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Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743


A Systematic Review of Pharmacovigilance Systems in Developing

Countries Using the WHO Pharmacovigilance Indicators
Hamza Y. Garashi1   · Douglas T. Steinke1 · Ellen I. Schafheutle1

Received: 4 December 2021 / Accepted: 28 April 2022 / Published online: 3 June 2022
© The Author(s) 2022

Background  In the context of the growth of pharmacovigilance (PV) among developing countries, this systematic review
aims to synthesise current research evaluating developing countries’ PV systems’ performance.
Methods  EMBASE, MEDLINE, CINAHL Plus and Web of Science were searched for peer-reviewed studies published in
English between 2012 and 2021. Reference lists of included studies were screened. Included studies were quality assessed
using Hawker et al.’s nine-item checklist; data were extracted using the WHO PV indicators checklist. Scores were assigned
to each group of indicators and used to compare countries’ PV performance.
Results  Twenty-one unique studies from 51 countries were included. Of a total possible quality score of 36, most studies
were rated medium (n = 7 studies) or high (n = 14 studies). Studies obtained an average score of 17.2 out of a possible 63 of
the WHO PV indicators. PV system performance in all 51 countries was low (14.86/63; range: 0–26). Higher average scores
were obtained in the ‘Core’ (9.27/27) compared to ‘Complementary’ (5.59/36) indicators. Overall performance for ‘Process’
and ‘Outcome’ indicators was lower than that of ‘Structural’.
Conclusion  This first systematic review of studies evaluating PV performance in developing countries provides an in-depth
understanding of factors affecting PV system performance.

Keywords  Pharmacovigilance · Developing countries · Evaluation studies · Programme evaluation · Benchmarking

Introduction and the exclusion of special population groups (e.g. pregnant

women and children) [6, 7]. Therefore, unexpected or severe
Pharmacovigilance (PV) with its ultimate goal of minimis- adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are often not identified before
ing risks and maximising the benefits of medicinal products regulatory approval resulting in increased morbidity, mortality
serves as an important public health tool [1, 2]. The World and financial loss [8, 9]. PV allows for the post-marketing (i.e.
Health Organization (WHO) defines PV as “the science and real-world) collection of drug safety and efficacy information
activities relating to the detection, assessment, understand- thereby reducing patients’ drug-related morbidity and mortality
ing and prevention of adverse effects or any other drug- [10]. Moreover, PV reduces the financial costs associated with
related problem”(p. 7) [3]. the provision of care for patients affected by such problems [11,
Prior to approval by regulatory authorities, drug products 12]. This is achieved by communicating medicines’ risks and
are required to undergo extensive testing and rigorous evalua- benefits thus enhancing medication safety at various levels of
tion during clinical trials, to establish their safety and efficacy the healthcare system [13] as well as providing information and
[4, 5]. The rationale for post-marketing PV is based on the need knowledge informing regulatory actions [14–16]. It is important
to mitigate the limitations of pre-marketing/registration clinical to note that PV activities are not limited to protecting patient
trials including small population sizes, a short length of time safety in the post-marketing phase but apply to a drug product’s
entire lifecycle and are a continuation and completion of the
analysis performed on medicines from the pre-registration clini-
* Hamza Y. Garashi cal trials [17]. PV also plays a role in helping drug manufacturing
firms in carrying out patient outreach through communicating
Division of Pharmacy and Optometry, School of Health with patients about drug products’ risk–benefit profile thus mak-
Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, The ing them better informed and building their trust in the industry
University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PT, UK


