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Jamaica Inn
1: Meet Mary Yellan
NB: This is not a word-for-word transcript

LANGUAGE FOCUS: Present tenses mixed together- revision and extension. Revise
Present simple, present continuous and present perfect, and especially the differences
between them in terms of time indication

Mary narrator
My name is Mary, Mary Yellan. I'm 23 years old. I'm not usually very brave, but I feel
brave today. Here I am … on this long journey to Cornwall … on my own. I've left the
farm where I've lived all my life. I wanted to stay there, but last week I made a promise
to my dear Mother…

[coughing/weak voice] Mary, my child… listen…I won't be in this world much longer.

Don't say that, Mother.

It's true, Mary. But, before I go, I have only one wish ….

Yes, Mother dear?

When I die, promise me you will go and live with my sister Patience.

But why can't I stay here on the farm, here in Helford?

You can't stay here alone.

But I haven't seen Patience since I was a child!

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I know, but soon she will be the only family you have. [coughing] I have written to her.
She has agreed that you can go and live with her and your uncle Joshua. They live on
Bodmin Moor in Cornwall. Here, take her letter.

Bodmin Moor! But that's so far away!

Mary narrator
Mother died last Tuesday. The funeral was yesterday. We buried her next to Papa. Now,
I'm on my way to my aunt's house. I've got the letter here …

[reading] Joss and I now live in Jamaica Inn, where he is landlord. It's on the road
between Bodmin and Launceston…

This journey is so long! We have been travelling for hours. What a wild and lonely county
Cornwall is. My only consolation is that I will see my aunt again after so many years. Oh
how pretty she was with her golden hair and blue eyes! Always laughing, enjoying
ourselves ….

But I never visited her and I never met her husband either. … Ah, at last, I can see
houses and people – this must be Bodmin town.

There is just me and one other traveller left. It's so cold and grey outside…The rain is
lashing against the window. I wish it would stop! All I can see is mile upon mile of empty
moorland. No trees … no houses … I wonder how many more hours we have to travel?

Excuse me, sir – is it much further?

Where are you going?

Jamaica Inn …. Do you know it?

Maybe I do and maybe I don't…and why are you going there?

I'm going to live there …. with my aunt and uncle.

That will be Joss Merlyn ... People say that queer things go on at Jamaica Inn.

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What do you mean – queer?

It's just what they say. But respectable people don't go there any more. It's a lonely

If I were you, Miss, I would go on to Launceston tonight and go back to Bodmin tomorrow.

But I can't. My aunt and uncle are waiting for me.

Jamaica Inn is no place for a young woman.

I have nowhere else to go…

Mary narrator
What can he mean by 'queer things'? Why is he looking at me in that curious way?

Whoa boy…! Slow now.

Why have we stopped here – it's the middle of nowhere?

Jamaica Inn! There you go Miss.

But there's nothing here! Oh – what's that? There up on the moor - a dark building with
tall chimneys. I can see a path to the door. There's a sign twisting in the wind. It says
'Jamaica Inn'.

Mary narrator
Suddenly I feel frightened. I want to climb back in the coach.
Too late – it's already gone... I suppose my only choice now is to enter Jamaica Inn.

Next time we meet – I get to meet my Aunt Patience and Uncle Joss. I discover what a
mean and scary man my uncle is. And I discover a locked room – what is inside?

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pub where people can stay overnight

person who owns or manages a hotel or an inn

something that you makes you feel better about a difficult situation

when rain is lashing, it is falling very heavily, often with a lot of wind

large open area of land with very few trees or plants and very few buildings

(here) strange, unusual

acceptable to most people in a place

form of transport that is pulled by horses and was used in the past

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1. What did Mary promise her mother to do?

a) Stay on the farm

b) Get married
c) Go to live with her aunt

2. Who is Joss Merlyn?

a) Mary's father
b) The landlord of Jamaica Inn
c) A man she meets on her journey

3 What does the man in the coach say about Jamaica Inn?

a) Local people like going there

b) Strange things happen there
c) Mary will like it there

1. What did Mary promise her mother to do?

a) Stay on the farm - Wrong – Mary's mother doesn't want her to stay on the farm on her
own. She wants her to go and live with her aunt in Cornwall.
b) Get married - Wrong – Mary's mother says to Mary: '…promise me you will go and live
with my sister Patience.'
c) Go to live with her aunt - Correct – Well done!

2. Who is Joss Merlyn?

a) Mary's father - Wrong – Joss Merlyn is Mary's uncle.

b) The landlord of Jamaica Inn - Correct – Well done!
c) A man she meets on her journey - Wrong – Joss Merlyn is Mary's uncle.

3 What does the man in the coach say about Jamaica Inn?

a) Local people like going there - Wrong – He says 'respectable people don't go there any
b) Strange things happen there - Correct – Well done!
c) Mary will like it there - Wrong – He says it's 'no place for a young woman'. He advises
her to go back to Bodmin.

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Jamaica Inn
2: A cold and lonely place
NB: This is not a word-for-word transcript

Language focus: Present perfect continuous tense

Mary narrator
I have arrived at Jamaica Inn to live with my aunt. My uncle is landlord here. It's a cold and
lonely place. I'm at the door and I'm waiting for someone to let me in…

Who's there?

It's me. Mary. Mary Yellan.

[Heavy door opening]

Ah, so, you've arrived at last. Well, say hello to your Uncle Joss.

Where is my Aunt Patience?

What's the hurry? Don't you want to give me a big kiss first? Patience! She's here.
[impatiently] Where are you, woman?

Patience! Where in hell is that woman?

