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Alternating Current >» >> Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) MN\: DIRECTIONS: This section contains maliple oico questions. Each question has our ehuives a,b), (e) and) ont of which ‘only one iscorrect 1. Theaverage valucof alternating current for one complete leis (©) ao 1 © 2 (@) None ofthese 2. The atioof mean value oer halfeysletorams. value of AGIs & WI2@ Vin @ Vi1 taneous voltage through a device of impedance 80-sin [00 1. The effective value ofthe current is (0) 28284 (©) 172A @ 4a If instantaneous current is given by i = 4 cos (ot + §) ampere, then theram.s value current is, f@ 34 (0) amperes (8) YB amperes © 2G mers @) momma 5. Theaverngeyloeof tein eure for one compte @ 20 om ) V2 (d) None of these The rms, value of potential diffrence V shown in the fisureis Vo} tT @% 6 WHO V2 O Wit 7. Which of the following graphs represents the correct variation of capacitive reactance ¥. with frequency f? Xef x © 0 o @ _—=, C__\,¢ Which of the following graphs represents the correct variation of inductive reactance X, with frequency f? x, Xt @ © o © of +7 Inaseries LCR cieuit which ofthe flloning statements are tueitalse? [At resonance impedance becomes minimum and currntbecomes maxim. 1, Atresonance current sin phase with applied volt Til, Resonant frequoney depends upon the resistance « the cireuit @ TR @ FTF @ TET @ TIF the frequency of an A.C, is made times ofits initial nduetive reactance will @) bedtimes () be2times (©) behal? (©) remainthe same 200 V2 sin 100 city 1 uF. The Iman ac circuit an alternating voltage {vols is connected io a capacitor of cay ‘Em. value ofthe current in thecireuit is, G@) lmA 0) 100mA () 20mA Cd) 20mA Consider the following statements and then seleet the true'false statements, 1 Mast ofthe lectical deviee we use require AC voiage 1, Most ofthe elactrical energy old by power companies fs transmitted and distibuted as altemating current MAC voltage can be easily and efficiently converted from one to the other by means of transformers @ TRF @) TET © TIF TET 1B. 15, 16. 1”. 1». 20, mM 2. ‘Theprimary winding ofa transformer has 100 ums adits secondary windinghas 200 tums. The primary isconnested toan AC. supply of 120 Vand the curent flowing in itis 0A. The voltage and the current in the secondary are (@) 20,54 ©) OV, 104, (©) 60.204 (@ 120v,20a AA charge! 30 yF capacitor is connected to 327 mit inductor, The angular frequency office oscillations of the circuit is @) LIxWradst —@) 21% 10% rad (31 * 1 rads! (@) 41x 10 rads! Ifthe ems current ina 0 HzAC circuit is SA, the valeot the current 1/300 safer its value becomes zeros (@ 2A () SVBZA (6) SHA) SN2A An ltemating eurent generator hasan inernl eactance R, and an internal reactance X, Itisused to supply power isha passive load consisting Of a resistance Ry and reacanee X, Formaximuum powertobe delivered fromthe generator tthe load the value oF X, is equal 10 @ a 0X OX When a voltage medsuring deviee $5 connected to AC mains, the meer shows the steady input voltage of 220 V. Thismeans (@) input voltage cannot be AC voltage, but DC voltage (©) maximum input voltage is 220 ¥ (©) the meter reads not y but =v read (@Thepointer ofthe meters stuck by some mechanical defect ‘Toreduce the resonant frequency in an L-C-R series circuit ‘with 8 generator (@) the generator frequency should be reduced (©) another eapacitor should be added in parallel to the first (©) the iron core of the inductor should be removed (dielectric in the capacitor should be removed Which ofthe following combinations should be selected forboter tuning ofan L-C-R circuit used for communication? (@) R=200,L=151,C=35uF (0) R-280,L=25H.C=45 pF (© R-1SO,L=351,C=30yF (@) R=250,L=15H.C=45 uF Determine the rms value ofthe emf given by E(in volt) 8 sin (or) + 6sin Qa) @ sv2v @) WIV @ WV @ 10V2V ady currentsin the core oftransformer can't be developed by ()_ increasing the number of tums in secondary coil () taking laminated transformer (6) making step down transformer (@)_usinga weak ac. athigh potential A.C, power is transmitted from a power house at @ high voltage as (a) the rate of transmission is faster at high voltages (b) itis more economical due to less power loss (c) power cannot be transmitted at low voltages (d) 4 precaution against theft of transmission lines and is calibrated to 26. 