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I Have a Dream

Signs Marked with White or Colored Only

The ª Have a DreamÝ speech was de vered by Dr Mart n Luther K ng Jr a c v
I li . i i ., i il

r ghts act v st n 1963 a t me when peop e of d fferent races d dn t get to en oy

i i i , i , i l i i ' j

the same bas c r ghts n the Un ted States of Amer ca Look at the fo ow ng
i i i i i . ll i

photos th nk about what the s gn n each photo cou d poss b y mean and
, i i i l i l ,

d scuss how these s gns make you fee

i i l.

1 2

3 4

I Have a Dream
1 Be ow l is a condensed version of the ªI Have a

DreamÝ speech, wh ch
i Ma rtin Luther King, Jr. made in
2 I am happy to join w th
i you t oday in what w ill go
5 down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom
in the history of our nation.
Paragraphs 3-4: 3 Five score years ago, a great Amer can n whose
i , i

Me aphors
t :

The speechwriter
uses metaphors to
sy mbo c shadow we stand today s gned the Emanc pat on
li , i i i

explain ideas and

o m o
Pr cla ati n. This mom o
ent us decree is a great beac n o
 What 10 light f h pe t o o om o o N o
illi ns f wo
egr slaves h had been
metaphors can
you find in the seared in the fla es f m o w
ithering injustice. It ca m
e as a

paragraphs? o o
j y us daybreak t o
end the l ng night f their ca tivity. o o p
But one hundred years ater, the Negro st l ill i s not free. One
hundred years later, the lif e of the Negro is still bad y l

15 crippled by the manac es of segregat on and the cha ns of

l i i

discrimination. One hund ed yea s r r l ater, the Negro lives

on a one y l l s and
i l of poverty in the m dst o
i f a vast ocean

46 Un t 3
of materia prosperity. One hundred years ater, the Negro
l l

is still languished in the corners of Amer can soc ety and

i i

fi nds himse f in exile in his own and. So we've come here

l l 20

t oday to dramatize a shameful condition.

4 In a sense, we've come to our nation's capital to cash
a check, a promissory note to wh ch every Amer can was
i i

t o fa heir, a promise that a

ll ll men wou d be guaranteed

t he rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is 25

obvious today that America has defaulted on this note

i nsofar as her citizens of co or are concerned. America has

given the Negro peop e a bad check

l , a check wh ch has

come back marked ª nsuff c ent funds Ý But we refuse to

i i i .

I Have a Dream
30 be ieve that the bank of justice
l is bankrupt. We u
ref se t o
be ieve that there are insufficient funds in the great vau ts
l l

of opportunity of this nation. So we've come to cash this

check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of

freedom and the security of justice.

Paragraphs 5-8: 35 5 I say to you today, my fri ends, though, even though
Repet t on:
i i

The speechwriter
uses repetition to
we f ace the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a
place emphasis on
certain points and
m m
drea . It is a drea deeply r ted in the oo
erican drea . Am m
to express

I have a drea m
that ne day this nati n oill rise up, live ut o w o
 What examples
of repetition
the true m o W
eaning f its creed: ª e h ld these truths t be o o
can you find in 40 self ­evident, that all m
en are created equal.Ý
the four

What important
6 I have a drea that m o
ne day n the red hills f o o
messages can
you find in the G o o o om
e rgia, s ns f f r er slaves and the s ns f f r er o o om

paragraphs? slave­ ow w o
ners ill be able t sit d n t gether at the table ow o

48 Un t 3
of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state
of Mississippi, a state swe tering with the heat of injustice,
l 45

swe ter ng w th the heat o oppress on w be

l i i f i , ill

transformed nto an oas s o reedom and ust ce

i i f f j i .

7 have a dream that my our tt e ch dren w one day

I f li l il ill

live n a nat on where they w not be udged by the co or

i i ill j l

of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a 50

dream . . . I have a dream that one day in A abama, with its l

vicious racists, w thi its governor having his ips dripping l

w th the words o
i n e position and nu
f i t r llification, one day

ri ght there in A abama l little black boys and black girls w ill

be ab e to join hands with

l littl e wh te boys and wh te g r s
i i i l 55

as sisters and brothers.