I'm here. Is it the girl?

See for yourself.

Mary narrating
A woman with grey hair hurries towards me. In the candlelight her face is pale. She looks

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Aunt Patience - I am so glad to see you.

Mary narrating
But she is unrecognisable. Her curls have gone and her happy smile also. I can see
that she's been crying. This woman is old and anxious. She starts to cry.

Stop whimpering, woman. Can't you see the girl is hungry! I'll take her things up to her
room. If there's nothing to eat on the table when I come down, you'll soon have something
to cry about.

Mary narrating
He lifts my heavy box as if it's a bag of feathers. He is huge with shoulders like those of a

Mary narrating
The kitchen is full of smoke from the fire. There are stains on the stone floor and there's a
strong smell of alcohol. On the table there are two empty bottles of brandy.

You mustn't mind your Uncle Joss. Some people find him strange at first, but he is very
respected here. Just yesterday he told me that a man stopped and told him how much he

Are you talking rubbish again woman? Sit down Mary. Eat. Listen, Mary. I'm in charge here
and you'll do as I say. You'll serve the customers in the bar and help in the house. But if you
open your mouth and squawk like a hen, you'll be sorry.

I'll help you like you say, but if you hurt my aunt, I'll tell and you'll be punished.

Patience, go and get me another bottle and be quick. Big words – maybe we're not so
different, Mary. Here, drink this.This is my curse, Mary – drink. I've been drinking a
little today but - Oh you'll see how we drink here some Saturdays – they hear the
shouting and singing far away. People are afraid of me but I'm afraid of no one. Go to bed

Mary narrating
He suddenly grabs my wrist.

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Listen carefully. Some nights you'll hear wheels, footsteps and voices outside. You must stay
in your room and put your blanket over your ears. If you ask questions, I'll break every
bone in your body. Do you understand?

Mary narrating
My room is small and bare. Just a bed and a table with a broken mirror. I feel lonely
and trapped like a bird in a cage. But it's not too late to run away. I creep down the dark

[to herself] Who's crying? It must be my aunt!

Mary narrating
I turn back. My uncle frightens me but I must stay and protect Aunt Patience.

I did not sleep well last night. My bed is hard and the blanket is thin. The house is quiet this
morning. I'll look for a place to wash downstairs. Here is the bar. Ah, there's a passage here
– maybe it's along here. A door – this must be the washroom.

How strange – it's locked.

Mary! What are you doing?

Why is this room locked, Aunt Patience? What's in it?

Mary narrating
My aunt looks quickly behind her and her eyes are like a frightened rabbit's.

Is it because of the people who come to the inn at night?

Mary. Mary. I've been worrying about how to tell you this. I must warn you. Bad
things happen here. Men come at night and they go into that room with Joss. When you
hear them, you must stay in your room. You must never ask me or your uncle about it

Mary narrating
What is in this room and why is my Aunt so scared? I'm not going to like it here but I must
stay to support her and keep her safe. Next time we meet – I have to work in the bar of
Jamaica Inn on Saturday night where I get to meet a group of rough and drunk men. Later

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that night there are some strange goings-on in the yard outside. What's going on at Jamaica

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dirty marks

a strong alcoholic drink


(here) slang for 'complain'

(here) evil influence

(here) basic, with very little equipment

unable to leave

move very carefully and secretly so that nobody sees you

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1 Why is Mary surprised when she sees her aunt?

a) Because her aunt is crying.
b) Because her aunt doesn't recognise her.
c) Because her aunt has changed so much.

2 Why does Mary decide to stay at Jamaica Inn?

a) Because she is too frightened to run away.
b) Because she wants to protect her aunt.
c) Because she wants to help her uncle in the bar.

3 What does Mary find when she goes downstairs in the morning?
a) A room where she can wash
b) A room that is locked
c) A room with people in it


1 Why is Mary surprised when she sees her aunt?

a) Because her aunt is crying. - Wrong – She doesn't recognise her aunt.
b) Because her aunt doesn't recognise her. - Wrong – She doesn't recognise her aunt.
c) Because her aunt has changed so much. - Correct – Well done!

2 Why does Mary decide to stay at Jamaica Inn?

a) Because she is too frightened to run away. - Wrong – She is frightened, but that is not
why she decides to stay.
b) Because she wants to protect her aunt. - Correct – Well done!
c) Because she wants to help her uncle in the bar. - Wrong – She hears her aunt crying and
wants to stay to protect her.

3 What does Mary find when she goes downstairs in the morning?
a) A room where she can wash - Wrong – She is looking for a washroom, but she doesn't
find one.
b) A room that is locked - Correct – Well done!
c) A room with people in it - Wrong – She finds a room, but she can't open the door to go

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Jamaica Inn
3: Strange goings-on
This is not a word-for-word transcript

Language focus: quantifiers: all, each, either, neither, every etc…

Mary narrator
I've not seen my uncle since I arrived. I am glad because he's got a violent temper and treats
my aunt badly. This morning, I've been exploring the country around the inn…
There is nothing but heather and grass for miles. …In the distance I can see the marsh.
It was in this wild and lonely land that my uncle lived as a boy with his two brothers… last
night he told me their story …

If you had lived here, you would have taken to drink, like I did. It makes you do things. I had
a family once: a father, mother, two brothers, but each one of them disappeared one way
or another… My father was hanged. He killed a man… My brother Jem is clever – but
they'll catch him, too and hang him. My brother Matthew – well, he drowned in the marsh -
they found him one summer when the marsh dried up…

Mary narrator
When I get back to the inn my uncle is there...

