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The Effectiveness of Islamic Montessori Learning Methods in Shaping the Character of

Children's Independence in Insan Cita Daycare

Hilma Oktafia Rizki

STIT Pemalang



Basically, children need meaningful activities, children like to take part in adult activities, so that
they can feel useful and feel needed. It is an opportunity to stimulate and form a character of
independence in children. Independence needs to be developed from an early age because
independence is one of the tasks of early childhood development. Independence can be stimulated
by various methods, one of which is the Islamic Montessori method. Through the Islamic
Montessori method, children are trained with special Islamic Montessori props specifically
designed to design the child's senses, cognitive, independence, and are also inserted with Islamic
activities that can bring children closer to Allah and learn islamic religious values from an early
age. This study aims to determine the learning process using the Islamic Montessori method
approach in forming the character of independence in early childhood at Insan Cita Daycare
Pemalang. The Islamic Montessori method is an educational approach that applies all five
Montessori areas and emphasizes aspects of the spiritual development of the Islamic religion in
each of its activities. This research uses a descriptive method of quality, with the focus of research
on the Activity of Islamic Montessori Learning Methods in Shaping the Character of Children's
Independence in Insan Cita Daycare. The primary data sources are principals and teachers. The
secondary source of data is references to both books and journals related to Islamic Montessori
and Children's Independence. Data collection techniques use observation and interview
techniques. The results of the study show that the effectiveness of the Islamic Montessori method
in shaping the character of independence in early childhood at Insan Cita Daycare Pemalang has
been done well. The environment plays a role in shaping the child's independent character.
Keywords: Montessori Method approach, character building of independence, childhood

Islamic Montessori, which is a method of approach to educating the Montessori way, is

based on Islamic values (Zahra Zahira). Basically, this method of education aims to form children's
independence to Allah SWT. All starting with children under the age of 6 years.

Early childhood is a golden age, where all the advantages or privileges possessed at this
time will not be repeated a second time. At this time the child experiences a very rapid development
even at this age it can be said that the child is experiencing a leap in development because the brain
develops beyond the adult brain and in this time the child's intelligence is very extraordinary.

Maria Montessori, a deep figure in the world of early childhood education, stated that this
golden age is a sensitive period. The child will be very receptive to the stimuli and stimuli given
to him. The ease of receiving these various stimuli, in order to be used, should be used to develop
various aspects of abilities.

The age of the golden age of Maria Montessori is divided into two periods. The period of
unconscious mind 0-3 years. The child will absorb whatever is captured by his five senses without
a filter. Parents' attitudes, behaviors, and language are also directly recorded by the child. The
period of conscious mind is 3-6 years. The child begins to absorb everything with his conscious

This penode is also called the most important period in an individual's life because it is a
time for the child to start getting to know school, the age of early in the group, the age of exploring,
the age of asking questions, the age of imitation and creativity, and the age of play. At this time
the child is exploring new things he encounters His brain continues to develop when he gets
positive stimuli from the environment, this is what affects the intelligence of children Children
who rarely receive educational stimuli, then the connections between neurons will shrink and even
perish and their brain development is 20%-30% smaller than the normal size of children their age
(Sury's 2001 58)

The character that can be developed in early childhood is an independent character.

Independent is an attitude that does not easily depend on others both in solving their own problems
and in solving tasks. Non-independent or spoiled attitude in a child usually caused when the child
is always served and forbidden this by his parents. Children are prohibited from eating alone,
children are prohibited from playing alone, children are prohibited from making their own milk
and so on. The child should try to do this and the parent should not forbid it. Therefore, to develop
children's independence is to always give children the opportunity to learn and try something new.
We as parents and educators only need to guide and direct so that children can do well. The Prophet
said: "play with your son for a week, educate him for a week, accompany him for a week, after
which tell him to be independent."
Wiyani (2013, p 28) said that children's independence is a child's ability to do simple
activities in their daily lives, such as not being fed when eating, wearing their own clothes and
wearing socks, urinating or defecating by themselves and tidying up their own maoinan. In line
with Parker's opinion (in Nasution 2017) Independence is related to an independent, creative
person and not dependent on others is having a sense of self-confidence that can make a person
able to adapt and be able to take care of everything by himself. Independence is a child's need
which is included in the needs and self-experience that is important as a provision for children to
pursue higher education and be able to help themselves in life skills (life skills).

Based on the description above to find out more about the effectiveness of the Islamic
Montessori learning method, the researcher conducted a study on "The Effectiveness of the Islamic
Montessori Learning Method in Shaping the Character of Children's Independence in Insan Cita
Daycare". In carrying out this study, the researcher formulated several problems, namely: 1.) How
is the learning process of the Islamic Montessori Method in Insan Cita Daycare Pemalang, 2.) How
is the Activity of the Montessori Method in Learning at Insan Cita Daycare Pemalang.