I Have a Dream
8 I have a dream today . . . I have a dream that one day
every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mounta n sha i ll

60 be made ow, the rough p aces wi be made p ain, and the

l l ll l

crooked places will be made straight. And the glory of the

Lord shall be revealed, and all fles h sha ll see it t ogether.
This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South

w th i . Wh it this faith we w ill be ab e to hew out of the


65 mounta n of despa r a stone of hope

i i . W h h s a h we w
it t i f it ill

be ab e to transform the jang ing discords of our nation

l l

into a beautifu symphony of brotherhood.

l Wh it t his faith
we w ill be ab e to
l work together, to pray together, to
70 struggle together, to go to jai together, to
l stand up for
fr eedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

50 Un t 3
9 This w ill be the day, this w ill be the day when a ll of Paragraphs 9-10:
Familiar Material:
God's ch dren w il ill be ab e to sing with new meaning. ª y
l M The speechwriter
uses familiar

country, `tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.

material to
connect to the

Land where my a hers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride,

f t
audience, such as
hymns, songs, and
the Scriptures.

from every mountain side, et freedom ring!Ý l 75  Wha amiliar

t f

material can
10 Let freedom ring . . . when we let it ri ng from every you find in the

city and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we
w ill be ab e to speed up that day
l when a o God's ll f

children, black wh te men men and i , Jews and Gent es il ,

Protestants and Catho cs w be ab e to o n hands and li , ill l j i 80

s ng n the words o the o d Negro sp r tua ªFree at ast

i i f l i i l, l ,

Free at ast Great God A m ghty We are ree at ast Ý

l , l i , f l .

Excerpted from ªI Have a Dream.Ý

I Have a Dream

Accord ng to the passage and
i its structure, fill in each of the blanks wit h your
own words.

The purpose of the speech is to require the government to enforce the law to

The Negro is still not free although the Emancipation
Whatt he situation Proclamation was signed.
is now The reality of the audience's life is 2

52 Un t 3 i

M dd e
i l

In M ss ss pp
i i i i

It isnow sweltering with the heat of

injustice and oppression.

Wha t it is . . .

In A abama

The governor is talking about 3


The alternative In M ss ss pp
i i i

to what the It could be

situation is and .

what it could be
In A abama

Children no matter what their skin color

Wha t it could is will be able to join hands with each
be . . . other.

One day h nation will live out the true

t is

meaning of its creed: ª e hold these truths
to be self­evident, that

The action is joining in the movement that will 6
Ca ll t o action

I Have a Dream

I. Choose the correct answer to each quest on i .

( ) 1. According to the passage, what is the purpose of the gathering in 1963?

( A) To commemora e t a great Amer can who
i signed the Emancipation
( B) To ask the government to ªcash a checkÝ that guarantees freedom and
j ustice.
( C) To avoid ethnic conflict bet een w Afr can Amer cans
i i and the US. .

( D) To bring rewards to the Lord who lets free dom ring fro m every
mountain side .

( ) 2. Wh ch o i f the follo w ngi is closest in meaning to ªmanaclesÝ in the third

( A) Cha ns
B) Beacons
i . (C) Captives
( (D) Exiles . . .

II. Accord ng to the passage comp ete the tab e be ow by check ng () the
i , l l l i

boxes w th the correct answers For ªDreams of the speaker Ý there s more
i . , i

than one correct answer F n the b ank for ªThe prem se of the passageÝ
. ill i l i

wit h your own words.

The genre of □ chant □ essay □ letter

the passage

□ poem □ song □ speech

commemorate 紀念 ethnic 種族的 premise 假定 chant 聖歌

54 Un t 3

□ a graduation ceremony □ a demonstration

Occas on i

□ an official inauguration □ a private gathering

The premise of We ho d hese

l t tr tu hs to be self­evident that
t he passage .

□ H s ch
d n can be judged by content of their character and
i il re

join hands with white children as sisters and brothers.

□ The governor of Alabama will offer every citizen of his state

Dreams of the the same opportunities.
speaker □ The day will come when all of God's children regardless of
color, race, and religion can enjoy freedom together.
□ He has the power to exalt valleys, make hills and mountains
low, and render rough, crooked places plain and straight.

1. Do you think that Ma rtin Luther King, Jr.'s dream has been realized since he
delivered the speech in 1963? Why o
why no ? Share your op n ons w h he c ass
r t i i it t l .

2. Wha wou d you do o rea ze he dream of rac a equa y f you were Mar n
t l t li t i l lit i ti

Lu her K ng Jr ? Share your deas w h he c ass

t i , . i it t l .

inauguration 就職典禮

I Have a Dream

The following picture shows some background information about Ma rti n Luther
K ngi , Jr.D scuss i the information graphic w ith your partner and answer the
questi ons be ow l .

( ) 1. According to the information graphic above, wh ch

i of the following
state ments is true?
( A) Dr K ng was murdered because he won
. i the Nobe l Prize on April 4,
1968, at the age of 39.
(B) Racial segregation became illegal in the same year when Dr King .

became ªMan of the Year Ý .

(C) Dr King refused to give up his seat to a white person and launched a

381­day campaign .

