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Proposed Estimate for the Renovation of Residence of Mr.R.K.Gupta at K-259, Ashiyana, sect.

Kanpur Road, Lucknow.



1 2 3 4 5 6
foundation $ for piples cables etc. in ordinary Soil
(Loam clay or spand) in cluding lift up to 1.5 m &
dressing of sides & ramming bottom & disposal of
surplus excavated earth as directed by the engineer
l/c with in alead of 50 m.
1 17 CUM 80 1360
Filling of available execavted earth in trenches,
plinth, of foundation etc. in layers not exceeding 20
cms. In depth, consoildating each deposited layer by
ramming and watering including lead upto 50 m & lift
upto 1.5 m.
2 13 CUM 70 910
Providing & Laying in cement concrete 1:5:10
(1cement : 5 fine send : 10 graded brick aggregate
40mm nominal size) and curring complete including
cost of from work in foundation & Floors.
3 15 CUM 800 12000
Providing uint of reinforced cement concrete 1:2:4
(1cement : 2 coarse send : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) of strenth not less
than M- 150in lntels over door, window & slab
excluding supply of reinforcement & its lending
including necessary cemering & shuttering etc. &
also inc. suply of all meterials . labour T & P etc.
required for proper completion of the work with
curring complete..
4 9 CUM 4500 40500
Class 150 brick work in 1:6cement & Fine sand of
1.25 fineness modular mortar in foundation &
plinth including supply of all materiala labour tools
and plinths etc. requirerd for proper completeion of
5 19 CUM 2500 47500
Class 150 brick work in 1:6cement & Fine sand of
fineness modular mortar insuper structure above
plinth level upto floor two level ( upto two storeys)
including necessary cutting and moulding of brick
6 work as required. 23 CUM 2700 62100
Providing & Laying demp proof coarse 40mm thick
with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1cement : 2 corse send
: 4 graded stone aggregate 10mm nominal size) and
curring complete & including on D.P.C.with two
coate of aiirblown bitumin 85/25 @ 1.7 Kg/Sq.m.
approx including cost of fuel if any..
7 12 CUM 300 3600
Providing & injecting chemical emulsion for
preconsteuction antitermite tretment and creating a
chemical barrier &alround the column pits wall
trenches basement excavation top surface it plintif
filling junction of wall & floor along the extemal
perimeter of building expansion joint.surrounding of
pipes and conduit etc. complete (plinth area of the
building at ground floor only shall be measured as
per I.S. 63/3 (Part it 1981) aldrine emulsifiable
concemtrate or any other approved meterial.

Chlordance wiil be used the rate of application of
chemical emulsion shallbe as follows;
1. Tretment for measonary & foundation 5
2. Back fill in immediate contact with foundation. 7.5
3. Tretment of top surface of plinth filling 5
4. Tretment of junction of wall & floor 7.5
5. Tretment of soil along external perimter
ofbuilding 7.5 Liters/sq.M.
6. Tretment of soil along external perimeter of
building 5. Liters/sq.M. 0 SQM 39 0
9 Sal wood work in doors & windows chaukhat. 2.5 CUM ### 87500
Providing & fixing Second class. Teak Wood
10 Panelled shutters for doors. 3 SQM 2800 8400
11 Fabrication of Grill/Stair Case reiling. 127 Kg. 45 5715
Mild steel or irion work such as reiforced concrete or
reinforce brick work (when not included in over all
rates) wrought to required bending for proper
completing of work and including supply of steel its
wastage bend hooks and authorised overlapping
shall be measured upto floor two level.
12 9 QTL. 4500 40500
15mm cement plaster in single coat on rough side or
single or haff brick wall for interior plaster up to floor
two level including arrises internal rounded agnles
not exceeding 80mm in grith & finished even and
13 smootg. 14 SQM 48 672
100mm cement plaster in single coat on fair side
singhle or half brick wall for interior plastering up to
floor two level including arrisee internal round angles
not exceeding 80 mm in grith & finisged even and
smooth no extra for mixing any additive.
14 48 SQM 42 2016
10mm plastering on cellin & soffit or star is upto floor
two level instead or plastring on walls (1Cement : 3
Course Sand).
15 32 SQM 70 2240
16 Cost of glass strips of 25mm wide & 5.5mm thick. 18 R.M. 57.5 1035
20 mm thick marble chips skirting or dado rubbed &
polished to granolithing finish under layer 14 mm
thick in cement plaster 1:3 (1cement : 3coarse
sand ) & top layer 6 mm thick with white & black or
mixed marble chips pf sizes laid from smallest to 4
mm nominall sizes laid in crement marble power
mixed 3:1 (3 Cement portland :1marble power by
weight) in proportion of 4:7 (4Cement marble power
mix : 7 marble chips by volume) as supecified
directed by Eng.-in-change polished with french
mansion polished or other approved polish including
curing hair change of cutting machine cost of all
ordinary portland cement).
17 24 SQM 212 5088
18 A. Kota Stone flooring 38 SQM 750 28500
B. P/L 20mm thick adanga stone flooring over 25
mm thick base of cement mortar 1 :4 (1 cement :
4corse sand ) Land & pointed with white cement
sturry including rubbing and polishing complete.
C. Adanuga. 19 SQM 1500 28500
Supply & fixing 6 mm (1/4" thick china white glazed
tiles in flooring or in skirting or dado laid with 1:3
cement & approved course sand mortar finshed with
white cement slurry jointing & Polishing complete
including supply of all materials labour & tools &
plants etc. required for propoer completion of work.
20 42 SQM 650 27300
Painting two over priming coat on steel and other
mortar surface upto 10 cm. Width or small artictes
not exceeding 0.10 sq.m. in area with superior
synthetic enamals such as luxol. 3HI- gloss equite
supertac dulex soecified finshing to give an seven
shade and including cleaning the surfase of all dirt
dust and other iorion matter sand papering and
knotting including cost of all etc. required for proper
completion of work.
21 54 SQM 29 1566
Same as in item No. 20. Above but on new wood
22 surface. 49 SQM 30 1470
Painting ( 3 coat ) with plastic Emulsion Paint of
approved brand and Manufacture an decorative
Surfnce to give an even shede including thoughty
brushing the surface cleen of all dirt grease loose
pieces and prepered smooth.
23 51 SQM 115 5865
24 Painting an ceiling with plastic inulsion paint. 36 SQM 115 4140


Sanitary 5% 20923.85
Electrification 12.5% 52309.625
TOTAL 491710.48
SAY:- (Four Lac Ninty One Thousand Seven Hundred Ten only)

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