2. 29. ML. Alternating current cannot be measured by de ammeter because {@)_average value oF complete cycle i 70 (6) aveannot passthrough de arameter (© avisvirual {@)_acchanges its direction ‘The rms. value of curren, | current, bythe relation ©) tym =2 Io ras is related to the peak © ‘Theinstantancous vollage through a device of rmpedance 20 ise=S0sin 10074. Theelfetivevale afte Curent @ 34 (298A (172A @ 4A ‘Allan consumes only 0c peak power ina a cteuit. What isthe phase diference beween the apie voltage and the circuit eueent? oF oF oF wF ‘When an ae voltage of 220 V is applied tothe capacitor then {@)_the maximum voltage betwen plates is 220 V. {b) the current is in phase with the applied voltage {©) the charge on the plate is notin phase with the applied voltage (@) power delivered to the capacitor por eyele is 2er. ‘The voltage of an ae scurce varies wih time according to the equation 7 ~ 100 sin 100 rt eos 100 xe where is in seconds and V si Volt, Then {@) the peak voltage ofthe sourve is 100 volt (6) the peak voltage of the soure is 50 volt (© the peak voltage ofthe wouree is 100/23 vl (@) the fequeney ofthe source is $0 Hz ‘Thevoltage of an a supply varies with time (®)as V= 120, sin 100 nt os 100m. The maximum yokage and fequen respectively are bo (@) 120v0k, 10042 (b) Fy vot, 100 Hz (6) 60vol, 200 Hz (@) 60 vol, 00H Determine therms value ofthe emf given by Ein vot) =8 sin (ao) + 6sin (Zot) @ sy2v_ @) WIV @ WV (a lovIV Inan A.C. circuit with voltage V and current I the power dissipated is @ tu 1 o 1yy 3 © VI (dependent on the phase between V and I 2. 3 M. 38. 36. a a8. 39, 40, a1. 2. ‘The current passed in any instrument in alternating ‘current circuits =2 sin o amp and potential difference applied is given by V =5 cos ot volt then power loss in instruments (a) 2Swaw (b) Swat (@) Iwate (@) zer0 ‘A resistance of 20 ohm is connected to a source of an “ernating potential V = 200 cos(100 7), The time taken by the current to change from its peak value to rms values (@) 25%10's (b) 25% 10's (©) 025s, (@) 0205 An alternating e.m. of angular frequency cis applied ‘across an inductance. The instantaneous power developed inthecircuit has an angular frequency oF ‘A sinusoidal AC current ows through a resistor of resistance R ithe peak currents, then power dissipate is o> ©o @ 2% 1p () UR eos SHR 4p lia © SBR ink © 5% 2 A direet current of SA is superimposed on an alternating ‘current [= 10 sine flowing throuth a wire, The effective value ofthe resulling current wil be: ©) Samp (© 5¥5 amp @ Inan LCR circuit (@)_ the impedance is equal toreactance (0) the ratio between effective vollage toeffective current isealled reactance (©) at resonance the resistance is equal tothe resistance (@) at resonance the net reactance is ze:0 ‘The power factor in a circuit connected toan A.C. (@)_unity when the circuit contians an ideal inductance only (©) unity when the circa only (©) zerowhen the circuit contains an ideal resistance only (@) unity when the circuit contains an ideal capacitance (@ 1s2amp Samp contians an ideal resistance only ‘The time constantof C-R circuits @ WR) CR ©) CR @ RC InLCR cireuit i resistance inereases, quality actor (@) increasesfinitely —(b) decreases finitely (©) remainsconstant —_(@)_ None of these ‘An inductor a resistor anda capacitor are joined in series With an AC source Asthe fequeney ofthe source is slightly increased ffom a very low value, the reactance of the (@) inductor increases (U) resistor increases (©) capacitor increases (@)_eircutinereases With increase in frequency of an A.C. supply, the impedance ofan L-C-R series circuit {@) remains constant (6) increases (©) decreases (@) decreases fist, becomesmininnumand then increases. 