inerease the resistance by 10%, the temperature ofthe wire must be [The temperature coeicient ‘ofresistance ofthe material ofthe wire is 0.002 per °C] @ we &) BC © eC @ BC 76, Thenumiber offre electronsper 100 mm of ordinary copper wire is2 » 108, Average drift speed of electrons is 0.25 rms, The current flowingis (@) 5a ) 90a (© 8A @ 08a CaserPassage-IL Heating Effect of Current: The electric energy consumedin a cireuit is defined as the ‘otal work done in maintaining the current in an electric circuit fara given time. Electric energy’= Vit~ Pr~PR1~ Vi R ‘The S.L unit ofelectrie energy is joule (denoted by 3) where joule = Tat 1 second I volt 1 ampere © 1 sae In household circuits the electrical appliances are connected in parallel and the clectricel energy consumed is measured in kWh 77 Anelecttic fan and a heater are marked as 100 W, 220 V ‘and 1000 W, 220 V respectively. The resistance of heaters (@) equal to that of fin (besser than that of fan (©) greater than that of fan @ xo 78 Which of the following statement is false? (@)_ Someof the energy produced bythe light bull takes the forma of heat. ‘The battery the source ofall the electrons flowing around the cireit, (© Theeurententering the light bulb equals the current leaving the light bulb. ‘The potential in the wire tothe left ofthe light bulb differs ftom the potential inthe wire to the right of that bulb, 79. Resistance of conductor is doubled keeping the potential difference across it constant. The rate of generation of » @ heat will (@)_ become one fourth (bp be halved (©) be doubled (©) become our times 80, The heating element ofan electric heater should be made with amaterial, which should have (@)_ high specife resistance and high melting point (©)_high specie esistance and low melting point (©) low specific resistance and low melting point (low specific resistance and high melting point BL, IPR, and Ry are respectively the filament resistances of 200 watt bulb and a. 100 wait bulb designed to operate on the sume voltage (@) Ry istwotimesRy — (b)_Ryistwo times Ry (©) RyisfourtimesR, (4) R, isfourtimes Ry Case/Passage IIL “Terminal potential difference ofa cell is defining the potential difference between the two electrodes ofa ell when thecell isin close circuit i.e. current is withdrawn from it Electromotive fore or em fof cel isthe maximum potential difference between the two electrodes ofa cell when the cell isin ‘open cccuit ie. mo current is taken from the cel V=B-Ir € when currentis withdrawn from thecell V=E tls © when thecellis charged. ‘The. unit ofemfand potential difference is same ie, vot 82. A cell of internal resistance ris connected to an external ‘resisance R, The current willbemaximum in Ri @ @) Rer © Rr @ Rar? 83. A capacitor is connected to a cell of emf E having some intemal resistance. The potential difference across the (@) ellisE ——(@)_capacitoris» A — St Complete The following Wavemenis will be filled i appropriate word / lank spacets) 115. The current in the 10 resistor “e shown inthe eiteuit is A 116 A primarycellhasan em fof 6, volt, when short-circuited it givesa current of 3 ampere. The internal resistance of the eellsis| ohm, A'5-ampere fase wiee can withstand a maximum power ‘of I wat inthe circuit, The resistance of the fuse wire is ohm. Aheaterof220 V heats volume of waterin minutes. The same heater when connected to 110 V heats the same volume of water in minutes. A battery of 10 V and internal resistance 0.50 is connected ‘across variable resistance R. The value of R for wiih the power delivered ismaxirmum is equal 10, 2. DIRECTIONS = Read ihe following statements andruriieyour answer as true or false. 7. 118. 119. »»> 120. nn. 2. ‘Volumeter is connected parallel with te iri Resistance ofa vollmeter is very small ‘The drift velocity of electrons in a metallic wite will decrease, ifthe temperature of the wie is increased ‘On inereasing temperature, conductivity of metallic wire 123. . e (@ Jeck=Ip= Jiscurrent density, E is electric field 9% @) H=PRt Here Ry Ry e x25) Hy Thatis,R,=4Ry. Hence, Ht=4 : el nae 10. @) ; ® So, ratio of resistance of to that oY is fy ee eee Ber 668 (62) e = 7 E constant 2 @ 13, (@) Infernal estan, Ealemal resslance ne Levterminal voltugs = V then V=E-Ir>V = arbre (0) The slope of 11 graph gives the resistance of @ ook Vn conductors ven tempest aa SET From the graph, it follows that 14. (@)_ In the parallel combination, resistance of «conductor at 7 ee temperature Tis greater than at t, oe temporane 7) As the essance nore ‘of a conductor is mare at higher J ~@ temperature and ess at lower 7 tempertare, ence 7, > Ty tet, (©) The figure is showing /— characteristics of on me ‘hie orton linea condactors. beeper (@) [Hin R= Ra) SQ=Rg(1 +50) and 72=Ry (+0 100) 1S or 5. or «=> - oo133/%e 7” 141000 150 6) Ry =Rgll Ha) aC R= 3Ry 109/20 BRy=Ry (14% 10 *8) 314104 2 s00%c 4x10" @ tan, «@ From (i) and (i) 1”. 