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zene, 139 PM Internetworking Technology Handbook - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) - Cisco Systems ‘The Wayback Machine - itp:/web.archive orgiweb/ cisco Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) aaa Internetworking Technology Table Of Contents hanier Goals Internetworking Basics ose ‘BE borer Gateway Protec! Introduction to LAN Protocols Border Gateway Protocol scr) tntradvcon to WAN ugon Technologies BGP Arbus Bridging Basics Welt Atrbute Routing Bosics oc Praeronce Arby Network Managernent Bases iuisPat Discriminator Mvovte Ethernet StonAtabute Fiber Distributed Dat Interface Spats Atte (root) Neston Aloe {ken ing/IEEE 802.5 Communi ate Frame Relay ‘use Bah Selecion High-Speed Serial Interface vow Questions issn For More inlormaton Integrates Services Digital Network (ISON) Overview Point to Point Protocal (PPP) Chapter Goals Switched Mukimegabit Data : Suvtene Mut Understand the purpose af the Border Gateway Protocol Dial-Up Technologies + Explain BGP atiibutes and thar use in route selection. ‘Synchronous Data Link Control + Examine the BGP route selection process. (SdLC)and Berwvatives Pr X25 Overview ‘Viral Private Networks (VPNS) Woice/Data Integration Technologies Wireless Introduction Digital Subscriber Line Cable Technologies Transparent Bridging Border Gateway Protocol ‘The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) isan interautonomaus system routing protocol ‘An autonomous system is a network or group of networks under a common administation and with common routing policies. BGP is used to exchange routing Mixed Media Bridging Information for the internet and isthe protocol used between Internet service SSource-Route Bridging (SRB) providers (ISP). Customer networks, such as unversties and corporations, usualy LAN Switching ‘employ an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) such as RIP or OSPF for the exchange of ‘Asynchronous Transfer Mode ‘outing information within their networks. Customers connect to ISPs, and ISPs use (am) Switching BGP fo exchange customer and ISP routes. When SGP Is used between mPLs ‘autonomous systems (AS), the protocol is refered fo as Extemal AGP (EBGP). Ha Data-Link Switching (OLSw) Service provider is using BGP to exchange routes within an AS, ten the protocols Open Systems Interconnection referred to as Inteior BGP (IBGP), Figure 39- ilustrates tis distinction (OSI rotocals Internet Protocols (IP) Figure 39-1 External and Interior BGP 1x6 Xerox Network Systems —~ AppleTalk far, Tatra SP Banyan VINES 18M Systems Network Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) Internet Protocol (IP) Multicast aS co NetWare Link-Services Protocol he ¢ Papen C reseaise \ Open Systems Interconnection ‘AB oe (O50 ovary Pata Open Shortest Path Fist (OSPF) > ag were xX Routing Information Protocol fy sono] [rane | cuaoners | [ Gistmera Resoutce-ReservationProtcs (reve) 126P i very robust and scala ousng protocol as evidenced byte fc iat ual of Serie @95) BGP isthe raving rte! erplyed ont ere Ate tn fe wing, he \wob archive orgiweb’200805 18112246ihp ima cisco.comlen/USidoesintometworkingitechnologyihandbooWbgp hn! zene, 139 PM ‘simple Multicast Routing Protocol (Sure) Security Technologies Directory-Enabled Networking Networking Caching Technologies 19M Network Management Remote Monitoring (RMON) ‘Simple Netwark Managemiant Protocol (SNMP) Border Gateway Protocol (scr) Multiservice Access Technologies Tag Suitehing Internetworking Technology Handbook - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) - Cisco Systems Intenet BGP routing tables number more than 80,000 routes. To achieve scalabilty al ris level, BGP uses many route parameters, called attributes, to define routing policies and maintain a stable routing environment In adaiton to BGP atributes, classless interdomain routing (CIDR) is used by BOP to reduce the sizeof the Internet routing tables. For example, assume that an ISP owns the IP address black 195.10.xx from the tradtonal Class C adcross space, This block consisis of 255 Class C address blocks, 195.10.0.x through 195.10.255.x. ‘Assume thatthe ISP assigns @ Class C lock to each o is cusiomars. Without CIDR, the ISP would advertise 256 Clase C address blacks to is BGP peers. With CIDR, BGP can supetnet the address space and advertise one block, 195.10.x. Ths block is tho samo size as a Vaditonal Class B address blook. The class distinctions are rendered obsolete by CIDR, allowing a signfeant reduction in the BGP routing tables, BGP neighbors exchange full routing information when the TCP connection between reighbors is frst established. When changes to the routing table are detected, the BGP routers send to thei neighbors only those routes that have changed. SGP routers do not send periodic routing upaates, and BGP routing updates advertise only the optimal path to @ destination network BGP Attributes Routes learned via BGP have associated properties that are used to determine the best route toa destnation when mutiple paths exist toa paricular destination. These properties are referrec to as BGP atirbutes, and an understanding of now SGP Alvibutes influence route selection is required forthe design of robust