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Body Systems and Surgical Procedure

Surgical Procedure/Body Procedure Definition of Terms

Musculoskeletal system The musculoskeletal
system consists of bones
and soft tissues, such as
muscles, joints, ligaments,
and tendons. These
provide support and
stability to the body and
allow for movement.

Tendon repair surgery tendon repair surgery the Tendon repair surgery is
surgeon will: helpful in the treatment of
 place one or more a torn or compromised
tiny incisions (cuts) tendon. Tendons are band-
in the skin over the like, soft tissues that link
compromised the muscles and bones.
tendon On contraction of the
 sew the torn ends of muscles, the tendon pulls
the tendon together the bones enabling the
 Evaluate the joints to move.
surrounding tissue
to ensure that there
are no other
injuries, such as
injury to the nerves
or blood vessels
 close the incision
 apply sterile
bandages or
dressings to the
treated area
 splint or immobilize
the joint to enable
the tendon to heal
Shoulder fracture External fixation Shoulder fracture fixation
fixation surgery The surgeon will place pins is a surgical procedure that
or screws into the bone uses a system of metal
above and below the site instrumentation such as
of the fracture. The screws, pins, plates and
surgeon then realigns the metal frames to internally
bone fragments and or externally repair a
connects the pins or broken bone in the
screws to a bar that shoulder.
remains outside the skin.
This bar acts as a
stabilizing frame that
keeps the bones in proper
position during the healing
process. Once the
fractured bones have
healed correctly, the
fixations are removed.
Osteotomy First, receive anesthesia. An osteotomy is a surgical
The surgeon makes a cut procedure that involves
through the skin. They use cutting bone (and
guide wires to outline the sometimes adding bone
area of bone to remove tissue) to reshape or
(often wedge-shaped, but realign the bones.
depends on the The surgeon can perform
procedure). A special osteotomies on bones all
surgical saw removes the over your body, including
outlined area of bone. your jaw, elbow, spine,
After the surgeon removes shoulder, hips, knees,
the section of diseased or legs, toes and feet.
damaged bone, the gap in
your bone is closed by
bringing the bone edges
together. Depending on
the specific osteotomy
procedure, sometimes a
bone graft is inserted into
the space where the bone
was removed. Pins,
screws, staples, plates or
rods hold the bone in place
or realign the bone as it
heals. This metal may be
temporary or may be
permanently placed.
Finger joint fusion An anesthesiologist will finger joint fusion or
give a local anesthetic, Arthrodesis, also referred
The surgeon makes a cut to as a joint fusion, the
in the skin and removes uniting of two bones at a
the damaged joint from the joint, is typically completed
finger. Then they insert a through surgery. In simple
rod made of plastic or terms, the orthopedic
metal to hold the finger surgeon manually
bones together. straightens out the
Once the procedure is damaged joint, removes
complete, be taken to a the cartilage, and then
room to recover. may also stabilizes the bone so that
get a sling to help the arm they heal together.
stay in place while the
nerve block wears off.
Open reduction and ORIF is a two-part Open reduction and
internal fixation procedure. The surgery internal fixation (ORIF) is a
can take several hours, type of surgery used to
depending on the fracture. stabilize and heal a broken
An anesthesiologist will bone. You might need this
give the general procedure to treat your
anesthesia. This will put in broken ankle.
a deep sleep during the
surgery so you won’t feel
any pain. might be put on a
breathing tube to help
breathe properly.
The first part is open
reduction. The surgeon will
cut the skin and move the
bone back into the normal
The second part is internal
fixation. The surgeon will
attach metal rods, screws,
plates, or pins to the bone
to hold it together. The
type of hardware used
depends on the location
and type of fracture.
Finally, the surgeon will
close the incision with
stitches or staples, apply a
bandage, and may put the
limb in a cast or splint
depending on the location
and type of fracture.
Myectomy surgery A doctor will give Septal myectomy is the
anesthesia before the most commonly performed
surgery starts. This will surgical procedure for
cause the patient to sleep people with HCM. In this
deeply and painlessly procedure, the surgeon
during the operation. removes part of the muscle
The surgeon will make an in the wall of the septum to
incision down the middle of widen the left ventricle
the chest and separate outflow and limit force on
part of your breastbone. the mitral valve. This
The surgery team will procedure improves blood
attach the to a heart-lung flow to the aorta, the
machine. This machine will body's largest artery.
provide oxygen to blood
and pump the blood to the
body during the surgery.
The surgeon will cut away
part of your thickened
The surgery team will
remove the heart-lung
The team will wire the
breastbone back together.
The team will then sew or
staple the incision in the
skin back together.
Pectoralis Muscle The operation is performed Surgery is usually required
Rupture Repair with the patient under a to repair pectoralis major
general anesthetic. The injuries, except when there
patient is placed on an is a partial tear of the
operating table, with his tendon, when there is a
arm on an arm board at rupture of the center of the
the side. muscle, or in elderly
patients. Athletes who
An incision is made over injure the pectoralis major
the site of the tear. The muscle usually desire a full
torn muscle-tendon is return of strength to return
dissected out and pulled to their sport
back to where it should be.
It is repaired using either
sutures along, or sutures
attached to anchors. The
latter can be inserted into
bone and used to repair
the tendon back to bone.