8. 47. 9. si. Inan LCR, serisa.e, cient, the current (@). is always in phase with the vollage (0) always lags the generator voliage (6) always leads the generator voltage (@) None of these A bulband a capacitor are connected in series tou source of alternating current. [its frequency is increased, while keeping the voltage ofthe source constant, then bulb will (@). givemore intense light (0) give less intense bight (6) give light of same intensity before (@) stop radiating light ‘An LCR series circuit, connected to a source B, is at resonance, Then the voltage across @ Riszero (6) Requalsapplicd voltage (©) Ciszero (@)_ Lesquasappiicd voltage ‘A capacitor in an ideal LC ereuitis fully charged by a DC source, then i isdseomnected from DC source, the current inthe circuit {@) becomes zero instantaneously (©) grows, monotonically (6) decays monotonically (@) oscillate infinitely ‘Which one ofthe fllowing curves represents the variation of impedance (Z) with frequency Fin series LCR circuit? @ © : LN © ‘ @ } Vv . ese An A.C. source is connected toa resistive crc. Which ofthe following is true? G@)_ Current leads ahead oPeliage in phase (©) Carrent lags behind voltage in phase (@) Currentand voltage arein same phase (@)_ Any ofthe above may be true depending upon the ‘value of resistance Aresisance'R’ draws power when conneeted tan AC source. Ifan inductance is now placed in series with the sistance, such tat the impedance ofthe circuit becomes "2 the pose drawn willbe = w *(5) R (8 @ “ff © (8) wr ‘With increse in frequency ofan A.C. supply, the inductive reactance (a) decreases () increases direlly with frequency () increases as square of Frequency (@) decreases inversely with ffequeney ‘The transformer voltage induced inthe secondary coil of a transformer is maialy duet (@) avarying electric field () varying magnetic field (6) the vibrations of the primary col (@) the iron core of the transformer 54. 55. 56. 60, 6 o. 63. A transformer isemployed to (@) euavertA.C. intoD.C (©) convertDC. intoa.C. (4) obtain a suitable DC. voltage The loss of energy in the form of heat in the iron core ‘ofa transformer is (a) zon loss (0) copper toss (©) mecbanial loss (@) None of these ‘Quantity that remains unchanged ina transformer is ) vollge ©) current (© frequency (@)_ None of these “The wansformation ratio in the step-up transformer is @) one (©) greater than one (©) less than one (@) the ratio greater or les than one depends on the ‘ther factor A transistor-oscllator using a resonant circuit with an inductor L (oF negligible resistance) and a capacitor C in series produce oscillations of frequency f.1°L is doubled and Cis changed to 4C, the frequency will be or wre m wo ‘transformer has an eficeney of $0%,Ieworksat 4 kW and 100 V. If secondary voltage is 240 V the eurent in primaryaitis (04 ©) 4A @) 1A) AOA Jn wn silat LC cui the maxima charge on the capacitor is Q. The charge onthe expacior when the ‘nergy isstored equally between the elec and magnetic feldis g 2 oF af oF oF we Ina ransormer, umber of unin theprimaryeil are 140 and that inthe secondary eu ae280 erren in primary ‘ii A, then tha inthe secondary ceil is @ 4A 0) 2A ©) 6A (@) 1A A flly charged capacitor C with inital charge 4 feonnectedio acoilofselfinductance Lat (=O, The time st ‘which the energy’ is stored equally beween the electric andthe magnet fess @ NE & mic O Vi @O wit ‘Theprimary winding ofa transformer has 100 turns and its secondary winding has 200 tums. The primary isconnocted toan A.C. supply of 120 V and the current flowing in itis 10, The voltage and the current in the secondary are () 240¥,10A (@) Rov.204 ‘An AC generator of 220 V having internal