! ADPL Indusrty Sharing Q4 2016

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ADPL’s rest of industry speaking till end of 2016:

1. Speaking in Maritime Cyber Security Conference. More info here.

Staying One Step Ahead.
1-2 Nov 2016. (Organized by M.I.C.E.). Photos via this link.

2. Professional Sharing on Cyber Security and Cyber Insurance. Website info in progress.
Cyber Security from a CIO Perspectives.
2 Nov 2016. (Organized by TIB). Photos via this link.

3. Speaking in National Security Conference 2016. More info here.

Fight the Dark Side.
7 Nov 2016. (Organized by SBF). Photos via this link and this link.

4. Speaking in CISO Leaders Summit Singapore 2016. More info here. Agenda here.
The Silent Battle with The Dark Side - A CIO's Account
15 Nov 2016. (Organized by Media Corp International)

5. Speaking in Data Breach & Fraud Prevention Summit Asia – Singapore. More info here.
We Lost the Battle Against Intrusions — Are We Left to Raise Our Hands in Defeat?
22 Nov 2016. (Organized by iSMG)

6. Speaking in Dartmouth University Alumni Annual Conference. Info TBA.

Cyber Security - Are You Protected From The Dark Side?
9 Dec 2016. (Organized by Dartmouth Tuck School of Business)

Past industry sharing portfolio is available here.

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