The wounds are closed

with sutures that dissolve,
and covered with
dressings. The arm is
placed in a sling following
the surgery, and the
patient will wake up in the
recovery ward in the sling.
Rectus abdominis repair The surgery will take place A rectus abdominis repair
under a general is a surgical procedure that
anaesthetic so the patient involves repairing the
will be asleep and will not diseased or torn muscle.
feel anything. The surgeon
will enter the abdominal
wall to reach the area that
has been damaged and
use sutures (stitches) to
repair the torn ends of the
muscle fibres. The sutures
will either be dissolvable or
they will remain in the
body. Once the repair has
been carried the surgeon
will again use sutures to
repair the wound in the
abdominal wall.
Rotator cuff repair Rotator cuff repair may be Rotator cuff repair is
surgery done while you are asleep surgery to repair a torn
under general anesthesia, tendon in the shoulder.
or while you are awake The procedure can be
under local or regional done with a large (open)
anesthesia. incision or with shoulder
An intravenous (IV) line arthroscopy, which uses
may be started in the arm smaller incisions. The
or hand. rotator cuff is a group of
The patient will be muscles and tendons that
positioned on the operating form a cuff over the
table. shoulder.
The anesthesiologist will
continuously monitor your
heart rate, blood pressure,
breathing, and blood
oxygen level during the
The skin over surgical site
will be cleansed with an
antiseptic solution.
The healthcare provider
will make an incision in the
shoulder area. The incision
will vary depending on the
type of surgery (open
surgery, arthroscopy, or a
combination of both) that
may be done.
The arthroscope (if used)
will be inserted through the
Other incisions may be
made to introduce other
small grasping, probing, or
cutting tools.
Injured tendons and
muscles will be repaired or
replaced with a graft
tendon from another part
of the body.
Bone spurs (if present) will
be removed.
The incision(s) will be
closed with stitches or
surgical staples.
A sterile bandage or
dressing will be applied.
Soft Tissue Injury In a tendon repair surgery, Soft-tissue surgeries are
Surgery the surgeon will: primarily aimed at
 place one or more improving joint stability by
tiny incisions (cuts) repairing the functional
in the skin over the length of muscles,
compromised tendons, and ligaments.
 sew the torn ends of
the tendon together
 Evaluate the
surrounding tissue
to ensure that there
are no other
injuries, such as
injury to the nerves
or blood vessels
 close the incision
 apply sterile
bandages or
dressings to the
treated area
 splint or immobilize
the joint to enable
the tendon to heal
Cardiovascular system The cardiovascular system
is comprised of the heart
and the circulatory system
of blood vessels. The heart
is composed of four
chambers; two atria and
two ventricles. Blood
enters the heart through
the upper chambers of the
left and right atria and exits
via the left and right
ventricles. Heart valves
prevent the backflow of
Coronary artery bypass The most common type of A coronary artery bypass
grafting (CABG) heart surgery — the graft (CABG) is a surgical
surgeon takes a healthy procedure used to treat
artery or vein from coronary heart disease.
elsewhere in your body It diverts blood around
and connects it to supply narrowed or clogged parts
blood past the blocked of the major arteries to
coronary artery. The improve blood flow and
grafted artery or vein oxygen supply to the heart.
bypasses the blocked
portion of the coronary
artery, creating a new path
for blood to flow to the
heart muscle. Often, this is
done for more than one
coronary artery during the
same surgery. CABG is
sometimes referred to as
heart bypass or coronary
artery bypass surgery.
Heart valve repair Surgeons either repair the Heart valve surgery is a
valve or replace it with an procedure to treat heart
artificial valve or with a valve disease. Heart valve
biological valve made from disease involves at least
pig, cow, or human heart one of the four heart
tissue. One repair option is valves not working
to insert a catheter through properly. Heart valves
a large blood vessel, guide keep blood flowing in the
it to the heart, and inflate correct direction through
and deflate a small balloon the heart.
at the tip of the catheter to
widen a narrow valve.
Insertion of a pacemaker Large electrode pads will An implantable
or an implantable be placed on the front and cardioverter defibrillator
cardioverter defibrillator back of the chest. (ICD) is a small device
(ICD) You will receive a sedative similar to a pacemaker. It
in your IV before the is placed in the body and
procedure to help you connected to the heart with
relax. However, you will leads. If the heartbeat is
likely remain awake during too fast, the ICD sends
the procedure. either a burst of rapid
The ICD insertion site will signals or a brief shock to
be cleansed with antiseptic correct it.
Sterile towels and a sheet
will be placed around this
A local anesthetic will be
injected into the skin at the
insertion site.
Once the anesthetic has
taken effect, the doctor will
make a small incision at
the insertion site.
A sheath, or introducer, is
inserted into a blood
vessel, usually under the
collarbone. The sheath is a
plastic tube through which
the ICD lead wire will be
inserted into the blood
vessel and advanced into
the heart.
It will be very important for
you to remain still during
the procedure so that the
catheter does not move
out of place and to prevent
damage to the insertion
The lead wire will be
inserted through the
introducer into the blood
vessel. The doctor will
advance the lead wire
through the blood vessel
into the heart.
Once the lead wire is
inside the heart, it will be
tested to verify proper
location and that it works.
There may be 1, 2, or 3
lead wires inserted,
depending on the type of
device your doctor has
chosen for your condition.
Fluoroscopy, (a special
type of X-ray that will be
displayed on a TV
monitor), will be used to
position the lead.