(D) More than 200 000 people listened to the ªI Have a DreamÝ speech in

2. Numbers play an i mportant role in our lives Pick one number in the information

graphic above, and share w ith the class the reason why you h nk
t i it is wor hy of


56 Un t 3

Persuasive Writing
In persuasive writing the goal is to convince readers to agree with a

certain point of view or persuade them to do something To reach this .

goal a writer needs to support his or her argument He or she may use
, .

experimental studies, statistics, emotional appeals, historical or true facts,

in­depth research or surveys, personal experiences, famous quotes, expert

opinions, repetition, etc. Examples of this type of writing include critiques,

reviews, commercials, advertising, or speeches like M
artin Luther King

H stor ca
i i l · a great American . . . signed the Emancipation
. . .

facts, metaphor Proclamation . . . to cash this check . . . freedom

and the security of justice.
Repetition · One hundred years a er, . . .
l t

H stor ca
i i l · . . .he Negro still is not free.
facts, · . . . the life of the Negro is still badly crippled by

emotional the manacles of segregation and the chains of

appeals discrimination.
· . . . the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty . . .
· . . . the Negro is still languished . . . and finds
himself in exile in his own land.
® I n the second paragraph of Martin Luther King
Jr.'s speech, he cited the Emancipation
Proclamation to highlight such a shameful
condition and tried to convince the general public
that African Americans should share the same

rights as all Americans, using the metaphor of

cashing a check of freedom and justice. Then, he
kept repeating ªone hundred years later,Ý and that
is repetition. He also used historical facts and a

strong emotional appeal to stress that African

Americans were still not free from segregation.
criti que 評論文章
IHave a Dream
Exercise A:
Read the fifth and the sixth paragraphs of the passage again and answer the
fo owing questions be ow.
ll l

1. Wh ch o i f the follow ng s ra eg es d d Mar n Lu her K ng Jr

i t t i i ti t i . use to persuade his
audience t o agree w h h s po n of v ew?
it i i t i

W exper men a i t l studies W h s or ca

i t i l or true facts W famous quo es t

Wsa t tistics W i ­n depth research or surveys W exper t opinions

W emo ti onal appeals W persona l experiences W repe titi on

2. Give examples to support your answers above.

Exercise B:
Read ng the fo ow ng passage and answer the quest ons
i ll i i .

1 ªCoronado high school shooting: 37 g

tra ic deaths.Ý 2 ªShooting at
V rg n a Tech A gunman k
i i i : ille d 75 students.Ý 3 Such horrible headlines about
the shooting incidents have haunted the Amer can pub
i lic. 4 Numerous paren s t

and students fear that such tra gedies may happen again. 5 Accord ng o Ma hew
i t tt

Maye r, a professor at the Rutgers Graduate School of Education , a school should

be a place that provides quality education and protection for students. 6 However ,

t he current situation is far from satisfying. 7 Campus security problems are often
reported, such as break­ins, unattended playground equipment and unfriendly ,

58 Un t 3
school climates that lead to bullying .

8 From my experience as a student everyone on campus can help to ,

maintain campus security 9 For instance schools are supposed to have

. ,

equipment checked regularly install surveillance cameras keep the campus

, ,

well­lit and have security guards increase patrols so that criminals or intruders

can't possibly hide any here. w 10 Add iti onally, teachers can create a friendly

environment where s uden s suppor

t t t each other. 11 Mo eove r r, students can stay
alert to any changes at school and report any unusual situation to teachers or
parents, both of whom play a key role in maintaining campus security. 12 Parents
should wa ch ou t o heir children's unusual behaviors and always keep teachers
t f r t

i f r med of any problem. 13 W ha it ll t hese roles interwoven, I believe campus
security can be improved , providing students w ith a safe and friendly


1. Wh ch o
i f the follo w ng s ra eg es does
i t t i the wr iter use to convince the readers to
agree w it h the idea of maintaining campus security?

W exper men ai t l studies W h s or ca i t i l or true facts W famous quo es t

Wsat tistics W n depth research or surveys

i ­ W exper t opinions

W emo tional appeals W persona l experiences W repe titi on

2. The sentences in the passage are numbered 1 to 13 . W rite down the NUMBER
of the sentence(s) to give examples supporting your answers above.

bullying 霸凌 surveillance 監視 intruder 侵入者 interweave 交織

I Have a Dream

Re at ve C auses
l i l

Examp es: l

1 Amer ca has g ven the Negro peop e a bad check a check which has
i i l ,

come back marked ª nsuff c ent funds Ý i i i .

2 F ve score years ago a great Amer can n whose symbo c shadow we

i , i , i li

stand today s gned the Emanc pat on Proc amat on , i i i l i .

3 I have a dream that my four tt e ch dren w li l il ill

one day ve n a nat on where they w not beli i i ill

udged by the color of their skin but by the


content of their character.

4 The United Nations, where I work, is an
international organization founded in 1945.

Wha do the sentence structures look like?