Well, did you miss me?

Did you have a nice trip?

Nice, be damned. I've been riding for four days. There was a bit of money involved…
That's all I care about…

Well, I'll go and help my aunt.

It's me you'll be helping tonight, in the bar.

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Mary narrator

It's Saturday night – the bar is crowded. The air is full of smoke and the smell of unwashed
bodies. All of them are drunk. Some men are so drunk that they lie on the benches like
dead men.

Harry (man in bar)

Another pint…

Hurry up there, girl.

Uncle, I cannot bear this. I'm going upstairs.

Too good for us are you? Well it's almost midnight now. Go to your room and lock your

Oww! Let go of my wrist! You're hurting me…

Hear this. Keep your mouth shut – and you won't get hurt - but if you start to ask …

Oh! What's that noise? It's coming from under my room…

Mary narrator
The moonlight pours into my room, creating ghostly shadows. I creep over to the window.
My uncle is below and I recognise other men from earlier this evening. There are four or
five wagons. The men have been taking big boxes from them into the inn.

That's the last of them…

Good. Get going now. Be quick…

What will you do about… him?

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Don't worry. Harry and I will deal with him later…

Mary narrator
I understand now. They are smuggling! Jamaica Inn is a perfect place for it. But what's my
uncle doing at the moment? I have to go and see…

As I get closer to the bar, I hear voices. I hide in the shadows.

No, and no again - I will not be a part of it - that's murder you are talking about Mr Merlyn
…killing innocent women and children – no!

Not so fast. By God, you will do as I say! Another man said the same and he was hanging at
the end of a rope a few minutes later! Harry – you go and lock the door behind you. I'll
finish here…

Mary narrator
I feel sick. My heart has been beating so loudly, I am sure they have heard it. I go back to my
room quietly…

What shall I do? If I had a gun or a knife, I could perhaps hurt my uncle so that the man can
escape… But I have nothing. I must do something, though ….

Mary narrator
I creep downstairs again. The door to the bar is shut. There is silence. I suddenly know I
have to open the door to find out.

There's no one here! Just the tables and a few empty glasses. The door is open at the
But wait… what's that hanging in the middle of the room? It's swinging… A rope hanging
from a hook in the ceiling! But there's nothing on the end of it. What's happened to that
man? I fear the worst…

Mary narrator
Next time we meet, an interesting visitor arrives at Jamaica Inn. But who is he - and can he
be trusted?

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a wild plant with small purple flowers that grows on hills and in wild places

to be killed by having a rope put around the neck and then being made to fall

area of soft, wet land

be damned
slang expression meaning you do not care about something at all

continue to accept a bad or difficult situation

form of transport, with four wheels, which is pulled by horses

to secretly bring things in and out of a place in a way that is not allowed by law

describes someone who has not done anything wrong

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Comprehension questions

1 What happened to Joss's brother Matthew?

a) He drowned in the marsh.
b) He was hanged.
c) He was killed by a man.

2 Why does Mary wake up in the night?

a) Because someone knocks at her door.
b) Because she hears noises below her room.
c) Because the moon is so bright.

3 What or who does Mary find when she opens the door to the bar?
a) A rope hanging from the ceiling.
b) Her uncle and Harry.
c) A dead man.


1 a) Correct answer – Well done!

b) Wrong answer – He died in a different way.
c) Wrong answer – He died in a different way.

2 a) Wrong answer – She hears a different sound.

b) Correct answer – Well done!
c) There is a bright moon, but this is not why Mary wakes up.

3 a) Correct answer – Well done!

b) Wrong answer - There is no one in the room when Mary opens the door. She finds
something else.
c) Wrong answer – She finds something else.

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Jamaica Inn
4: The horse thief
This is not a word-for-word transcript

Language focus: Phrasal verbs

Mary narrator
I now know that my uncle is involved in smuggling. I also suspect that he has murdered a
man. But if I tell, my aunt will suffer, so I can't do anything. Today, I am alone cleaning the
kitchen. But the quiet does not last …

Who can that be?

Mary narrator
When I go in the bar, there's a man with a glass of beer. He looks familiar.

What do you think you're doing? You can't help yourself to drink!

Are you the barmaid? Fill up my glass.

Fill it up yourself. I'll tell Mr Merlyn you are here.

Don't bother - he won't want to see me.

Well, I can't stand here waiting. Pay up and you can go.

Do you order Joss around like that?

He's my uncle. Patience was my mother's sister. Now, I have work to do… uncle!

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Who the hell are you talking to? I told you to keep your mouth shut! Oh, it's you, Jem.
What do you want? You can get on with your work, Mary.

Mary narrator
So that was Jem, my uncle's brother. He's got the same dark eyes and hair, but drink has
not ruined his face – it's younger and more handsome.

Excuse me. I didn't expect to see a girl like you at Jamaica Inn.

My mother died, so I came here. I'm glad she isn't alive to see how my aunt lives now. I try
to help her in the house. What do you do?

I steal horses.

Oh! Aren't you afraid of being caught?

Not really. Listen, I'm being serious now. Jamaica Inn is no place for you with its ugly
business. I can help you go to Bodmin.

I don't need help. I can look after myself.

Well…I'm going now. But remember – I live in Trewartha if you ever need me

Mary narrator
How can I trust him? He's a thief - and he's Joss's brother. The loneliness of my situation
grips me again.

The men have returned. From my window, I can see them lifting heavy objects onto the
wagons. These men are desperate and dangerous. And Jem? Did he come to warn his
brother that they were coming?

