Case-2 Crohnâ S-Questions

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FSN 429 – Diet Therapy II

Fall Semester 2022

Case study #2

Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Crohn’s Disease (CD)

Student Name:………………………………. Student ID:………………………

Case Questions part-1 [Total 10 points]

1. Evaluate Fahad %UBW and BMI. [3]

2. Calculate Fahad energy and protein requirements. [3]

3. Select one nutrition problem and complete the PES statement. [2]

4. What laboratory values are consistent with an exacerbation of his Crohn’s disease?
Identify and explain these values. [2]
Case Question- Part2 [Total 20 points]:

5. What are the similarities and differences between Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
(symptoms/complications/antibody testing). How physician was sure that Fahad has
Crohn’s (what is the presentative test or procedure lead to the diagnosis)? [2]

6. Identify any significant and/or abnormal laboratory measurements from his hematology
and chemistry labs? Explain possible mechanisms for abnormal values. [4]

7. What are the nutrients may alter by Fahad Chron’s disease depending on the location of
the inflammation? [2]

8. Does Fahad at risk of developing a fistula? What is the mechanism? What is the most
known consequence of fistulas? [2]

9. Low FODMAP Diet one of the suggested diets for the treatment of CD. Explain this diet
briefly, what is the acronym FODMAP stands for? And what is its clinical
impact/improvement in CD pt.? [3]

10. There are many studies that showed a significant improvement of using dietary
supplements for CD pt., discuss the following supplements (Probiotics, Prebiotics, and
Symbiotics) and explain its beneficial effects. [3]

11. Select one nutrition problem and complete the PES statement. Depending on PES
statements you have written, establish an ideal goal (based on the signs and symptoms)
and an appropriate intervention (based on the etiology). [4]

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