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Please download the TP ACS program and relative files with below link:

2. Decompress the file and extract the “acs” folder, enter to the folder and then double click
run.bat to run. The default listening address of the ACS server program is

3. Browse the the host IP + port number 8080(like as via Google Chrome or
other browsers to enter the login UI of TP ACS server, the default username/password of the
management account is admin/admin
4. Enter into Web GUI of DUT and configure the CWMP parameters following below screenshot,
please remember to save the settings after the configuration done(Make sure the server host
IP and DUT LAN IP are in the same network segment):
5. Connect the server PC to LAN port of DUT via eth cable.

6. Come back to the Web UI of TP ACS server, click “Register Device” to find the DUT which is
waiting for certification by TP ACS via the MAC/Model Name/Firmware version of the DUT:

7. Register the DUT to ACS server by clicking Registration button, and then input the Connection
Request username/password of DUT:
8. Mount the DUT to make the connection between ACS and DUT be alive:

9. So far, you can manage the DUT by TP ACS server via all kinds of RPC(Remote Procedure Call)
methods. Take GPN(Get Parameter Names) and GPV(Get Parameter Values) as examples:
1) GPN: click GetParameterNames, and then input the root node(InternetGatewayDevice. for
TR098 data model, Device. for TR181 data model) to get all TR069 nodes that the DUT

2) GPV: click GetParameterValues, and then input a specific TR069 node(use one of the nodes
which you get by GPN RPC method) to get the parameter value.

10. Test other RPC methods in the same operation steps as above.

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