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GAMESHOW “How much do you know about ASEAN?

Part 1: Introduce the program and welcome guests
Ly: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the gameshow "How much
do you know about ASEAN". My name is Ngọc Ly and it’s my pleasure to extend a
cheerful welcome to you and to be your host today. And this is my partner, Thiên
An: Yes, I am Thiên An and we are deeply honored to have you here. As you all
know, we have 3 teams participating today (coming out)
Team 1: Han, Tuong Anh, Long
Team 2: Thanh Tri, Tram Anh, Thao Linh
Team 3: Chang Hun, Minh Nguyen, Tuong
An: Thank you very much for joining us. How do you feel now?
Guests: I am very happy and honored to attend this gameshow, we will try to play
our best with the available knowledge.
Ly: Contest rules include 3 rounds. The team that rings the bell first will have the
right to answer. The wrong answer will lose the right and give up to another team
Each answer will have 5 seconds for you to ring the bell and 15 seconds to answer
and explain the question.
An: The team with the highest score (final winner) will receive VIP tickets to watch
seagame 32.
The second and third teams can experience a restaurant specializing in ASEAN
Ly: Before playing the game, please enjoy a song about Asean from singer Bao
• Han sings “We are unity”
An: Thank you Bao Han for this very meaningful and moving song
An: Are you excited about our program?
Han: very excited and I am looking forward to the team's demonstration of skills
and knowledge…
An: Thank you Han.
Ly: And the meaning of this song has reminded us of an ASEAN of peace, unity
and opportunities for economic and cultural development as well as mutual
understanding. But besides those opportunities, ASEAN has been going through
many challenges and difficulties. The purpose of this gameshow is to celebrate
ASEAN‘s 55th founding anniversary(8/8/1967 - 8/8/2020)
An: Through this program, we can know more about the historical milestones
since the establishment of ASEAN.
An: We do hope that today is filled with a lot of excitement, happiness, and
innovation. Don't let you wait too long, let's start!
Part 2: Gameshow
Round 1: 5 questions ( 50đ)
• Let's come to the first question.
An 1: When and where was Asean founded?
A.8/8/1967, Thailand
B.8/8/1968, Vietnam
C.9/8/1967, Malaysia
D. September 8, 1967, Philippines
Team 3 Reply A
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a regional
grouping that aims to promote economic and security cooperation
among its ten members: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,
Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam
 Ly 2: During the war, which country in Southeast Asia was not invaded?
A. Malaysia
B. Myanmar
C. Thailand
D. Brunei
(Team Tri rings the bell first)
Team 1: the answer is C
An: Let's see if this can be the correct answer or not
(An answer appears on the screen) Congratulations, you got the answer right
(delighted team)
 Thanks to a "soft" foreign policy, relations with all countries. + Taking
advantage of the position of "buffer water" between the two countries
England - France.
Question 3: The main colors show the symbol of Asean?
A. Blue, red, white, yellow
B. Yellow, black, white, blue
C. Blue, black, red, white
D. White, black, orange, yellow
*Team 3 rings the bell
Hun: in groups is sentence A
Ly: the answer is not correct
*team 2 rings the bell for the right
Team 2: My team would like to choose sentence a
Ly: Exactly! Extra 10 points for team 2
 The symbol is a bunch of 10 branches of rice because the countries in
Southeast Asia are mainly agricultural countries. Blue shows peace . Red
shows courage and dynamism. White shows purity and color. Gold is a
symbol of prosperity.
• So let's come to the next question: 4.What is the full English name of ASEAN?
A. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
B. Association of South and East Asian Nations
C. Assembly of Southeast Asian Nations
D. Alliance of Southeast Asian Nations
Team 1: answer C (note, remember to circle the wrong sentence =))
Ly: Sorry that's not the right answer
Team 3 quickly got the answer A and explain
Li: congratulation
(Team 1 looks sad)
• An: We come to the last question of round 1:
5. Which country will the Asean president 2022 be given to?
A. Vietnam
B. Cambodia
C. ThaiLand
D. Malaysia
(Team 1 quickly clicked)
Team 3: (The whole team shouted in unison): EASY answer B
Ly: Look at the screen to see if this is the correct answer. Wow this is the correct
answer, congrats to team 3
An: Yeahh, This is the correct answer.
So we can see that team 3 won with a score of 30. The remaining 2 teams are 10
Round 2: 4 sentences (80)
Ly: Do you think the first round is too easy, but the program will not continue with
such easy questions
An: We're going to the next round. In this round, each of your correct answers
will get 20 points and the level will be more difficult
Ly: May the question begin
Ly: First question:
1.What is AEC? And what opportunities and difficulties does AEC bring to
A. ASEAN Economic Community
B. ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
C. ASEAN Security Community
D. ASEAN Political Community
*Team 1rings the bell: my answer is A
An: correct answer! Team 1 spends an extra 10 score
*the hole team 1 is happy
Team 2: What opportunities and difficulties does AEC bring to Vietnam?
Team 1: Businesses in Vietnam have great opportunities to expand the market,
and also have the opportunity to access large markets such as Australia, New
Zealand, Korea, Japan,…. For Vietnam, ASEAN is one of the most important trade.
ASEAN is currently the third largest export of Vietnamese and the second largest
source of goods for Vietnamese enterprises. Vietnam's import and export with
ASEAN countries is currently over 40 billion USD.
Ly: this question will not answer multiple choice. The team that rings the bell first
will say it, and within 5 seconds, it will give a turn to another team.
2. Why do ASEAN countries have many similarities in daily life and production?
Team 2 rings the bell
Team 2: Living in a tropical monsoon environment, having the same wet rice
civilization…. think again and end 5s
Team 3: The location is the bridge between the mainland and the island…
An: thank you team 3 but team 2 wins because they got 2 answers)
 Ly: we come to the following question in this round
3. Look at each picture and guess what the country's food is?

