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Name : Dian Safitri

Official Number : A1M220040

The Author (s) Neri Permata Sari and Santi Susilowati

The tittle of the journal or article Improving Listening Skill Using Learn English
by Listening Application

The name of Periodical/year, month, Professional journal of English Education, 2019,

volume, number, pages, digital July, Vol. 2, No. 4, Page 77–92,
object identifier (DOI) 10.22460/project.v2i4.p455-460

The objectives, or reaserch This research discusses improving listening skill

questions, or hypotesis using application “Learning English by
Listening” as learning media for grade 10
Pharmancy SMK Kesehatan Fajar Kencana.

Research design Classroom Action Research

Subject/samples This study involved 39 students at grade 10

Pharmancy SMK Kesehatan Fajar Kencana as the
respondent of the research.

The instrument This research uses several instruments such as test

used for pretest and posttest and observation.

The finding of the research From the results of student pretest and post test
assessment, we can see the increase in the ability
of students. Learning with this application can
increase the ability of students in listening and the
sudents were interested in learning because they
are learning using modern media namely
smartphone mobile as a media of learning
activities. Students score in listening skill also
increase, they showed improved results. The
means score in pretest is 6.34, and in the post test
the mean score of students are 6.97. in the mean
score of post test II is 8.18.

The implification (if available)

The conclution The conclusion from this research is that learning

English, especially learning listening skill, using
application in smarphone mobile is qute fun for
students. In a modern era nowadays, technology
is very important. From the results of student
assessment we can see the increase in the ability
of students. It turns out that the telephone is not
only used in negative terms but can be used in
positive terms such as learning media.

In a Professional journal of English Education, entitled with Improving Listening Skill Using
Learn English by Listening Application, Sari and Susilowati [2019] look into the
improvement of listening skill using application “Learning English by Listening” as learning
media for grade 10 Pharmancy SMK Kesehatan Fajar Kencana. This study is Classroom
Action Research design and there were 39 students at grade 10 Pharmancy SMK Kesehatan
Fajar Kencana as the respondent of the research. The instrument used in this research are test
for pretest and posttest and observation.

This research finds the increase in the ability of students from the results of student pretest
and post test assessment. Learning with this application can increase the ability of students in
listening and the sudents were interested in learning because they are learning using modern
media namely smartphone mobile as a media of learning activities. Students score in listening
skill also increase, they showed improved results. The means score in pretest is 6.34, and in
the post test the mean score of students are 6.97, in the mean score of post test II is 8.18.

The conclusion from this research is that learning English, especially learning listening skill,
using application in smarphone mobile is qute fun for students. In a modern era nowadays,
technology is very important. From the results of student assessment we can see the increase
in the ability of students. It turns out that the telephone is not only used in negative terms but
can be used in positive terms such as learning media.


Sari and Susilowati [2019] investigated the enhancement of listening competence using the
practice "Learning English by Listening" as a learning medium for grade 10 Pharmancy SMK
Kesehatan Fajar Kencana in a Professional Journal of English Education titled Improving
Listening Skill Using Learn English by Listening Application. There are 39 10th-grade
Pharmancy SMK Kesehatan Fajar Kencana students participated in this study, which used a
Classroom Action Research design. Pre-test, post-test, and the observation were the
instruments used in this study.

Based on the results of the students' pre-test and post-test assessments, this study found out
that students' listening abilities have improved. Students' interest in learning increased as a
result of using smartphone mobile as a media for learning activities, a modern form of media.
Learning with this application can improve students' listening skills. The students' results
improved, as did their listening skill scores. The mean score of the students on the posttest
was 6.97, while the mean score on the pretest was 6.34. The average post-test II score is 8.18.

The authors conclude that students have a great time learning English, especially listening
competence, by using mobile tool. Today's modern world relies heavily on technology. We
can see that students' abilities have improved as a result of their evaluations. It seems that the
telephone is not just used in bad ways; it can also be used in good ways, like as a learning

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