718 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

[18]. As the collective payers for drug products, insurance firms Theoretical Framework
rely on PV information as a measure of drug products’ demon-
strated value to patients in making decisions about reimburse- As a theoretical framework, this study adopted the WHO
ment [18, 19]. PV indicators, which measure inputs, processes, outputs,
PV systems’ differences in developing countries are influ- outcomes, and impacts. These WHO indicators “provide
enced by local contextual factors such as healthcare expenditure, information on how well a pharmacovigilance programme
disease types and prevalence, and political climate [20]. These is achieving its objectives” (p. 4) [30]. Details on how the
differences can lead to variability in medicine use and the pro- WHO PV indicators were derived and validated have been
file of adverse effects suffered by patients which makes it essen- described by Isah and Edwards [29]. The indicator-based
tial that every country establish its own PV system [21]. Most pharmacovigilance assessment tool (IPAT) was considered
developed countries started PV activities after the thalidomide but not chosen because its sensitivity and specificity as a
disaster in the 1960s by establishing PV systems and joining the measurement tool have not been established [33].
WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring (PIDM) There are 63 WHO PV indicators, which are classified
[22–24]. Developing countries did not join the PIDM until the into three main types: 1—Structural (21 indicators): assess
1990s or later [22–24], but since then, the number of developing the existence of key PV structures, systems and mechanisms;
countries implementing PV and joining WHO PIDM has steadily 2—Process (22 indicators): assess the extent of PV activi-
increased [23, 24]. ties, i.e. how the system is operating; 3—Outcome/impact
Over the past few decades, both national and international (20 indicators): measure effects (results and changes), i.e.
legislative organisations, as well as national medicines regu- the extent of realisation of PV objectives [30]. Each of these
latory authorities (NMRAs) have published a considerable types is further subdivided into two categories: 1—Core
amount of legislation and guidance to provide countries with (total 27) indicators are considered highly relevant, impor-
a legal foundation and practical implementation guidance for tant and useful in characterising PV, and 2—Complementary
national PV systems [25]. Among these is the Guidelines on (total 36) are additional measurements that are considered
Good Pharmacovigilance Practices (GVP) implemented by relevant and useful [30].
the European medicines agency (EMA) in 2012 which aim
to facilitate the performance of PV in the European Union
(EU) [26]. Many developing countries wishing to align their Information Sources and Search Strategy
new and evolving national PV frameworks with international
standards use the EMA’s GVP guidelines as a reference for Four electronic databases (EMBASE, MEDLINE, CINAHL
setting up their national PV systems [25, 27]. Plus and Web of Science) were searched for international
The WHO recommends that PV systems incorporate peer-reviewed research evidence published between 1st
evaluation and assessment mechanisms with specific perfor- January 2012 (the year when the EMA’s guidelines on GVP
mance criteria [28]. Despite the growth in PV development were due for implementation) and 16th July 2021. The
and practice among developing countries, a gap remains search was initiated using the term ‘pharmacovigilance’
in efforts to assess, evaluate, and monitor their systems’ and its synonyms in combination with other groups of key-
and activities’ status, growth, and impact [29]. To promote words that covered ‘evaluation’. The search terms are listed
patient safety and enhance efforts aimed at strengthening PV in Table 1 (see Online Resource 2 for search strategy). Refer-
systems in developing countries with nascent PV systems, ence lists of included studies were also screened.
it is imperative to assess existing conditions [13, 30]. Such
assessment can help define the elements of a sustainable PV
strategy and areas for improvements as the basis to plan for Data Screening
improved public health and safety of medicines [13, 29, 31].
This review aims to systematically identify published peer- Once all duplicate titles had been removed, screening of
reviewed research that evaluates the characteristics, performance, abstracts and then full texts against the inclusion/exclusion
and/or effectiveness of PV systems in developing countries. criteria (Table 2) was conducted by the lead author. Both co-
authors were consulted where queries arose, and the decision
on which articles to include in the review was discussed and
Methods agreed upon by all authors.

This systematic review was conducted in accordance with Data Extraction, Synthesis and Quality Assessment
the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement [32]. A PRISMA Data were extracted independently by the lead author and
checklist is included in Online Resource 1. checked by the co‐authors, using a data extraction tool based

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743 719

Table 1  Keywords used for the search

Keyword Search terms

Pharmacovigilance Pharmacovigilance OR Drug Surveillance Program OR drug safety

OR adverse drug reactions reporting systems OR post-marketing
Evaluation Evaluat* OR Monitor* OR Assess* OR Benchmark*

Table 2  Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria

Setting Developing countries

Species Human Animal
Location International
Language English
Design/Study type Qualitative and quantitative studies. Randomised control All types of reviews. Randomised control trials (RCTs) with
trials (RCTs) with a primary component related to the no secondary aim related to the evaluation of pharmacovig-
evaluation or assessment of pharmacovigilance systems or ilance systems or activities
Publication type Full-text peer-reviewed journal studies based on empirical Non-peer-reviewed studies and conference abstracts, case
research or with a clear empirical base reports, editorials, opinion pieces, commentaries and
conceptual studies
Publication date 2012–2021
Focus of study Studies about the characteristics, performance metrics, or ∙ Studies focussing on non-medication related adverse events
effectiveness of pharmacovigilance system(s) at some (e.g. surgical adverse events), allergies, medication errors,
level. e.g. PV centre (national or peripheral), healthcare abuse or misuse, medical devices, veterinary products,
facilities (hospitals or clinics), Public Healthcare Pro- traditional or complementary medicines, vaccines, food
grammes (PHP), or pharmaceutical companies within a supplements
developing country ∙ ADR-reporting systems based on computerised physician
order entry systems, electronic medical records and regis-
tries specific to one drug or disease
∙ Studies of pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic and phar-
macogenetic measures

