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The book that will be reviewed is entitled “The Gift of Acabar." It is

about the story of a boy who captured a star that bears heavenly secrets

found here on earth. This book was written by Og Mandino, a famous

American author who was inducted into the National Speakers Association

Speaker Hall of fame (Leadership Institute, 2016). And Buddy Kaye, an

American songwriter known for working with famous singers in the music

industry (PeoplePill, n.d.).

As stated earlier, the story is about a boy named Tulo, together with

his sister, Jaana. One day, using his red kite, Tulo captured a star that will

not only provide him light and warmth throughout the storm but will also

change his entire life. This book review will contain my favorite quotes from

the story, my understanding and perspective on the quotes, and lastly, my

evaluation of the story itself.

There were a couple of remarkable quotes from the story that

connected to me. The first one was a line from chapter 11 when Star Acabar

convinced Tulo that his gift is significant no matter what it is. Acabar said:
“Use whatever gifts you have to the best of your ability. If your

skill is with a hammer, build! If you have a knack with a hoe, plant! If

you are happy on the water, fish! If a pen does your bidding, write!”

In this day and age, it is quite easy to underestimate our own talents.

We may think that, in comparison to the great achievements of famous

people, our skills and abilities do not even come close to them. However, if

we do not nurture our talents, it will only be as good as nothing. Because the

truth is, the shape and size in which our gifts come in do not matter. What

matters is how one fosters it and grows it into something incredible. Because

you do not have to be incredible to start, but you have to start to be incredible.

Tulo was still not convinced by Acabar because of the struggles and

misfortunes he had experienced. In determination to prove that Tulo is

wrong, Acabar told him:

“The brightest stars in heaven are those who have been tested in

the furnace of tribulation. Show me a human being who has never

suffered adversity and I’ll show you the most unhappy person on


The quote imparts that adversity is necessary to achieve happiness.

Many of us believe that adversities are only hindrances that will keep us from
reaching our full potential. Hence why we always blame our shortcomings

for our suffering. Despite that, these challenges forge us to overcome great

things and to become resilient. For without them, we will never know how to

get through the darkest times of our lives.

Finally, for the last quote it is from the Credenda in chapter 16:

“Above all, remember that very little is needed to make a happy


Living in our modern society, we often associate fame and wealth with

success and happiness. So, it is deeply ingrained in us that one must be rich

to achieve success, and eventually, fulfillment in the end. But in reality, living

a happy life requires contentment with what you have. Fame, wealth, and

other materialistic things will perish in the face of death. It is seeing value in

little things and appreciating every moment that we spend time with our loved

ones on this Earth will remain. Remember that everything is more beautiful

because life is finite.

When I finished reading the book, I can say that I have learned a

myriad of eye-opening messages. The story itself mostly revolved around

the concept of believing in oneself. This concept may be considered as

cliché, as it is usually used as a central theme in countless novels. However,

this book offers a profound and in-depth meaning for it. The life of the

protagonist best described the central theme of the story. Tulo went through

his fair share of unfortunate events, which made him lose the spark inside of

him that he once had. But little did he know that a star will also show him

what it takes to believe in himself. In the end, Tulo somehow overcame it all,

and he even became a star himself. The three chosen quotations stress the

importance of our gifts, adversities, and finding genuine happiness in our

short life. Personally, Tulo only proved to me that nothing is indeed

impossible. The book itself may be intended for a younger audience, but it

still made a huge impact on my perspectives. Overall, the book is definitely

a must-read as it will give a reason to believe in ourselves even in the face

of the impossible. Overall, I would rate it 4.5/5 stars.


I. Introduction

A. Title of the book.

 The book is entitled as, “The Gift of Acabar.”

B. Author of the book.

 The book is written by Og Mandino and Buddy Kaye.

C. Type of book.

 “The Gift of Acabar” is a fictional type of book. These type

of books contains people, events or places that do not exist

in real life, in simpler terms, it is imaginary.

D. Summary of the book – tell briefly what the story is about.

 The story is about a boy named Tulo together with his

sister, Jaana. One day, a terrible storm came into their

village which gave them a series of suffering through

coldness and darkness. As a solution to Tulo’s problem,

using his kite, he caught a star that he thought would be

the end of his suffering. All Tulo wanted was something to

provide him and his sister some light and warmth

throughout the storm. But little did he know that this star
will also show him what it takes to believe in himself, even

in adversity.

II. Setting

A. Tell when the story takes place.

1. Tell the year or time period when the story is happening.

 At the beginning of the story, the author did not mention a

specific time period in which the story happened. But,

looking at the details of the story, it most probably

happened around the 1960s.

2. Tell briefly what is going on in current events when the

story takes place as to told to you by the author.

 The chapter 1 of the story described the extreme storm that

was currently happening in Kalvala. Tulo was alone with

his sister and his pet dog, Nikku. That day was also Tulo’s

birthday so, he wrote on his green ledger to mark his 14th

birthday. In his latest entry, he expressed his unfortunate

loss during the past 12 months.

B. Tell where the story take place.

1. Give a description of the place.

 The story takes place in the desolate village of Lapland, in

the far north of the Arctic Circle. It is known for its acres of

white snow and magnificent dancing northern lights. There

is also a famous legendary tree that provides fortune to

whoever touches it. However, behind this blinding beauty,

it is also renowned for its violent climates that can train

one’s courage and patience.

2. Give a description of the current events at the time the

story take place as told to you by the author.