1. Tea Leaf Salad (Salad lá trà của Myanmar)

2. Green Papaya Salad (Gỏi đu đủ xanh kiểu Thái)

3. Xôi xoài
4. Phở – Việt Nam
5. Ambuyat- Brunei
( team 3 win)
4. ASEAN scholarships are sponsored by the government of which country?
A. Thailand
B. Brunei
C. Singapore
D. Indonesia
Team 1 rings the bell
Team 1: my team's answer is A
Ly: Are you sure?
Team 1: Sureeee
Ly: Oh no so sorry , that is incorrect answer!
Team 2 rings and answers C
Explain: ASEAN Scholarship is a full scholarship program that allows students in 9
countries in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam and Vietnam is also one of the
countries with a high number of students receiving scholarships
Ly: I wonder in Vietnam what are the conditions to receive a scholarship from
Linh: - Students of Vietnamese nationality.
-Age 14 - 16 years old
Trâm Anh: – Having excellent learning, won the first and second prizes in the
excellent student contest of the province, city or country.
- Good at English, communicate fluently.
Trí : participate in many extra-curricular activities. Without extracurricular
activities, it is difficult for students to get international scholarships like ASEAN
Ly: So in round 2, team 2 won 40 point
Team 3,1 gets 20 point

Ly: So in round 2, the team with the highest score is team 2

Team 2 is leading the score
An: we will move on to round 3 which are more difficult questions and each of
your correct answers has a score of 30 points.
Round 3:
An: 1. Which country has 150 volcanoes in Southeast Asia?
A. Indonesia
B. Myanmar
C. Malaysia
D. Philippines
Team 2 rings the bell to answer C.
An: Sorry the answer is not
(All 3 teams nervously think about the answer and Hun team rings the bell)
Team 1: The answer is A
An : congrats to your team, great answer
Team 1 : Indonesia has 150 volcanoes and the most in Southeast Asia because it is
located on the Pacific Rim)
Team 2: So are many volcanoes threat to the Indonesian ?
Team 1: oh no, the volcanic area has become great tourist attractions like Mount
Bromo, East Java, Tangkuban Perahu, or West Java.
An: Thanks for your explanation
2. Ambuyat is the dish of which country?
A. Thailand
B. Philippines
C. Indonesia
D. Brunei
(team 3 rings the bell and answers question D)
An: It's surprising how knowledgeable your group is, have you ever experienced
this dish?
Team 3: I've tried it and it's great. Ambuyat is a dish made from the interior trunk
of the sago palm. Do you know what sago is?
Team 2: yeah I know, It's a white solid that comes from the stem of the Rumbia
Tram Anh: That's right
3. Look at these pictures and guess what is the traditional costume?
Picture 1: Nyonya kebaya (Singapore) (2)
Picture 2: Tais (Timor Leste) ( 1)
Picture 3:  Sampot (Campuchia) (3)
Picture 4: Baju kurung, Baju cara melayu (Brunei và Malaysia ) (3)
Team 2: surprise and asks team 3 why do Brunei and Malaysia have similar
traditional costumes?
Team 3:These two countries are influenced by the culture of Islam, so they have