For subcutaneous ICDs,
one or two small incisions
are made near the top and
bottom of the sternum or
breast bone. The lead wire
is then tunneled
underneath the skin next to
the sternum and from the
sternum to the incision on
the left side of the chest.
The ICD generator will be
slipped under the skin
through the incision (just
below the collarbone for
traditional ICDs and on the
left side of the chest for S-
ICDs) after the lead wire is
attached to the generator.
Generally, if you are right-
handed, the device will be
placed in your upper left
chest. S-ICDs are
implanted on the left side
of the chest near the heart.
If you are left-handed, or
have a contraindication to
a left-sided device a
traditional ICD can be
placed in your upper right
The ECG will be observed
to monitor ICD function.
Certain tests may then be
done to assess the device
The skin incision will be
closed with sutures,
adhesive strips, or special
A sterile bandage or
dressing will be applied.
Maze procedure During the maze The surgeon creates a
procedure, a surgeon pattern of scar tissue
makes an incision in your within the upper chambers
chest to access the upper of the heart to redirect
chambers of the heart. The electrical signals along a
surgeon uses heat controlled path to the lower
(radiofrequency energy), heart chambers. The
extreme cold (cryothermal surgery blocks the stray
energy) or a scalpel to electrical signals that
make several precise cuts cause atrial fibrillation —
in the heart tissue. The the most common type of
cuts create a pattern serious arrhythmia.
(maze) of lines that
eventually scar. The scar
tissue blocks the faulty
electrical signals that
cause irregular heartbeats.
While you're on the heart-
lung machine, you might
also have other needed
cardiac surgeries, such as
valve repair or pacemaker
Some people undergoing a
maze procedure might be
treated with a robot-
assisted catheter ablation
procedure. This procedure
can also be done using a
combination of surgical
and catheter-based
interventions. These
variations are sometimes
referred to as mini-maze or
hybrid approaches.
Aneurysm repair. catheter is inserted into an An aortic aneurysm is a
artery in the groin (upper bulging, dilation or
thigh). The catheter is ballooning in the wall of a
threaded to the abdominal blood vessel, usually an
aorta, and the stent graft is artery, that is due to
released from the catheter. weakness or degeneration
In figure B, the stent graft that develops in a portion
allows blood to flow of the artery wall.
through the aneurysm.

Endovascular repair
reduces recovery time to a
few days and greatly
reduces time in the
hospital. However,
surgeons can't repair all
aortic aneurysms with this
procedure. The location or
size of the aneurysm may
prevent a stent graft from
being safely or reliably
placed inside the
Heart transplant The surgeon will make a The diseased heart is
cut (incision) down the removed and replaced with
center of your chest from a healthy heart from a
just below the Adam's deceased donor.
apple to just above the
The surgeon will cut the
breastbone (sternum) in
half. He or she will
separate the two halves of
the breastbone and spread
them apart to reach your
The surgeon will put tubes
into your chest so that your
blood can be pumped
through your body by a
(cardiopulmonary bypass)
machine while your heart
is stopped and replaced.
Once the blood has been
completely diverted into
the bypass machine and is
being pumped by the
machine, your doctor will
remove the diseased
The surgeon will sew the
donor heart into place.
Once your new heart is in
place, he or she will
connect the blood vessels
carefully so there are no
When your new heart is
fully connected, the blood
circulating through the
bypass machine will be
allowed back into the heart
and the tubes to the
machine are removed.
Your surgeon will shock
the heart with small
paddles to restart the
Once your new heart starts
to beat, the healthcare
team will watch the heart
to see how it’s working and
make sure there are no
Wires for pacing may be
put into the heart. Your
surgeon can attach these
wires to a pacemaker
outside your body for a
short time to pace your
new heart, if needed,
during the initial recovery
The surgeon will rejoin the
sternum and sew it
together with small wires.
The surgeon will sew the
skin over the sternum back
together. He or she will
use sutures or surgical
staples to close the
Tubes will be put into your
chest to drain blood and
other fluids from around
the heart. These tubes will
be connected to a suction
device to drain fluids away
from the heart as it heals.
A sterile bandage or
dressing will be applied.
Respiratory system The respiratory system
consists of a series of
organs; the nasal cavity,
pharynx, larynx, trachea,
bronchi, bronchioles and
lungs (alveoli). The nasal
cavity and pharynx are
together called the upper
respiratory system, while
the remainder of the
organs comprise the lower
respiratory system.
Removing one lobe A cut (incision) will be A lobectomy may be done
(lobectomy) made on the front of your when a problem is found in
chest at the level of the just part of a lung. The
lobe to be removed. The affected lobe is removed,
cut will go under your arm and the remaining healthy
around to your back. lung tissue can work as
When the ribs can be normal. A lobectomy is
seen, a special tool will be most often done during a
used to spread them apart. surgery called a
The lung lobe will be thoracotomy.
One or more tubes may be
put into your chest. These
are to help remove air and
fluid after surgery.
The cut will be closed with
stitches (sutures) or
staples. A bandage or
dressing will be put on the
A thin tube (epidural
catheter) may be put in the
area of the lower spine.
This is done to send pain
medicine into your back. It
may be done in the
operating room or in the
recovery room.
