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Linear Algebra and Geometry Quiz 2b 07.11.


Your name is: Your group is:

1. (1 point per item) Which of the following must necessarily hold true? If you think that a statement holds,
mark it as 2
, if you think that a statement does not hold, mark it as 4, if you do not know, do not put any
mark. Any correct mark gives you 1 point, any incorrect mark loses you 1 point, putting no mark does not
affect your score.
• det(AB) = det(BA), for any two square matrices A and B;

• det tr,s (A) = det(A), for any square matrix A;
• det(A + B) = det(A) + det(B), for any two square matrices A and B.

2. (2 points) Write down the following definition:

• the (i, j)-th minor of a square matrix A .

cos α sin α
3. (2 points) Find: .

sin α − cos α

4. (3 points) Find:

3 0 2 4

1 0 −1 −2

−5 3

3 8!

6 0 0 2

hint: Expansion by some column might be useful here.

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