on the WHO PV indicators checklist. Data were extracted at for more than one system level (e.g. national level and insti-
two levels: overall study and studied country/countries. For tutional level), the information from the higher level was
each study, data were extracted related to which of the WHO used. The final scores were used to benchmark national PV
PV indicators the study provided information, while for indi- performance and compare countries both within and across
vidual countries assessed in the studies, data (qualitative regions.
and quantitative) relating to each indicator were extracted. The quality of included studies was evaluated using
The data were placed into Microsoft Excel and NVivo and Hawker et al.’s nine‐item checklist [34] for appraising dis-
analysed thematically to aid comparison between studies and parate studies. The checklist allows scoring of individual
particular countries. parameters and a total score that allows the comparison of
A scoring system was developed for the purpose of this strengths and weaknesses within and across studies. Total
review to quantify the indices thus highlighting countries’ scores could range from 9 to 36, by scoring studies as
PV system strengths and deficiencies in numerical terms. “Good” (4), “Fair” (3), “Poor” (2), “Very poor” (1) for each
Each of the 63 indicators was scored separately and a final checklist item (title, introduction and aims, method and data,
score was calculated for each study. If information relating sampling, data analysis, ethics and bias, results, transfer-
to an indicator was present, a score of 1 was given. A score ability or generalisability, implications and usefulness). To
of 0 was given where data were not provided, missing, not categorise the sum quality ranking of studies, previously
applicable or not clear. Where information for a particular used cut-offs were adopted: [35, 36] high (30–36 points),
country was provided by more than one study, the latest medium (24–29 points) and low quality (9–23 points).
study was used. In cases where country data were available


720 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

Results companies. Most of the studies (n = 13) had been published

since 2016. Eleven studies focusesd on African countries
Following the removal of duplicates (n = 2175), 8482 studies [37–47] with one of these also including India [42]. Four
were screened, with 8462 studies excluded following title, studies involved Middle Eastern and/or Eastern Mediterra-
abstract, and full-text review. Screening of reference lists of nean countries [48–51], and four covered East or South-East
the remaining studies (n = 20) lead to a total of 21 included Asian countries [52–55]. One study dealt with countries in
studies. Figure 1 presents a PRISMA flowchart demonstrat- the Asia–Pacific region [56] and one study focussed on a
ing this process. country in South America [57].
Ten studies employed self-completion questionnaires
Study Characteristics for data collection [45, 48–53, 55–57], and nine employed
mixed-methods [37–41, 43, 44, 46, 47] including inter-
The 21 included studies (Table 3) evaluated PV systems in viewer-administered questionnaires alongside a documen-
51 countries across single or multiple countries’ National tary review. Two studies [42, 54] employed only qualitative
PV Centres (NPVCs), Public Health Programmes (PHPs), methods including interviews and literature or documen-
healthcare facilities (e.g. hospitals) or pharmaceutical tary review. Sixteen studies [37–47, 49, 53–57] evaluated

Fig. 1  Flow diagram of studies included/excluded in the systematic review

Table 3  Summary of details of included studies and quality assessment scores
Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-
publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score
year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)

Abiri and To evaluate the Descriptive Sierra Leone National medi- 14 Participants Structured inter- Indicator-Based 1—Policy, law and Small sample size 30
Johnson current status cross- cines regula- views with key Pharmacovigi- regulation; 2—Systems, recruited through
[37] of PV in Sierra sectional tory authority, informants from lance Assess- structures and stake- convenience
Leone through a study health the Pharmacy ment Tool holder coordination; sampling. Use of
comprehensive facilities, and Board of Sierra (IPAT) 3—Signal generation a score of 60% as
and system- Public Health Leone (PBSL), and data management; a threshold for the
based approach Programmes six hospi- 4—Risk assessment and overall func-
that covered the (PHPs) tals, and six evaluation; and 5—Risk tionality of the
Pharmacy Board Public Health management and com- pharmacovigilance
of Sierra Leone, Programmes munication system despite
healthcare facilities (PHPs), as well no evidence from
and Public Health documentary IPAT
Programmes review
Allabi and To draw up a Not reported Republic of PV systems in 68 physicians, Interviewer Semi-structured Semi-structured question- Not reported 28
Nwokike portrait of policy Benin drug regulation 45 pharma- administered question- naire: knowledge,
[38] documents and system (DPM), cists and 43 semi-structured naire based attitude and practice
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

practical actions National pharmaceuti- questionnaire on adverse relating to spontaneous

