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the sentimental literature of France and England. (E. PR.

places; and in March 1702 the death of King William at once drove

At the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement

ALESSI, GALEAZZO (1512-1572), Italian architect, was born

ADMINISTRATION (Lat. administrare, to serve), the performance

France's protectorate over Madagascar, of the following article:

with some basis to render them permanent. ``Adjective law''

with the closely allied oils from the peach-kernel or the

repair their own roads which led towards Delphi (CIA. ii.

obtained from the Zuni mountains. The city has also flour and

manipulate, while on the other hand, the only source of

Mustelidae.--Species of the Mungoose (Herpestes),

a man is to compare him to a bear.'' They have no priests by

senses in connexion with language. In all languages

Jer. xxii. 15: ``art thou a true king because thou viest with

old English hospice was turned into a seminary and Jesuits

Since 1890 there has been a great development in the production

1815, rather than the ``Holy Alliance,'' that formed the basis

im Breisgau, 1907), and bibliography to the article VESTMENTS.

Vaca Wassaw Illorin

of perfectly genuine butter-fat varies within somewhat wide

first to adopt the Greek form (aipernos) of the family name

crew. The list, however, has grown in modern times, and is

work because it brings fresh acid into the active regions.

where he had great success as a preacher, he accompanied

organized by Congress as the Mississippi Territory. A strip

ALMOND (from the O. Fr. almaiide or alemande, late Lat.

See The Life of Joseph A. Alexander (2 vols., 2nd

6. The Blockade.--Meanwhile the Federal navy had settled

to 30 lb. apiece. Goats are of both the long and short-haired

of the Frenchmen by lot and summoned a prince of the house

accretion of land or formation of an island by imperceptible

of Berlin and Breslau and entered the legal profession, but he

to be represented abroad only by ministers of the second

since 1841; it also has published the American Journal

that Luke, the author, was a companion of the apostle. The

after the eucharistic synaxis was over, the faithful remained

of adjacent cells, when they form a compact pseudo-parenchyma,

intensely offensive breath of some cases of bronchiectasis.

See Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement, 1869, p. 123;

Sorley of Cambridge University (see Mind, xiii. 1904, p. 73

Portuguese missionaries there should visit him, and listened

of the Tochi. Crossing these again, it is continued on

affording communication with the Mississippi and the

pigment in the eyeballs, and since the colour of the blood

Africa. Members of the closely allied genera Gasteria

to them with intelligent attention when they came. As the

Keulsche Vaart, which connected the city with the Rhine,

their Polish allies, when on the 18th of March 1438 he was

been the grandfather of Alexander. This poem gave rise

attracted by the gossip of politics, and whenever it has

cows. But when Ahmad Shah returned to Kabul the Sikhs rose

In some cases it formed a serf class, e.g. the Penestae in

Sunderland, Marlborough's son-in-law, and a zealous follower

bishops of the south of France. Peter of Castelnau retaliated

converts it into ethyl sulphuric acid (see ETHER, and sulphur

The eagerness with which the nations of western Europe

spoken of under the common name of the children of Lot

also be obtained by the reduction of nitroso compounds and of

the college of the Arval brothers (Fratres Arvales). The

in honour of the Roman emperor Trajan and at the cost of

Fatima are known as the Fatimites (q.v.; see also EGYPT:

The area withdrawn from corn-growing is not to be found under the

fought a series of fine actions against Sir Edward Hughes, by

herbage was as yet sprouting, because Yahweh-Elohim had not

disposal of business he was indefatigable. He succeeded in

position. In pursuance of this treaty, French officers were

In the United States specially long common shell called torpedo

and more advanced, probably refers to episodes in the Trojan

Characeae. Sometimes several pyrenoids occur in each

the ``Visitation of the Virgin'' (1503) at the Uffizi.

Retslitteratur i Danmark, Norge, Sverige (Copenhagen,

but the arguments of the Scottish proto-martyr, and above

Subalpine region, or region of coniferous trees.

patricians and plebeians in turn, lastly, from either--at the

South-land). The inhabitants are mainly pure negroes such

Paton. There is a public park, besides bowling-greens and

and claims, conducts a vast amount of clerical work through

of copper, aluminium and manganese, which possesses magnetic

rifles were loaded by means of powder flasks and shot flasks,

in modern times by J. P. Migne in the Patrologia Latina, tome

uniformity of the physical agencies which connect together its

Pereira, Vida do Abba Samuel (Lisbon, 1894); Idem, Vida do

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