Mary narrator
This morning, I'm doing the washing. My uncle is away, so I can almost feel the happiness I
used to feel when I worked on the farm.

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What is it?

Mr Bassat is here - the magistrate, with another man. What are we going to do? He's
never been before: he must know something!

What am I going to say?

Mary narrator
This is my chance to tell an officer about Joss - but look at my aunt. She is trembling and

Just say Joss is away.

Mary, you won't tell Mr Bassat about the wagons, will you? If anything happens to Joss, I'll
kill myself.

Mr Bassat
You took your time. Where's the landlord?

He's not here.

Mr Bassat
When will he be back?

He went out after breakfast. I don't know when he's getting back.

Mr Bassat
Damn! Listen to me – Your husband is giving this whole area - my land - a bad

I don't know what you mean. We live a quiet life here - my niece will tell you.

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Mr Bassat
I'm not a fool. We'll look around now we are here.

Mary narrator
Mr Bassat is having a good look around the inn. He knows there is something hidden here.

Mr Bassat
This place is a disgrace! Call yourself an inn! There isn't one clean room.

Mary… Mary… the room by the bar!

Mary narrator
We come to the locked room.

I'm afraid this room is locked.

Mr Bassat

I don't know.

Mr Bassat
Have you ever heard wheels and horses at night?

No, never.

Mr Bassat
Where is the key to the room?

My uncle has it.

Mr Bassat
Well, we'll have to break down the door, then.

Mary narrator
I'm afraid. I hate lying to save my uncle and part of me will be glad if they find evidence of
his crimes. I remember the rope. But the fear of what might lie behind the door is clear in
my aunt's eyes. For her, it would be the end…

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In the next episode, I meet a man who I can talk to and tell him about the awful things I
have seen – but can he be trusted?

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a person who the police or other people believe to be responsible for a crime

(here) make a effort to do something

ready to do something dangerous or violent to escape from a very bad situation

a person who decides in a law court if someone is guilty of a minor crime

a swear word that expresses anger

opinion people have about a person or place

(here) in very bad condition

objects or information that prove that something is true

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Jamaica Inn
5: Lost on the moor
This is not a word-for-word transcript

Language focus: Zero, 1st, 2nd conditionals

Mary narrator
There was nothing but a few sacks and the rope in the locked room. My uncle has
returned and is very angry about Mr Bassat's visit. He storms out of the house and sets off
across the moor. Suddenly I have a mad plan. I put on my shoes and follow him.

He's walking too fast. I can't keep up. It's no good - he's disappeared!

It's getting dark. I must go back. Do I go right or left here? I don't remember this stream…
Oh no! I'm totally lost!

Hello, what are you doing out on the moor?

I'm lost,

Where are you going?

Jamaica Inn.

That's the other side of the moor, but you're exhausted! Come back with me. You can
rest and I'll take you back.

You're very kind.

Mary narrator
He looks strange. His hair is white, and his eyes are pale. His voice is young, though.

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I'm Francis Davey, Vicar of Altarnun. Please, come.

Are you feeling better now?

Yes, thank you.

Mary narrator
He has white hair and his eyes are like a blind man's – and yet his voice is gentle.

It was lucky I ran into you. Why were you on the moor tonight?

Mary narrator
Suddenly I want to tell him everything.

It's terrible! You've probably heard rumours. They come at night, with their wagons. That
first night there were six or seven of them. They brought huge boxes - they put them in a
room by the bar. A man was killed: I saw the rope - Oh! What have I done? I shouldn't have
said anything!

Don't worry – I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to.

But what should I do?

Wait. Watch your uncle. When the wagons come, tell me immediately.

What about the man who was killed? Can't we do something about that?

I think not. If there was a body, the police would surely investigate – but that's
unlikely now. Could it be your imagination? All you saw was a piece of rope.

I heard my uncle threaten him.

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People threaten others every day. Listen. You can talk to me any time.

Mary narrator
He drives me home. My uncle has been drinking. He stays drunk for five days. Today it's
sunny, so I am out on the moor again.

Where do these ponies come from?

Hey! Mary!

Oh, hello!

I didn't expect you so soon!

I didn't plan to come this way.

So what's been happening at Jamaica Inn?

We had a visit from Mr Bassat.

Did you now?, How much do you know Mary?

I just want to get my aunt away. Your brother can drink himself to death for all I care.

So the smuggling doesn't shock you? What about murder, though?

I don't know what you mean.

Why are you so silent, Mary? Even a child would know something was going on at Jamaica
Inn. 'We're bad, us Merlyns - and Jem is the worst.' Is that what you're thinking?

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Something like that, but I'm not afraid of you. I'd even like you if you didn't remind me
of your brother.

I'm better looking!

I must get back.

Are you coming with me to Launceston on Christmas Eve? I want to sell this pony.

And if you're caught selling a stolen pony, I'll go to prison like you…

I won't be caught…Come, don't you like a bit of excitement?

Well… Where shall we meet?

Mary narrator
It's late when I get back and my uncle is lying drunk in the kitchen – surrounded by empty
bottles. My aunt is in bed.

Who's there? Put away that knife!

Uncle Joss, it's me, Mary.

Mary, where are they?

There's no one here. What's wrong, Uncle Joss?

They can't hurt me now. They're all dead. Sit by me, Mary. It's this drink!I've killed men with
my own hands. But when I'm drunk I'm afraid. I see them in my dreams, floating on the
water. The ship. It was on the rocks but the water was flat and they were coming into the
shore alive! We had to kill them all. One woman – she was holding on to some wood with
her child. The water was only up to her shoulder. She cried out to me to help her. I took a

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stone and smashed her with it. I watched her and her child drown in four feet of water.
We killed them all with stones and rocks.

