ABS DXB MBA Assignment OCT 2022 - Leadership

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Assignment Submitted on 18/11/2022


In association with Al Tareeqah Management Studies FZE

Introduction- Leadership............................................................................................................................1





1. Analytical Intelligence:.......................................................................................................................4

2. Practical Intelligence:.........................................................................................................................4

3. Creative Intelligence:..........................................................................................................................5

4. Emotional Intelligence:.......................................................................................................................5


Charismatic Leadership:............................................................................................................................7

Transformational Leadership:....................................................................................................................8


Leadership is the ability of an individual or leader to organize, inspire and guide a group of people
to achieve a common goal. Leadership is the quality of a person to influences and inspire a group of
people to work as a team. A person who has strong leadership skills is a leader who motivates individuals
to perform and contribute to the needs of the team. It is one of the most important qualities that are useful
for any person to be successful both professionally and personally. A leader is a person that people look
up to for what to do next. Ideally, a good leader has a positive influence on most of the people they lead.
A good leader not only leads the team but also helps with leadership development.
COVID-19 and the resulting pandemic have reminded us that the world is "VUCA,"(Volatile, Uncertain,
Complex and Ambiguous) and it’s likely to continue (Alexandra Vanheule, 2021) .
Despite the fact that it is virtually impossible to escape the never-ending tide of world unrest, in
extraordinary times more people than ever look to their leaders for direction and assurance. Most
essential, it is the leader's responsibility to assist people in making sense of changing conditions,
anticipating potential scenarios ahead, and making their own decisions on how to best deal with these

The great philosopher Aristotle once said, “He who cannot be a good follower, cannot be a good
leader.” Both positions are equally important, require responsibility, and interact with each other: the
leader must help his followers grow, whereas the followers must contribute to the success of their leader.
Leadership is not a person and is a process that centrally involves a person, the leader but it also crucially
involves some followers and organization environment or context where leader-follower interaction
occurs (Lunsford, 2022). It is the Interactional Framework- composed of leader, follower, and situation –
that defines the interactions among leaders and followers and leads to the leadership outcomes, good and
bad, that we observe. The relationship of the leader's followers is a crucial aspect of power, the leader
increases their power by following the situation framework. Effective followers can shape productive
leadership behavior just as effective leaders develop employees into good followers. A leader impacts his
team, and the team influences the leader. This collaboration can be both positive and harmful, depending
on both parties' ability to trust, listen, help, solve problems, and create new answers. Therefore, a clear
picture of good leadership can be understood only if we understand all 3 components of the Interactional

ABS-MBA Assignment 2022/ Leadership
(Richard Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy, 2015)

Leaders operate in an ecosystem of interdependent people in an environment that they all inhabit together,
and depend on. Leaders should make their behaviors contingent on certain aspects of the followers or the
situation in order to improve leadership effectiveness. There are several aspects where the leader can be
successful or fail. Meantime, in my understanding, the following leadership attributes are most important
for being a successful leader and achieving organizational goals.

a. Making employees feel important and appreciated.

b. Being honest and sincere.
c. Demonstrating consistent principles.
d. Listening carefully.
e. Defining goals and reviewing them regularly.
f. Being committed to a purpose wider than profit.
g. Understanding followers’ perspectives.
h. Communicating customer expectations/experiences.

Followers want leaders to make them feel inspired.

Further, in order to have successful leadership, a leader must have a clear of what an organization can
achieve. Leaders should offer a rad map outlining the process and materials required for their
organization to reach the desired goal. Further, good leader motivates their followers to act for the

ABS-MBA Assignment 2022/ Leadership
realization of goals by communicating the organization’s mission and vision. Most importantly, a good
leader makes an environment where everyone can grow. Successful leaders reward performance to
encourage creativity and loyalty and inspire employees to offer suggestions on how to enhance work
processes. A leader cannot do all by themselves. They need followers who interact with them in order to
achieve a group goal or organizational goal.