similar traditional costumes.
For women, the traditional dress is Baju kurung, for men it is Baju cara melayu
( team 2 wins)
4 When did Vietnam join ASEAN and Which ASEAN member is Vietnam?
A. 1992, 5th
B. 1994, 6th
C. 1995, 7th
D.1996, 3rd
Team 3 rings the bell first
Team 3: Our answer is C
Ly: Let's see if this can be the right answer
(The screen shows answer C) wow, your team got it right
Team 3 is overjoyed
Team 3: Over 25 years of joining, the ASEAN Community has recognized
Vietnam's positive contributions.
An : Can you tell the detail, for instance in covid-19?
Team 3: In the situation of heavily impacted by the COVID-19 , Vietnam's
contributions have been recognized by the international community as
responsible and full-capacity ASEAN president in 2020.
Team 1: And I know what VietNam does to help ASEAN overcome: Develop an
effective prevention plan
Ly: Furthermore VN supports ASEAN countries with medical equipment, masks,
and food. So Vietnam had done so much to help ASEAN overcome the disease.
5. What important event took place in ASEAN in 1995?
1995: ASEAN and China sign declaration of conduct in the South China Sea
8/8/1967: ASEAN is officially established with 5 members( Thailand, Singapore,
Indonesia, Philipines, Malaysia
1999: Accomplish the goal of becoming an organization with all 10 members
1997: The date founding of “ ASEAN+3”
( team 3 wins)
Team 1: 30
Team 2 30
Team 3 90
Part 3: Giving prizes and asking guests how they feel after participating in
Ly: Congratulations to team 3 on the winning, you have brought a gift of VIP
tickets to watch Seagame 32. How do you feel after participating in the program,
do you enjoy our gift or not?
Hun: After participating in the program, I feel that the program is very interesting,
in addition, it also brings a lot of useful knowledge. Accidentally we also love to
watch football, I especially admire and love all the ways the teams play
An: Thank you Hun and congratulations once again on your win
(Giving gifts and taking pictures with 2MC)
Ly: As for Team 1 and Team 2, we are very sorry for you and we have prepared 2
small gifts for both teams because of your enthusiastic participation in the
(Giving gifts to take pictures with 2MC)
An: Through this program, we can see a strong and united ASEAN community
Through this gameshow, we can see a strong and united ASEAN community in the
future. Since Vietnam joined ASEAN, ASEAN has supported a lot for Vietnam to
develop its economy, culture, and international integration. Besides, Vietnam has
contributed its best to fulfill the role of a member as well as the president of
ASEAN in 2020.
Vietnam promises to develop its vision in ASEAN more in the future
Ly and An: SLOGAN "ASEAN needs Vietnam and Vietnam needs ASEAN"
Ly: Thank you all for participating in the program, please watch the program at 8
pm every Saturday on TV11.

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