in the areas of PV, malaria control cal company with physicians, drug reaction reporting of adverse
quality control of programme representa- pharmacists, reporting and drug reactions, specific
Artemisinin-based (NMCP), tives, key and pharmaceu- reasons for questions examining
Combination known as informants tical company non-reporting; the ADRs related to
Therapies (ACTs) “Programme from the representatives; no framework Artemisinin-based
and monitoring National de National focus groups reported for Combination Therapy
of resistance of Lutte Contre Laboratory and structured focus groups; (ACT), reasons for non-
ACT in Republic le Paludisme” of Drugs interviews with structured reporting and important
of Benin (situ- (PNLP) in Control representatives interviews and factors in a decision to
ational analysis), Benin), quality Quality from the NMCP documentary report; focus groups:
identification of control of (LNCQ), (Programme review based on Assess the practice and
the main barriers drugs centre Directorate National de Indicator-Based problems in the phar-
which prevent their (LNCQ) and of Pharmacy Lutte Contre Pharmacovigi- macovigilance system
implementation the biggest and Drug le Paludisme lance Assess- and quality control
and the discus- teaching hospi- Regulations (PNLP)), ment Tool of ACTs and ways to
sion focus on the tal (CNHU) (DPM), the National (IPAT); SWOT solve these problems;
recommendations National Laboratory of analysis structured interviews
for towards the Malaria Drugs Control and document review:
establishment of an Control Quality (Labo- 1—Policy, law and
effective and func- Programme ratoire National regulation; 2—Systems,
tional PV system (NMCP) and de Control structures and stake-
in Benin the Director de Qualité holder coordination;
of the teach- (LNCQ)), 3—Signal generation
ing hospital DPM and the and data management;
in Cotonou: director of the 4—Risk assessment and
Centre CNHU-teaching evaluation; and 5—Risk
National hospital; and management and com-
Hospitalier documentary munication; strengths,
Universitaire review weaknesses, opportuni-
(CNHU) ties and threats used to
make recommendations


Table 3  (continued)

Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-

publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score

year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)

Alshammari To investigate and Cross-sec- Arab countries National Phar- 15 countries: Self-administered A previously con- 1—Country and respond- Pertinent informa- 31
et al. [48] provide an over- tional study (members of macovigilance Algeria questionnaire ducted survey ent background informa- tion missing. Pro-
view of the current the League of Centres (AL), Egypt by repre- carried out by tion; 2—Overview of gramme features
situation and on Arab States) (EG), Jordan sentatives of WHO Uppsala the PV programme; 3— and development
the activities of the (JO), Iraq National Phar- Monitoring Spontaneous reporting; plans might have
national pharma- (IQ), Kuwait macovigilance Centre (UMC) 4—PV activities; 5— changed since the
covigilance centres (KW), Libya Centres level of support, includ- time of the study.
in Arab countries (LB), Leba- ing funding, staff, and Not all countries
non (LE), software; 6—Usefulness responded
Morocco of information from PV
(MA), Oman activities; and 7—Reg-
(OM), Pal- istry availability; also,
estine (PA), presence of a designated
Kingdom of national centre/depart-
Saudi Arabia ment that conducts PV
(KSA), activities
Sudan (SU),
(TN), United
Arab Emir-
ates (UAE),
and Yemen
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743
Table 3  (continued)
Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-
publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score
year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)

Barry et al. To conduct a Cross- Ethiopia (ET), National Between two Structured East African EAC Indicators tool: Findings for some 30
[39] comparative sectional Kenya (KE), Pharmacovigi- and four interviews with Commu- 1—Policy, law, and of the indica-
assessment of the descriptive Rwanda lance Centres NMRA staff key informants nity (EAC) regulation; 2—Systems, tors may have
current national study (RW), and housed within members (NMRA staff Harmonized structures, and stake- changed since the
PV system at the Tanzania the National working in working in PV) Pharmacovigi- holder coordination; assessment. Some
respective National (TZ) Medicines PV from and documen- lance Indicators 3—Signal generation personal knowl-
Medicines Regula- Regulatory each country tary review tool (derived and data management; edge, experience,
tory Authorities Authorities from the WHO 4—Risk assessment and opinions of
in Ethiopia, pharmacovigi- and evaluation; and 5— the regulators were
Kenya, Rwanda, lance indicators Risk management and not possible to
and Tanzania for and the IPAT) communication; WHO verify from other
future targeted supplemented Global Benchmarking sources
capacity-building with a few Tool: 1—Guidelines
interventions to additional indi- ensuring encouragement
be carried out by cators from the of different stakehold-
the PROFORMA WHO Global ers to report ADRs and
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

project Benchmarking AEs to the Marketing

Tool (GBT) for Authorisation Holder
evaluation of (MAH) and/or NMRA;
national regula- 2—Legal provisions
tory systems and regulations allow-
ing NMRA to require
safety and effective-
ness studies; 3—Legal
provisions, regulations,
and guidelines requiring
designation of a person
as in charge of the
vigilance system
Barry et al. To assess and Cross- Ethiopia (ET), Public Health 2–3 National Structured East African 1—Systems, structures, Not possible to 30
[40] compare the sectional Kenya (KE), Programmes NTD pro- interviews with Commu- and stakeholder coor- verify all of the
pharmacovigilance descriptive Rwanda gramme staff key informants nity (EAC) dination; 2—Signal information gath-
systems and prac- study (RW), and members (staff members Harmonized generation and data ered through struc-
tices within the Tanzania in Kenya, from the Pharmacovigi- management; 3— tured interviews
Neglected Tropical (TZ) Tanzania, national NTD lance Indica- Risk assessment and
Disease (NTD) and Rwanda, programme) tors tool for evaluation; and 4—Risk
programmes in and 1 from and documen- Public Health management and com-
Ethiopia, Kenya, Ethiopia tary review Programmes munication
Rwanda, and (PHPs) (derived
Tanzania from the WHO
lance indicators
and the IPAT)