 At that time, the people were acknowledged for their

courage and patience in withstanding the vicious climates

of Kalvala. Tulo and his sister were also alone in their

house during the storm that threatened the village. It was

also written in Tulo’s green ledger that they are now facing

the dark times, and it will take two months before the sun

III. Main character(s)

A. To whom is the story mostly about?

1. Name the person or persons.

 The story mostly revolved around the life of the main

character, which is Tulo Mattis, and his sister Jaana Mattis.

2. Describe the person or persons.

 Tulo is an orphaned boy who is currently living alone with

his sister. In the story, he is described as a boy who is very

intelligent, kind, and warm-hearted. He is also praised for

his amazing passion for writing. While Jaana is portrayed

as a kind and lovable little sister of Tulo.

B. Other important characters.

1. Give their names.

 The other important characters were as follows: Inga and

Pedar Mattis, Uncle Varno, Star Acabar and Lirra, Teno

Van Gribbin, Inga Van Gribbin, Mayor Tuntu Van Gribbin,

and his council members: Finn LaVeeg, Pastor Erno Bjork,

Arrol Nobis, and Hjorta Malni.

2. Describe them and how they relate to the main

 Inga and Pedar Mattis were the late parents of Jaana and

Tulo. They were hardworking and kindhearted individuals

who only desired the best for their children.

 Uncle Varno is the uncle of Tulo and Jaana, and he was

the one who took care of them after their parents died.

Throughout the story, it was clear that Uncle Varno truly

cared and loved the children.

 Star Acabar is the star Tulo caught using his gigantic kite.

Acabar is the one who looks after Tulo, and he will be

supposedly the one to deliver the gift. The story described

him as a wise young star who was interested in watching

the people here on Earth. Unfortunately, he died later on in

the story.

 Star Lirra is another star Tulo caught after Acabar died.

Instead of Acabar, she delivered the Credenda to Tulo.

She is portrayed as a friendly star that will guide Tulo on

his journey in life.

 Mayor Tuntu Van Gribbin is the chairman of the Kalvala

village. He was a kind leader that prioritizes the needs of

his village.
 Finn LaVeeg is the sole merchant in the village of Kalvala.

He is described as a self-centered merchant who only

cared for his own wellbeing.

 Pastor Erno Bjork is the village’s primary source of faith

in God as he is the one who is responsible for preaching

the Words of God.

 Arrol Nobis is the great and brilliant teacher of Tulo. He

encourages Tulo to develop his passion for writing, and he

is convinced that Tulo is a child prodigy.

 Hjorta Malni is the only medical physician in the village

and responsible for the citizen’s overall health.

 Teno Van Gribbin is the son of the mayor and the loving

husband of Jaana.

 Inga Van Gribbin is the precious daughter of Jaana and

Teno. She is amazed by the story of his Uncle Tulo.

IV. Plot

A. Tell about the development of the plot – the rising action that

leads toward the turning point in the story. Explain the main

problem that is happening in the story.

 Tulo’s life drastically changed the moment his parents died.

Tulo had to face the storm that would ravage the village of

Kalvala. One day, Tulo had a dream about his late mother

telling him to reach up. The following morning, he built a

huge kite to capture a star in the middle of a storm. Through

Tulo’s great patience, he finally captured Star Acabar.

B. Tell about the climax or turning point of the story. This is the

highest point of interest in the story. It is where the action

takes a decisive turn.

 When Star Acabar first met Tulo, Tulo immediately told him

about his concerns, which is to survive throughout the

storm, not only for him and his sister, but also for the whole

village. Acabar agreed to offer his light and warmth for

Kalvala to withstand the storm, but he told Tulo that his

main purpose was to deliver him a gift that will unveil the

secrets of life. The following day, the mayor organized a

meeting among the council members to decide who will

have Acabar first. But when the time the villagers decided

to move the star to his first location, an accident occurred,

which resulted in Acabar’s death.

C. Tell about the denouement or falling action. Tell how the

problem at the beginning of the story is resolved.

 Just when Tulo loses all hopes, his uncle Varno convinced

him to catch another star. Eventually he succeeded, and

this time around it was Star Lirra. In place of Acabar, Lirra

was the one who gave Tulo’s gift and light to the village. By

the time when Lirra served her purpose in the village, Tulo

returned her to the heaven as promised. But not long after

Lirra’s departure, Tulo also joined her. The whole village

mourned Tulo, and as a tribute to the miracle he brought to

Kalvala, Tulo’s story was made known in the outside world.

V. Theme of the book

A. What is the author trying to say to the readers?

 The author/s was mainly trying to impart the moral values

of the messages written in the Credenda to the readers. It

is partly about finding success and happiness in life.

B. Does the theme have an underlying moral message? What

is it?
 The book itself has countless of moral messages that

would surely be useful, especially in these trying times.

This book reminds the readers to have a stronger

relationship with God. Also its values will motivate the

readers to find success in their adversities.

VI. Evaluation

A. Tell if you like the book.

1. What did you like?

 Personally, above everything else, I like the moral values

found in this story. The author did an excellent job of

delivering those profound messages about challenges,

sacrifices, and success.

2. What did you not like?

 The only part that I was not particularly satisfied with is the

ending. The author did not mention the reason behind

Tulo’s decision to join Lirra as a star in heaven. I also think

that because of this, he did not fulfill his promise to Acabar

to spread the message of the Credenda.

B. Would you recommend this book to others?

1. Why?

I would definitely recommend this book to other readers. I

think the moral values found in this book are very essential

to everyone, especially now that we are in the midst of a

global pandemic. It will help them to overcome their

struggles whilst developing a concrete connection with





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