Alonzo GE3 FinalExamination

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Lauren Nicole C.



Globalization has become a big part of the major change in different countries all over
the world. According to Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE),
globalization describes the growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures,
and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services,
technology, and flows of investment, people, and information. In simple words,
globalization acts as the bridge in influencing countries in different factors that would
cause them to develop and grow. Globalization has been a great factor in making
partnerships from different countries that would help then to grow and foster their
needs—in technology, economy, politics, culture, environment, and etc.

Implications of Globalization through the lens of:

a. Politics
Globalization’s goal won’t be achieved when there is government restrictions.
This is where political aspects enter the world of globalization. According to Avila,
J. (2011), the internationalization of domestic economies is likewise creating
pressures for greater political participation and good governance. With this being
said, globalization acts as a wake-up call to a country’s government.
Governments are needed in order for the globalization to have a positive impact
to its own country. Without a good governance and policies imposted, the
globalization won’t be a big help to a country. In every decision, there is change,
and in every change, there is advantages and disadvantages that is possible to
Advantages of Political Globalization
In the Philippines, the country is part of an international organization, ASEAN,
wherein it enables the Philippines to have a connection and build partnerships to
its neighbouring countries. This organization helps the country to assess and
solve different issues and challenges. It is a fact that Philippines are still a
developing country and solving problems especially in economic and
environmental aspects, on the other hand, with the help of the organization, the
country could solve and make use of the help that is being given by these
countries. Moreover, it enables the Philippines to challenge the politicians and
government agencies to make use of the extended help and not use it for their
own purposes.
Disadvantages of Political Globalization
Generally speaking, globalization in politics have its own disadvantages
especially when a country’s government isn’t competent enough to maximize the
benefits of globalization. In addition, if a country is not competent enough to
make use of the globalization, then a loss of power is possible. Just like what
happened Great Britain, they left the European Union as they weren’t happy
because they were tied with the rules implemented the disables their right in their
fishing industry. Moreover, they have realized that being in a free trade bloc
makes a country’s power to lose.

b. Economics
According to Pyle, J. L. (2001), economic globalization involves a wide variety of
processes, opportunities, and problems related to the spread of economic
activities among countries around the world. With this being said, globalization in
terms of economics enables a country to improve the efficiency of their
enterprises and plays a great role in increasing the size of the economy in their
own country.
Advantages of Economic Globalization
Globally speaking, economy is one of the factors that a country needs to
protect, preserve, and develop for the betterment of their country. Economy plays
a vital role to foster the needs and wants of every people in the community of a
country. Globalization allows different industries to find low-cost resources to
produce a certain product that tue community would buy and make use. In this
way, when a low-cost resources are being presented, there is a possibility that it
would drive the prices down that create a larger scale of target market and even
the low-income workers could afford.
Disadvantages of Economic Globalization
According to Master Class (2020), there is an unequal economic growth
within developing countries and developed countries. It actually makes sense
that there is an unequal growth because of a country’s capability in acquiring the
needs of globalization in terms of the economy. Developed countries are richer in
terms of technologies, resources, and even has a good governance. With this, it
is a matter of fact that they are more likely to have an advantage compared to the
developing countries.
c. Culture
According to Hassi and Storti (2012), the preservation of cultural diversity feeds
contrary and controversial reactions. With the presence of globalization in
different countries, it created borderless world wherein we can easily adapt
different culture and appreciate it. Just like here in the Philippines, some Filipinos
are practicing the culture of Koreans because they are influenced by the world of
Kpop. From the cuisine, fashion, language, and practices, Filipinos are
knowledgeable and are eager to learn them all making them appreciate the
culture of other countries.
Advantages of Cultural Globalization
Cultural Globalization allows different countries to understand and learn foreign
practices, values, and attitudes. In this way, there will be an absence of
discrimination that is a social issue that everyone with different cultures are
experiencing. Also, there will be no misconceptions about a certain practice
because it has always been a problem that a lot of people does cultural
appropriation and sometimes hurt the feelings of the people who practices that
certain culture. Moreover, it allows us to communicate and respect each other’s
beliefs without judgments.
Disadvantages of Cultural Globalization
On the other hand, we may appreciate other people’s culture, but we
somehow forgot to practice and preserve our own culture. Preserving one’s
culture might be impossible with globalization because we may lose knowledge
of the distinct features that make us unique from every culture. Cultural
globalization is also believed to might destroy the culture of different tribes, or
d. Environment
Different global environmental issues are already present way before
globalization happened. Economically speaking, the income increases because
of globalization that allows more resources to protect and develop the
environment of a certain country. Moreover, due to globalization, there is a
crucial issue when it comes to the environment itself. In order for the
globalization to take place, activities that involves the usage of different areas in
the environment is possible and it creates critical condition in our environment.
For example, the increasing number of the area of land where deforestation
happens. Globalization increases the industries and factories that creates
development for our economy yet, it also put the environment at risk wherein
they need to sacrifice moe than half of the land area to create and innovate
factories. According to Najam, A., et. al., (2007), The environment itself is
inherently global, with life-sustaining ecosystems and watersheds frequently
crossing national boundaries; air pollution moving across entire continents and
oceans; and a single-shared atmosphere providing climate protection and
shielding us from harsh UV rays.
Advantages of Environmental Globalization
Globalization enables the country to adapt and make use of the environmental
friendly system that reduces the risks in our country. Through globalization, we
will be able to protect our environment with the technologies introduced to us that
is environmental-friendly. This can help developing countries lessen pollution by
adapting stronger environmental policies and standards that could possibly
ensure the environment.
Disadvantages of Environmental Globalization
With globalization, it comes with crowding and increase foreign trade. With this,
it is possible that greenhouse gas emissions will increase, pollution in air and
water won’t be solved, climate change, even habitat destruction die to
deforestation, and etc. These are just some of the negative effect of globalization
when it comes to the environment.