Lung biopsy The skin over the biopsy A lung biopsy is a
site will be cleansed with procedure in which
an antiseptic solution. samples of lung tissue are
You will feel a needle stick removed (with a special
when the local anesthetic biopsy needle or during
is injected. This may cause surgery) to determine if
a brief stinging sensation. lung disease or cancer is
You will need to hold still, present. A lung biopsy may
avoid coughing, and hold be performed using either
your breath when told to a closed or an open
during the procedure. method.
A small incision will be
made over the biopsy site.
The doctor will insert the
biopsy needle between the
ribs into the lung.
You may feel discomfort or
pressure when the doctor
enters the lung with the
The biopsy needle will be
withdrawn. Firm pressure
will be applied to the
biopsy site for a few
minutes, until the bleeding
has stopped.
The doctor will close the
opening in the skin with
sutures or adhesive strips,
if necessary.
A sterile bandage or
dressing will be applied.
The lung sample will be
sent to the lab for
You may have a chest X-
ray taken immediately after
the biopsy.
Pneumonectomy The surgeon makes a cut A pneumonectomy is a
several inches long type of surgery to remove
between 2 ribs. The cut will one of your lungs because
go from under your arm to of cancer, trauma, or some
around your back, on the other condition.
side of the lung that is
being removed.
The surgeon separates 2
ribs. In some cases, the
surgeon might remove a
small part of the rib.
The surgeon deflates the
affected lung and removes
The surgeon may remove
some nearby lymph nodes.
These may help show how
advanced a cancer might
Your surgeon will close the
ribs, the muscles, and skin.
A dressing will be applied
over the incision.
Most of the time, a chest
tube is left in the pleural
space from where the lung
was removed. This is
removed when your
condition improves.
Thoracotomy An epidural catheter may A thoracotomy is a surgical
be inserted in the mid-back procedure in which a cut is
before surgery for pain made between the ribs to
management. Once see and reach the lungs or
asleep, a breathing tube is other organs in the chest
placed into the airway to or thorax. Typically, a
allow each lung to be thoracotomy is performed
separately inflated during on the right or left side of
surgery. You are then the chest.
positioned on your side. An
approximate six-inch
incision is made below the
tip of the shoulder blade,
typically between the fifth
and sixth ribs. During the
surgery, the doctors will
insert a chest tube on the
side of the thoracotomy,
which drains excess fluid
or air leaking into the chest
and helps your lungs to re-
inflate. This tube remains
in place for a few days.
Lung Transplantation the surgeon makes an Lung Transplantation is a
incision in the chest. If it is surgical procedure that
a single lung transplant, replaces a person’s
the incision is made on the damaged lung with a
right or left side, depending healthier one from a donor.
on which lung is being
replaced. A double
(bilateral) transplant
requires an incision across
the chest beneath the
breast area. As soon as
the new lung(s) arrives in
the operating room, the
recipient's lung is
immediately removed and
the donor organ is placed
in the chest cavity. When it
is a double transplant, the
organ with the poorest
function is removed first
and replaced.
Once the new organ is in
place, the surgeon
connects the pulmonary
artery, pulmonary vein and
the main airway (bronchus)
of the donor organ to the
patient's vessels and
airway. Drainage tubes are
inserted to drain air, fluid,
and blood out of the chest
for several days to allow
the lungs to fully re-
Nervous system Nervous system controls
how we interact with and
respond to our
environment, by controlling
the function of the organs
in our other body systems.
The nervous system
organs are the brain,
spinal cord and sensory
organs. These are
connected by neurons,
which act to transmit
neural signals around the
Minimally Invasive Spine The healthcare provider Minimally invasive spine
Surgery will make a small incision surgery (MISS) is a type of
on your back in the area surgery on the bones of
that needs to be treated. A your spine (backbone).
tubular retractor is put into This type of surgery uses
this incision. This will smaller incisions than
expose the part of the standard surgery. This
spine to be treated. often causes less harm to
The surgeon will then pass nearby muscles and other
put small tools through this tissues.
retractor. This includes a
tiny camera and a light.
Your healthcare provider
will then make the needed
repairs to the spine.
When the repairs are
done, the tools and
retractor are then
removed. The incision or
incisions are closed with
stitches, glue, or staples. A
small bandage is put on
the wound.
Microvascular The surgeon will make a Microvascular
decompression surgery small incision behind the decompression is a
ear on the side of your surgical procedure for
head where you are treating intensely painful or
experiencing pain. spasming facial nerves
To access the nerve when medications haven't
causing pain, the surgeon brought relief.
will make a small hole in
your skull. Using an
operating microscope and
tiny instruments, the
surgeon will navigate
through the tissue to locate
the affected nerve and the
blood vessel pressing on it.
The surgeon will then
secure a small Teflon pad
between the two to keep
them from touching.
Base of Skull Surgery Surgeons perform open Skull base surgery is
skull surgery when surgery that is done to
necessary. This procedure remove a tumor or other
may require incisions in growth at the base, or
the facial area and in the bottom, of the skull.
skull. Surgeons may need
to remove parts of bones
so that the tumor can be
reached and removed.
Advanced imaging is often
used for this type of
Transsphenoidal surgery To reach the pituitary, the Transsphenoidal surgery is
surgeon first makes a done through the sphenoid
small cut inside the nose, sinus, a hollow space in
and then opens the bony the skull behind the nasal
walls of the sphenoid sinus passages and below the
with small surgical brain. The back wall of the
instruments. Other small sinus is just below the
tools are then passed pituitary gland.
through the opening to
remove the tumor.