resistance r = 100 and external resistance R= 1000, What iste power developed in the external eieuit? @ 44W &) 40W © 41W @ 30W ‘A.tansformerisusodtolighta 100 Wand 110 V lamp from 2220 V mains. Ifthemain eurentis0.Samp, the efficiency ‘ofthe transformer isapproximately () We) We — te) 10% (3%. (64. A treansformeris used to light a 140 watt, 24 volt lamp form 240 V AC mains. Thecurrentin the main cable is 0.4 amp. The ficiency ofthe transformer is: G) 48%) 88% (©) 83% (9% 65. Atransformer reduces 220 V to 11 V. The primary draws 5 Aof current and secondary 90 A. The eifciency ofthe transformeris (a) 2%) 4%) THM (66. Thecurrent flowing ina step down transformer 220 V 022 Vhaving impedance 220 Q,is G@ 01mAT (TMA. GIA 1A B> case/Passage Based Questions \\ »»> DIRECTIONS Sad he en paragraph) and sve faloving gsi CoserPasaget Mean vale of altrating eurent is defined tat valu of Send arent which wall sont sume eu charg eng ‘ereit inthe time of al ele (n/2) assent bythe a through he same ciciin the same ine El 2a Here, J, and By are Peak current and voliage. RMS luc of allemating eurent isthe steady curent which when paso through a given resior fora ceriain time, shall prxioce the same eatas the given A.C. shall do when passed for thesame time, \ Eo logs He = 0.70 TI Eggs = 0.1078, lan” p= O.70TIGs Egy Fy = 0-707 \ or. The alternating current of equivalent value of “Pe is (@)peakeurrent (&) rmscurrent (© DC. current () _allofthese Thersm.s valueofan ac. of30 lz is }0amp. The timetaken bythealterating current in eaching from zeroto maximum value and the peak value of current will be G@) 2 10?seeand 14.14 amp (©) 1* 10 ?secand 7.07 amp (©) 5 10 seeand 7.07 amp (@) 3* 10 secand 14.14amp ‘The instantaneous voltage through a device of impedance 20MiseS0sin 100-m. Theeffetive value ofthe current is @ 3A @ 288A @ LIA () 4A 70. The voltage of an ae supply varies with time (1) as V= 120 sin 100 xt cos 1007. The maximum voltage and frequency respectively are (@) 120v0h, 10Hlz (by) Fv 1001 (©) 60vol, 200 Hz (©) 6Ovol, 10042 71. Theequation ofsltemating current is I= SoV2 sin 400m rman square of current ar (a) 200 Hz, Samp (©) 200112, soy amp 120 Then the frequency and root expect () 400ntz, 50/2 amp () S04,200amp Case/Passagest Inaseries LCR circuit with an ideal ae soures ofpeak voltage so = SOV, frequency v = “Piz and R = 3000. The average cleciric field energy stored in thecapacitor and averagemagnetic {energy stored in the coil are 25 mi and 5 mJ respectively. The value of RMS current inthe cireitis 0.1.8, Then Find 72. Capacitance (C) of tae capacitor is (@ 10uF () Sa (© uF (@) None of these 73. Inductance (L) ofinduetor is (@) 0.25henry () OShenry (© Thenry (@) 2henry 74, The sum of rms potential difference ueross each of the three elements is (@) S0volt @) 50¥2 volt 0 © prt © Nowe ofthese Ina LCRcreuitatresanance which ofthese will efectshe ‘current circuit (@) Ronly (&) LandRonly (©) Rand only (@) alll, Candk 76. Inasevies combination ofR,L and Coan A.C. sourceat resonance, if R= 20 ohm, then impedance Z of the ssombination is {@) 200hm (6) Zero (©) ohm Case Passage ‘A thermal powerplant produces electric power of 600 kW at 41000 V. which is tae transported toa place 20 maw foes the power plan for consumers usage. It can be transported ether Aireoly with cable of large current carrying capacity oF by ‘sing a combination of step-up and step-dowm transformers at the wo ends, The drawback ofthe direc transmission is the large eneray dissipation. Inthe method using transformers, the pation is much smaller In this method atp-up tansformer is use al the plant side s0 thatthe eurent Is raluced io @ smaller value. Atthe consumers end, step-down transformer is used 1 supply power tothe consumers atthe specified lower ‘voltage. tis easoeableto assume that the power cable is purely resistive and the transformers are ideal with power factor unity Allthe currents and voltages