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2020 -- Guidance on Time and Means Procedures

1. Scope

The present document accompanies the Excel files containing the Timesheet templates (TS)
applicable under the DIGIT Framework Contracts (FWC) in which you are stakeholder.

These timesheets are normally presented as an Annex to each Specific Contract.

The purpose of this Guidance is to explain how to adequately fill in the timesheets in paper
(if you are using an electronic application for the time management, please follow the
specific workflow established for this respective time management solution).

Under no circumstances whatsoever, this Guidance shall take precedence over the terms of
the related Framework Contract and its Specific Contracts.

Please note that the TS are not protected by any password neither customized by year.
Therefore, it is up to you to personalize and protect them if needed.

2. The Timesheets Templates

The timesheet is a supporting document used for invoicing and which consists of two main
parts: a control sheet with all relevant data in respect of the framework and specific
contracts, and monthly attendance sheets for a given year.

Further to the related FWC, you might have a maximum of three types of monthly
attendance sheets:

 The monthly attendance sheet for normal working hours

 The monthly attendance sheet for the on-call service
 The monthly attendance sheet for the outside normal working hours
(extended working hours)

Each monthly timesheet should reflect reality accurately. It should be reconciled with the
attendance register signed daily by the service provider.

2.1. The Control Sheet

The control sheet is to be completed by the contractor, while the monthly sheets are filled in
by the service provider, who will also complete any missing information on the control sheet
(such as the remaining days to be worked when a new control sheet and its linked
acceptance sheets are being used e.g. in January n+1).

The information in the Control Sheet is replicated via automatic link in each of the monthly
timesheets, where the Service Provider enters the related working days (or hours) spent on
the corresponding specific contract.

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2020 -- Guidance on Time and Means Procedures

The description of the Control Sheet below applies to files on T&M Normal Working Hours,
as well as for On-Call and Extended Working Hours templates.

Please note that "dates" and other data are not anymore pre-filled in by the Commission in
the Control Sheet. It must be adapted by the Contractor according to the terms in force both
in the Framework and the Specific Contracts at the time of use of the Excel file.

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2020 -- Guidance on Time and Means Procedures

Items Description
Framework Contract Identification

Year The year for which the Timesheet applies

Reference of Framework
Framework Contract Number

Name of the contractor which has signed the specific

Name of Contractor
Reference procurement
Reference of the procurement procedure

Lot Number Lot number only if applicable

Cascade position Position in the cascade if applicable
From Start date of Framework Contract
To End date of Framework Contract
Specific Contract Characteristics

Fill in the project to which the SC relates to (e.g.

Program / Project
Sysper2; Opsys; etc.)
Name of the Institution, Directorate General and Unit
Institution / DG / Unit
where the work is performed
First Name & LAST NAME of
Service Provider (Expert)
Full name of the service provider

Administrative Address of Administrative address where the service is delivered

Service Provider (i.e. IMCO, JMO CC/144, Belliard 28 (B-28 07/131, etc.)
Telephone number of the service provider at the
Tel number
European Commission's premises
Reference and Dates of the
Specific Contract
Reference number of the Specific Contract (i.e. SC XXX)

Signature date by the last party of the Specific Contract

To End date of the Specific Contract (SC)
Total number of working days specified on the Specific
SC Total number of Days
Total number of days to be Remaining days that will show as the outstanding
worked at balance to be used.
At the start date of the contract, it is the total number
of days of the SC.
If the Specific Contract covers two calendar years, in
January n+1 it will be the remaining days at the end of

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Items Description
year n.
Date to which the total number of days to be worked at
Specific Date
(field above) refers
Contract Parameters (applied to NWH, EWH and On-Call respectively)

Definition of the normal working hours as in the

Normal Working Hours
Framework Contract
Extended Working Hours on Definition of the extended working hours as in the
normal working days Framework Contract, on a normal working day
Extended Working Hours on Definition of the extended working hours as in the
Saturday Framework Contract, on a Saturday
Extended Working Hours on Definition of the extended working hours as in the
Sunday Framework Contract, on a Sunday

Please check in the FWC:

 If a derogation is introduced for On-duty days considered as Normal Working Days
(usually Holy Thursday, Day following Ascension and days between 27 and 31
 whether On-call services are to be ordered separately;
 whether Outside Normal Working Hours is foreseen.

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2.2. The monthly attendance sheet for normal working hours

Please note that grey cells for the weekends are not displayed anymore to allow you to
customize the TS for the coming years as well.
Also, the tabs are not protected by any password anymore in order to allow modifications
from the different stakeholders when needed.

