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zene, 139 PM Intemetworking Technology Handbook - Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) - Cisco Systems ‘The Wayback Machine -htpweb archive.orgineb/20080513054346/ntip:hywwcisco.conven/USIdocsintermetworkingtechnologyhhandbook/OSPF: htm stftalie cisco Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) ma Internetworking Technolo Table OF Contents ndoook [Gewese chapter] Internetworking Bases "Bl oxen hates Ineducten to AN Protocols cologies| ‘SPE Albert Brdging Basis Packet Format Routing Basis ‘Adsiional OSPF Features Network Management Basis ‘Hovew Quesions Ethernet (oon Chapter Goals Token Rng/lEEE 802.5, renee + Discus the use of autonomous systems, High-Speed Seria Interface + Doser the use of the Sorts Path Fst alr. ald + Discus the adonal eaves of OSPF. Incegrated Services Digtal Networs SON) Overview Pont to Point Protocol (PPP) Open Shortest Path First ‘Sitched Mutimegabit Data Service (SOS) Background Da Temes a (pen Shortest Pat First (OSPF) ea rosngprotaal sealed fo tre Protca (I) networks by Sepamenans Daa tn the rteor Galeway Protocal IGP) working roup afte Iniomet Engiwerng Task Force (IETF). The (sou \oring group was frmed in 198 to design an IGP based on te Shortest Paty Fst (SPF) alot {oruse inthe Inemat Simlar tthe Inenor Gateway Routing Protocl (GRP), OSPF was crested Bocause inthe mié-1360s, the Routing Information Protocol RIP) was increasingly capable of Serung larg, heterogeneous inametwarks. This chapter examines the OSPF roulng environment X25 Overview Virtual vate Networks (VPN) Volce/Onta Integration Techni: Piorhingevng aor: an gers pteol carson ee Suber: Line {OSPF wos dered om sever eset fo, ncuing Bok, Sane, and Newnan’ (BBN) SPF Oe eet bon vlan 107 fr be MPANET[oninat packet hching mare cosoped he eee ee ‘hry ony Son) br Rad Pears esearch on faut olen oaacastg ing ifrmation (198), BBN work an tea roving (198), and an eal verlon of OST Inermedate boxes Media Bring ‘Systemio-niermetiate System (6-15) routing protocol SSouree-RouteSrgging (SR) TAN Svctening ‘OSPF has wo primary characterises. Tha rst that he potas open, which means thats eynetvonvos Transfer Mode specication isin the public daman. The OSPF specifcaton is pul shed as Requos! For Commons (at Swteching| {Rr} 1247. The second princpal characters is that OSPF is based onthe SPF algrityn, which we Sometimes Is rofereato asthe Dita algorthm, named fo the person created wis creaton, DatarLink Switching (DLs) ‘OSPF laa linkatate routing protocol hat cal for he sending of nkstat advertisements (LAs) 0 al (pen Systems Interconnection ‘tne reutare wihin tre sam hisrarchleal area. information on atached Ieaces. matics Used, and (st) Protocols ‘ter variates is nluded in OSPF LSAS. As OSPF rovtrs accumula nk-sta ivormation thoy uso Internet Protocols (1P) ‘he SPF algorithm to calclate the shortest pat to each node, 6 [sa Iinkstte routing protocol, OSPF contasts wih RIP anc IGRP, which are dstanco-wectr routing Xerox Network Systems protects, Routers nang the datance-vactralgotnm send allora parton ef ther routing tables Apple Tak ‘otingpiste messages ‘oir naghoors Benyon vines Tow Systems Newer Routing Hiorarchy bene Unk RIP. OSPF can operate win ators. The args enti win te Rarary isthe Paige terior Gateway ‘lonomais system (AS), whch a colecton of polwores dr wconsnon adnan that share Etene eames (aay ‘common rsingseatagy OSPF san tr (ntrorgotoway) rng proto, rough tls {bv Sytem Netaore apie of acon ues fom ard toning routes 0 oe” ASE renter (SHA) Rostlog ‘An AS can be divided into a numberof res, ubich ar raupe of ontguous netwarks an ataches Interior Gateway Roving hosts eters wth mute oroces can portato mpl fos, Those rotors, whch ae cad preocal oR) ‘tea Borde Rata marta separ oplogcal databace foreach aaa Internet Protocol (JP) Mutcat NetWare UineServies Protocol (use) ‘topological database is estoy an overall picture of network in relationship to routers. The {opologial database contain the collection af LSAS recived rom al fouers in he same area. Because routore within tne same area share the sare infomation, tey