Arguments to the Implications of Globalization in Different Areas

From the mentioned informations above, it is indeed proved that globalization isn’t
only good for our country and the world. It may create partnerships and borderless
connections, yet it still hold negative impacts that doesn’t only affect the country, but
also the people and animals living. According to our professor, there are a lot of
theories and even debates concerning the globalization’s effect in every areas
mentioned. In my case, globalization really paved the way for many countries to
have a sustainable development, yet we shouldn’t forget how bad it affected our
lives and the environment itself. It enables us to be able to do something easier, but
it created a gap wherein our own development is doubtful. It is only a good
globalization if it enters a well-developed country, but here in the Philippines, we are
still developing and we are still at the stage where solving a pandemic is a big
problem in the government. Here in the Philippines, globalization is a good idea
because it created multiple opportunities to sustain our needs, but the government’s
way of handling this isn’t good because we are still lacking in some areas. Moreover,
the community or the people are still not educated enough to concern a out the
development of our own country. Corruption, poverty, and ignorance are one of the
many hindrances for the country to have a better state.

Analysis of the topic

As I have researched and analyzed all the details and points, I learned that
globalization is indeed a big step that it created different ways to preserve and develop
our culture, politics, economy, environment, and etc. It enables us to be aware of the
situations and possible outcomes in every step we take. Globalization became a bridge
for every country to achieve growth and development in all aspects. Moreover, I have
realized that globalization will only become more effective in developed countries
because they have more concrete approach in this change and development. On the
other hand, developing countries has difficulties in embracing and approaching this
change because of the lack of resources, production, and governance.

Above all, I believe that globalization has a positive impact in every areas of the
country that enables them to have a sustainable development. On the other hand, it still
falls on the government because they are the one who will have the full responsibility in
taking charge of globalization. Moreover, as a college student, I want to let my
colleagues know how important it is to be knowledgeable and aware of the things that
are happening and concerns our country and the people. As a person, I believe that we
would achieve our goals when there is a unity that comes from all the people and its

Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) (2018). What is Globalization? And
How has the Global Economy Shaped the United States?. Retrieved from the website:
Avila, J. (2011). Globalization, Governance, and the Philippine State. Retrieved from the
Pyle, J. L. (2001). Economic Globalization and Gender. Retrieved from the website:
Master Class (2020). How Globalization Works: Pros and Cons of Globalization.
Retrieved from the website:
Hassi and Storti (2012). Globalization and Culture: The Three H Scenarios. Retrieved
from the website:
Najam, A. et. al. (2007). Environment and Globalization: Five Proportions. Retrieved
from the website:

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