As per George Brandes, “The crowd will follow a leader who marches twenty paces ahead of them, but if
he is a thousand paces ahead of them, they will neither see nor follow him.”

For a number of reasons, followership is crucial in discussions about leadership. There are no leaders
without followers. Both individuals who wilfully and successfully lead and those who wilfully and
effectively follow are necessary for any initiative or organization to succeed. Nothing gets done without
inspired and motivated followers. Customers won’t be satisfied, regulators will be alarmed, competitors
will be gleeful and advisers will have a field day if followers don’t perform. The most important asset in a
leadership is motivated followers. However, there are certain aspects of followers that affects the
leadership process. Following are some certain aspects of the followers which I think that affect the
leadership process:

a) Capability of volunteering to handle tasks or help accomplish goals;

b) Willingly accepting difficult assignments;
c) Exhibiting loyalty to the leader, team, project, and organization;
d) Offering suggestions for improvement;
e) Maintaining a positive attitude, even in these confusing, difficult times;
f) Working effectively as a team member;
g) Being a resource for the leader;
h) Helping the leader be a better leader;
i) Building a professional, trusted relationship with the leader; and
j) Having realistic expectations of the leader
k) Personality traits
l) Level of competence
m) Motivation

Other variables that can affect the leadership process are followers trust in the leader and follower
confidence or lack thereof in leader’s interest in their wellbeing.

ABS-MBA Assignment 2022/ Leadership
A particular leadership situation scenario can be examined using each level of analysis separately.
Examining interactions in the area of overlaps can lead to better understanding and achieve common goal
of the stakeholders. Leadership is the result of complex interactions among the leaders and the followers
in the given the situation. For example, if there is unfavourable situation, the leader has to create
favourable situation with strategic planning and this will help to make the leadership more influential. In
all organization, the leader is having his own personality, followers are having his/her own roles and
norms. Situation is the unexpected and uncertain factor in leadership which depends on the individual
aspects of the leadership equation with leader or follower interests, character traits and motivation. The
third component Situation may be the most ambiguous aspect of the leadership framework. The leader
work in interaction not just with followers but also with the aspect of the situation. (Spillane, 2012)

A good leader must understand the situation that explains more about what is going on and what
kinds of leadership behaviours will be the best than any other single variables. The strategy of leader
behaviour in a group depends on situational context in which the behaviour persists.

Business leadership is the process of taking the business decisions related to the goals and working
conditions of an organization. A business leader plays a vital role because of guiding the employees in an
inspiring way. It has different qualities like knowledge, Creativity, Enthusiasm and Decisiveness.

1. Analytical Intelligence:
Analytic Intelligence is defined as a leader's ability to solve general problems; leaders with this type of
intelligence are quick learners, good students, and can make accurate assumptions on unfamiliar materials
(Pennsylvania State University, 2013). According to Sternberg, Analytic Intelligence is “componential”
or depends on the components used to process information (Gottfredson, 2001). This type of intelligence
can improve effectiveness in a leader for obvious reasons: If a leader has a high IQ, a knack for learning,
and good analyzation skills, he will be quick to create solutions to problems that may arise, and could be a
more “forward thinking”, proactive individual. While this is a great quality to have, analytic intelligence
can also hinder effectiveness. For instance, if the intelligence of the leader is much higher than that of the
followers, leadership could be negatively affected (Stogdill, 1974)

2. Practical Intelligence:
Practical Intelligence is considered to fall under the category of “street smarts”; leaders with this type of
intelligence are quick to adapt, and they know how to “shape and select new situations” to meet their
needs and accomplish objectives. Sternberg deemed Practical Intelligence “contextual”, meaning that
information is applied to “real-world” experiences and situations (Gottfredson, 2003). Practical

ABS-MBA Assignment 2022/ Leadership
Intelligence can improve effectiveness in a work setting because it incorporates building knowledge
through personal experiences. Leaders with this type of intelligence can adapt to situations and achieve
their goals through the wisdom they gained in previous situations. Leaders with this type of intelligence
tend to work best in routine situations that involve common sense solutions (Pennsylvania State
University, 2013).