18 19. 20. a 2. 23. 2 From formula, poet oe (6) According to Kirehhol's frst law Atjunetion A. gy A ‘Atjunction B,/4p= lc t l= igo =4= 193A, 2a Atjunetion ©, #= igc -L3= 7A (0) Thisisatalanoed vette bridge conn, 5 ae B= RD” To=16%, 7B oO) (@) Due to increases in resistance R the current through the wize will decrease and hence the potential ‘gradient also decreases, whict results in increase in balancing length. So. will shift towards B. _ Inbuuaceconditon, since no current ows through the galvanometer therefore B and D are at the same potential (@) Weknow VA, iscalled current density jie, a ‘The SI units ofthe current density are Aim? ‘The current density is also directed along E snd is also a ‘vector and the relationship is J=sE ‘Current density changes due to lectrie field produced by ‘charges accumulated on the surface of wie. (0) As we know the equivalent emf (,),) inthe parallel ‘combination ag +e So aocording to formula the equivalent emf, of hetwo cells in parallel combination is between ¢ ade Thus (<0) (©) Adjusting the blance point near the midale of the bridge, ie. when f is close 1 SO cm, require a suitable choice ofS, Risunkaown resistance a R=) Since, 26, 2. 28, 2», So, here, R: $= 2.9: 97.1 implies that thesis nearly 33 times to that of R. Inorded to make this ratio 1:1 itis nessa toe the vale of Sly 2 ins i reerly 30. (©) The potential drop across wites of potentiometer should be more than emisof primaryells. Here, valuesot ‘emf oftwo cellsare given as SV and IOV, sothe potential ‘drop along the potentiometer wire must be more than IOV. So battery should be of 15V and about 4V potential is ‘roped by using variable resistance, i (@) Asweknown that theresistinoe of wireis: R= pL For maximum value of R,/ must be higher and A should be lower und itis possible only when the battery is connected asm a fame son = tJ, (@)_We know thatthe relationship between current and drift speed is I= ne Avy Where, isthe current and V, isthe drift velocity So, Te Vy Hence, only drift velocity determines the current in a ‘conductor a WRI Por, ference across second cell = Ve IR a> © ne 0 a i. R+Ri Ra? R+R)+R,—2R)=0 R#R\-R2=0. = R=R2-Ry (©) Applying Kizehhol's lawinBCDEFABWegst, ne aR : LetAbeatOV.Then gif potential at GisV. Applying Keichhot?'s law ibrAFED,weget OFVIR=Vp, v AV 304V+ xR #Vy Vp = Rw oa eae av + potential diferent across capacitor = = 31 34. 39, 41. 2. 8 a, 46. a. 48. 3. 53. {), Potential gradient of wir aon where ¢& A are the length and cross-section of wire ¥_4xt07 ¢ ex1o* o (©) Motion of conduction electrons due to random collisions has no prefered direction and average to zero. Drift velocity is caused due to motion of conduction 0.5= 25mV /meter (0) ASR se V2PP of Rex IP, so resistance of heater is less than that of fan (©) Most ofthe charges flowing around the circuit are ‘lence electrons stripped off the metal sioms inthe wires and light bulbs. A battery doesn’t “supply” all of the charges. It merely pushes around charges already present inthe circuit Statements (e) and (@)are both true, All charges owing int the light bulb also flow back out: no current gets * used up” But inside the bulb, those charges lose energy. ‘This ost electrical energy converts into light and heat. So, the current has lower “potential” after lowing through the bul, (0). The tate of generation of heat, fora given potential difference is, P= VR (@) Aheating wireshould be such that it produces more hhoat when current is passed through it and also does not melt It will besoifit hashigh specie resistance and high melting point (@)_ In the given ease cell isin open circuit (I 0} so ‘voltage across the cell is equal to its em, © 5/3=0.5ehm © O30. comes 20, pv @ 1 Qe 87 22 a BS 100. 102 66 or e=136V (@_4Vis greater than applied emf2V, hence nobalance point is obtained. On connecting the resistance across &, ‘curren will flowin edueto which terminal poental diffrence ‘willbe less than emfand the balancing length will decrease o @ @ y (@) Potential gradient =—A 7 a 0? Vim @ (@) Poses gradient — oops 7 () In case of internal resistance measurement by potentiometer, ER AR +N) R(R2 +) Vi to HERD AR 2+} RoR) Hece fy =2m,¢;=3m,Ry=50 and Ry #102 (lo+n) 20441-3032 of 2-102 3105+) o xO Here, (,= 125 em, = 100em,R=20. 050 © (@) When temperature increases the random motion of

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