Table 3  (continued)

Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-

publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score

year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)

Chan et al. To review the Not reported ASEAN National Phar- 16 countries: Self-administered No tool specified 1—An overview of the Limited the survey 31
[52] status of the member macovigilance 9 ASEAN questionnaire for the ques- national PV programme; to all ASEAN
development of countries and Centre coun- by repre- tionnaire 2—Range of PV activi- countries and
pharmacovigilance a group of tries with sentatives of ties; 3—Spontaneous seven non-ASEAN
in the Association non-ASEAN Myanmar National Phar- ADR reporting and size countries. A more
of Southeast Asian countries excluded: macovigilance of the ADR records; 4— comprehensive
Nations (ASEAN) having close Brunei Centres Source of ADR informa- comparison would
and the relevance working Darussalam tion—the importance of be to survey a rep-
of quantitative relations (BR), Cam- the different post-mar- resentative sample
signal detec- in the area bodia (KH), keting surveillance tools from all other
tion algorithms of PV with Indonesia for safety monitoring; countries to make
(QSDA) in the Singapore: (ID), Lao 5—Management of a comparison of
ASEAN context. Australia, People’s ADR reports and signal the status of PV
Also to compare Canada, Democratic detection; and 6—The in the ASEAN.
the findings in Japan, South Republic relevance of a QSDA Survey responses
these countries Korea, (LA), Malay- in their respective were focussed on
against the more Switzerland, sia (MY), countries QSDAs and tools
established agen- UK, and the Philippines only. There was
cies in Australia, USA (PH), Singa- no testing of the
Canada, Japan, pore (SG), reliability of the
South Korea, Thailand questionnaire. A
Switzerland, the (TH), and substantial number
UK and the US Vietnam of the survey ques-
(VT); and 7 tions were descrip-
non-ASEAN tive. The study
countries: did not capture the
Australia types and volume
(AU), of medicines used
Canada in the various
(CA), Japan countries
(JP), South
Korea (SK),
(CH), UK,
and the USA
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743
Table 3  (continued)
Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-
publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score
year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)

Ejekam et al. Assess the struc- Cross- Nigeria Public Health National PV Structured and WHO Pharma- 1—PV structures, pro- Poor recording keep- 30
[47] tures, processes, sectional Programmes centre and semi-structured covigilance cesses, and outcomes of ing undermining
and outcomes of mixed- 3 Public interviews with Indicators each of the PHPs, 2— comprehensive
pharmacovigilance method Health Pro- key informants Efforts and challenges documentation
activities in three study grammes from National towards achieving the
selected public PV Centre desired PV outcomes
health programmes and PHPs and from the key informants’
(National Malaria, documentary perspectives
Tuberculosis (TB), review
Nigeria using the
WHO Pharma-
covigilance Indica-
tors and identify
possible challenges
to achieving the
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

Kabore et al. To evaluate Burkina Descriptive Burkina Faso National Medi- 16 participants Structured inter- Indicator-Based 1—Policy, law and IPAT limitations: 1. 33
[41] Faso’s early- cross- cines Regula- (1–3 par- views with key Pharmacovigi- regulation; 2—Systems, IPAT’s sensitivity
stage drug safety sectional tory Authority ticipants per informants from lance Assess- structures and stake- and specificity
monitoring system study (NMRA), institution) the National ment Tool holder coordination; have not been
through a compre- public health Medicines (IPAT) 3—Signal generation established;
hensive system- programmes Regulatory and data management; 2. Possible
based approach (PHPs) and Authority 4—Risk assessment imprecision in the
hospitals (NMRA), six and evaluation; and 5— quantification of
PHPs, and Risk management and responses in the
five hospitals, communication; and scoring process;
as well as opinions regarding the 3. The assess-
documentary current PV system ment was reliant
review on respondents’
declarations; 4.
Local adaptation
may be necessary
due to the tool’s
limited testing and
validation. Limita-
tions related to
evaluation process:
and reproducibility
of the study may
be affected due
to limited sample
in number and


Table 3  (continued)

Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-

publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score

year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)

