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Burnout, depression,

exhaustion ...

holistic and homeopathic
treatment options

Boracay Febr. 2020

H. Huber medical director of the Emil

Schlegel Clinic, Horb, Germany
 Burnout is an emotional, physical,
psychological and social exhaustion
over a period of at least 6 months.
 Burnout is caused by the permanent
overuse of one's own mental and
emotional performance capacities -
permanent stress - without sufficient
It is a cry for help from the body to
give it time to recover and, above
all, an unequivocal invitation to
change one's way of life.
Burnout is a kind of protective
mechanism of the underlying
burnout and most
depressions are life crises and need

a listening to the soul,

an understanding
and a live change
Prevalence of burn-out in Germany by
sex and age in 2012
The cause
Tension = Sympathetic

Relaxation = Parasympathetic

Stress hormones:
Adrenaline, cortisone, thyroid hormones...
Adrenaline - Oxytocin- Axis


Fear, Struggle, Escape,

"The Quick Kick"

Stress hormones:
Adrenaline, cortisone, thyroid hormones

blood pressure, pulse increase, digestion is

Adrenaline - Oxytocin


The relationship hormone

Inner and social security
Oxytocin is released by breastfeeding but also
every other pleasant body contact - slow sex
- meditation
Oxytocin reduces blood pressure and cortisol, it
has a sedative effect and generally reduces the
effects of stress. There is even evidence that it
regulates malignant cells.
The physical symptoms
At the beginning
Easier disorders of well-being
  In the middle stage
  Emotional, mental, behavioral retreat
Concentration disorders
Irritability, depression
  Tinnitus, Ticks
  Back pain, tension
  Heart problems
  In the late stages
  All mental and physical symptoms, up to serious
The mental symptoms
  Feeling overwhelmed
Fears of failure
  Aggression and frustration
Reducing motivation and creativity
Concentration disorders in all forms
  Memory impairement
  Loss of love for oneanother and others
  Loss of idealism
Seeing no way out
Suicidal tendency
The social symptoms

Reluctance and fear of people

Reduced assertiveness
Preventing conflicts
  Feeling of loneliness
  „Nobody understands me“
  Loss of prudence
Declining team - and partnership capability
The consequences
Withdrawal in partnership and also from
Relationship problems
 Job loss
Social descent
Severe illnesses
The phases
Hyperactivity phase
  I try even harder
  Fight even harder
Give all I can
Displacement phase
Looking away, not perceiving
Debt and deportation
  Drugs, alcohol, sleeping pills...
  Resignation phase
  Total exhaustion
Physical breakdown
Suicide thoughts, destruction of the system
The phases
  I try even harder
  Fight even harder
  Give all I can
  Looking away, not perceiving
  Debt deportation
  Drugs, alcohol, sleeping pills
  Total exhaustion
  Physical breakdown
  Suicide thoughts, destruction of the system

Maslach selftest
Maslach selftest
Maslach selftest
Differential diagnosis of burnout

Supplements: brain tumors, chronic EBV other drug such as

cannabis, toxicology e.g. heavy metals .... Vaccinations
Laboratory diagnostics

  As with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
  Small blood count
Ferritin (Iron Storage)
  Differential blood count - for the clarification of
  Inflammation parameters - CRP (C-reactive protein) 
  Thyroid parameter TSH (fT3, fT4) - wg. Exclusion of
hypothyroidism (thyroid underfunction; > 10.0 IU/ml)
or hyperthyroidism (thyroid hyperfunction; IU/ml);
euthyreot (normal thyroid function): 0.35-4.50 IU/ml
blood sugar
Ebv titer
  Vitamins D, E and others
Laboratory diagnostics

Laboratory parameters 2nd order – depending on the results
of the anamnesis, physical examination, etc. – for differential
diagnostic clarification 

  Blood count including differential blood count
(wg. Lymphopenia Synonym: Lymphocytopenia: describes
a reduction in the relative Lymphocyte content to 20%, in
absolute terms, Lymphocyte counts Causes are manifold,
with burnout syndrome the reason is the chronically
increased Cortisol excretion or the stress
  DHEAS Dehydroepiandrosterone-Sulfate, Markers for
adrenal cortex mass
And a lot of other parameters ......
Special features in the anamnesis