This study aims to determine the learning process using the Islamic Montessori method
approach in forming the character of independence in early childhood at Insan Cita Daycare


This research uses qualitative research. Qualitative research is a method based on the
philosophy of postpositivism or the method used to examine the condition of objects naturally
(Sugiyono, 2011: 9) in qualitative research, researchers are key instruments, data collection
techniques are carried out triangulated or combined. In qualitative research, data collection is not
always guided by theory, but guided by facts discovered during research in the field. The research
was conducted at Insan Cita Daycare which is located at Jalan Tidar, Pasadena Housing No 2-3,
Mulyoharjo District, Pemalang Regency.

This study uses two data sources, the data source in this study is the subject from which
the data was obtained (Arikunto, 2006: 123). To obtain qualitative data in relation to the problem
the author will research. These data include: Primary data sources, Primary data sources are data
taken directly, in this study are principals, teachers and students at Insan Cita Daycare. This
research was taken from the results of interviews and observations. Secondary data source.
Secondary data sources are data obtained indirectly or obtained from second parties, in this study
is the school environment, and books.

Data analysis techniques according to Susan Stainback are critical in the qualitative
research process. Analysis is used to understand the relationship and concept in the data so that
hypotheses can be developed and assessed later in evaluation (Sugiyono, 2011: 244). According
to Sugiyono, data analysis in qualitative research is carried out before entering the field, during
the field, and after the field. The data analysis techniques used refer to the steps of Miles and
Huberman (in Sugiyono, 2008) namely: a. data collection, b. data reduction, c. data presentation
and d. data verification.


The following is the schedule for the implementation of learning using the Montessori
method carried out at Insan Cita Daycare:

Insan Cita Daycare:


1. 07.00 The arrival of the child
2. 07.00 – 09.00 Breakfast, drink milk, toilet training and play
3. 09.00 - 10.00 Learning activities
4. 10.00 – 10.30 Snack Time and play
5. 10.30 – 12.00 Lunch, drink milk, toilet training
6. 12.00 – 14.30 Take a nap
7. 14.30 – 15.00 Waking up, preparation for bathing
8. 15.00 – 16.00 Learning al-qur’an, playing, waiting for pick-up

The implementation of the IslamicMontessori method approach implemented in the

process of implementing Islamic Montessori learning at Insan Cita Daycare includes the
introduction of 5 pillars of Islam and 6 pillars of faith, the names of the Prophet and his family,
daily prayers, Islamic songs, Arabic and English. Each activity is tailored to the existing theme.
Not only focusing on the theme, Islamic studies activities can be applied to every other activity
such as, 1. Practicle Live, 2. Sensorial (Indraal Area), 3. Culture, 4. Languange (Language), 5.
Math, 6. Art and Craft.

Independence is an attitude that allows a person to act freely, do things on his own impulses
and for his own needs without help from others, or think and act originally/ creatively, and full of
initiative, able to influence the environment, have self-confidence and obtain satisfaction in his
efforts (Masrun 1986:8). Independence psychologically and mentally is the state of a person who
in his life is able to decide and work on something without help from others. Such an ability is
only possible if a person is able to think carefully about something he does or decides, both in
terms of benefits or advantages, as well as the negative aspects and disadvantages that he will
experience (Hasan Basri, 2000: 53).

From the above understanding, it can be taken that independence is an attitude that allows
a person to act freely, do something on his own impulse and the ability to self-regulate, in
accordance with his rights and obligations so that he can solve the problems faced by himself
without asking for help or depending on others and can be responsible for all decisions that have
been taken through various previous considerations. Independence is a part of a child's personality
that can determine the differences in behavior of each child. In general, independence can be seen
from behavior. However, in reality independence is not only from behavior, but also in its social
and emotional forms.

The results showed that the Evektivity of the Islamic Montessori method carried out at
Insan Cita Daycare, especially in forming an independent character in children, has been well
applied and in accordance with the principles of Islamic Montessori in the implementation process,
and is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 137 of
2014 concerning Standards for The Level of Achievement of Child Development in terms of
technical learning.

1. Montessori Method Learning Process at Insan Cita Daycare Pemalang

The learning carried out at Insan Cita Daycare Pemalang uses the Montessori Method
approach, where learning uses media that is designed by itself specifically Montessori. This
learning medium is simply designed and gives children the opportunity to explore around, and
teach children to be independent.
The implementation of Montessori learning at Insan Cita Daycare Pemalang is not much
different from Daycare / PAUD / TK in general, namely starting with breakfast activities, learning
(opening, core activities, and closing), snack time, lunch followed by toilet training, napping,
bathing, playing, and continued afternoon recitation activities.

