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 Evaluating is the fifth and last phase of the nursing process
 Evaluating is a planned ,ongoing , purposeful activity in
which clients and health care professionals determine
a) The client progress toward achievement of goals and outcomes
b) Effectiveness of the nursing care plan
 Help to determine whether the nursing interventions
should be terminated, continued or changed
 Evaluation is continuous
 Performed at specified intervals
 Through evaluating , nurses demonstrate responsibility
and accountability for their action
Process of
1.Collecting the date related to the desired
 Using clearly stated ,precise and measurable
desired outcomes as a guide
 Conclusions can be drawn about whether goals
have been met
 Collect both subjective and objective data
 Data must be recorded concisely and accurately to
facilitate the next part of the evaluating process
Cognitive Aspect
1. Interview/ Q & A
2. Comprehensive question
3. Fact application
4. Written question
Affective Aspect
1. Observation
2. Feedback from other health
provider/ staff

Psychomotor Aspect
 Direct observation of changes in client
Change in Body Function
most often serve as evaluation criteria.
Generally, the list of nursing diagnoses is
mostly physical, so that the desired
outcome criteria refer to bodily
functions. Changes in body function are
measured in 3 ways such as :
observation, interview, physical
2. Comparing data with outcomes
 Both the nurse and client play an active role in
comparing the clients actual responses with the desired
 Three possible conclusions,
The goal was met
The goal was partially met
The goals was not met
 After determining whether the goal met , the nurse
write an evaluative statement
 Evaluation statement
Consist of two pats a conclusion and supportive data
3.Relating nursing activities with
 Determining whether nursing activities had any
relation to the outcome
 It is important to establish the relationship for the
nursing actions to the client responses
4.Drawing conclusions about
problem status
 The nurses uses the judgments about goal achievement
to determine whether the care plan was
effective in resolving , reducing or preventing
client problem
 Conclusions
When goals met ,
 The actual problem stated in the nursing diagnoses has been
 resolved
 The potential problem is being prevented
 The actual problem still exists even though some goals are being met
When goals partially met or not met
 The care plan may need to be revised, since the problem is only
 partially resolved
 The care plan does more not need revise , because the client merely need more time to
achieve previously established goals
5. Continuing ,modifying or
terminating the nursing care plan
 After drawing the conclusion about the status of the
clients problem , the nurse modifies the care plan as
 S  Subjective Data
 O  Objective Data
 A  Analysis
 P  Planning
 I  Implementation
 E  Evaluation
 R  Reassesment

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