mentioned are rns values, 77. Inthe method using the transformers, assume thatthe ratio ofthe numberof tums in the primary to that in the secondary in the step-up transformers 1:1, Ine power to the consumers has to hesupplied at 200 V the eatio oF the umber of tums in he primary thatin the secondary in the step-down transformer is (@) 2001 () 150-1) 100-1 S01 78, lMtheditocttansmission method witha cableofressiance 0.4m | isused, the power dissipation) (in %) during transmission is On oO» 79, Transformers are used (©) in DC ereuitoniy (©) inAC circuits only (©) inboth DC and AC cicuits (@) nstherin DCnorin AC iruits (® 4000hm ov 2 ‘80, A transformer is employed to (@) convert AC. intoD.C. () convert DC. intoC. (©) oblain asuitable A.C. voltage (@) obtain a suitable DC. voltage ‘The transformer voltage induced in the secondary coil of transformer is mainly duet (@) a varying electne tekd (©) avarying magnetic field (6) the vibrations of the primary coil (@) the ron core of he anstormer Case/Passage-1V An ac generator G with an adjustable frequency of exciton is used inthe creuit as shown, ah. LoL6m R900 AUST & Coane & Bu Dhar DIRECTIONS : Eaclofthese question contain an asertion followed by reason. Read them carefidly and answer the ‘question on the bass of followin options. You have 10 select the one that Best describes the bw statements. (a) Ifboth Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason isthe correct explanation of the Assertion (b) Ifboth Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is ‘not the correct explanation ofthe Assertion, (6) Ifthe Assertion iseorrect but Reason is incorrect (c) fie Assertion is incorreet but the Reason iseorreet 5 200V AC is more dangerous than 200V D.C Reason : For 200V AC, the corresponding peak value is 203 But for 200V DC, peal is 200 cay 92, Assertion: The alerting current gs behind theemtby aphseangleot, when AC flows ough an init Reason : The inductive resetanee increases us the frequency of AC source increases, 93. Assertion : The inductive reactance limits amplitude of the current in a purely inductive circuit, Reason: The inductive reactance is independent of the frequency ofthe eurrent 94, Assertion : A capacitor is connected to a direct current source, Is reactance is infinite. we Assertion In series LCR resonanee circuit, the impedance is equal to the ohmic resistance, Reason: At resonance, the inductive reactance exceeds the capacitive reactance. 96. Assertion: Choke coils prefered overa resistor to control Uhecurrent in an AC cireuit Reason : Power factor of an ideal choked AC ciecuit is teactanes ofa eupacitor is piven by 1 The elecirastatie energy stored in capacitor plus magnetic energy stored in inductor will always be era ina series LCR citeuit driven by ae voltage source under condition of resonance. Reason : The voltage of ae source appears partially aross the resistor in series LCR circuit driven by ae voltage source under condition of resonance, Assertion : Ina series R, L, C circuit if Vp, V,.and Vo ddenoterms voltageacross R, Land C respestvely and Vi, the rms voltage aeross the souroe, then saNRt Ve k L i Reason : In AC circuits, Kirchhoff voltage lawis not valid at every instant of time. Assertion : Transformer can transfer power ftom primary to secondary coil Reavon : Inn ideal transformer V1= varies Assertion : A laminated core is used in transformers 19 increase eddy currents, Reason : The efficiency ofa transformer inereases with increase in eddy currents, 101, Assertion: Inthepurely resistive element ofa series LCR, ‘AC circuit the msximum value of rms current ineresses with inereasein the angular frequency ofthe applied emt. 99, 100, mt ‘where I, is the peak current in a eyele 102, Assertion stats. Reason : The capacitive reactance of the capacitor is inversely proportional to Fesqueney For he souree of en. capacitor blocks direct current inthe steady urate i »»> \\—— >>» A \— DIRECTIONS = Each question contains statements given tate columns which have to be matched. Statements (4, B, C.D} in colunnt have to bematched with statements (2.3.4) incohunel. 