Xiaoqi Zhu-Resume PDF

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Xiaoqi Zhu

3720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

(+1) 541-285-6074 | xiaoqiz@upenn.edu


University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education Philadelphia, PA

Ø M.S.Ed. in TESOL, GPA: 3.93/4.0 Aug. 2021– Present
Ø Core courses: Approaches to Teaching English and Other Modern Languages, TESOL Classroom
Fundamentals, Educational Linguistics, Second Language Development, Sociolinguistics in Education,
Critical Issues in Applied Linguistics, TESOL Practice Teaching, and Structure of English
University of Oregon, College of Education Eugene, OR
Ø Bachelor of Science in Educational Foundations, GPA: 3.85/4.0 Sept. 2017 – Jun. 2021
Ø Core courses: Autobiography of Schooling, Childhood Studies, Observations in Learning, Teaching, and
Assessment, Found Disabilities, Technology Education, and Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics


Free Library of Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA

ESL Instructor (Adult learners) Sept. 2022 – Present
Ø Teach beginner English to adult learners virtually
Ø Design lesson plans and prepare learning materials to meet the needs of individual learners
Ø Monitor and track learners’ learning progress by giving speaking and writing tests to them
Ø Provide constructive feedback to every learner’s assignment
University of Oregon Eugene, OR
Course Grader (Undergraduate students) Oct. 2020 – Jun. 2021
Ø Used Canvas to grade students’ mathematics assignment
Ø Provided constructive feedback to every student’s mathematics assignment
Changxin International College of Art, Yunnan University Kunming, China
Intern Aug. 2019 – Sept. 2019
Ø Assisted first-year students to register in the university and led orientation
Ø Prepared and attended meetings for new students to plan their future academic development
Ø Visited new students’ dorms and asked about their recent courses and requirements
Ø Managed first-year students’ background materials
Edison Elementary School Eugene, OR
Teaching Assistant (3rd grade students) Apr. 2019 – Jun. 2019
Ø Taught English vocabulary and grammar to students
Ø Led students to read different English stories such as fictions, history, and comics in the reading group
Ø Assisted students with the preparation of presentation (included searching materials, making the
PowerPoint, and reading and memorizing keywords from the PowerPoint)
Ø Graded students’ vocabulary tests
Kindergarten Children in Moss Street Children’s Center Eugene, OR
Teaching Assistant (3-4 years old children) Sept. 2018 – Nov. 2018
Ø Strengthened kids’ cognitive skills through playing with toys
Ø Read stories to kids and guided them to understand what these stories discussed by asking guiding
questions and organizing activities such as role-play


Undergraduate Research Eugene, OR

Cooperative Learning | Assistant | Jan. 2020– Sept. 2020
Ø Read materials given by the research advisor and gathered the data from readings
Ø Observed group cooperation in elementary classrooms and shared the observation with the research
advisor through making reports
Ø Tested the cooperative learning software designed by our research advisor
Ø Guided elementary students to use the software of cooperative learning in their classrooms and shared
observations with the research advisor


Languages: Chinese (Native), English (Fluent)

Computer: Microsoft Office
Interests: Bel canto and Painting

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