What Have I Learned in Article VII Sections 18

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What have I learned in Article VII Sections 18-23; Article VIII Sections 1-16; Article IX a. Sections 1-8; b.

Sections 1-8; c. Sections 1-11; d. Sections 1-4?

In Section 18, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution I have learned that it allows the judicial review
of the proclamation of martial law or suspension of the privilege of writ of habeas corpus, but
limits the review to the sufficiency of the factual basis behind it. In Section 19 the President may,
after conviction by final judgment, give reprieves, commutations, pardons, and remit penalties
and forfeitures, save in instances of impeachment or as otherwise authorized in this
Constitution. I have learned in Section 20 that with the Monetary Board's prior approval and
subject to any legal restrictions that may apply, the President may contract for or guarantee
foreign loans on behalf of the Philippines. Foreign loans is a necessary choice since it
will provide financing that it would otherwise not be able to obtain at competitive rates
and flexible periods of repayment. Section 21 states that no treaty or international agreement
is legal and enforceable unless it has the support of at least two-thirds of the Senate's
members. It is really necessary to be supported by the majority of the Senate to avoid
unnecessary arguments and to evaluate the agreement clearly for the welfare of the Filipinos. In
Section 22, as the foundation for the general appropriations bill, the President must present to
the Congress a budget of expenses and funding sources, including receipts from both current
and prospective revenue initiatives, within 30 days of the start of each regular session. All
expenses shall be transparent to ensure that the budget is well-used and corruption will be
avoided. Section 23 states that at the start of the Congress' regular session, the President will
address the body. He may also show up in front of it at any other time. The presence of the
President is really important in the regular session.

In Article 8 I have learned that Judicial power is the authority to settle justiciable
controversies or disputes involving rights that are enforceable and demandable before the courts
of justice or the redress of wrongs for violations of such rights. Vested in the Supreme Court and
such lower courts as may be established by law. Since the courts are given ‘judicial power’ and
nothing more, courts may neither attempt to assume or be compelled to perform non-judicial
functions.  They may not be charged with administrative functions except when reasonably
incidental to the fulfillment of their duties. Section 2 is all about the roles of Congress and Section
3 is about the fiscal autonomy. In Section 4, I have learned that a Chief Justice and fourteen
Associate Justices will make up the Supreme Court. Section 5-6 is all about the powers of the
Supreme Court. Section 7 is the qualifications of being a member of the Supreme Court. In Section
8, I have learned that the Judicial and Bar Council is under the supervision of the Supreme Court.
In Section 9, for each vacancy, the Judicial and Bar Council shall provide a list of at least three
nominations, from which the President shall appoint the Members of the Supreme Court and the
judges of the subordinate courts. There is no need to confirm such appointments. Within ninety
days of receiving the list, the President must make the appointments for the subordinate courts.
In Section 10, salaries of Supreme Court Justices and judges of lower courts shall be fixed by law.
Sections 11-16 is all about the responsibilities of the Members of the Supreme Court.
The Civil Service Commission, the Commission on Elections, and the Commission on Audit are the
three constitutional commissions that must be independent, according to Article IX, Common
Provisions Section 1. According to Section 2, no member of a constitutional commission may hold
another office or job while serving on it. In Section 3, it was made clear that the Chairman's and
the Commissioners' salaries would be set by law and would not change while they were in office.

According to Section 4, the Constitutional Commissions must choose their officials and staff in a
legal manner.

And in Section 5, the Commission shall enjoy fiscal autonomy. Their authorized annual funding
shall be released automatically and on a regular basis.

According to Section 6, each Commission en banc may establish its own regulations for filing
papers and conducting business before it or any of its offices.

According to Section 7, each Commission must reach a decision on any case or subject presented
to it within sixty days of the date it was submitted for decision or resolution by a majority vote of
all of its Members. Additionally, Section 8 states that each Commission must carry out any
additional duties that may be mandated by law.

In Article IX, the Civil Service Commission, I have learned that the Civil Service Commission is
composed of a Chairman and two Commissioners. The Philippine government's central
personnel agency, the Civil Service Commission, is in charge of all civil service
employee rules, plans, and projects. The civil service includes all divisions,
instrumentalities, agencies, and branches of the government, as well as corporations
with original charters that are owned or managed by the government. As the primary
government institution in charge of people, the Civil Service Commission is responsible
for establishing a career service and enacting policies that will boost the civil service's
morale, effectiveness, integrity, responsiveness, progressivism, and courtesy. The CSC
wants to give all employees fair and equal opportunity, among other things. Establish a
productive work atmosphere. Provide a range of services to improve the professional
and personal lives of your staff.

In Article IX, the Commission on Elections, I have learned that a Commission on Elections is
composed of a Chairman and six Commissioners. In Section 2, is states the powers and
functions of the Commission on Elections. The top defender of the ballot is the
Commission on Elections (COMELEC). Its main responsibility is to administer and
enforce all laws and rules pertaining to the holding of elections, plebiscites, initiatives,
referendums, and recalls. Such oversight or regulation shall be intended to ensure equal
access to public information campaigns and forums among candidates, including
reasonable, equal rates therefor, in order to achieve the holding of free, orderly, honest,
peaceful, and credible elections.

In Article IX, the Commission on Audit, I have learned that a Commission on Audit is
composed of a Chairman and two Commissioners. I now know that it is the
responsibility of the Commission on Audit to inspect, audit, and settle all records
relating to the income and receipts of, and the expenditures or uses of, monies and
property that are owned or held in trust by, or that are related to, the Government. Its
main duty is to review, audit, and settle all accounts and outlays related to Philippine
government funds and assets.

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