networks. This Section describes the attributes that BGP uses in the route selaction process: + Weight + Local preference Mult-oxtaiserminator Origin AS path Next hop + Community Woight Attribute Weight isa Cisco-defined atvibute thats local to a router. The weight atribute fs not advertised 1 neighboring routers. Ifthe router learns about more than one route to the same destination, the route with the highest weight willbe prefered. In Figure 39- 2, Router Ais receiving an advertisement for network rom routers 8 and When Router A receives the adverisement fram Router B, the associated weight is set to.50. Wen Router A receves the advertisement from Router C, the associated weight is set to 100. Both paths for nstwork wll be in the BGP routing table, with thar respective weights. The route withthe highes! weight wil be installed inthe IP routing tab Figure 39-2 BGP Weight Attribute ‘asaco Selwobnt=50 8100 Local Preference Attribute The local preference attribute is used to prefer an exit point from the local autonomous system (AS). Unlike the weight atirbute, the local preference atribute is propagated throughout the local AS. I there are multiple ext points from the AS, the focal preference attibute i used to select the ext point fora specifi route, in Figure 30-3, AS 100 s receiving lwo advertisements for natwark from AS 200. .wob archive orgiweb’200805 18112246ihp ima. cisco.comlen/USidoesintoretworking/technologyihandbooWbgp. hn! ar zene, 139 PM Internetworking Technology Handbook - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) - Cisco Systems When Router A receives the advertisement for network, the corresponding local preference is set to 50. When Router B receives the ‘advertisement for network 172, 16.1.0, the corresponding local preference is set to 100. These local preference values willbe exchanged between routers A and B. Because Router B has a higher local preference than Router A, Router 8 wil be used 2s the ext point fram AS 100 lo reach m Figure 39-3 BGP Local Preference At ‘asaco viens \ | ase Set Loet Fret =50 4 gg Bat Lecal Pet 100 Multi-Exit Discriminator Attribute ‘The mul-exit discriminator (MED) or moti atbute is used as a suggestion to an external AS regarding the preferred route into the AS thats advertising the metric ‘Tho torm suggestion is used because the oxtornal AS that recelving the MEDs may be using other SGP atlioutes for route selection, We will cover the rules regarding route selection in the next section. In Figure 39-4, Router C is advertising the route 172.16,1.0 witn & metic of 10, while Rotte O is advertising 172, 16.1.0 wih @ metic of 5. The lower value of the metrics preferred, so AS 100 will select the route to TauterD for network 172.16. 1.0 In AS 200, MEDs are adverised throughout the local The origin atribute indicates how BGP learned about a particular route, The origin tribute can have one of three possible values: 1GP—The route is interior tothe originating AS. This value is set when the network router configuration command is sed fo inject the route info BGP. + EGP—The route is eared via the Exterior Border Gateway Protocol (E8GP), + Incomplete—The origin ofthe route is unknawn or leamed in some other way ‘An erigi of incomplete occurs when a route is redistributed into BGP. The exgin attribute ls used for route selection and willbe covered in the next section. Figure 39-4 BGP Mult-Exit Discriminator Attribute ‘iiwo Ca \ \ aa Tits one wae \ sams a AB 100 AS_path Attribute wob archive orgiweb’200805 18112246ihp ima cisco.comlen/USidoesintoretworking/technologyihandbooWbgp hl a7 zene, 139 PM Internetworking Technology Handbook - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) - Cisco Systems When a route advertisement passes through an autonomous system, the AS number is added to an ordered list of AS numbers that the route advertisement has traversed. Figure 39-5 shows the Stuaton in which a route is passing through three ‘autonomous systems. AAS! originates the route to and advertises this route to AS 2 and AS 3, withthe AS_path atrioute equal to (1). AS 3 wil advertise back fo AS 1 with AS-path alvibute (3,7), and AS 2 will advertise back to AS 1 with AS-path albute (2,1). AS 1 wil eject these routes when is own AS number's detected in the route ‘dvecisemant, Ths is the mechanism that BGP uses lo detect rouling loops. AS 2 and AS 3 propagate the route to each other with thelr AS numbers added to the {AS_path attribute, These routes wil not be installed in the IP routing table because AAS? and AS 3 are learing a route to from AS 4 with a shorter AS_path Ist. Next-Hop Attribute ‘The EBGP next-hop atibute is the IP address that is used to reach the advertising router. For EBGP peers, the nex-hop address isthe IP address ofthe connection between the peers. For BGP, the EBGP nexthop address is carted into the local AS, a3 ilustated in Figure 38.6 Figure 39-5 BGP AS-path Attribute AS. fat Pejectthe cute a nt 481 ge wraiesom4 ass CB & \ Adverse sateom Nowthop \ " bere us \ watesa4 Neth \ \ror12 tout Router C advertises network with a next hp of 10.1.1, When Router A propagates ths route within is own AS, the EBGP next-hop information ls preserved. If Router B doos nat have routing information regarding tho next