Grade 4 TERM-I Portions

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New Indian Model School, Dubai

Term 1 Examination
Grade 4- TERM I Portions

English Reading Comprehension,

Literature: Robinson Crusoe, Cut Down Another

Tree Grammar: Degrees Of Comparison,

Punctuations Writing: Formal Letter

Islamic Surah A'la. Migration to Abyssinia, Rules of Tajweed,

Moral God made us all Equal

Beauty Lies in Humility and Simplicity. United We Can

Arabic Tour in My School The beauty city In the Airport Around

the UAE

S. St. Nature and Wildlife, Energy sources and preserving the

planet, UAE National Day, Development of both mind and
body to achieve success & Development growth in suitable

Math Addition, Subtraction, Measurement, Money & Polygon

Hindi गिनती , ऐसे सरू ज आता है (कविता), सब्र का फल (कहानी), पर्यायवाची, मेरा
परिचय(अनच् ु छे द), महात्मा गाँधी (पाठ),संज्ञा,लिंग,वचन,सर्वनाम

Urdu 1-(‫ ہمدردی‬:‫ نظم‬-3،‫چڑیا اور پودے کی کہانی‬2،‫نظم) صبح کی آمد‬

Science Soil- (Types of soil, Causes and effects of soil erosion,

Soil conservation, Water holding capacity, Organic

Food and Digestion (Nutrients, Fat, Carbohydrate, Proteins,

vitamins and minerals, Importance of roughage and water)

Malayalam സ്നേഹം താന്‍ ശക് തി, കുടയില്ലാത്തവര്‍, വ്യാകരണം - നാമം, ക്രിയ

Sp. English Reading comprehension, Anagram,Homophones, Informal letter,

Dialogue writing
Computer More on Excel, More on MS Word

GK Camping, emojis, homemade meals Vs fast food meals, company

of good friends, amazing science books, first in the world,
swimming, cleanliness slogans, stay healthy

Art 1) One point Perspective

2) Side view of an eye

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