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51. Paris, the son of the King of Troy, carried ………..Helen, the wife of the Greek chieftain Menelaus.

a) off b) up c) away

52. To regain his wife and …………..revenge,

a) taken b) take c) taking

53. Menelaus …………….a mighty army among the Greeks and sailed for Troy which he besieged.

a) rose b) raised c) arose

54. For ten years the Trojans and the Greeks fought on the windy plain before Troy without bringing the
war to ………..end.
a) the b) an c) a

55. The Trojans were unable to make the Greeks …………….. the siege and the Greeks could not fight their

a) lifted b) lift c) lifting

way into the city.

56. Among the Greek chiefs, the …………man was Odysseus.

a) cleverer b) more clever c) cleverest

57. When it became clear that Troy could not be taken ............ force of arms,

a) with b) by c) at

58. Odysseus devised a strategy to conquer the city by treachery. He engaged carpenters and instructed
them to build an enormous wooden horse, a horse ……………as the walls of Troy themselves.

a) taller b) as tall c) so taller

59. He had …………. make the inside hollow,

a) they b) them c) their

60. and the horse was so large ………. many men could be contained in it.

a) as b) for c) that

61. When the horse was completed, Odysseus and the bravest of the Greek warriors entered the horse
and were it.

a) concealing b) conceals c) concealed

62. The rest of the army

a) braked b) breaked c) broke

63. They gathered their tents and the rest of their equipment and boarded their ships. The ships set sail
and disappeared from the sight of Troy, but they went only behind the nearest island, where they......

a) can b) might could

not be seen by the watchers on the walls.

64. The next morning the people of Troy ..........

a) awaked b) awoked c) awoke

to find the plain before them empty, for the first time in ten years, of the Greek army. In its place stood
a huge wooden horse. They rushed from the walls into the plain, joyful at being free to leave the city.

65. In the place where the Greek camp ............, they found only one human being, a Greek, Simon by

a) was b) has been c) had been

name, who had been stationed there by Odysseus, and carefully instructed in the tale he was to tell.

66. He said that the Greeks had marked him as a human sacrifice to appease the wrath of the Goddess
Athena, whom they ...............displeased.

a) were b) had c) have

67. But he, Simon said, learning of this, had run away and hidden ......... until the army had sailed away.

a) himself b) his c) him

68. He said that because they no longer had Athena’s favour they …………. they could never capture Troy,

a) were known b) had known c) knew

and had returned to their homes.

69. He told them that the horse was an offering to Athena. It had been made so large, he said, to
discourage the Trojans ……………bringing it inside the walls.

a) from b) for c) to

70. He said that the Greeks hoped that the Trojans …………destroy it and thus bring the anger of Athena

a) will b) would c) should

on themselves. For if they brought it into the town, her favour would shift from the Greeks to the
Trojans. While Simon was talking, Odysseus and his men were huddled in the horse, listening.

71. So it was that the horse was brought ………the city.

a) at b) into c) to

72. When night came, the Trojans went to their houses happy in the belief that the siege was lifted and
that they had won the favour of the Goddess Athena. But then at midnight, when all were asleep,
Odysseus and …………. warriors emerged from the horse.

a) the others b) an other c) the other

73. First they threw open the gates and admitted the rest of the Greek army. Then they set fire …………
the city.
a) on b) by c) to

74. The Trojans awakened from sleep, and without their armour, fought valiantly, but they had been
taken completely by surprise. The fight raged all …………night, but by morning Troy was in ruins, and
most of the Trojans dead.

a) the b) Ø c) a

75. Of all of the sons of the Trojan king, only Aeneas escaped. He …………..through the fire and lived to

a) fleed b) flew c) fled

found the kingdom of Rome.

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