The surgeon can look at
the tumor and nearby
structures with an
endoscope, a thin fiber-
optic tube with a tiny video
camera at the tip.
No part of the brain is
touched during
transsphenoidal surgery,
so the chance of damaging
the brain is very low.
Craniotomy surgeon does this by Your orthopaedic surgeon
removing a disc or a bone or neurosurgeon may
and fusing the vertebrae recommend cervical spine
together with a bone graft surgery to relieve neck
either in front of or behind pain, numbness, tingling
the spine. The bone graft and weakness, restore
may be one of two types: nerve function and stop or
an autograft (bone taken prevent abnormal motion
from your body) or an in your neck.
allograft (donor bone from
a bone bank). Sometimes
metal plates and screws
are also used to further
stabilize the spine. These
techniques are called
instrumentation. When the
vertebrae have been
surgically stabilized,
abnormal motion is
stopped and function is
restored to the spinal
nerves. An alternative to
spinal fusion is a cervical
disc replacement using an
artificial disc that enables
neck motion and stabilizes
the spine.
Digestive system The digestive system
function is to degrade food
into smaller and smaller
compounds, until they can
be absorbed into the body
and used as energy. It
consists of a series of
gastrointestinal tract
organs and accessory
digestive organs.
Colon segmental Usually, about one-third of A laparoscopic segmental
resection the colon is removed. More colectomy is a minimally
or less tissue could be invasive procedure that
taken depending on the involves removing a
exact size and location of portion or segment of the
the cancer. colon.
Once the cancer is
removed, the surgeon
usually can reconnect the
healthy parts. However,
sometimes reconnection is
not possible. In these
cases, the surgeon creates
a new path for waste to
leave the body. The
surgeon makes an opening
(stoma) in the wall of the
abdomen, connects the
upper end of the intestine
to the stoma, and closes
the other end. The
operation to create the
stoma is called a
colostomy. A flat bag fits
over the stoma to collect
waste, and a special
adhesive holds it in place.
Laparoscopic A laparoscopic an adrenalectomy is a
Adrenalectomy adrenalectomy is a surgical procedure to
minimally invasive remove the adrenal gland
procedure that uses small if it is cancerous and/or
incisions and tools to producing too much
access the adrenal gland. hormone. The
The surgery is performed adrenalectomy is typically
through three to four small performed through small
(0.5–1 centimeter incisions incisions (minimally
made in the abdomen. A invasive) although it also
telescope and small may be performed as an
instruments are inserted open surgery.
into the abdomen through
these small incisions,
which allow the surgeon to
completely remove the
diseased adrenal gland.
The adrenal gland is
placed in a plastic sack
and removed intact
through one of the
Breast biopsy For the procedure, you lie A breast biopsy is a
on a table. While steadying procedure to remove a
the lump with one hand, sample of breast tissue for
your doctor uses the other testing. The tissue sample
hand to direct a very thin is sent to a lab, where
needle into the lump. doctors who specialize in
The needle is attached to a analyzing blood and body
syringe that can collect a tissue (pathologists)
sample of cells or fluid examine the tissue sample
from the lump. Fine-needle and provide a diagnosis
aspiration is a quick way to
distinguish between a fluid-
filled cyst and a solid
mass. It may also help
avoid a more invasive
biopsy procedure. If,
however, the mass is solid,
you may need a procedure
to collect a tissue sample.
Nissen Fundoplication In this procedure, the A Nissen fundoplication is
surgeon wraps the top of a surgery to treat
the stomach around the gastroesophageal reflux
lower esophagus. This disease (GERD). During
reinforces the lower the procedure, a surgeon
esophageal sphincter, creates a sphincter
making it less likely that (tightening muscle) at the
acid will back up in the bottom of the esophagus
esophagus. to prevent acid reflux. Most
people notice a significant
decrease in acid reflux
symptoms after the
Whipple surgery During this procedure, A Whipple procedure —
surgeons remove the head also known as a
of the pancreas, most of pancreaticoduodenectomy
the duodenum (a part of — is a complex operation
the small intestine), a to remove the head of the
portion of the bile duct, the pancreas, the first part of
gallbladder and associated the small intestine
lymph nodes. In some (duodenum), the
cases, the surgeon may gallbladder and the bile
remove the body of the duct.
pancreas, the entire
duodenum and a portion of
the stomach.
Urinary system Urinary system is a body
drainage system
comprised of the group of
organs that produce and
excrete urine. It consists of
the kidneys, ureters,
urinary bladder and
Radical nephrectomy. In a radical nephrectomy, During a radical
the surgeon removes the nephrectomy, the urologic
whole kidney, the fatty surgeon removes the
tissues surrounding the entire kidney and often
kidney and a portion of the some additional structures,
tube connecting the kidney such as part of the tube
to the bladder (ureter). The that connects the kidney to
surgeon may remove the the bladder (ureter), or
adrenal gland that sits atop other adjacent structures
the kidney if a tumor is such as the adrenal gland
close to or involves the or lymph nodes.
adrenal gland. In some
cases lymph nodes or
other tissues are removed
as well.
Pyeloplasty The surgeon will cut Peloplasty is a type of
multiple small incisions – surgery that repairs your
each between eight and 10 ureter – a tube that
millimeters. The robot that attaches your kidney and
assists your surgeon has bladder.
three to four robotic arms.
