Porin Final Quiz

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Name: ____Porin Andrea___________ Class code:

December 13, 2022
Final Quiz #2
In one or two sentences each, explain the following in your own words.
concrete and personal experience to illustrate it further.
1. Positive psychology
1.1. Explanation: __It is possessing a good character that focus to living
a worthy and meaningful life and achieve happiness.
1.2. Cite your positive character: __Every time that I face conflicts and
issues, I try to understand things so that I will not regret my outburst
and sudden decision.
2. PERMA model
2.1. Explanation: A model which helps to improve well-being and
encouragement for self and for others.
2.2. Cite samples of your accomplishments:
Finishing High school with flying colors.
3. Grit
3.1. Explanation: It is the positive character traits that is needed for a
person to possess to achieve long term goals.
3.2. Cite samples of your own grits: _My grit is determination and spirit
to finish my course and become successful in the future.
4. Growth mindset:
4.1. Explanation: _Believing that you can improve and develop with
determination and passion.
4.2. Cite samples of your perspectives related to growth mindset:
_I may be shy but I believe that I can improve my social capabilities and
communication skill.
5. Goal
5.1. Explanation: __A person desire and ambition that they want to
achieve for their self or for many people.
5.2. Cite your personal goal/s in life: _It is my goal to become a
professional civil engineering but still a humble and a grateful person
who thinks not just for herself but also for others.
Note: Directly lifted text from the handout will not be considered.

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