3. Creative Intelligence:
Creative leaders and employees are the ones who bring about positive change and make quantum leaps
forward in developing new products and processes. The likelihood of successful change is frequently
determined by a leader's creative style and Creative Intelligence (Rowe, 2004). The ability to propose and
implement innovative solutions, particularly in the face of structurally complicated or changing
conditions, is referred to as creative leadership. It refers to those individuals who, even when everything
is altering and new approaches are unknown, can still provide clarity of purpose to their teams. These are
the leaders who seek to navigate – and perhaps profit from – the volatility that surrounds them. Not only
for the organization or themselves, but also for society at large and the planet's ecology. The need for
creative leadership has different layers and cannot be pinned down to just competitive advantage for as
Dan Palotta argues in Harvard Business Review “…the best creativity comes from a desire to contribute
to the lives of others, either by introducing something new that improves the quality of their lives or by
showing people that something thought to be impossible is in fact possible. When you change people’s
perceptions about what can be accomplished or achieved, you contribute to their humanity in the richest
possible way. You give them hope for the future…” (Pallotta, 2013).

4. Emotional Intelligence:
Emotions are intense feelings that demand attention and have the potential to influence mental processes
and behaviour. The capacity to comprehend one's emotions, control them, and detect and manage the
emotions and viewpoints of others is referred to as emotional intelligence in leadership. As per the article
published in Emeritus- Leadership & Management, the most successful leaders view emotional
intelligence as a crucial ability to identify and resolve their team members' issues. Researchers John
Mayer and Peter Salovey are thought to have coined the phrase in 1990. But with the introduction of
leadership roles in the last ten years, it has become more popular (emeritus, 2022).

Efficiency and timeliness are two paradigms on which leaders judge their employees’ performance.
However, these parameters stifle the growth and productivity of employees in the long run. It also leads to
employees quitting the organization and finding new opportunities that promote growth and
independence. Many leaders resort to the core emotional intelligence component while analyzing the
performance of their employees. These components help them understand the emotion and motivation of
the employees towards their work, extending beyond efficiency, timeliness, productivity, and target.

ABS-MBA Assignment 2022/ Leadership
Successful leader value emotional intelligence as a crucial competency for identifying and resolving team
member issues. Positive workplace culture is created by emotional intelligence, and this indirectly boosts
productivity and efficiency. There are multiple interconnected subskills that make up emotional
intelligence. Empathy is the capacity to identify the moods and emotions of others, to distinguish between
sincere and artificial displays of emotion, and to comprehend how others are responding to your feelings
and actions. There are various ways in which emotional intelligence is important for effective leadership.
Leaders that possess high levels of emotional intelligence are better able to handle difficult situations,
plan how to use their time wisely, adapt their conduct to the circumstances, and solve complex
challenges. (Yukl, Leaders In Organizations, 2013)

In order to improve the emotional intelligence, following components are important (emeritus, 2022):

a. Self-Awareness: It is the ability to recognize one's own strengths and limitations. Furthermore,
self-awareness allows a leader to control their emotions, which aids in understanding complicated
emotions that affect their team members. Leaders must also be self-aware of their ability to direct
and control a team. It enables them to make sensible and lucrative decisions that benefit the firm
and promote personal growth among team members. There is no litmus test to determine whether
or not an individual is self-aware, but 360-degree feedback is the greatest approach to quantify a
leader's self-awareness quotient.
b. Self-management: Self-management is an important component of emotional intelligence that
plays an important role in difficult business settings. It refers to a leader's capacity to manage their
emotions in a challenging scenario. It also refers to a leader's positive attitude in the face of
adversity. As a result, self-management is an essential and unavoidable component of a leadership
style. It provides a leader with strategies for dealing with a challenging issue. Furthermore, it
teaches children how to react in a crisis, emphasizing mental serenity and a cool demeanour.
c. Social awareness: Leaders must be aware of their company environment because a business
organization does not operate in isolation. Furthermore, it assists them in developing corporate
strategies and putting plans in place to adapt their staff to changing market situations, among other
things. Social awareness, however, is not confined to external sources. It also refers to a leader's
ability to comprehend and control the emotions of those who work inside a company. As a result,
leaders who excel at social awareness demonstrate empathy. It enables people to communicate
and work effectively by helping them grasp the perspectives and emotions of others.
d. Relationship management: Relationship management is a set of skills that a leader possesses
that enable them to play an active role in conflict resolution, mentoring, influencing, and coaching
their team members. It also refers to a leader's capacity to keep organizational problems and
miscommunication at bay. Employees prefer working for companies that have fewer conflicts

