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BSBWOR203 - Work effectively with others

Knowledge Test

1. You want to identify your own responsibilities and duties in relation to workgroup members in order
to best cooperate with everyone. Which person and documents should you refer to for help?
(a) Your supervisor, organisational structure chart, job description and any organisational policy
relevant to your work role.
(b) Your closest colleague, your employment agreement and environmentally sustainable work
(c) Your supervisor, WHS policy and course materials.
(d) The HR representative and your job description.

2. You know that your company is on a tight budget and your one conference room is often in high
demand. A group of clients wishes to meet with you urgently to discuss an important business
proposal. What should you do?
(a) Check the conference room schedule to see if it’s available. If not, offer to meet at an
exclusive waterside restaurant and shout them all lunch.
(b) Check the conference room schedule to see if it’s available. If not, complain to your manager
that your meeting is more important than your colleague’s.
(c) Just take over the conference room when you want. Your workgroup should understand that
your meeting is more important than other business they might be doing in there.
(d) Check the conference room schedule to see if it’s available. If not, ask the person using it if
they could re-schedule. If this is impossible, arrange for the meeting to take place at one of
your clients’ premises.

3. How can you check that you’re doing your job correctly while at the same time developing effective
workplace relationships?
(a) Encourage your manager, customers and colleagues to give you feedback. Take on board
what you think is useful and ignore the rest.
(b) Encourage, acknowledge and act on customers’ instructions.
(c) Encourage, acknowledge and act on constructive feedback provided by customers and
others in your workgroup.
(d) Create a personal development plan and follow it.

4. A trainee on your team is performing a work procedure incorrectly. How can you provide support to
them to ensure workgroup goals are met?
(a) Report the trainee’s failure to your manager. It’s their job to support team members, not
(b) Help the trainee by clarifying the procedure and provide encouragement/ constructive
feedback as they carry it out.
(c) Help the trainee by doing the work procedure yourself.
(d) Assign the procedure to another trainee who is more competent.

5. How can you contribute constructively to workgroup goals and tasks?

(a) Develop a new business plan on your own. Then share it with your workgroup.
(b) Liaise with your team to develop SMART goals.

(c) Tell team members what to do.
(d) Liaise with your manager to develop a career plan.

6. Why is it important for you to share relevant information with other members of your workgroup?
Choose the best answer.
(a) To ensure you meet designated goals and maintain high standards efficiently, profitably and
with minimal conflict.
(b) To consistently maintain high standards in products and services.
(c) If you don’t, you may lose your job.
(d) So you can show your manager you know how to contribute to workgroup activities.

7. Who should you liaise with when identifying and planning strategies for improvement of your
(a) The HR department.
(b) Your family.
(c) Your customers.
(d) Your workgroup.

8. When contributing to team activities, why should you respect differences in workgroup members’
personal values and beliefs?
(a) You actually don’t need to respect differences. It’s a free country after all!
(b) Respecting differences shows your manager that you understand anti-discrimination
legislation and might help you get a promotion.
(c) Respecting differences is a good way to adhere to WHS policies and procedures in your
(d) Respecting differences is important in developing good relationships with your team and
avoiding conflict with them.

9. Max has just arrived in Australia and doesn’t speak English very well. How can you respond
appropriately to his questions about procedures using correct communication style?
(a) Speak to him as you would any other colleague to avoid discriminating against him.
(b) Speak extremely slowly and loudly to make sure he understands you while you physically
show him the procedures.
(c) Speak clearly using simple words, short sentences and no slang or technical jargon.
Physically show him the procedures.
(d) Speak clearly using simple words, short sentences and plenty of funny jokes.

10. Identify the primary cause of conflict in the workplace.

(a) Team members having different ideas and opinions about how to resolve problems and
(b) Communication breakdowns in relation to the content, delivery or receipt of messages, which
can result in disagreements over problems and issues.
(c) Discriminating against or bullying other members of the workgroup – especially when
violence is involved.
(d) Differences in wages for performing the same job.

11. If you don’t have the authority to resolve a workplace problem, issue or conflict, what should you
(a) Complain about it to other members of your workgroup.
(b) Ignore the problem and carry on with your responsibilities and duties.
(c) Refer the difficulty to the HR department.

(d) Refer the difficulty to the appropriate person in your workgroup or organisation.

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