Two to three use
instruments and one holds
a camera. The instruments
have a similar range of
movement as the human
hand, and are able to fix
the UPJ obstruction by
cutting out the
narrow/scarred part and
reconnecting the normal
Ureteral reimplantation During surgery, the Ureteral reimplantation is a
surgery surgeon will: surgery to fix the tubes that
 Detach the ureter connect the bladder to the
from the bladder. kidneys.
 Create a new tunnel The surgery changes the
between the bladder position of the tubes at the
wall and muscle in a point where they join the
better position in the bladder to stop urine from
bladder. backing up into the
 Place the ureter in kidneys.
the new tunnel.
 Stitch the ureter in
place and close the
bladder with
 If needed, this will
be done to the other
 Close any cut made
in your child's belly
with stitches or
Ureteral stent placement The doctor will place the This procedure is done
stent by guiding it up the when something is
urethra. The urethra is the blocking the ureter. The
tube that carries urine from blockage may be caused
the bladder to outside the by problems such as a
body. Then the doctor will kidney stone, a tumour, or
pass the stent through the an infection. The stent
bladder and ureter into the keeps the ureter open.
kidney. The doctor will After the stent is placed,
place one end of the stent urine should flow better
in the kidney and the other from your kidneys to your
end in the bladder. bladder.
Circumcision in men The foreskin is removed Circumcision is the
just behind the head of the surgical removal of the
penis using a scalpel or foreskin.
surgical scissors.
Any bleeding can be
stopped using heat
(cauterisation), and the
remaining edges of skin
will be stitched together
using dissolvable stitches.
Endocrine system The endocrine system is a
collection of specialised
organs (endocrine glands)
scattered throughout the
body that act to produce
Laparoscopic A laparoscopic An adrenalectomy is
Adrenalectomy adrenalectomy is a surgery to remove one or
minimally invasive both adrenal glands. One
procedure that uses small adrenal gland sits above
incisions and tools to each of kidneys.
access the adrenal gland.
The surgery is performed
through three to four small
(0.5–1 centimeter incisions
made in the abdomen. A
telescope and small
instruments are inserted
into the abdomen through
these small incisions,
which allow the surgeon to
completely remove the
diseased adrenal gland.
The adrenal gland is
placed in a plastic sack
and removed intact
through one of the
Endoscopic (1) locate the thyroid site Endoscopic thyroidectomy
Thyroidectomy using Ultrasound, (2) make is also called Minimally
a vestibular incision of 15 Invasive Video-Assisted
mm in the midline, (2) Thyroidectomy. It is a new
make a tunnel using surgical technique which
forceps through the allows the surgeon to
mandible (3) insertion of perform thyroid surgery
single channel flexible through a small skin
endoscope into the tunnel incision. In endoscopic
to access the thyroid thyroidectomy, very small
gland, (4) dissection of incisions are made in the
thyroid gland using hook axilla.
and insulated tip knives,
and (5) complete the
resection of gland using
snare and removed the
specimen with endoscopic
Lymphadenectomy People who have a A lymphadenectomy is a
lymphadenectomy will surgical procedure for
usually be under general removing lymph nodes
anesthetic. from the body. Also called
Typically, a surgeon will lymph node dissection, this
make an incision to procedure is usually
remove the lymph nodes performed to evaluate
and nearby tissue. They evidence for the spread of
will then position a small cancer, which helps the
tube or drain before medical team determine
closing the wound with the progress of and
stitches or staples. treatment options for a
They will then attach a patient's malignancy.
drainage bag to the end of
the tube.
Depending on the location
or type of cancer, a
surgeon can perform the
procedure as laparoscopic
or open surgery.
For example, surgeons will
often use open surgery for
people with breast cancer,
making a 2-inchTrusted
Source incision near their
In people with testicular
cancer, surgeons may
have the option of
performing laparoscopic or
keyhole surgery. Unlike
open surgery, keyhole
surgery does not involve
making any large incisions.
Pancreatectomy The most common surgical Pancreatectomy is surgery
procedure involving to remove part or all of
removal of a portion of the your pancreas. It's usually
pancreas is called a done to treat cancer, and
pancreaticoduodenectomy sometimes, severe chronic
(Whipple procedure) in pancreatitis. Removing
which the surgeon part or all of your pancreas
removes cancerous parts can have lifelong
of the pancreas, consequences for your
duodenum, common bile digestive system. You may
duct, and if required, need to take insulin and
portions of the stomach. A digestive enzymes from
distal pancreatectomy is now on
removal of the body and
tail of the pancreas.
pancreatic enucleation here are two types of Enucleation is a surgical
surgical techniques, procedure during which
namely the medial tumor cells only are
approach in which the removed, leaving the
patient lies in a supine pancreas entirely intact.
position, and the lateral Enucleation can be
approach. The lateral performed using an open
approach is appropriate to or laparoscopic surgical
mobilize the pancreatic tail approach, although the
and to check its distal part. laparoscopic procedure is
It is also essential as it generally preferred due to
allows for a precise a quicker recovery.
enucleation. A medial
approach provides access
to the whole aspect of the
pancreas. The surgeon
stands between the
patient’s legs and the use
of a 30-degree angulated
scope is key to see the
anterior surface of the
Lymphatic system The lymphatic system is a
network of lymphatic
vessels that drains excess
tissue fluid (lymph) from
the intercellular fluid
compartment, filters it
through lymph nodes,
exposes it to lymphocytes
(white blood cells) of the
immune system and
returns the fluid to the
circulatory system. The
lymphatic system consists
of lymph, lymphatic
plexuses, lymphatic
vessels, lymph nodes and
lymphoid organs.