ì that ü
ì why ü
1 N + íï wwhhoich ïý 3 N + í when ý clause
ï ï

î where þ
ï ï
ïî whose + N ïþ
ì who ü
N, + íï which ïýï 4 N, + í when ý clause
ï ì ü
î where þ

î whose + N þ

Exercise A:
Comp ete the fo ow ng passage by us ng the
l ll i i given words and t he structures

above. The first one has been done for you.

Or g na ng n he Un ed S a es B ack H s ory Mon h 1 , wh ch s a so
i i ti i t it t t , l i t t i i l

known as Afr can Amer can H story Month (a so know A r can Amer can
i i i l / / f i i

H s ory Mon h) s ce ebra ed every year In 1926 he h s or an Car er G Woodson

i t t , i l t . , t i t i t .

n a ed an ac v y wh ch honored he r umphs and s rugg es of b ack peop e n

i iti t ti it i t t i t l l l i

Amer ca S nce hen he ac v y has drawn pub c a en on and ra sed peop e's
i . i t , t ti it li tt ti i l

awareness of b ack peop e's con r bu ons o Amer can soc e y One of he reasons
l l t i ti t i i t . t

60 Un t 3

successful) is that it recei ved a lot of support fro m heavyweight politicians. For
example, in 1976, the president Gera d l Ford officially designated Black H s ory i t

Mon h as a na t ti onal event. Never he ess t l , not everyone comp e e y agreed w h hel t l it t

i dea of a Black History Mon h Those

t .

H s ory Mon h) cha enged

(oppose/idea/ lack B i t t ll

the dea of conf n ng B ack h s ory o one mon h As a proud Afr can Amer can he
i i i l i t t t . i i , t

ac or Morgan Freeman once no ed ªI don' wan a B ack H s ory Mon h B ack

t t , t t l i t t . l

h s ory s Amer can h s ory Ý Nowadays B ack H s ory Mon h has been ce ebra ed
i t i i i t . , l i t t l t

in o her coun r es such as Ire and and he Un ed K ngdom As opposed o he

t t i , l t it i . t t

month of February 4

( lack H s ory Mon h
i t t /t ake place/United States), it is in Oc ober t

that the celebration is held in these countries.

Exercise B:
Translate the following pairs of Ch nese sentences
i into English. Use one o f t he
sentence structures on page 60 to trans ate one of each pair. l


1. 因為我們都擁有對跳舞的熱情,Lillian 是班上最了解我的人。

2. 我相信即使未來我們就讀於不同的大學,我們仍會是最好的朋友。


1. 由於它優秀的服務品質,我們老闆對去年舉辦聖誕派對的那家餐廳留下深刻印象。

2. 她堅持今年派對也要在那裡辦。

I Have a Dream

Listening Strategy: Listening for Key Wo d r s and Mak ng n e ences
i I f r

A Story of a B ack Son n Amer ca

l i i

C nt Sm th an A r can Amer can wr ter poet and scho ar de vered a TED ta k

li i , f i ­ i i , , l , li l

on how he got adv ce rom h s parents and teachers n th s speech he a so

i f i . I i , l

shared an un orgettab e ch dhood memory and descr bed t w th v v d deta s

f l il i i i i i il .

L sten to the words n Vocabu ary Bank rst

i i l fi .

Vocabulary Bank
1. vigilante n. [C] 自衛隊隊員 8. consume vt. 充滿 (某種強烈的感情)
2. transpire vi. 發生 9. inundate vt. 使應接不暇
3. Super Soaker n. 玩具水槍品牌 10. hood n. [C] 兜帽
4. boundless adj. 無限的 11. sibling n. [C] 手足
5. ubiquitous adj. 無所不在的 12. armor n. [C] 盔甲
6. deride vt. 嘲笑 13. casket n. [C] 棺材
7. naive adj. 天真的

I. D scuss
i the pictures below with your partner and write down some keywords
about them in the box. Then, listen carefully to the story the speaker shared,
and put the pictures in chronological order.
(A)  ( B) 

62 Un t 3
(C)  (D) 

Order : ® ® ®
II. w
Listen to the story again and choose the correct ans er to each question.
( ) 1. (A) Objective. (B) Pessimistic. (C) Inspiring. ( D) Adm r ng i i .

( ) 2. (A) To tell Clint how foolish it was to play with a water gun at night.
(B) To protect Clint from being mistaken for a white boy .

(C) To encourage Clint to get along with other white children .

(D) To show his father's fear that Clint would be mistaken for a gunman .

( ) 3. (A) They help children gain fundamental human rights .

(B) They make children competent enough to survive in the modern

wor d
l .

(C) They keep children alive and safe from being hurt by society .

(D) They handle long­term conflicts with white people .

competent 有能力的

I Have a Dream

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