103. Match Coluins snd IL Column Column I (A) RLcireit (Leading quantity ®) RCeineuit 2) Leading quantity - voltage (© Induetivecireuit, —_@)_ Phase difference ‘erwoen voltage and current 0® (©) Resisivecireuit 4) Phasedifference between voltage and caren 90° © WFO: B32); OID) 34) © MFA: B32: ©5403) © M34: BB): ©3290) @ FQ; B30); ©4450) 104, In a series LCR cireuit at resonance. Match columas 1 andl Column Column tt (A) Netimpedance (1). Cireuit behaves as is Z.q means ®) V_“Vo=V means a resistive circuit Whole voltage appears across the resistance (© Power consumption G) PVingi 1 (©) Phasedifference 4). Valo © WEBI 8): 4) ©) A30:@)32)1034):0)38) © MB) 980920) @ HABE) DIRECTIONS ‘appropriate word / term to be filled in the blank space(s. 10: ‘omplete the following statements will a used to minimize ICBSE 2020] A top up transformer operateson 3230 V line and supplies current of? ampere, The atiof primary and secondary windings -25. The current in primary is .The_____is the loss of energy in the form of hheat in the iron core of transformer Laminated iron sheets currents in the core of transformer, 106, . An inductor of reactance 19 and a resistor of 20 are coumecied in series the terminals ofa 6V (rms) AC source, The power dissipated inthe circuit is w The output ofa step-down transformer is measured tobe 24'V when connected 104 12 W light bulb, The value of the peak current is Inseriescombinatin of R, Land C with an A.C, sourceat, resonance, if R = 20 olin, then immpaense Z of the combination is a. DIRECTIONS + Read the Joong statements andl wite wom answer as true oF false. TEL, 200V AC is more dangerous than 200V DC 109, 110. >» 112, For 200V AC, the sowresponding peak value fs 2002 Butfor 200V DC, peak vale 200V ony: 113, Ine cletrostate energy stored in capacitor pls magnetic energy stored in inductor will always be zero ina series LCR circuit driven by ac voltage source under condition of 114. The complete voltage of ae souree appears across the resistor in a series LCR circuit driven by ac voltage source under condition of resonance, ANSWER KEY & SOLUTIONS e 2 a = 1g Toms 3.) Givencquation,e=80 sin 100m o Standard equation of instantaneous voltage is given by ene, sinot i) Compare () and (i, we wee, = 80 whee’, isthe voltage umpliude. Currentamplitae, fy = where7= impendence i : =s0n0=48 e Pram Valeo LL x 10 rad 5 4 1S.) As given that, v= SOH2 lpg "SA 8 1 300 feta) ) Van 2 Maar Asvetow ta & te Centinreme K 1y=Paakvae = V3, = Vs { = VA oe ; iu aui= see With inerises in fequeney, 2. docrese, 00 Hence, option () represent ibelyperboic graph which simon = SVT sin 2am 1 = ssinams00 ef 300 ane () Inductive reactance, X,= 01 = 2. Bo inp (..sin® = ¥3) oe Bo NAP am (san = 9) Hence, inductive reactance increases linearly with frequency @_ Resonant frequency does nat depend upon the resistance of thecireuit 1. 16. (@)_ Todetiver maximum power from the generator tothe load, total internal reactance must be equal to conjugate 1 oftoal external resetance $0, Xie Xae 5 XO Tao 17, (@)Asvie knot that, 12, (@) Most ofthe electrical devices we use require AC THe volimetein AC rends ms aus of votage voltage. This is mainly because most of the electrical Inge 21, a4 Vag, = V2Vy ‘energy sold by power companies is transmitied and distibuted as alfersating cusreat, The main feasoa for preferring use of AC voltage over DC voltage is that AC voltage can be easily and efficiently converted from one voltage to the other by means of transformers, ‘The voltmeter in AC circuit connected 1o AC mains reads ‘mean value (<>) and is calibrated in such a way that it tivesms value of <2, which is multiplied by form factor V2togiverms vulue V,_. 