Kaewpa- To assess the Not reported Thailand National Phar- 10 participants Interviews (using Open-ended ques- 1—Policy, law, plan and Not reported 26
nukrungsi performance of macovigilance (8 from the semi-structured tions: Domains structural support, 2—
and Ananta- the Thai National Centre national questionnaires) and indicators Safety surveillance,
choti [54] Pharmacovigilance pharma- with and obser- for NPVC 3—Risk management,
Centre (NPVC) to covigilance vation of NPVC performance and 4—Communication
identify gaps and centre and staff, in-depth assessment of safety information
areas for future 2 executive interviews
improvement staff from the with Thai FDA
Thai FDA) executive staff,
and documen-
tary analysis
Maigetter To describe the PV Not reported India (IN), National Phar- 39 participants Documentary WHO minimum Documentary review: Reliance on inter- 33
et al. [42] systems in India, Uganda macovigilance (20 from review of aca- requirements pharmaceutical views with key
Uganda, and South (UG), and Centres in India, 8 from demic literature for functional regulation, including informants. Some
Africa. Also, to South Africa Uganda and Uganda, and policy pharmacovigi- regulatory frameworks details regard-
analyse the extent (SA) South Africa, and 11 reports, and lance system and capacity; use of ing budget and
to which the and Regional from South interviews with medicines; and PV, staff, as well as
three countries Pharmacovigi- Africa) key informants including descriptions composition and
conformed to lance Centres of the adverse event functioning of the
the minimum in Maharashtra (AE) reporting systems. national advisory
pharmacovigilance State, India Interviews: Regulatory committee, were
requirements by systems and policies not uniformly
the WHO concerning PV available
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743
Table 3  (continued)
Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-
publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score
year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)

Mugauri et al. To evaluate the Descriptive Harare City, National Phar- 52 Health Documentary Updated Centres Questionnaire: determine Not reported 29
[44] antiretroviral- cross- Zimbabwe macovigilance Personnel review of for Disease health workers’ knowl-
adverse drug sectional Centre involved in patient records Control and edge of the operations
reaction (ARV- study and the ARV- and notifica- Prevention and usefulness of the
ADR) surveillance surveillance ADR surveil- tion forms (CDC) guide- surveillance system;
system in Harare system lance from 2 issued by the lines for Evalu- Checklist: evaluates the
City to identify evaluation hospitals and hospitals and ating Public availability of reporting
the reasons for 17 clinics clinics, as well Health Surveil- forms, case definitions
underreporting as interviews lance Systems and means for commu-
and recommend with healthcare and checklist nication. Patient records:
solutions workers using derived from number of ARV-ADR
an interviewer- the WHO cases documented,
administered assessment captured, and missed by
questionnaire criteria for a the surveillance system.
PV system’s Hospital and clinic
stability status notifications: evaluating
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

(WHO PV system simplicity, data

Indicators) quality, completeness,
acceptability, sensitivity,
timeliness and rep-
resentativeness. PV indi-
cator checklist: core as
well as complimentary
process indicators, and
core outcome indicators
Muringazuva To evaluate the Descriptive Kadoma City, Regional Phar- 47 health Interviewer Updated Centres System simplicity, Availability of only 34
et al. [43] Adverse Drug cross- Zimbabwe macovigilance workers administered for Disease stability, acceptability, one notification
Reaction Surveil- sectional System from six questionnaire, Control Preven- and completeness; made it difficult to
lance System study and health facili- checklists, and tion (CDC) Interviewer admin- assess the quality
(ADRSS) to assess surveillance ties which record review Guidelines istered questionnaire of data
the system perfor- system offered (outpatient reg- for Evaluating information on health
mance and reasons evaluation Mass Drug isters, reports Public Health worker knowledge on
for not notifying Administra- on the ADRSS, Surveillance the ADRSS and to
on time tion (MDA) meetings’ Systems assess the attributes of
minutes) the ADRSS; checklist
was used to assess for
the availability of the
resources needed for
running the ADRSS


Table 3  (continued)

Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-

publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score

year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)

Mustafa et al. To investigate the Prospective Lahore, Paki- Regional health 84 Doctors and Structured inter- A question- Questionnaire 1: General Not reported 25
[51] adverse drug reac- observa- stan facilities (hos- 52 Pharma- views using naire based hospital information
tion (ADR) report- tional study pitals) cists from investigator on different including ADR systems;
ing system and to 30 different administered ADR systems Questionnaire 2: Doc-
suggest possible hospitals in questionnaires of developed tors’ and pharmacists’
ways of improving Lahore countries, demographics, knowl-
the method of literature evalu- edge, and attitude to
reporting ation, and pub- ADR reporting
lished research
Nwaiwu et al. To evaluate pharma- Descriptive Lagos, Nigeria Pharmaceutical 31 companies Self-administered Questionnaire Basic pharmacovigilance The sampling 27
[45] covigilance prac- study Companies questionnaire adapted from requirements method used is
tices in pharma- distributed existing drug prone to selection
ceutical companies to designated safety laws bias and sampling
in Nigeria company staff and guidance error. The compa-
and online nies that partici-
pharmacovigi- pated in the study
lance auditing may have differed
checklists from companies
that did not
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743
Table 3  (continued)
Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-
publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score
year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)