Mary narrator
My blood turns cold, and I feel sick. My uncle is a murderer, that I suspected, but what he
has just told me chills me to the bone. What terrible crime will he carry out next?

Join me next time when I go to the horse market with Jem, but things don't go to plan.

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large strong bags which are used to store things

to upset badly

storm out
leave a room quickly and angrily

information or a story that people talk about but that may not be true

tell someone you will hurt them

ponies (singular: pony)

small horses

die under water because you can't breathe

chills me to the bone

frightens me very much

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Jamaica Inn
6: The horse market
NB: This is not a word-for-word transcript

Language focus: modals of speculation and deduction in the present

Mary narrating
I've hardly slept since my uncle's shocking confession - how he lures ships onto the rocks
and drowns women and children. Today, however, I have escaped and am on my way with
Jem to the horse market in Launceston.

It's Christmas Eve, Mary. Why so quiet? What's happened?


You look tired.

My uncle has been drinking… and talking… I know about the wrecks, Jem.

And you think I must be involved…?

There are gaps in the story and you fit into them…

So you think I watch men and women drown and then steal from their dead bodies? … I
may have taken some tobacco sometimes from the inn… but I've never killed a man…

Mary narrating
Can I believe him?

If you don't believe me, why have you come with me today?

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I like your bright eyes…

Mrs Bassat
Look, James! That pony looks just like Beauty, except Beauty was grey… How much is she?

She's not for sale. I promised her to a friend.

Mrs Bassat
How much does your friend want?

30 guineas.

Mrs Bassatt
Well, I'm Mrs Bassat. I'd like to buy her for my children for Christmas. I'll give you 35.

OK. She's yours.

Mrs Bassat
Here... My man James will ride her home…

Jem and Mary


Jem Merlyn, you should be ashamed!

Quick Mary, stand under here… I'll keep you warm… We'll get soaked if we go back
tonight. Stay with me in Launceston tonight.

No, I've been foolish enough today.

Alright… I'll get the horse… Wait here.

He is rude, a thief and a liar. He might even be a murderer. And yet, if he wasn't so
much like his brother, I could fall in love with him…

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Where is he? He left over 30 minutes ago… I'll ask that horse seller over there.

Excuse me, have you seen Jem Merlyn?

The man with the black pony? I saw him with another man. They left in a carriage.

Oh no!

Mary narrating
Did they discover that the pony was stolen? Now I'm sorry I didn't agree to stay in
Launceston with him… He went to get the horse to take me home… and now he's gone.

What shall I do? Perhaps someone will let me sleep on their floor.

Hello Mary. What are you doing here on Christmas Eve?

Oh, Vicar, it's you…

Come, I'll take you home.

Mary narrating
Once again I tell him my story … the market, Jem's disappearance… His glass eyes show no

You are young… don't cry over him…

Am I right that it's quiet at Jamaica Inn…?

My uncle has been drinking. He talks… Vicar, do you know what wreckers are?

Mary narrating
I tell him what my uncle told me – about using lights to bring ships onto the rocks … the
dead women and children… the stolen cargo…

Jamaica Inn – episode 6 © British Broadcasting Corporation 2014 Page 3 of 5
So your uncle talks when he is drunk, does he? … Well there won't be any more wrecks.
The government is putting officers on the coast to keep watch.

I'll get off here. The driver will take you home. Goodnight, Mary.

What's happening…?

Mary narrating
A gun is pointing at me. I see a face I recognise – the eyes look crazy and mad… it can
only be one person…

Get out! Ahh, so you've come back! What do you think you're doing at this time of night…
on the road! Been with a man, I suppose.

Don't touch me! You're a murderer and a thief and I've been to Launceston today to
inform on you.

Get back, you fools! She's lying… Get the horse Harry. The wind has changed… We'll use

So, Mary, you think you can inform on me so I'll hang…

You're coming with us! We might not get far but we won't stay here waiting to be
caught! Away!

Mary narrating
Where we are going, I don't know. But I can see from the look in my uncle's eyes that
something very bad is going to happen.

Join me next time – and find out exactly how bad things get when I discover what Joss and
his gang of bad men really get up to.

Jamaica Inn – episode 6 © British Broadcasting Corporation 2014 Page 4 of 5

admitting you have done something wrong

to tempt someone to go to a place they may not wish to go

a ship that is destroyed at sea

substance smoked in cigarettes or pipes

money used in Britain in the past. A guinea was a pound and five pence

very wet

not sensible

a vehicle used to carry people in the past with four wheels and pulled by horses

person who makes a ship crash onto rocks in order to steal the goods it's carrying


to give information about a person who has done something wrong

Jamaica Inn – episode 6 © British Broadcasting Corporation 2014 Page 5 of 5
Jamaica Inn
7: Shipwreck
NB: This is not a word-for-word transcript

Language focus: Past perfect

Mary narrating
It's morning…I have just woken up in my bed in Jamaica Inn. Memories of what I saw on
Christmas Eve haunt me like a nightmare …

My uncle forced me to travel with him and his drunken men on Christmas Eve. I was so
tired on the journey that while they were singing drunken songs, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, they had gone. The carriage doors were locked, but I escaped
through the window.

They had brought me to the coast. It was a cold, misty night, but from where I was
standing on the clifftop, I could see my uncle and his gang below on the shore, silent and
still. They were watching the tide coming in, like a beast waiting to pounce.