hap, the routo will be discarded. Therefore, itis important to have an IGP running in the AS to propagate rex-hop routing information Community Attribute .wob archive orgiweb200805 18112246ihp ima cisco.comlen/USidoesintoretworkingitechnologyihandbooWbgp hl ar zene, 139 PM Internetworking Technology Handbook - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) - Cisco Systems ‘The community atrbute provides a way of grouping destinations, called ‘communities, to which routing decisions (such a8 acceptance, preference, and Feistribution) can be applied. Route maps are used fo set the community atribute, Predefined community attributes are listed here: + no-export—Do nat advertise this route fo EBGP peers. + no-advertise—Do not advertise this route to any peer. + internet Advert network belong toi. Figure 387 ilustrates the no-exoort community. AS 1 advertises to AS 2 withthe community ttnbute no-expor. AS 2 will propagate the route toughout AS. 2 but will not send this route to AS 3 or any other external AS, this rout tothe Internet community all routers inthe Figure 39-7 BGP no-export Community Att trate.1084 CCommuntyeio Expat ute 481 Communty-he Esrert, a —&s Ce Ce As. In Figure 39-8, AS 1 advertises to AS 2 with the community ttbute no- ‘advertise. Router B in AS 2 will nat advertise this route to anyother router. Figure 39-8 BGP no-advertise Community Attribute trase.1.024 Communtyatla Avorice Figure 39-9 demonstrates the internet community atribute, There are no limitations to tne scope of the route adverisement from AS 1 Figure 39-9 BGP internet Community Attribute \wob archive orgiwebi200808 18112246ihp sma cisco.comlen/USidoesintometworkingitechnologyihandbooWbgp hl 87 zene, 139 PM Internetworking Technology Handbook - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) - Cisco Systems tres6.1084 Corsmuniylnttnct 481 ase wa 1es 024 wraresoas communiyamernst & a & BGP Path Selection BGP could possibly receive multiple advertisements fr the same route from multiple Sources. BGP selects only one path asthe best patn. When the path is selected, [BGP pus the selected path in the IP routing table and propagates the path to is heighbors. BGP uses the following criteria, n the order presented, lo select a path for a destination: + Ifthe path specifies a next hop that is inaccessible, drop the update + Profer the path withthe largest weight + Ifthe weights are the same, prefer the path withthe largest local preference, + Ifthe local preferences are the same, prefer the path that was originated by BGP running on this router + If route was originated, prefer the route that has the shortest AS_path + Ifallpaths have the same AS_path length, prefer the path withthe lowest origin ‘ype (where IGP is lower than EGP, and EGP is lower than incomplete). + Ifthe origin codes are the same, prefer the path withthe lowest MED altibute + Ifthe pats have the same MED, prefer the extemal path over the intemal path It the paths are stil he same, prefer the path through the closest IGP neighbor. + Proferthe path withthe lowest IP address, as spacifod by the BGP router ID. Review Questions (@_Can BGP be used in place ofan IGP (RIP, GRP, EIGRP, OSPF, or ISIS)? ‘AxYos and no. Remomber that the next-hop information from EBGP is carried into TBGP.IFIBGP dovs not have a route to reach the next hop, then the route wil be aiscardea, Typicaly an IGP needs fo be used to exchange routes to the next hop, but this can be achieved by using static routes on all the routers running ISGP. So, the ‘answer is yes f you want to Use and maintain static routes. Otherwise, the answer Is (@_Assume that @ BGP routers leaming the same route from two diferent EBGP ‘peers. The AS_path information tram poer 1 is (2345, 86,51), and the AS_path Information rom poer 2s (2346, 51}. What BGP attributes could be adjusted to force the router to prefer the route advertised by poer 1? ‘A-Weight and local preference, Both have a higher preference than AS_path length @Can BGP be used only by Internet service providers? ‘A-No, BGP can be used to scale large enterprise networks. A largo natwork can be divided into sogments, with each segment running an IGP. Reutlhg Information between segments could then be exchanged using BGP. Qifa directly connected interface is redisnbuted into BGP, what valve will tho origin attribute have for this route? ‘A=Any redistributed route will have an origin of incomplete. For More Information + REC1771,.A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP.4) + Halabi, Bassam. intomet Routing Architectures. Cisco Pross: Indianapolis, 1997, \wob archive orgiweb’200808 18112246ihp ima cisco.comlen/USidoesintoretworkingitechnologyihandbookbgp hn er zene, 139 PM Internetworking Technology Handbook - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) - Cisco Systems Parkhurst, Willam R., and David R. Jackson. Practical BGP for internet Routing. (Cisco Press: Indianapolis, in press. + BGP Protocol Technology Page,!ech_protocol family home. html + BGP4 Case Studios, mtpmww-cisco.comwarp/publici48Sogp-toc hil 209 Caco Sytem, no Allah eseved \Wob archive orgiweb’200805 18112246ihp sma cisco.comlen/USidoesintoretworkingitechnologyihandbooWbgp hl Ww

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