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Opinion Paragraph.


Topic Sentence: Despite the fact that many people recommend living with
relatives, it is something I do not wish to undertake.

Reason 1: Privacy issues.

Reason 2: Financial issues.

Reason 3: Conflict issues.

Concluding Sentence: Indeed, instead of living with relatives, I highly advise

people to live alone or find a companion with whom they can share the cost, and
I will do the same.


Despite the fact that many people recommend living with relatives, it is
something I do not wish to undertake. Firstly, staying for a longer time in
relatives' house might make you feel like you do not have enough privacy. In
fact, you will have to deal with other people invading your room, including
children destroying your goods, peeking in your diary, and anything else you do
not want anybody to know about. Secondly, money is another serious issue
when living with relatives under the same roof. Everybody has their own life,
and living is hard. Because they are relatives, it can often cause person to feel
confused when they discuss financial difficulties with each other. Thirdly, even
though they are relatives, it is difficult to avoid conflicts. It can originate in the
smallest things, such as watching favorite movies on TV while someone also
wants to watch their own, or making noise in the common space, etc. Indeed,
instead of living with relatives, I highly advise people to live alone or find a
companion with whom they can share the cost, and I will do the same.

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