Michou ToK Essay

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Michoula Aimée Wilfried

Theory of knowledge

ʻʻThe production of knowledge is always a

collaborative task and never solely a product of the
individual.ʼʼ Discuss this statement with reference to
two areas of knowledge.

KQ: To what extend does sense perception can be reliable to Natural sciences
and Art in production of knowledge?

Production of knowledge is something that takes time to be realized.Collaborative refers to

somethings that people do in group or team to achieve a point and individual means doing
something alone. The thing which is most important there in this prescribe title is the way
that knowledge is produced and how it is produced. I believe that knowledge should be
produce in group to be more concrete and true, the work did alone can also be true but it
can have some uncertainties and random error. Every people want to leave something for
the next generation that is why they try to produce knowledge even is in the wrong way or
the right; they want just to leave their name in the story. But it is not every people who have
the same idea or way to produce knowledge.

This essay will be focused in Human sciences and Natural sciences as areas of knowledge,
with sense perception as way of knowing. In my body I will show how sense perception can
be linked to Human sciences and Natural sciences in the manner that knowledge is

Claim 1: The work did in group give more result depending in the way that we perceived it.

Every human being has their own way of perceived things and analyse them, but it is not all
the way of perceiving things that are right, because the point of view of someone is not the
same for another one. Someone can realize that something like a particular aspect of life is
not explode and he will tried to do some discovery which can be benefit to the society
according to him, finally this person get and answer on his exploration but after his research
people around himcan not be convinced easily about his analogy. Even that person produced
knowledge this does not means that his discovery is true and because he was alone in this
does not prove that is analogy was clear. In the case where people work in group or
collaboration this give a strong believe for community on the result of their task because
community are more sure about their result and they think that their discovery is true
because is not one person who produce that, it was the work and engagement of many
people who shared their ideas and mix them. This work will be on Natural sciences and
Human sciences.

For example we have the case of John Dalton a scientist who did an analogy after that he
found that atoms are indivisible according to his result of that analogy, but after that
through the years others scientists did the same analogy but the discovered that atoms can
be divisible and it is made up of protons, neutrons, electrons, with those result we can see
how the analogy of John Dalton was wrong. This example shows us how the work in group
can give good and clear results, but work did alone can have some mistake which will give
wrong result.

Counter Claim 1: Wrong conclusion can be the result of collaborative work.

Sometime you have an idea or a dream about a particular thing that you want to achieve or
realize, he will try to do it by himself but he can discovered that he don’t have more ideas or
the force require to do that. That is why that person can ask for help to other people, those
people can be his friends, and this will help him to make his work easy to achieve this task.
The people that he will ask for help will bring more idea, a good work force and it will go
rapidly, but the thing is that those people that he will choose to join him among them it can
have some lazy or not the necessary knowledge. This can be the result of mistake and
disorder in the work and finally he will achieve what he was expecting but due to the high
number of mistake it conclusion can’t be true at all.

For example when I was in form 4 the teacher gave us an assignment in physics, which we
were supposed to do in group of 4 people, it was supposed to take and account for our class
participation. The task was to find the mass of all the planets of the solar system; we decided
to divide the work by given to everybody the work to find the mass of two planet as they are
eight in total. I found the mass of Pluton and Mars, between others one of the 3 did a
mistake on the mass of one planet, we were sure that we finished our task but the small
mistake that one member of our group did reduce us marks. This example shows how
working in group can give some bad result, because of some error that one member of our
time can make. That is why when you work in collaboration try to find people who are
focused on what they are doing.

Claim 2: The fact that we work individually may not probably produce good knowledge.
Some people have the habit to work alone on something with the aims to prove to the
society that they are strong and able to produce something that is why they don’t like
collaborative work, because they know that the rewards honour will be shared. Art is simply
the representation of an idea on something, which has the goal to convince and persuade
community by making it as sculpture; drawing and picture. Artcan be linked to sense
perception, because sense perception just observes the work of art, the way that we
perceived thing is depending on our past event because the thing that we have seen in the
past we can’t accept new thing that does not correspond with the thing that K we have
already saw. Some people have principle according to their religion or culture that they can’t
disrupt, because this will go against their belief that is why they will agree with something
that is false or doesn’t work with their tradition. Knowledge can be produce through the past
experimentbut good argument can’t be confident at all because the work is did alone,
someone can paint a board with the aim of sharing a message, the message that he want to
share can be good but depending on how the community will perceived it, some members of
community can see it as not benefit for them.

For example I went to Foumban in the institute of Art and culture I saw many fresco, one of
them captivated my attention it was a table of a nude woman who nourishing her baby with
her boobs, the painter said that his message was to show the benefit of maternally nutrition
but other people consider that as perverse because the woman was nude. If this work was
done in collaboration some people may have seen that the nude woman can affect the
sensibility of other, they will change this aspect.

Counter Claim 2: We can produce knowledge individually depending of the time taken.

Someone can have the idea of painting something in the wall of a building; his objective can
be to present the diversity of culture and touristic location of a country. To do that he will
need to walk through the country by presenting his project and also asking some questions
concerning his task to get more information and do his work clearly. The fact that he walking
through the country doing some research, he will gain more skill and ideas and proof which
will support his arguments. He will reproduce the knowledge which he has acquired but he
can change some aspect and add his personal knowledge. He will produce a knowledge
based in art, people will accept his messages because they will know that he has learned
about many culture before doing that, and also his argument follow by good proof will
automatically convince them.

For example in my previous school one of my class mate drawn a table which show how in
the north region girls does not have the right of go to school before and in state why it was
not good for those girls. He gave the benefit of school and why it was condemned by woman
right; his message was clear and easy to understand, by this picture he has produce
knowledge which have been helpful for the community. With this example you can see how
knowledge can be produce solely in art.
Another example is the case of the national museum in my country; I went there when I was
in primary school. One of the things that fascinated me the most was the way that many
artists were represented their sculpture, every statute and sculptures were coming from
different region. I also saw some picture of the people who fight for the independence of the
country and also for other reason. The aims of those artists were to represent the diversity
and the story of the country, they want also to preserve our traditions and conserve them
for the future generations. With this example we can see the production of knowledge by
those artists through their drawing; picture; Sculpture and statute; this will be benefit for
people who don’t know the story of the country.

This essay has shown how knowledge can be produce, and in which circumstance this
production of knowledge can be true which. One thing that is important to know that there
are ways where knowledge produced can be seen as true by the society, and in which areas
of knowledge it can be proved. Production of knowledge depends only of the manner that is
formed, if it is produced as a collaborative task or individually the reality is that the society
will only need good knowledge, they will not care about the way that it is produced. Reading
through this essay we discovered that production of knowledge knowledge is a collaborative
task and never the product of individual, but knowledge can be produced individually
depending of the situation.

Production of knowledge can be done by an individual based on his experience and

experiment, production of knowledge it not only a collaborative task because we can have
some challenges. Knowledge can also be considered as a collaborative task because working
in collaboration can bring more ideas and argument. The limitations of this essay are the lack
of more arguments and examples. We finally see the link between natural sciences and Art
with sense perception in this essay.


Shcedu.(2019). Shcedu. Retrieved 23 January, 2019, from


Essays, UK. (November 2013). How can humans produce knowledge?. Retrieved from

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