ABS-MBA Assignment 2022/ Leadership
because it increases job satisfaction and growth. As a result, one of the primary functions of a
leader is to keep the peace among all members of the organization.

Leadership is an individual’s ability to influence and motivate others towards the success of the
organization of which they are members. Modern leadership theories realize that the leadership process is
more than just "give and take" towards achieving a logical goal, but can frequently result in performance
that exceeds expectations and logic. Two leadership theories, charismatic and transformational, explain
how leaders encourage followers to make self-sacrifices and prioritize the requirements of the cause or
organization over their own self-interests (Mittal, 2015).

Charismatic Leadership:
Charisma is a Greek word that means "divine talent," and it refers to the power to do miracles. According
to an article published in the International Journal of Business and Management, Weber (1947) used the
term Charisma to define leader influence that stemmed not from formal authority but from followers'
judgments of leaders as endowed with special traits. Charismatic leaders' key goals are to instil
enthusiasm and devotion in their followers by expressing a compelling vision and raising followers'
confidence in their ability to achieve it. The charismatic leader accomplishes dramatic transformation in
the organization and is regarded as having achieved remarkable success by its members by acting
confidently in inventive and effective ways (Conger, J.A., & Kangungo, R., 1998). Thus, an attribution of
charisma is the result of followers’ perception of the leader–Charisma is in the eye of the beholder.
Though not always good, charismatic leaders have been proven to have a great influence on a company
and its performance. Scholars have pointed out that there can also be a “dark side” to charismatic
leadership which can eclipse the bright side to the detriment of both the leader and the organization, by
introducing instability and uncertainty into management and decision-making processes (Conger, J. A. ,

When a leader has positive charisma as opposed to negative charisma, the results for followers are better.
The organization is more likely to adapt to a dynamic, aggressive, and competitive environment, and they
are more likely to experience psychological growth and the development of their abilities. An
"achievement-oriented" culture, a "high-performing system," or a "hands-on, value-driven" organization
are typically created by a positive, charismatic leader (Yukl, Effects of Positive Charismatics, 2013).

Sy, Horton, and Riggio proposed that charismatic leaders' ability to create strong emotions in their
followers accounts for their efficacy. People recognize charisma in a leader when they see them
displaying a positive attitude and emotional orientation; they feel awe and admiration, which makes them
trust these leaders. The words "awe" and "admiration," in turn, are components of a broader category of

ABS-MBA Assignment 2022/ Leadership
emotional reactions called moral emotions that control a person's behaviour. Therefore, Sy, Horton, and
Riggio concluded that charismatic leaders persuade others and acquire legitimate authority by evoking an
emotional response. Through their analysis of charismatic leadership theory, Sy, Horton, and Riggio came
up with a five-step process through which charismatic leadership becomes effective (Sy, T., Horton, C., &
Riggio, R., 2018).

1. Leader Emotion Elicitation: Leaders use their communication skills to elicit targeted emotions.
Depending on the leader’s goal, the emotions they hope to arouse can differ. For example,
someone trying to mobilize a protest would need to elicit feelings of anger; someone trying to sell
a product would need to elicit trust.
2. Follower Emotion Response: If charismatic leaders are successful in stage one, followers will feel
the elicited emotions.
3. Leader Channelling Behaviors: Leaders act to ensure that the emotions felt by their followers lead
to action. They transfer those emotions into actions for their followers to take.
4. Follower Action: If leaders have successfully channelled their followers’ emotions, their followers
will act.
5. Action outcomes: The final stage is the resolution of charismatic leadership. It encompasses what
happens as a result of the followers’ actions, and if they were successful in bringing about the
leader’s goals.
By proposing a method through which charismatic leadership functions, Sy, Horton and Riggio
hoped to understand why charismatic leadership is effective, and provide a means through which
to measure the success of this leadership style.