Breakfast activities start from the arrival of the child, if the child from home has not had
breakfast, usually the child brings breakfast from home and carries out breakfast at Daycare.
Furthermore, learning activities start from the opening of this activity starting with greetings,
recitation of prayers, singing, absenteeism, and asking news, followed by core activities, namely
learning, here children are asked to take part in learning activities with media that have been made
and designed according to the needs and stages of child development. The core activities carried
out are child-centered activities, children play an active role in their activities, the implementation
of learning is carried out in stages or one by one is not carried out simultaneously with other
children, The goal is that the learning activities in question can adjust the conditions and needs of
children, teachers can focus on each child, able to know the characteristics, potentials, stages of
development, interests of children's needs. This objective is also in accordance with Permendikbud
No. 137 of 2014 concerning National Standards for PAUD in CHAPTER V article 13 paragraph
6. This core activity is carried out for approximately 1 hour according to the needs of children with
media or props in five Montessori areas that stimulate their senses, knowledge, and skills.

Core activities provide real experiences to children, children take an active role in
activities. The child learns to move things, arrange blocks, feel various textures, pour and scoop,
arrange puzzles, meronce, sort items from large to small and others. The objects used in Montessori
learning are concrete objects and real objects that provide real experiences for children. In
accordance with permendikbud No. 137 of 2014 concerning National Standards for PAUD in
CHAPTER V Article 15 paragraph 4 that the core activities as referred to in paragraph 2 letter b
are learning efforts carried out through play activities that provide real learning experiences to
children as a basis for forming attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors.

Then continued with snack time, the children ate snacks and fruits that had been prepared
by the teacher and snacks brought by themselves, after snack time the children played while
waiting for lunch time, then lunch followed by toilet training then took a nap. After the nap, the
children prepared to take a shower, followed by afternoon activities while waiting for pick-up.
2. The Activity of the Montessori Method in Learning at Insan Cita Daycare Pemalang

The application of the Montessori method cannot be separated from the Montessori
environment which is divided into five typical Montessori areas consisting of the areas of Practical
Life (Practicle Life), Senses (Sensorial), Culture (Culture), Language (Language) and
Mathematics (Math) (Maria Montessori, 2016: 142).

In addition to the typical Montessori environment, in its learning Montessori also has
several concepts, including Following the Child (follow the child), Freedom with Limitations
(freedom with limitation), Respect the Child (respect the child), Prepared Environment (prepared
environment), Briefing before Activities, Use of Mat work, Meaningful Activities (meaningful
activity), Concrete-Abstract, Simple-Complex, Self-correction, Age Merger, Use of Words 'work',
and Collaboration is not a Competition. (Vidya Dwina. 2018: 59).

Following the child or follow the child is a Montessori learning concept (in Vidya Dwina,
2018: 60), following the child does not mean allowing the child to behave freely, follow the child
in question is understanding the needs of the child according to his interests. It can also be called
an attempt to sharpen our senses as adults to interpret each child's behavior as a way for him to
meet his needs, then we take advantage of it to understand his needs. In this Montessori class at
Insan Cita Daycare, the teacher certainly uses the concept of follow the child in learning, the
teacher facilitates according to the needs and interests of the child. Freedom makes children think
creatively, practice independence, and decision-making.

Freedom with limitation is a learning concept. Montessori next (in Vidya Dwina, 2018:
63). The freedom in question is the freedom to choose the material to be explored, the freedom to
determine the duration of the exploration, and the freedom to discuss and cooperate.

The next concept is Respect the child, often adults do not communicate both ways with
children, they only make the child listen and give one-way commands (in Vidya Dwina, 2018: 80).
In Montessori speaking and treating children with courtesy is mandatory for Montessori teachers.
As in Insan Cita Daycare, teachers speak politely to children, teachers do not yell at the child, the
teacher will approach the child, invite the child a little away from friends, stare at the child, then
reprimand in a low voice. This makes children accustomed to being polite and calm in the
classroom, and is also one of the effective ways to calm a crowded class.
The next concept is a prepared environment. Prepared environment is an environment
prepared by teachers for children to explore their environment freely, safely and comfortably (in
Vidya Dwina, 2018: 82). At Insan Cita Daycare, teachers participate in preparing environments
that are designed for children, such as short tables, small glasses, small bowls, so that children can
reach, carry, explore, and put them back easily. This greatly trains the child's independence,
because the child no longer depends on the adult in this case, which is to pick up and put the props

The next concept is a briefing before activities, involving children in planning a trip makes
children feel valued for their existence and opinions (in Vidya Dwina, 2018: 84). The teacher will
give information on the place to visit, the teacher reminds the child of behavior when he is there,
sits quietly, talks quietly, does not run around.