The mist began to clear and a light appeared on a nearby cliff. At last! The officers the
vicar had spoken about were coming! … But my hope disappeared quickly. …
Another light appeared out at sea. This one was moving up and down… I realised then with
horror what was happening. The light on the cliff was a trap!

A huge black shape appeared out of the darkness. Like a moth to a candle, the ship was
heading for the rocks…

I remember now how I ran to the shore, how I screamed and shouted… but my uncle
caught me and tied my hands so I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything except watch the
disaster happen.

The men splashed about in the water grabbing treasures that had fallen from the ship.
Bodies were floating on the water. The men fell on them and took everything of value
…even rings on the fingers. Hours passed. Light was appearing in the sky. My uncle saw it

Whoah!! … Stop everyone! … Look!

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Mary narrating
He pointed to the sky.

Just… going… to get…

Leave it! … There's no time! … It's getting light… Get out of here! … before it's too late.

Mary narrating
But no one was listening. They were greedily grabbing what they could.

Mary narrating
My uncle had fired his pistol in the air. The men looked up and saw the sky. Fear struck
them and they ran up the beach, carrying what they could… They knew they had stayed
too long. Morning was their enemy… I was too weak to move, but my uncle picked me up
and carried me… In the panic, the carriage overturned. That meant there was only one
small cart for everyone's escape.

Stand back! … I say stand back! … Harry, make sure no one moves… Shoot if necessary…
I said…

Mary narrating
There was blood everywhere… two men lay still… I fainted.

Mary, are you awake?

How long have I been lying here?

Two days.

Why didn't you wake me?

Mary… I…

I've got to get up…

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Where are you going? Your uncle is downstairs.

He doesn't frighten me… I must go and find…

He's never been like this before. He's locked all the doors. He's afraid of someone… I don't
know who…

Don't go down, Mary, he's got a gun…!

Mary narrating
All the doors and windows are bolted. My uncle is sitting in the kitchen…

I heard noises outside. Did you hear anything?
He'll come… He warned me but I didn't listen… We didn't plan it this time.

What do you mean? Who warned you? The officers?

Them…? They can't touch me. They need proof and all they have is a broken ship and two
bodies. I wasn't there, was I – I was at home with my wife and niece cosy by the fire… No,
it's him… He'll murder us all…

I don't understand. My uncle planned the wrecks, didn't he… or did he? Was there
someone else who gave the orders? Who is he so afraid of?

Why don't we get away quickly now?

You idiot! There are people everywhere who know what I've done. They'd like to see me
hang… we'll stay till night time, when it's dark… We'll leave then!

Mary narrating
I go along with my uncle's plan, but in my mind I'm making other plans – I'll escape
somehow and find the vicar… He's my only hope…

Meet me in the next episode when things get even worse and I make a shocking discovery
that will completely change my life at Jamaica Inn.

Drama © British Broadcasting Corporation 2015 Page 3 of 4

stay in your mind and make you upset

a frightening dream

with a thin fog

a group of people

daily change in the level of the sea which makes the water move higher or lower on the

jump quickly onto something or someone

a trick to catch someone

an insect like a butterfly that flies at night and is attracted to light

sudden fear that stops you thinking clearly

became unconscious

locked with a metal bar across a door or window

information that shows that something is true

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Jamaica Inn
8: A shocking discovery
NB: This is not a word-for-word transcript

Language focus: Adjectives and adverbs

Mary narrating
My uncle is planning our escape from Jamaica Inn tonight. He's afraid that someone is
coming to kill him – someone who has been giving him the orders to wreck ships. He
thinks I'm resting in my room and he has locked my door. But I climbed out of the window
and am hurrying to the vicar's house before my uncle discovers I've gone. The vicar will
help me, I'm sure…

Ah there's the church and the vicarage. I can't see any lights, though.

Mr Davey… Mr Davey… It's Mary… Mary Yellan. No one's here…
Excuse me, is the vicar in the church? I've been knocking at the house but there's no

No, he left this morning and won't be back until tomorrow.

Are you sure? Oh… what shall I do? … I've got to find someone to help me…

Why don't you go to Mr Bassat, the magistrate? He lives at North Hill, but it's four miles

I'll have to go there… But first… I must… write… a note for Mr Davey. Here… can you
give this to him…?

But you can't walk! – it's getting dark…

Mary narrating
In my note, I explained about the wreck and my uncle's plan to escape… I'll have to walk
quickly to North Hill. If my uncle discovers I've gone, he'll know I've betrayed him and he'll
kill me.

Jamaica Inn episode 8 ©British Broadcasting Corporation 2015 Page 1 of 4
I need to see Mr Bassat – it's urgent!

Mrs Bassat
I'm afraid he's not here.

Oh no! … If I don't see him, something terrible will happen!

Mrs Bassat
It's not about the horses is it? … I know one was quite ill this morning…

No… When will Mr Bassat be back?

Mrs Bassat
I really don't know. Actually, I'm very worried. He knows a man called Joss Merlyn who's
very dangerous, so he might be in serious danger.

What do you mean?

Mrs Bassat
My husband has suspected for a long time that's he committed serious crimes and this
morning, he suddenly got proof. He's gone to Launceston to get men and will surround
the Inn this evening… there may be fighting… but do you know this man Merlyn? Wait a
moment… you are the girl my husband told me about, aren't you? Don't move…!

Don't… I won't hurt you… I came to tell Mr Bassat that my uncle is planning to escape
tonight. But I've ruined your husband's plan. When my uncle sees I'm not in my room, he'll
leave before your husband gets there…

Mrs Bassat
I can see you're telling the truth. How can I help you…?