Martin Luther King Jr.: Martin Luther King Jr. was one the most influential figure in American history
and inspired optimism in his people. He was an effective communicator and created lasting change in a
very short amount of time. He never used force or aggression against anyone and worked with a spirit of
peace and prosperity in mind.

Transformational Leadership:
Another theory that discusses how effective leaders inspire and transform people by appealing to their
principles and emotions is transformational leadership. Through the promotion of a corporate culture that
values accountability, ownership, and workplace autonomy, transformational leadership empowers
employees to embrace change. This is achieved by leaders setting an example by being genuine, having a
strong sense of company culture, encouraging employee ownership, and being independent at work.
Instead of micromanaging, transformational leaders inspire and encourage their team by putting their
skilled staff in charge of making decisions related to their professions. It's a management approach that
ABS-MBA Assignment 2022/ Leadership
encourages employees to use their imaginations, think forward, and come up with fresh answers to
problems that have persisted for a while. Through mentoring and training, workers on the leadership track
will also be equipped to become transformational leaders themselves (White, 2022).

Four main elements define the transformational leadership model and style. These factors were developed
by Bass in 1985 to help define what transformational leadership looks like and how to be successful as
this type of leader:

1. Idealized influence: Leading by example is the

most crucial thing a transformational leader can do.
As a role model for behaviour in all facets of the
workplace, employees will look to you. If you set a
high bar for performance and lead with sincerity,
your team will notice and be motivated to meet it.
It's not about coercing staff into putting in extra
effort; rather, it's about setting an exemplary
example and having a positive impact on others via
a dedication to trust, transparency, and respect.
2. Intellectual stimulation: It's crucial to push the
status quo and challenge ingrained organizational
assumptions in order to bring about change. To do this, promote innovation, creativity, critical
thinking, and problem-solving. Employees should feel free to explore novel opportunities and
ideas that may help the organization become more innovative under the direction of
transformative leaders. You want to create an atmosphere that encourages development and gets
everyone fired up about digital transformation and other significant organizational efforts.
3. Inspirational motivation: As a transformative leader, you must inspire your staff to identify with
and support the organization's mission. Giving employees a strong sense of purpose, as opposed to
trying to drive them through fear, can help you ensure that they are as devoted to these goals as
you are as a leader.
4. Individual consideration: Employees need to feel a sense of independence and ownership in the
overall business goals. As a transformational leader, it’s important to understand every employee
is a unique person within the company and will have specific needs, mentorship styles, and their
own contributions to the company. These leaders will tailor their coaching and mentorship styles
to the employee and help them reach goals both inside and outside of the organization.


ABS-MBA Assignment 2022/ Leadership
Sam Walton, Walmart: Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, was a successful transformational leader
who frequently visited Wal-Mart stores across the country to speak with colleagues and express his
gratitude for what they had done for the firm. In his book, Walton outlined "guidelines for success," one
of which was complimenting associates.

A good leadership depends on several factors, including the situation and the followers, not just the
leaders’ qualities. The organization fails when a leadership fails due to lack of perfect interaction between
leader and follower in a given situation. Leadership as a relationship (Dr. Annette Towler, 2018).

Leadership is sometimes effective, sometimes dysfunctional, and sometimes ineffective; however, it is the
latter that is most common in everyday organizational life. Leaders frequently act or are unable to act as
they should, despite the fact that there are many normative prescriptions for what they should do; which
makes a disconnection between rhetoric and reality. This may be because of the barriers to effective
leadership, such as environmental, organizational, and personal ones.

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