Opadeyi et al. To assess the status Cross- South-South Regional health 6 Hospitals Structured inter- Modified WHO Background information, The absence of 33
[46] of pharmacovigi- sectional Zone of facilities (hos- views with focal Pharmacovigi- structural indicators, trained PV per-
lance structure, descriptive Nigeria pitals) pharmacovigi- lance Indicators process indicators, out- sonnel hindered
processes, out- study lance persons (Core Indica- come/impact indicators the provision of
comes and impact or committees tors) results for the PV
in the South-South in hospitals and process indicators.
zone of Nigeria review of hospi- Structural PV
using the WHO tal records indicators fail to
PV indicators fully capture the
system’s function-
ality. Overall poor
limited the indica-
tors’ derivation.
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

indicator deriva-
tion required an
in-depth survey
which young
PV systems are
unable to execute.
Need for a scoring
system to quantify
the indices to
highlight deficien-
cies in numerical


Table 3  (continued)

Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-

publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score

year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)

Qato [49] To describe the cur- Descriptive Arab and National Phar- 21 countries: Self-administered Combination of Three domains of Not all countries in 31
rent landscape of cross- Eastern macovigilance Afghanistan questionnaires WHO Phar- pharmacovigilance the geographical
pharmacovigilance sectional Mediterra- Centre (AF), Alge- by pharma- macovigilance performance: Structure, region of interest
in the Arab and study nean Region ria (AL), covigilance Indicators and process, and impact were represented
Eastern Mediterra- countries Comoros leadership Indicator-Based either due to non-
nean (EM) region Islands (CO), (official Pharmacovigi- response or incom-
Djibouti (DJ) national contact lance Assess- plete responses to
(excluded for the WHO ment Tool the questionnaire.
from final Programme for (IPAT) The survey was
mean International only developed in
calculations), Drug Monitor- English. Potential
Egypt (EG), ing (PIDM)) for reporting bias
Jordan (JO),
Iran (IR),
Iraq (IQ),
(KW), Libya
(LB), Leba-
non (LE),
(MA), Oman
(OM), Paki-
stan (PK),
(PA), Qatar
(QA), Saudi
Sudan (SU),
(TN), the
UAE, Yemen
Rorig and de To evaluate the Not reported Brazil Pharmaceutical 50 companies Self-administered Not reported 1—Company identifica- Not reported 25
Oliveira implementation companies questionnaire tion, its origin and
[57] and operation of by pharmaceuti- the characterisation
the pharmacovigi- cal companies’ or absence of a PV
lance programme PV sector, programme; 2—Infor-
in the pharmaceu- regulatory mation relating to
tical industry affairs sector, or factors required for PV
customer sup- programme implemen-
port service tation; 3—Pharma-
covigilance programme
results, and information
about notifications
reception and how this
was treated
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743
Table 3  (continued)
Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-
publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score
year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)

Shin et al. To survey the collec- Not reported Asia‐Pacific National Phar- 15 countries: Self-administered Modified WHO Three domains: Structure, Not all countries 31
[55] tion and manage- Economic macovigilance Australia questionnaires Pharmacovigi- process, and outcome in the region
ment of adverse Coopera- Centre (AU), Brunei by heads of PV lance Indicators of pharmacovigilance responded to the
effect reports in 21 tion (APEC) (BN), Chile teams from PV system survey. Did not
Asia–Pacific Eco- region (CL), Indo- agencies include all ques-
nomic Cooperation countries nesia (ID), tions and answers
(APEC) countries, Malaysia from WHO’s PV
compare the PV (MY), indicators. The
status and systems Mexico tendency for arbi-
by country, and (MX), Papua trary interpretation
finally, to harmo- New Guinea regarding ques-
nise PV regulation (PG), Peru tions on regular
in the APEC (PE), Philip- pharmacovigilance
region pines (PH), education
(SG), Taiwan
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

(TW), Thai-
land (TH),
Japan (JP),
South Korea
(SK), and the
Suwankesa- To explore the cur- Cross-sec- ASEAN coun- National Phar- 8 countries: Self-administered WHO minimum PV systems’ function Application of 31
wong et al. rent landscape and tional study tries: Brunei macovigilance Cambodia questionnaire requirements and performance were WHO require-
[53] identify challenges Darussalam, Centre (KH), Indo- by ASEAN for a functional measured and compared ments to national
in PV activities Cambodia, nesia (ID), countries’ PV national phar- based on: Indicators PV systems only,
among Association Indonesia, Laos (LA), representatives macovigilance related to the average therefore find-
of Southeast Asian Lao People’s Malaysia and contact system numbers of individual ings may not be
Nations (ASEAN) Democratic (MY), the persons case safety reports generalisable to
countries Republic Philippines (ICSR), presence of pharmacovigilance
(PDR), (PH), Singa- signal detection activi- in the entire com-
Malaysia, pore (SG), ties and subsequent munity
Myanmar, Thailand action, contributions to
Philippines, (TH), and VigiBase
Singapore, Vietnam
Thailand and (VT)