Since when does the complaints

 Changes in life up to about 1 year
 Physical illnesses, vaccinations,
 „What takes you the most power in
your live?“
When does a burnout
  Did the stakes achieve the desired and
expected success?
  If the total account of wages minus all
expenses minus disappointments of failures
shows a loss, the pointer is directed to
  Work without success
  Lack of recognition
  Monotone work
  Doubts about the meaning of work
80% of success can be achieved
20% of the time spent.
For the remaining 20% of
quality, the remaining 80% of
the working time is required.
When does a burnout
  The working climate
Competition instead of cooperation
  Insult, misunderstanding, lack of clarification
To slow salary

  The sense of the work

Act against:
Religious idea

Losing your personal vision

When does a burnout
  The role of expectations
  High performance requirements
  Fulfilling the expectation of others
  Feeling unable to solve the problems in any case
  The ability to deal with failures
  Old patterns
  The tolerance of frustration
  The role of constitution or disposition
The core of each burnout
disease also lies 

in the personality.

As inside so outside !
Role of

 High dependency potential
Alternatively: Aconit, Ignatia, Stramonium...

Supressing the cause, if no behavioural
change happens it can lead to the most
serious illnesses
Samuel Hahnemann
1755 in Meissen until 1843 in Paris
The procedure
Samuel Hahnemann Organon

If the doctor clearly sees what diseases are, that is, 

what is particularly noticeable in each individual case of
illness to heal (disease recognition, Indication), he clearly
sees what is involved in the drugs, that is, in each medicine
in particular, the healer (knows the medical powers), and for
clear reasons he knows howling the drugs to adapt to what
he has unquestionably recognized in the sick sick person in
such a way that recovery takes place Must both in terms of
the adequacy of the most appropriate medicinal product in
the case of its mode of action (choice of remedy, indicate),
as well as with regard to the well-needed preparation and
Lot of the same (right gift) and the proper repetition time of
the gift: - he finally knows the Obstacles to recovery in any
case, and knows how to clear it away, so that the production
is permanent: 

in this way, it understands to act expediently and
thoroughly, and 

is an outlawed healer.
The procedure
Samuel Hahnemann Organon § 3

To understand what is to heal in the

To understand what is the remedy able to
To look for the most similiar remedy
To find the right dosage
To remove the the obstacles to recovery
Than recovery must take place
and is an outlawed healer
Homeopathic approach
Repertorization: „fear of failure“
The self-burner
  igh ambition and ambitious goals,
  lways at the performance limit
 Always prove yourself
 External failure - > Burnout
The Helper
  an't say no
  lways the others first
 The helper in the helper syndrome
 Passive and foreign-determined
 Victims of others
The rusted-through

  ever really excited for his cause

  orked without real successes
 Without passion
Yielding disposition
 One failure after another
 Can't defend himself
The fastidious
  00% is not enough
  verything has to be perfect
 Pessimist instead of optimist
 Small and dissatisfied
 No vision of your own
What we have in common:

The soul is not heard
The case

A 58-year-old patient is desperately

admitted to the homeopathic clinic. He
had such massive unrest and fears in the
last few days that he saw only a stay in
psychiatry as a way out. He usually lives
in Dubai for more than 10 months and
worked there as a managing director in
the insurance industry, often more than
15 hours a day.
The case
His complaints began
with tiredness, lack of pleasure,
High blood pressure, prostate discomfort
and insomnia. A few months
later came a daily, strong
nausea (food improves) and a massive
Dizziness. "Everything is amplified with each
Type of physical and mental
Load", according to the patient. The
fears "to no longer create everything,
can no longer remember anything,
even feel to become insane,.
He can almost no longer be alone
Again and again dive thoughts of
suicide, against which
but he could still defend himself well.
The case
The patient has now been
back in Germany in his family in which he is
well embedded.
However, there is no improvement in his
ocmplaints. Conventional medicine
remedy for nausea, an antidepressant
and a sleeping pill, could not help him.
Laboratory: Kidney and liver levels are
The case
Physically, he suffers every night
massive sweating all over the body.
He had ear pain in cold wind and bleeding gums. Is
powerless and wet handshake.
In addition,
he is reluctant to be in larger groups
and worry a lot about what others think about him
The case