Liposuction First, diluted local Once lymphatic fluid spills
anesthesia is infused to into your surrounding
reduce bleeding and tissues, it can cause
trauma. Then a thin hollow inflammation and stimulate
tube, or cannula, is fat stem cells to grow. Your
inserted through the surgeon removes this extra
incisions to loosen excess fat caused by
fat using a controlled back lymphedema. Liposuction
and forth motion. The for lymphedema is typically
dislodged fat is then an outpatient procedure
suctioned out of the body with a very short recovery
using a surgical vacuum or time.
syringe attached to the
Lymphaticovenous Lymphaticovenous (also referred to as
anastomosis anastomosis (LVA) is a lymphovenous bypass):
method of redirecting Your surgeon uses
excess lymphatic fluid into microsurgical techniques
the venous system to and equipment to reroute
reduce the appearance of your lymphatic system,
lymphedema and prevent bypassing damaged nodes
its recurrence. During LVA, and connecting lymphatic
the lymphatic vessels in channels directly into your
the affected limb are veins. The lymphovenous
connected to nearby veins, bypass is an outpatient
allowing the lymph to drain surgery.
into the veins and circulate
back into the rest of the
Vascularized lymph node In this procedure, Vascularized lymph node
transfer surgery surgeons perform a robot- transfer (VLNT) involves
(lymphovenous assisted omental flap the transfer of functional
transplant) harvest using a single-port lymph nodes, with
approach — a 2.5- microanastomosis with
centimeter vertical vasculature in the recipient
abdominal incision — in bed to maintain their blood
contrast to standard supply, to restore
robotic harvest. After physiological lymphatic
intraperitoneal insertion of flow to an extremity in
a balloon-tip trocar, which the native lymph
surgeons place a cannula nodes has been removed.
and insufflate the
abdomen. Lymph node
clusters are identified
through injection of
cyanine dye into the
omentum and subsequent
fluorescent angiography.
The recipient site is
prepped, and the omentum
is then dissected, captured
in an endobag and
inspected via fluorescent
angiography. In a
conjoined or segmented
flap, the omental tissue is
transferred to the affected
site. If needed, surgeons
use skin grafting and
lipectomy at the donor site.
Laparascopic omental In this procedure, Laparoscopic omental
lymph node transfer surgeons perform a robot- lymph node transfer can
(omental transplant) assisted omental flap also be preformed. The
harvest using a single-port omentum is a sheet of fat
approach — a 2.5- that has lymph nodes in
centimeter vertical the abdomen. This
abdominal incision — in procedure is minimally
contrast to standard invasive and can be done
robotic harvest. After in patients who have
intraperitoneal insertion of undergone previous
a balloon-tip trocar, abdominal surgeries.
surgeons place a cannula
and insufflate the
abdomen. Lymph node
clusters are identified
through injection of
cyanine dye into the
omentum and subsequent
fluorescent angiography.
The recipient site is
prepped, and the omentum
is then dissected, captured
in an endobag and
inspected via fluorescent
angiography. In a
conjoined or segmented
flap, the omental tissue is
transferred to the affected
site. If needed, surgeons
use skin grafting and
lipectomy at the donor site.
Lymph Node Transplant During your surgery, a Lymph node transplant
piece of tissue with lymph surgery can be done to
nodes and lymphatic help treat lymphedema in
vessels and the small your arm or leg.
blood vessels that carry Lymphedema is swelling
blood to the tissue are caused by a buildup of
taken from one place in lymph fluid. Your arm or
your body and moved to leg with lymphedema is
another place in your body. called your affected limb.
The piece of tissue is also
called a flap or donor

The place where the tissue

is taken from is called the
donor site. The place
where the tissue is moved
to is called the recipient
site. Your plastic surgeon
will use a microscope to
see and connect the blood
vessels in the piece of
tissue to the blood vessels
at the recipient site.
Reproductive system The reproductive system,
or genital system, is a
system of internal and
external sex organs which
work together to contribute
towards the reproduction
process. Unlike other
systems of organs, the
genital system has
significant differences
among sexes.
Vaginal construction In this technique, a vaginal This surgical procedure is
(vaginoplasty) vault is created between a multistage process
the rectum and the urethra, during which surgeons
in the same location as a may remove the penis
non-transgender female (penectomy) and the
between the pelvic floor testes (orchiectomy), if still
(Kegel) muscles, and the present, and use tissues
vaginal lining is created from the penis to construct
from penile skin. An the vagina, the clitoris
orchiectomy is performed, (clitoroplasty) and the labia
the labia majora are (labiaplasty).
created using scrotal skin,
and the clitoris is created
from a portion of the glans
penis. The prostate is left
in place to avoid
complications such as
incontinence and urethral
strictures. Furthermore, the
prostate has erogenous
sensation and is the
anatomic equivalent to the
"g-spot." Great care is
taken to limit the external
scars from a vaginoplasty
by locating the incisions
appropriately and with
meticulous closure. Typical
depth is 15 cm (6 inches),
with a range of 12-16cm
(5-6.5 inches); in
comparison, typical vaginal
depth in non-transgender
females is between 9-
12cm (3.5 to 5 inches). In
the case of prior
circumcision a skin graft,
typically scrotal in origin,
may be required. If there is
insufficient skin between
the penis and the scrotum
to achieve 12cm (5 inches)
of depth, a skin graft from
the hip, lower abdomen or
inner thigh may be used.