26. co 28, 29, 30, uM. 32. - (b) ©) Aswe know that, “The gesonant frequency in an Le 1 daVue So, to raduce vg ether inerease Lor increase C ‘Toincrease capacitance, another capacitor must be connect in parallel with the ies capacitor LR series circuits 3. 2. (b) (a) Average value of complete eyele af ac is zer0, @ (0) Given equation, ¢=80 sin 100nt i) Standard equation of insantancous voltage is given by 34, ome, sinen ‘i Compare) and (i), we wet, OV vere, isthe voltageampitade Cunt amptids ty = 28 = 8020-4. iy t084=> P= Pra. cosb 2 35. 1 feos a = Hea) = Fra ord cos = 1 6-2 (@ When an ac voltage of 220 V is applied 1 sapacitorCthecharee on the plates isin hase withthe 3g, applied voliage AAS the stcuit is pure capacitive so, the current developed leads the applied voltage by a phase angle of OW Hence, power delivered tothe capacitor per eyele i P= VoL cos 9 ~ 0, . @)_-V—50% 2 sin 100 cos 100 m= 50 sin 200 mt . Vo = 50 Holts andy = 100 He (0) V=120sin 10071 cos 100 m= V~60 sin 200 Vg, 600/and = 00H _ GJ" E=8sinot~ 6sin2ee . © 41. => Epeak 2467 =10V Eqns -A8 =5V3 V 2B 2. (@ Power dissipated = Ej Iipy= (Egg) (Igy) C080 ‘Hence, power dissipated depends upon phase difference. 43. @ T= 2sineot eos. = Ssin Since, ere isa phase difference of = between the current and voltage Average power over a complete cycle is ze. 2) Thecurrentand potential difference ae in phase with the resistance, So, the timetaken would be same as time for voltage tochange from (€~0)that speak value torms valu. 00 “ime taken by voltage to achieve its rms value of 77 2 = condom) =F =cos{ ] L LL second =2.5 10° see ‘900 (@ The instantaneous values of emf and current in inductive circuit are given by £ = Eysinot and ~igin( 01-3) respective Paaa 1 Fgipsinn cose =~ Foi sin2v Hence, angular frequency ofinstantaneous power is 20 © 36.0) (@_Atresonance, Xe=X, Reactanceof circuit comes zeroand impedance become ‘minimum and maximum curren flows through thecireut. Oy Ze R? +X, —Xe)” ig there is only resistance then Z=R = cosp=1 (©) Thetime constant for resonance circuit, = CR Growth of charge in a citeuit containing capacitance and resistance is given by the formula, g = gg(l—e"/%) Ris known as time constant in this formula, © (@)Thereactance of inductor, X, = ol, as oc R cos = 5, where Z.isthe impedance & oF rT ‘Theroactance of eapaciter, Xe where © 2a Sn isthe frequency of A.C souree @ VL ary, © ung. ary) Mu=Ve Ge @veVo ‘where 45 angle between current & applied voltage 44, 46. a 48. 49, 50, 31. st 7. @ oO (a) In ideal condition of LC circuit R=ound LC ‘scillation continue indefinitely. Energy being shunted back and forth between electric field of capacitor and ‘magnetic field of inductor, As eapacitor is fully charged Lay? i ficld. Then capacitor begins to discharge through L ‘causing a currentto low and build upamagnetic Feld, around L. Therefore, energy stored ‘current in Lis zero and, 0 cnergy is stored in electric i Now in L= Lt} when C is Silly discharge, Vacross the plate raduces to ze, Electric ieldeneray is transferred tomagnetic field and (©)_Impedanceat resonant frequency isminimum in series LcReieeuit, gu 2 feat (©) When resistance is connected to A.C source, then ure velingare in same pase. Pre restr LR series cicit ene ee Forpureresisit eiruil, power Maso igzam => VP=PR R Iron loss is the energy Toss in the form of heat due to the formation of eddy currents inthe iron core ofthe teanstorm, (6) A transformer does not change the frequency of ac o (0)_ We know that frequency of elecrical oscillation in LC. circuitis Lf oo Now, L=2L&C=4¢ 1 ele We" BEC @ AsE,Iyp=F, 58. a, (©) When the eapacitor is eompletely charged, the total energy in the L.C circuit is with the capacitor and that 1g 2¢ ‘When half nergyis with the capacitorin the form of electric field between the plates of the capacitor we get energy is ‘where Q"is the charge on one plate ofthe capacior 110 10° 6 gi 2 ao ¢ 2 ©) N,~140,N,=280,1,=44,/.