The consultants must fill in the days worked in the calendar.

The following codes should be used:

W Worked full day

V Worked half day

C Holiday
O Other charge-free services (such as training)
H Handover day

For C, O and H, please refer carefully to the SC and its FWC about the meaning, possibilities
and counting.

2.3. The monthly attendance sheet for on-call services

First of all, please refer carefully to the SC and its FWC if applicable.

Please note that grey cells for the weekends are not displayed anymore to allow you to
customize the TS for the coming years as well.
Also, the tabs are not protected by any password anymore in order to allow modifications
from the different stakeholders when needed.

The consultants must fill in the days of on-call service in the predefined calendar.
The following codes should be used:

W Normal day On-Call service per day

WS Saturday On-Call service per day
WU Sunday On-Call service per day
WH Holiday On-Call service per day

The working hours performed effectively during periods of on-call service have to be
reported on the monthly attendance sheet for outside the normal working hours.

Also, the TS must be completed with the Specific Contract number allowing the On-Call

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2.4. The monthly attendance sheet for outside normal working hours

First of all, please refer carefully to the SC and its FWC if applicable.

The tabs are not protected by any password anymore in order to allow modifications from
the different stakeholders when needed.

The contractor has to first fill in the Control Sheet.

At the contract parameters, she/he should chose the working time defined in the FWC.
Some examples are provided:
Weekday Weekday Weekday Weekday Weekday Weekday Weekday
7:00 - 19:00 or
07:00 - 20:00 8:00 - 20:00 8:30 - 17:30 8:00 - 18:00 8:00 - 20:00 8:00 - 19:00 7:00 - 20:30
Weekday Weekday Weekday Weekday Weekday Weekday Weekday
00:00 - 7:00 00:00 - 8:00 00:00 - 8:30 00:00 - 8:00 00:00 - 7:00/8:00 00:00 - 8:00 00:00 - 7:00
20:00 - 24:00 20:00 - 24:00 17:30 - 24:00 18:00 - 24:00 19:00/20:00 - 24:00 19:00 - 24:00 20:30 - 24:00
Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday

0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00
Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday

0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00
EC holiday EC holiday EC holiday EC holiday EC holiday EC holiday EC holiday

0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 24:00

Once chosen or modified, the contractor has to copy/paste the column to the B32 cell in the
Control Sheet

This column is then replicated in the attendance sheet


The service provider should fill in the attendance sheet for outside normal working hours
performed specifying the reason. Services delivered outside of the normal working hours are
of two types:

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a) extended working hours i.e. services delivered before or after the start time and end
time of a normal working day AND outside normal working days;
b) hours worked during the normal daily working hours but in excess of 7h30 or 8h00
(depending on the FWC).
These outside normal working hours services shall be supported by a duly filled-in and
signed document.

The TS must be completed with the month and the Specific Contract number allowing the
services Outside Normal Working Hours.

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The following information has to be encoded by the service provider.

Type dd/mm/yy
The day will automatically be displayed

Type hh:mm
Start time of the services delivered

Type hh:mm
End time of the services delivered

Duration of the services performed based on the start

time and end time

Short description of the reason for performing services

outside of the normal working hours

Whether services were provided during a normal

working day, during the week-end or on a Commission
Total of outside normal holiday.
working hours by type
Services performed on a given day may have to be split
in different columns.

The last column sums up the different columns. This

total must be the same as the duration.

3. Signature process

3.1. Paper Version

At the end of the month, and not later than the second working day of the next month, the
service provider submits to the Company (or in some cases to the Commission) the originals
of all monthly attendance sheets completed, dated and signed, for their verification. It is
very important that information provided by the service provider is accurate to avoid
delays in the verification process.

Upon receipt of the attendance sheets, the Commission verifies them against the attendance
registers, and, once verified and signed by the Commission, e-mails them to the contractor.
The attendance sheets verified and signed are then attached as supporting documents to the
invoices sent by the contractor to the Commission. The originals of the attendance sheets
bearing the signature of the Commission are given back to the service provider.

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3.2. Electronic Version

If the Framework Contract is enabled for e-Fulfilment, timesheets may be sent electronically
to the Commission through the e-Prior platform.

These timesheets do not need to be physically signed because the Service Receipt electronic
validation serves the purpose. Electronic Service Receipts ensure an accurate check of the
data which allows a faster payment process.

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