Resultant scarring at the
donor site may be
minimized or hidden using
standard techniques.
Because the penile
inversion approach does
not create a vaginal
mucosa, the vagina does
not self-lubricate and
requires the use of an
external lubricant for
dilation or penetrative sex.
Hysteroscopy the vagina and cervix are A hysteroscopy is a
cleaned with an antiseptic procedure used to
solution. a hysteroscope examine the inside of the
(long, thin tube containing womb (uterus). It's carried
a light and camera) is out using a hysteroscope,
passed into your womb – which is a narrow
you may experience some telescope with a light and
cramping and discomfort camera at the end. Images
as it passes through your are sent to a monitor so
cervix. fluid is gently your doctor or specialist
pumped into the womb to nurse can see inside your
make it easier for your womb.
doctor to see inside.
Tubal reanastomosis During the procedure, the Tubal reanastomosis is
(Tubal Reversal) surgeon places a small often used to reverse a
lighted scope, called a tubal ligation or to repair a
laparoscope, through the part of the fallopian tube
belly button and into the damaged by disease. The
pelvis area. This allows the blocked or diseased part of
surgeon to look at the the tube is removed. Then
fallopian tubes and the two healthy ends of the
determine if reversal tube are joined. This
surgery is possible. If the procedure can be done
tubal ligation can be through an incision in the
reversed, the surgeon then belly (laparotomy), but
makes a small surgical cut, some specialists can do
called a “bikini cut,” near this procedure using
the pubic hair line. laparoscopy.
Microscopic instruments
attached to the end of the
laparoscope allow the
surgeon to remove any
clips or rings used to block
your tubes, and reconnect
the ends of the tubes to
the uterus, using very
small stitches.
Testicular biopsy The biopsy is performed by Testicular biopsy is a
creating a small incision in procedure in which a small
the skin of the scrotum. A portion of testicle is
small piece of the testicle removed for examination.
tissue is removed through
the incision by snipping the
sample off with small
Percutaneous sperm PESA is a procedure that PESA is a procedure
aspiration (PESA) can be performed under performed for men who are
local anesthesia without a having sperm retrieved for
microsurgical skill set. The IVF/ICSI who have
procedure involves placing obstructive azoospermia
a butterfly needle in to the from either a prior
head of the epididymis vasectomy or infection. It is
after administration of local done with local anesthesia
anesthetic. Negative in the operating room or
pressure is applied until a office and is coordinated
milky white fluid is with their female partner's
visualized. The tubing is egg retrieval.
then clamped and the
system is flushed with
sperm media in to a
collection tube. The
procedure can be repeated
until sufficient yield is
Integumentary system The integumentary system
is the set of organs that
forms the external covering
of the body. It includes the
skin, skin appendages,
sweat glands and sensory
Skin biopsy The three main types of A skin biopsy is a
skin biopsies are: procedure that removes a
Shave biopsy. A doctor small sample of skin for
uses a tool similar to a testing.
razor to remove a small
section of the top layers of
skin (epidermis and a
portion of the dermis).
Punch biopsy. A doctor
uses a circular tool to
remove a small core of
skin, including deeper
layers (epidermis, dermis
and superficial fat).
Excisional biopsy. A doctor
uses a small knife (scalpel)
to remove an entire lump
or an area of abnormal
skin, including a portion of
normal skin down to or
through the fatty layer of
Curettage and cautery The person performing the Curettage and cautery is a
procedure will inject some type of electrosurgery used
local anaesthetic into the to treat low-risk skin
area surrounding the malignancies and pre-
lesion to be treated (this cancerous lesions.
causes a tingling
discomfort which will last
only a few moments). This
will make the skin go numb
so no pain should be felt
during the procedure. You
may feel a pushing
sensation but this should
not be painful. The skin
lesion is then scraped off
with a sharp ring blade
(curette). Bleeding is then
stopped with either cautery
or driclor.
Skin grafting During this procedure, A skin graft is a surgical
providers take healthy skin procedure in which a piece
from one part of the body of skin is transplanted from
and transplant (move) it to one area to another. Often
cover skin that's damaged skin will be taken from
or missing. Within a few unaffected areas on the
days, the grafted skin injured person and used to
begins to develop blood cover a defect, often a
vessels and connect to the burn.
skin around it.
Scar revision One type of surgery Scar revision is plastic
directly removes the scar surgery performed to
formation with an incision, improve the condition or
and stitches are placed to appearance of a scar
help close the wound. anywhere on your body
Sometimes, skin grafts are
used to help close the
wound. This involves
replacing or attaching skin
to an area that is missing
skin. Skin grafts are done
by taking a piece of
healthy skin from another
area of the body and
attaching it to the needed
Cryotherapy surgery For tumors on the skin, the Cryosurgery freezes
doctor applies liquid tissue, causing cells in the
nitrogen directly to the treated area to die.
abnormal area with a
cotton swab or spraying

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