=7 ple ‘, a ao ie Also q= qq 08 ot and On solving = NTE ©) = 200V5 = 10+ 1000 1100 © Efficiency ofthe transformer ne Za 100 1109 ap 03 © nes = 99 100% = 90% 2205 Eplp or. 68. m0. nn n. nm m4 78. (6) Ina stepdown transformed voltage is22 V. By ohim’s taw, 1=—220_<9,1amp 2200hm Jo ©) JF -RMS current @ ©) Given cqution,e=80 sin 100% 6) Standard equation of instantaneous voltage is given by e=e, sino a ‘Compare ane (i where, ssthe voltage umpliude cent gine ly = 58 ve ingens = 8020-44. * 400 rm. current = Jy / Cys Xe) ce, mn Gqiyigt =25*107 = 20uF ae © Av smagnticcneny (lm 25x10 (oy (@ The sum for rms voltage across C, rms voluge across R and rms voltage across L is not equal to rms voltage ‘across ideal ae souree SL=thenry (@) Atresonanes, ot, ae Honoe the impedance of the circuit would be just equal to (minimum). nother words, the LCR-serieseireuit will behaveas a purely resistive circuit, Due tothisthecursent is maximum. This condition is known as reonatee Wi ® (8) At resonance inpedence Z= R (a) Seep up transformer yy vy 17 5000 Curren: V=40.000 Stepdown transformer ‘Total resistance=0.4% 20= 8 Power dissipated asiat = FR (1507* 8 0,000 = 180 kW Yatoss = 2 10 600 30% ©) Transformersare used in AC circuits only (©) A transformer is employed to obsain a stable AC voltage. ©) Voliage induced in the secondary coil ofatrensformer is mainly due to varying magnetic ld © © () Current drawn is maximum at resonant angular frequency, Legg = 4H, Cy, =10)F On Fen smd is Cag decreases thereby increasing resonant frequency. 100 _ At resonance ig. Top 1A Poe supplied = Vin in 8 6(4 Oat resonance) Poioow (o Torawasivmes, aly 00100 oly Fe = ao09 8 MSTA ©) Inseries RLC circuit, voltage, v= VE +04, —VoP ‘And, at resonance, V;, = Ve Hence, V= Vip ® @WWLCR seriesciruit, resonance equency fs iven by T om fFe= 20 ha! oo ie When the cepaciane ofthe ruts made times ts resonant Requeny Became 4_€ V= h Lo’ fy Vac 89, 9. 9s. 96. 7 98. 99. 100. 101. 103. 108. 105. 106. © {» Hare R= 1001, L= 0.5. 10> 108d o=2p x= 100% ® (a) DCisaconstant curent but AC varies sinusoidally. {() In case of inductive circuit emf leads current by 712 rad (©) The inductive reactance imitsthe amplitude ofcurrent in a purely inductive circuit in the same way as the resistance limits the current in a purely resistive circu ie, y= cA 1 (As Xe=Th solr 0-0, Xeon. (©) Inseriesresonance cireuit, inductive reactance is equal o Capacitive reactance {@) _Inresonance condition when energy across capacitor ‘is maximum, energy storedin inductor is er, vice versa is also true, (@) Assertion is false hecause the given relation is true if all voltages ure instantaneos, (©) Transformer cannot produce power, but it transfer from primary to secondary. (Large eldy currents are provced in non-laminated iron core ofthe transformer by the induced emf, as the resistinge of bulk iron core is very smal. By using thin iron sheets as core the resistance is increased, Laminating the core substantially reduces the eddy currents. Eddy ‘current heats up the eore ofthe transformer. More the ‘eddy curtents greater is the loss of energy and the efficiency goes dove. fe) 102. (a) @ AMIE): B30: OF 4:0) 3G) © AFMB IAC IAD 40) (Eddy currents) ee F128 ony 2 107, (Leon loss) Iron Joss is the energy loss in the farm of | hheat due to the formation of eddy currents in the iron core of the transformer. (144.W) Asgiven that, X,=10,R=20, Fg 6V,P The average power dissipated in the L, R, series circuit with AC source ‘Then Py Epp by 608 oC) len pte Ee Z= \R?+X; a5 lu A 2 B By ping he VI Of Fan 08 in ation (, thee ‘ » ba OBS TES ~ Borsa 109. (Favs tat, Seconciary voltage (Vis: 24a Power associated with secondary is P= 12 Watt 0 | 200) (Tie) 9. (Trve) DCisa constant current but AC varies sinusoidally (False) In resonance condition when energy across capacitor is maximum, energy stored in inductor is zer0, vice vers i also true, (False) m4,

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