have iental topological {G51 Routing rotocl Galabases Open Shortest Path First ‘Tne tom domain sometimes is used to doscribe a parion ofthe networkin which all routers have (ser) ‘Senta! tpologcal databases. Domains Fequenty used mlerchangeably with AS. Routing Information Protocol cay Resource-Raservation Protocel {An aross topology snviib ito otis outside th aa, By Keeping area topologies separate, OSPF passes lee outing rate than would th AS were noi partoned (eave ‘ee prtong ete Wo ioe oes of OSPF ror, depending on wheter source and Beate) or service (Qos) ‘he dastnaton a's in the same or eiferant areas. rraareafoutng occurs when the source an reo Multicast Rocang Protocol Gestnation aro inthe sare ara; Intrarea rong occurs when they aren aifrent areas sre) 'An OSPF backbone i responsible for istbuing routing information betwean areas. It consist ofa Securty Tecnologie ‘aren Border Rovers, networks nok whol contained inary area, and ther attached outers Figure 40 Directory-Enables Networking {Shows an example ofan itemetaore th several areas. erwercng Cacing Techeloves Ine gu, outs 4.5.8, 10,1, an 12 makeup the backboee Host in roa 3 wants to ser {By hework Management. pmokelto Hout? Ao 2 opackel beta Rover 13, ah owas he pacha to Router 12 Remote Mentoring (RMON) whic send tne pact fo Roar. Rout hen forward th packs lng th backbone to Area \wob archive orgiweb/20080513054346i tputwwen cisco con/ontUSideesinlometworsingtochnologyhandbookJOSPF html zene, 139 PM Simple Network Management Protocol (SHIP) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Mulservice Access Technologies Tag Switching Intemetworking Technology Handbook - Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) - Cisco Systems Border Router 10, which send the packet though Wo intraarea routers (Router 9 and Router 7} 0 be forwarded to Host Ha ‘Tne backbone isis an OSPF area, 0 al backbone routers use te same procedures and algorithms to'naintan ring information wehin tne Backbone tat any area router woul. The Beckbone apology |S invable to al nra-srea rotors, ae are individual area topologies to tha backbone, ‘Areas can be defined in such a way thatthe backbone is nat contiguous In his case, backbone ‘onnecivy must be restored trough visual Inks, Virtua! inks are configures between any backbone ‘outers al share nko nonbackbore area an funebon as fay wore set Ik, Figure 46-1 An OSPF AS Consists of Multiple Areas Linked by Routers = | a &s es "J nr ‘ = set \ vo % [AS border rotors running OSPF lear about exterior routes through exterior gateway protocols {€GPs), sues as Exel Gatoway Protea! (EGP) or Border Gateway Protec! (BGP), or woush ‘onfiguraton information, For mors information abot hess protacle, see Chapter 22, Border Gateway Protocol” ‘SPF Algorithm ‘The Shortest Pah Fs (SPF ousting algorithm the bass for OSPF operations. hen an SPF route: |S powered up, ialzes i outing protocol ela structures ana then walls for nations fom ws layer protocols thats intaraces are funclorl ‘Alor arto is assured that its itsrfacs are functoning, it uses the OSPF Hello proocolto acquire ‘eightors, which are rulers wth inerfacs fo common network The rover sends helo packets 0 Is eighbors and reeves thor helo packets. n dont elpng aca nelghbrs, helo packets ‘ao ect as Keapalves to lt routers know ta other outers are sl functional, ‘On muticcess networks (networks supporting more than two outers), te Hallo protocol lets @ esgnaod ruta and a backup designated rout Among chor tungs, he dasignaod router Dosgnated router alow a nen the Inksiate databases of to neighboring routers ae synchronize, the routers are sai tobe {8jacent On multazcess networks, tne designate router determines which outs should become {djacent. Topological databases aro synchronize between pals of adjacent ovirs. Adjaconcios onta ie astrbuton of auting-protoca packets, whicn are sent and received only on agjaconcies. Each router paidically sends an LSA to prove information ona routes adjacencies o intr ‘thes wen a routers slate changes. By comparing establshed adjacenieso Ink slates, faled ‘outers can be Getacted quickly and the netwen’stoplogy