The use of work mats is inseparable from the Montessori method, work mats are a way of
introducing and teaching children the concept of territory (in Vidya Dwina, 2018: 86). Cita
Daycare people also use a work base in learning activities. The work base makes the child know
his learning area concretely, characterized by the area of his work base. Using a work base also
trains children's discipline, so that materials do not scatter everywhere, this also trains children's
independence because children will pick up and roll their own work mats. The use of mat work
also trains aspects of children's social interaction, children must first give permission to their
friends if they want to join their friend's work mat.

The next concept is meaningful activity, in Montessori classroom, all activities are
interrelated, all aim the same which is to prepare the child holistically to undergo a more complex
next stage (in Vidya Dwina, 2018: 88). There is nothing meaningless in Montessori classes, even
pouring and scooping activities are beneficial for children. The activity trains the child's muscle
strength, and extends the concentration range to make it easier for the child to continue learning in
elementary school.

The next concept is Concrete-Abstract, worksheets are not the only way to teach something
to children. Children will understand better if they are taught directly through real experience and
teach them concepts (in Vidya Dwina, 2018: 90). At Insan Cita Daycare itself, teachers do not
often use worksheets for children, activities in Montessori classes, all using concrete objects. Each
child is also given a different worksheet, according to the stage and level. When the child already
understands the concrete things the child will understand the worksheets which are abstract things,
At preschool age the child needs understanding through direct experience using all his senses. It
can be concluded that the child needs concrete things in understanding something.

Simple-Complex, is the next concept in Montessori learning, the entire Montessori

Apparatus is designed in an orderly manner from simple to complex. All are arranged neatly
according to the level of difficulty from left to right, and from top to bottom. This will also build
concepts for writing and reading, writing starting from left to right, and reading starting from top
to bottom.

The next concept is self-correction, the child can correct his own mistakes to prevent the
teacher or parent from frequently interrupting and correcting the child (in Vidya Dwina, 2018:
102). Adults often respond incorrectly when the child makes a mistake, so the child wants to cheat
or lie for fear of being scolded. An effective way of correcting a child is not to advise and scold,
but to give an example of how something should be done.

Furthermore, the merging of ages, in Insan Cita Daycare itself, the merging of ages is often
done when there is an activity outside of school or outting, this age merger is done to set an
example for younger children, and teach affection to the smaller, and teach mutual respect to the
elders. Because Montessori not only prepares the child for success in school, but also in the real

The use of the term work or work is familiar in Insan Cita Daycare, in every Montessori
school, always using the term work, in Indonesia itself, meaning this term can use the word 'work'
and the word 'study' (in Vidya 1Dwina, 2018: 108). Using the word work with great enthusiasm
and excitement will make the child's perspective on learning and work fun. If children already like
it, they will not be forced to learn.

The last concept in Montessori learning is 'Collaboration is not Competition' if we enter a

competition with a soul that is not ready, then we adults will be confused. Likewise with children,
if he is asked to do something without readiness he will be confused. The main task of children
under 6 years old is to learn to trust the environment, enrich experiences and explore their
surroundings, and the task of teachers and adults is to meet their basic needs (in Vidya Dwina,
2018: 110). At Insan Cita Daycare, teachers give children the opportunity to process, and not be


The learning carried out at Insan Cita Daycare Pemalang uses the Montessori Method
approach, where learning uses media that is designed by itself specifically Montessori. This
learning medium is simply designed and gives children the opportunity to explore around, and
teach children to be independent.

The learning process of the Montessori method approach in shaping the character of
independence in children at Insan Cita Daycare begins with breakfast activities, learning (opening,
core activities, and closing), snack time, lunch followed by toilet training, napping, bathing,
playing, and continued with afternoon recitation activities.

The implementation of the Montessori method approach in shaping the character of

children's independence is considered quite effective in accordance with the results of researchers'
observations, in addition to forming the character of independence, this method also stimulates the
character of responsibility, self-mastery, socialization ability, and also stimulates intellectual
abilities. The Montessori method approach teaches the child more concepts, follows the needs and
interests of the child, and is centered on each child.

The application of the Montessori method in Insan Cita Daycare Pemalang cannot be
separated from the Montessori environment which is divided into five typical Montessori areas
consisting of Practical Life (Practicle Life), Sensory (Sensorial), Culture (Culture), Language
(Language) and Mathematics (Math).

The results of this study show that the Evektivity of the Islamic Montessori method carried
out at Insan Cita Daycare, especially in forming an independent character in children, has been
well applied and in accordance with the principles of Islamic Montessori in the implementation


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