Due to the totality of

symptoms, the patient receives calcium
carbonicum in potency Q3 once daily and over 3
days and Passiflora mother tincture 3 x 10 drops.
Accompanying the patient is treated with
psychotherapeutic conversations, meditations,
dance therapy, individual massage and qi gong.
Calcium carbonicum
The lime of the oyster bowl
The course
The sleep pill can already be
suspended for two days. The
antidepressant, the patient himself has
a week before recording.
Within a week the condition improves significantly.
Fears and unrest are largely disappeared.
He can now do well alone,
be happy again in nature and the little things of the
life. After three days, it is also possible to stop with
Sleep improves from night to night and
the night sweating is around the
half. He wins increasingly fun with sporting activities,
which he and his wife are doing together
The course
In long conversations, including with his
wife, he begins to detect causal behaviour and
the course for the future.
The risk of relapse is still high
The diet was changed to a special metabolism-friendly
diet. He stopped to consume alcohol.
The patient quickly pushes back
home to get his job done as soon as possible
to be able to resume.
The course

After two weeks, he has a relapse

and slips into a similar condition as
before the inpatient stay.
The course
After another week of stationary
treatment are the complaints
faded off again. The urgent
the need for a comprehensive
change in his professional
and private life is now his new
painfully conscious.
He succeeds in clearly setting the course
for to make these changes, a
stationary stay has been
no longer necessary.
He is still in homeopathic supervision.
Other homeopathic remedies
Kali-p Morrison
Potassium phosphoricum is a remediy that is thought of in
cases of mental and physical exhaustion, especially after
periods of great stress or overuse. It is indicated by
students or intellectuals who have made enormous efforts
and suffer a kind of mental breakdown.(like Picrinicum
acidum, Conium). Especially in cases where severe
exhaustion and mental bluntness occur in conjunction with
nervousness and hypersensitivity, we think of potassium
phosphoricum. The patient is often extroverted and easily
out of control due to bad news or international disaster

Give it in C 30 5 globuli every day or D 6 3 x 2 tabletts a

Other homeopathic remedies
Schüsslersalts D6 or D 12
Potash – Kali - Phos No. 5 s.o.

Calc – Phos No. 2

Exhaustion / depressive mood

Mag - Phos No.7

in sleep disorders as "hot sevens", but 6-8 tabletts dissolve
in 1 cup of hot water and drink swallowing before bed.

Ferr – Phos No. 3

Great nervous tension and arousal, rapid exhaustion, poor
regeneration and recovery from illness
The main problems

  The power of habit

  The "external constraints"
  The tendency to compromise
  The old patterns

The danger !!!!!

Precursor of severe diseases

Therapeutic approaches

for a long-term improvement

  in and Yang
  ctivity and calm
 Daily, weekly annual plan
 Work and holidays
 Wake-up and sleep
 A good night's sleep
 Eustress and relaxation
 Sport and relaxation techniques
 Qi Gong, Joga, ...
Therapeutic approaches

for a long-term improvement

 Understanding and changing the

consumption of forces
  hat does cost me the most power?
  ow can this be changed?
 What prevents me from doing this?
 Is this really not changeable?
Therapeutic approaches
 Activating the power sources
  hat gives me the most strength?
  ow can I do this more often?
 What prevents me from doing this?
 Is this really not changeable?
External sources
 Partners, Friends
Understand and change old patterns !
Therapeutic approaches
 Changing the old patterns

Dispenza "a new self"

 Personal affirmations
 On mobile phone to speak up for yourself
and others
Therapeutic approaches
Feeling the vision and living

  mall and large breaks

  eing alone and silence
 Use transitions from sleep to
wakefulness to get and give
Therapeutic approaches
Spiritual Connection and Spiritual
Sources of Power

 Awareness of the being accompanied
 Strengthening the spiritual connection
 Trust and devotion
Therapeutic approaches
 Santiago de compostella....
Principles of the "Slow Food"
 Slow sex ...
 Not looking for the next kick
It needs
a break
a rethink!
My personal help
and strategies

  My wife
  Autogenous training and a small nap
  Regular breaks
  I live my visions
  Trust in the meaningfulness of being and in
divine or spiritual help

Emil Schlegel Clinic

Schillerstrasse 23 

72160 Horb

Tel: 07451 6248606

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