can be ated appropiate. From te {opologial database generaed rom LAs, each role calculaes a shortest pat ee, with se as ‘al. The shortes-path Vee, nu, yds outing lab Packet Format [AIOSPF packets begin wih a 24-bye header, a lusts in Figure 462. Figure 46-2 OSPF Packets Consist of Nine Fields \wob archive orgiwab’200805 13054346 htip:worw cisco.comfen/USidocstintemetworsngtechnologyfhandbook/OSPF Ntml zene, 139 PM Intemetworking Technology Handbook - Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) - Cisco Systems Fl eng, i ta 8 Vaiabie is tat | Versen line Fecht | roarip | arnt Check “eator’ | Aaetcaton | Date ramser erg sine The folowing descriptions summariz the header lds lustrated in Figure 46-2 + Type—ldenties me OSPF packet ype as one of te following = Hollo—Estabishes and maintains neighbor eatnships. Database description—Descrves the conten of tne topological database. These messages fare exchanged when an adjacency is inalzed = Link-staterequestRequests pisces of th topological databace fram naighbor routers ‘Those meseanes are exchanged aera roar discovers (oy examining dlabace- description packets) that parts a te lopaagical database are outstes Linkstate update—Rospends oa link-state quest packel. These messages aso ae used forthe regu perl of LSAe, Several LSAe can be ndudd within a single neste update packet. Link state acknowledgment—Acknowladgeslnk-state update packets. + PackotlongthSpocis te packt longi, ncusing the OSPF header. in byes. + Router 1D-Idenifes he source ofthe packet, ‘+ Area 1D—lconifie the area to which the pack belongs. Al OSPF packos aro associatod witha ‘gle ea + Chacksum—checks the entre packet contents for any damage sured in vans + Authentication type—Containe the autbentetion type. AIOSPF protocol exchanges are authenticated. The authentication ype conigurble on per-aea bass + Authentication Contains authentication ifarmaton + Data—Contsns encapsulated uppertayer information ‘Additional OSPF Features ‘Aitonal OS#F features clade eau-cost mukipath outing, and routing based on upperiaye type ‘Stesevioe (TOS) quest, TOS-sed rot supperts those upper layer protocols tal can spect Batular types of service. An applesto, fr example, might speaty that cetan datas urge It ‘OSPF has high-proty Inks atts esposc, those can bo used fo Wanspor Pe urgent datagram (OSPF supports ane or more mais. I only ore metic sad, ts considered tobe arbitrary. and ‘TOS isnot supported. I more than one mel ie Used. TOS is oponaly supported trough the uso of 4 separate metic (and, therefore, separate routing lable Tor each af the aah cominatons created ty tne thea IP TOS its (ths del, roughpt. and alibi bs). For example, tha IP TOS Dts spect low doy low throughput, and high rolabily, OSPF calculates routes all dosnaions based ‘onthe TOS designation. IP guonet masks are included with each aovertsed destination, enabling vaibl-angth subnet masks, ‘ich vanabeengn subnet mask, an IP netwark canbe broken nto many aula of varous sizes. ‘This provides network admiitatore wih extra network-zoniguraton Nex. Review Questions ‘a— When using OSPF. can you have two areas alached to each other where anyone AS has an ‘Ayes, you can, This desrbes the use of a ial path, One area hasan interface in Area 0 loa ‘Sd the other AS s brought up and altace oan ABI in Area 1, so well call Area 2. Area 2 has "2 ntarfacoin Area, sot must have a vitual past Ave O through Area 1. When tis isin place, Area os ike ts eet cormected to Area 0, When Avea wants to send packets to Area 2, must. {ana tam fo Are 9, whinintum edrcts bm back tough Area using the vital path to Ares 2. (Area 0 contains five routers (A, B,C, D, and E), and Area 1 contains thee outers (RS, and 7). Wino rators dows Router T know exists? Router Sis he ABR. ‘A-RouterT knows about routers Ran $ ony Likewise, Rover § only krows about Rand T, 38 wel ‘5 autre to he ABR mn AveaO. Tho AS' separate the aoas so Mat outer Updatos contan only normation eases for hat AS \wob archive orgiweb/20080513054346i tputwwen cisco con/on(USideesinlomstworsinglochnolegyhandbookJOSPF html

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