I must go back and help my aunt. I'm really worried about her… [puzzled and trying to
work out] But how did Mr Bassat find out the truth so soon?

Mrs Bassat
I've no idea. He left very suddenly… But you can't possibly walk back alone now – it's
dark. Our servant, James, will see you home safely.

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Really… there's no need. I'm used to the roads at night…

Mary narrating
But she insisted… so I am once again on the road to Jamaica Inn. The moor is cold and still
tonight… James has two guns and if I have to… I'll use one… There is the inn…

It looks like Mr Bassat hasn't got here yet. I must find my aunt… Perhaps they've already
gone. I'll go in alone. Give me a gun James. If you hear a shot, then come.
Strange… the house is dark… but the horses are still here. So they haven't gone yet!
Unless they went on foot, but no… my aunt wouldn't have done that. How odd!

Mary narrating
The kitchen is empty. The fire is dead. Nothing but a deathly silence. I creep to the
hall, terrified of meeting my uncle with a gun. [gasps!]
A terrible sight is there before me… I turn and run as fast as I can…

Let's meet again in the next episode – after the shocking events of today I go to the safety
of the vicar's house – he has something important to tell me, but what can it be?

Jamaica Inn episode 8 ©British Broadcasting Corporation 2014 Page 3 of 4

to make a ship sink

house where a vicar lives

an officer of law

betrayed (to betray)

given information that has put someone in danger

suspected (to suspect)

believe that someone has committed a crime

information that shows that something is true

ruined (to ruin)



to move quietly and carefully so no one will see or hear you

Jamaica Inn episode 8 ©British Broadcasting Corporation 2014 Page 4 of 4
Jamaica Inn
9: The Vicar of Altarnum
NB: This is not a word-for-word transcript

Language focus: 3rd conditional

Mary narrating
I'm at the Vicar's house. I'm here because last night, when I returned to the inn, I found my
uncle – dead… lying on the floor with a knife in his back. When Mr Bassat arrived with his
men, they found my aunt's body upstairs… she'd also been stabbed.

The vicar suggested I stay with him. He came to the inn as soon as he read my note. He's
not here. He left before I woke up.

While I've been waiting for him, I've been thinking about who the killer could be. Mr Bassat
asked me if I had an idea who it was. I told him I didn't… but that's not true… I remember
how Jem told me that he hated his brother… so they'll catch and hang him… or else he'll
ride away, laughing at me. Either way, I know that I love him.

Strange how this room is so empty… No books, no paintings… Not like the vicar's house
in Helford where I lived with my mother… His living room had pictures of smiling angels
and village scenes… and piles of books on the desk.

There's nothing on this desk. I know… I'll write and ask if I can stay with him. Now, where's
a pen and paper? Ah… in this drawer perhaps. That's odd! Nothing in the drawer, wait,
there is a piece of paper… oh but it's already got something on it… a picture – by the vicar
– his initials are there. What a strange picture.

It makes me shiver. … It's the village church with the vicar and his congregation …but
all the people have got sheep's heads and look stupid. The vicar has drawn himself as a wolf
but not an ordinary wolf, a laughing wolf… What does it mean…? Oh no! He's back…
quick! I shut the drawer quickly and sit by the fire. I'm shaking.

Oh, Vicar…

Did I startle you? I'm sorry I was so long. My horse was lame. You must be hungry?

Mary narrating
I find it difficult to speak… The picture has shocked me. The vicar asks me to get the food
from the kitchen. When I return, there are papers all over the desk. He's been burning

Jamaica Inn – episode 9 ©British Broadcasting Corporation 2015 Page 1 of 4
Don't you want to know what I've been doing today?

I'm sorry – I haven't thanked you for your kindness last night. If you hadn't taken me in,
I wouldn't have had anywhere to stay.

Well… I've been to North Hill. Mr Bassat invited me and others to discuss the murder.

Does Mr Bassat suspect anyone?

They've found the man, Harry… He can't be the murderer though. He would have been
a suspect if he hadn't been locked up in the room by the bar for the last few
days. But he said that someone else gave your uncle orders. This person must be the
murderer. Don't you agree?

Well… er… Yes, I suppose…

It can't be one of the men. This person is clever. He must have come to the inn and he
knows the moor well. He probably lives nearby. Did anyone like this come to the inn?

Er… no… I can't think…

Why do you look so anxious, Mary? But I forgot… I saw a friend of yours today at North

I have no friends except you…

But you told me you went to Launceston with your uncle's brother…

Mary narrating
I froze… I didn't know what to say…

He gave me a message for you. Tell her that "I'm sorry". I…

Jem was at North Hill? Why?

Jamaica Inn – episode 9 © British Broadcasting Corporation 2015 Page 2 of 4
Well, he's the dead man's brother. He wasn't upset, though…

Was Mr Bassat asking him questions?

They've been talking all day. He's got brains – more than his brother. You told me he lives
nearby, and steals horses?

Mary narrating
I can't look at him, but I feel his eyes studying my face… He knows the truth.

What will they do to him, Mr Davey?

'Do'? What do you mean? I'm sure he won't be punished since he has helped them.

'Helped'? I don't understand.

Mary, it was Jem who informed Mr Bassat about his own brother. They left Launceston
together after the horse market. Mr Bassat told him he could go free if he gave them proof
about his brother and he did.

Mary narrating
I can't believe it… I was so sure…

Oh, Vicar, I'm such a fool… Where is Jem now?

He's gone to find the blacksmith… He found a nail in the field by the inn. It must belong
to the killer's horse. Only one person went to the blacksmith yesterday…

How do you know?

