Design Concept Statement

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Suzie Perez

DRAM 379
Professor Evans
Design concept statement to “Lucifer” – Elle Lexxa

When talking about the cement from the start I was thinking about ways I can incorporate dance

within the music video besides acting which I’m used to. Talking about actually creating a music

video I remembered one of my friends/coworkers had to make choreography for a song for his

dance class. Before I was there on this idea I asked if I could use his choreography and give him

credit, he said yes. With the song itself while learning the choreography wow they made it up I

felt that it had a grungy feeling of dance and then an idea came out of a domestic abuse

relationship because of the influence of my work. At that time, they were doing “Monster

Stomp” at SeaWorld San Antonio, which has a grungy sound of dance similar to Lucifer and has

a scene to watch the dance partners have to act out the pain and the reality of domestic abuse


Having seen the aftermath of abuse in a relationship for quite a while, my idea and approach to

this would bring awareness to the domestic abuse side of relationships. The themes that I had on

the video were “trust no one”, “true colors”, “living in a dollhouse”, “loss of oneself”.

With this video I wanted to go the full extreme to what could happen when you don’t get out in

time of that relationship because it’s scary. With some camera angles I wanted to give it an

unsettled look because you couldn’t see the whole picture. With The costumes I chose light

colors because I didn’t want them to blend into the back because I was bringing up the blacks to

create a void effect. The void would be the unknowingness of where the relationship is going to

go to get out. I had Cassie break out of the manipulation and to try to fight back because she has

nowhere to run and sometimes it plays out like that in real life. with the colors are you originally

had a purple/blue lighting effect to create the innocence and freedom witch the character Cassie
Suzie Perez
DRAM 379
Professor Evans
Design concept statement to “Lucifer” – Elle Lexxa
had from the start and Stephanie starting off in red because that’s how she came into the

relationship. The red involves anger and manipulation with Stephanie. Eventually Stephanie

drowns Cassie in the red, eventually killing her in the process.

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