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Lesson Plan

CLASS: Intermediate into Advanced TOPIC: Motivation INSTRUCTOR: _______________

Lesson Objectives:
By the end of the class, SWBAT…
• Recognize and define two types of motivation by doing a corresponding matching exercise;
• Classify the reasons for learning a foreign language based on the definition of two types of motivation.
• Apply note-taking skills by doing the fill-in-the-blank exercises.

Activity Activity Stages Key Language forms/ Resources/ Time

Focus functions Materials

Fluency Listening: Watch a video about motivation

development Pre-listening PPT slides; 5 mins
● T greets the whole class and introduces today’s topic - Handout.
● T assigns worksheets to Ss.
● T raises the following question to Ss and lets them write
down the answers to the question on the worksheet.
○ What motivates you to learn a foreign language (e.g.
● After 3 mins, T invites voluntary Ss to share their reasons to
learn a foreign language.
● T writes down 2-3 reasons on the whiteboard.
● T provides language scaffoldings and feedback when
● Ts asks Ss to leave the worksheet aside for later use and get
prepared to watch the video.
Meaning- During-listening
focused Part 1: Watch the video (Part A) Vocabulary: YouTube
input ● Before watching the video, T presents the questions on the Intrinsic motivation - Video:
& PPT slide and invites one voluntary S to read. People are driven by https://www.yo 10 mins
Meaning- ○ What types of motivation does the video mention? internal factors because
focused ○ How to define them? they are doing something h?v=7P48XfW
output ● T plays the first part of the video to Ss. that is fun, interesting, or SEQ0
● T invites voluntary students to share answers. meaningful.
● T writes down the name of the two types of motivation on the
whiteboard (above the reasons). Extrinsic motivation -
● T reminds Ss of the meaning of prefixes in- and ex-, and asks When you are driven by
Ss to match the two types of motivation with definition. external factors, that you
● T calls Ss attention to the whiteboard and asks students to do something because
classify each reason according to the definition of two types you are getting paid,
of motivation. because someone tells
● T gives Ss 3 min to categorize their reasons for learning you to, or because you're
foreign languages. receiving positive
● T gives Ss another 3 mins to check whether their partner’s feedback from others.
classification is correct or not.
● T facilitates around. Prefix: in- & Ex-
● T invites voluntary Ss to share his/ her work in front of the
whole class.
● T lets the whole class give feedback.

Part 2: Watch the video (Part B) 10 mins

● T has Ss discuss in pairs for 3 mins:
○ What kind of words shall we focus on while listening
or watching a video?
● T invites voluntary Ss to share ideas.
● T reminds Ss to focus on content words (i.e. nouns, verbs,
adjectives, etc.) and sequencing words while listening.
● T gives listening instructions to students before playing the
next part of the video:
○ We will continue watching the video.
○ This time, you need to complete the transcript by
filling in the blanks based on what you hear.
● After the video is over, T gives Ss 2 mins to check answers in
small groups.
● T invites each group to share their answers.
● T put the correct answers on the PPT slides and asks Ss to
check the spelling.
Fluency Post listening 10 mins
development ● T assigns Ss the following task for reflection after watching
the video.
○ According to the video, intrinsic motivation is more
helpful than extrinsic motivation. Do you agree with
● Ss work in group of 3-4 and discuss for 5 mins.
● After group discussion, each group has a representative to
report back.
● T facilitates around.

Warp-up ● T summarizes the lesson by presenting a checklist based on 5 mins

lesson objectives for students to recap what they learned
throughout the lesson.

Homework: Students are going to watch a video about how to understand and overcome procrastination by enhancing motivation They should take down notes using the skills learned in this class and get ready to share.

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

Students may find difficulty classifying the reasons for learning a foreign language, because they do not know how to refer to the definition of two
types of motivation and make judgements. To help students do this activity, teachers may ask them guiding questions.

Contingency Plans:
If the fill-in-the-blank exercises are difficult for students, teachers may cut down the number of blanks or play the video again.

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