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September 28, 2020

Baimanot Legalo Kadil

Dalican D.O.S Maguindanao

Who I am?

Hellow everyone first of all I'm so Baimanot Legalo Kadil, 1st year college student
of Cotabato City State Polytechnic College and now currently taking a Bachelor of
Science and Business Administration major in Marketing Management course, 20
yearst of existence. I was an orphan when I was young because of the early death
of my father, I was only grade 1when I was an orphan. So I'm looking for an
answer, What my real propose in the world, or Who am I really, the question is
who are you really? How do I get to know my self or get to know my self better?
So everyone is looking for the answer to what their real propose in the life, like
they are sometimes I wonder why there are so many people in this world I'm still
the one who is having a hard time with everything. According to philosophy
human like Paul Churchland "The self is inseperable from the brain and the
physiology of the body" Our physical brain is gives us our sense of self. According
me, we are all right have a physical brain that gives us a sense of self and body, so
how do you introduce my self.

First I will start with my fast so that I can better understand Who I am? I started
with a poor family who lost my father and currently working us a working student.
My life is so hard, sometimes I think of just stopping to study hard when there is
no father to guide you, but I realized that is not the reason to quit in life,
sometimes we also have to work out future.

According to Aristotle, "While man is still a live try to enjoy yourself, because life
is important while there is life, there is hope. I need to understand my self
because my self will help you the say no one can help with your problem, but my
self Accordingly to Gilbert Ryle "looking for, and trying to understand a self" in
other words our self is a whole or part of the thing, that I have like for example,
when I go to school, sometimes I am silent inside the class, but this is a part of my
personality, so you have to know my self because give my self the strength to do
things I can't do because only we can make everything successful of our goals in
life we need to be confident in everything we fallow ourselves, but sometimes I
also get weak because of the things I don't have sometimes I can think of just
stopping to study so that I want to difficult but even so my situation I can't quite
imagine just letting go of my studies just to support me in my studies, I am getting
stronger because they are the ones who gives me the strength to face all my
challenges in life with them in my inspiration. According to the Philosophy human
" Life is just like a circle sometimes we have to fight for the things we do not want
to lose so that's life goes on, it will also pass the test we challenge don't give up
that is no answer to our problems you have. I know if students lives are difficult
but I need to try my best to fulfill my goals in life, have a good life, I can only calm
down. We need to know What we are? What goals tin in this world. I will
recognize who I really am because as I said only we can change everything
because we ourselves and we always have a heart that can only change in our
selves we need to understand what we are or who you are. Ambitious can do
anything to achieve my aim. I'm of a very competitive nature but love to find
good everything I see. According to me, there are many things that make us
depressed or upset, but that doesn't mean that we stop living. The only people
who have problems. It enhances our minds. This is the Philosophy of my life.

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