Because I know who that person was.

Mary narrating
His strange eyes are staring at me… I can't breathe! He knows who the murderer is!
Meet me in the next episode when I finally discover the shocking truth about who killed my
aunt and uncle at Jamaica Inn. I am also in danger but who will come to my rescue?

Jamaica Inn – episode 9 © British Broadcasting Corporation 2015 Page 3 of 4

stabbed (to stab)

hurt with a knife


to shake from fear

a group of people who pray in a church or other religious place

to surprise someone

unable to walk properly (animal)

to think that a person has carried out a crime

informed (to inform)

given information about a person who has done something wrong

information that shows that something is true

a person who makes and repairs horseshoes

a thin pointed piece of metal used to fix something

Jamaica Inn – episode 9 © British Broadcasting Corporation 2015 Page 4 of 4
Jamaica Inn
10: The truth is out
NB: This is not a word-for-word transcript

Language focus: Linking devices of cause and effect: due to, owing to, because,
because of, consequently, as a result, result in, as a result of; thus, therefore

Mary narrating
The Vicar of Altarnum has just told me he knows who murdered my uncle and aunt. I look
at him in horror, and slowly, the awful truth becomes clear...

Yes, Mary. I planned the wrecks. Your uncle followed my orders but they thought hewas
the leader. He loved that. No one knew about me. But then you came and asked
questions. They had to die because of that... The end was near in any case. The fool got
drunk on Christmas Eve. Well, you saw what happened... the whole country knew what
he'd done. With a rope round his neck, he'd have told them about me.

At least my uncle didn't lie - he talked and dreamt about his crimes. You... you hid yours
behind the cross and the face of a priest. But why are you telling me all this now?

I know you found the picture... I saw it had been moved. It frightened you, didn't it? "Who is
this strange man?" you thought. Yes, Mary I am strange. Oh, but they listened to me in
church and followed me like sheep.

Now, get ready. We've got to leave.


Yes, you're coming with me - you'll be a good companion. I've admired your courage since
we first met.

And if I don't come with you?

You're no fool, Mary. There are no houses nearby and your screams won't be heard.

Jamaica Inn episode 10 ©British Broadcasting Corporation 2014 Page 1 of 5
You know that I'll run away at the first village.

You won't be able to. There aren't any villages on the Cornish coast because of the
steep cliffs... just birds, and when we're on the ship...

You're leaving England?

Of course - we'll go to Spain, to Africa... Get ready now.

Mary narrating
I think quickly. I look at the clock... Jem will have reached the blacksmith and will know
the truth. He'll realise I'm in serious danger so he will follow us... If I go with the
vicar, at least I'll slow him down a bit, so Jem will have a chance to catch up...

I have no choice in any case.

We cross the dark, empty moor quickly, avoiding the roads. The moon is hidden behind
clouds... The Vicar has luck on his side.

As the ground becomes softer, we slow down... The marshes lie waiting. The Vicar knows,
as I do, that one wrong step will result in a horrible death.

Oh, where is Jem?


Mary narrating
A wall of fog rises in front of us.

It's no good. We can't see anything. We'll have to wait until light. We'll sleep here... on
these rocks, out of the wind.

Mary narrating
I drift in and out of sleep.

Shhh! Be quiet!

Jamaica Inn episode 10 © British Broadcasting Corporation 2015 Page 2 of 5
Mary narrating
I'm woken by his cold hand on my mouth.

I can still hear the wind, but there is something else, too...

We leave the horses and he drags me higher and higher...

I can't go any further.

Stay here, then.

Mary narrating
The last I see of him - he's standing on a rock with his arms stretched out...

(gunshot) Aaaah!

Mary narrating
I look up. Jem is about 100 metres away behind a rock with a gun.

I haven't seen Jem since he shot the vicar. The Bassat family have been looking after me.
They've asked me to stay and look after their children... but I long for the green fields and
valleys of Helford. I'm walking for the last time on the moor. Tomorrow I'll go back and live
quietly on the farm.

Someone is coming this way... but I can't see who because the sun is in my eyes...

Hello Mary. I heard you're going to go and live at North Hill?

They've asked me, but no... I'm going back to Helford tomorrow... And you, are you leaving

Yes, I'm going to start a new life... I've got my whole home with me here. I may go north.
Perhaps I'll breed horses instead of stealing them. Come with me, Mary.

I miss my home in Helford... I want to see the trees and animals...

Go then and live on your farm.

Jamaica Inn episode 10 © British Broadcasting Corporation 2015 Page 3 of 5
That's not very kind.

I speak unkindly to my horses when they're obstinate. it doesn't mean I don't love them.
Well, I'll be on my way... Goodbye Mary.

Wait! Are you saying you love me?

Maybe... It'll be a hard life.

I know, I'll take my chance... and we'll be together.

Mary narrating
So, I cross the moor for the last time - and for the first time, it looks beautiful in the
sunshine. Behind me lies Jamaica Inn, empty, no more secrets - they have all been told... my
new life is about to begin.

Jamaica Inn episode 10 © British Broadcasting Corporation 2015 Page 4 of 5

great fear or shock

ships that are destroyed at sea

instructions given and which you are expected to obey

a person you spend time with

a person who makes and repairs horseshoes

areas of soft wet land

drift in and out

to move slowly without control of which direction you are going in

pull something along the ground with difficulty

long for
to want something very much

warning of danger or harm

keep animals and produce young from them

not wanting to do something even though it may be the right thing to do

Jamaica Inn episode 10 © British Broadcasting Corporation 2015 Page 5 of 5

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