Table 3  (continued)

Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-

publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score

year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)

Wilbur [50] To inventory national Not reported Arabic-speak- National Phar- 11 countries: Self-administered Uppsala Monitor- General programme infor- Certain responses 24
pharmacovigilance ing Middle macovigilance Bahrain questionnaire ing Centre mation; level of support; may be different
programmes in Eastern Centre (BH), by the head Assessment PV activities; suspected since the original
place for Arabic- countries Egypt (EG), of centres of Country ADR reporting and deployment of
speaking countries Iraq (IQ), responsible Pharmacovigi- subsequent data use; the questionnaire.
in the Middle East Jordan (JO), for medication lance Situation and medication safety The accuracy and
Kingdom of safety questionnaire advocacy completeness of
Saudi Arabia (February the information
(KSA), 2008) provided could be
Kuwait affected depending
(KW), Oman on the individual
(OM), Pal- completing the
estine (PA), questionnaire.
Qatar (QA), Not all countries
United Arab formally partici-
Emirates pated so regional
(UAE), and situations are not
Yemen (YE) fully described
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743
Table 3  (continued)
Author(s) and Pharmacovigi-
publication lance system Aspects evaluated by the Quality Score
year Study aim Study design Study setting level Sample size Methods Evaluation tool(s) study Study limitations (out of 36)
Zhang et al. To assess the current Cross-sec- Chinese prov- Pharmaceutical 589 institutions Self-administered A questionnaire 1—Current status of the Data might not fully 32
[56] status of ADR tional study inces (East: manufacturers’, (194 phar- questionnaire based on previ- ADR monitoring sys- reflect current
reporting and Jiangsu and drugstores’, maceutical by ADR report- ous studies tem; 2—Basic resources adverse drug reac-
monitoring in Guang- and medical manufactur- ers in charge for ADR reporting; tion monitoring
pharmaceutical dong; West: institutions’ ers, 191 of drug safety 3—ADR reporting; and and reporting sys-
manufacturers, Shaanxi and pharmacovigi- drugstores, (e.g. heads of 4- Other PV activities tems in China. It
drugstores, and Sichuan; lance systems and 204 vigilance units was assumed that
medical institu- and Centre: medical and drug safety the respondents
tions in China Henan and institutions) coordinators) at had full access to
Hebei) Pharmaceutical all current, rel-
manufacturers, evant information.
drugstores, and The informa-
medical institu- tion supplied by
tions respondents was
not verified or val-
idated. The study
did not target all
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

the adverse drug

reaction reporting
and monitoring
institutions or all
34 provinces in
China. Only three
institution types
were included, and
data collection
focussed on the
institutional level
rather than the
individual level.
Low response rate


734 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

or assessed PV practice or performance. The remaining five [41, 52–54] achieved a score of 4 for the “implications and
studies [48, 50–52, 55] surveyed or provided an overview of usefulness” parameter by making suggestions for future
countries’ PV situation and offered insights into the maturity research and implications for policy and/or practice.
of PV systems. The main limitation described by the reviewed studies
Eight studies [39, 44, 48, 50, 52–55] focussed on national related to information validity and completeness. Eight stud-
PV centre(s), while three [37, 38, 41] took more of a system- ies [39, 40, 42, 43, 48, 50, 52, 56] cited limitations that
wide approach by also including other levels, i.e. healthcare included pertinent data missing, reliance on the accuracy of
facilities and PHPs. Three studies [43, 46, 51] focussed on information provided or inability to verify or validate infor-
PV at the regional level within a country. Five studies [40, mation. The second limitation was related to the collected
45, 47, 56, 57] focussed on PV in stakeholder institutions data’s currency [39, 48, 50, 56].
including pharmaceutical companies/manufacturers, Pub- Finally, two studies [41, 46] reported limitations related
lic Health Programmes (PHPs), drugstores and medical to the evaluation tools used to evaluate PV performance.
institutions. Kabore et al. [41] highlighted four limitations inherent to
Thirteen studies [37–44, 46, 47, 49, 53, 55] employed the IPAT including 1—Its sensitivity and specificity had not
an analytical approach that relied on the use of a frame- been established, 2—Possible imprecision in the quantifi-
work. The most frequently used frameworks (n = 3) used cation of responses in the scoring process, 3—The assess-
were the IPAT framework [37, 38, 41] and the WHO PV ment’s reliance on respondents’ declarations and 4—The
indicators [46, 47, 55]. Two studies used the East African necessity of local adaptation due to the tool’s limited testing
Community (EAC) harmonised pharmacovigilance indica- and validation. Two studies [46, 47] raised limitations of
tors tool [39, 40] and two used the WHO minimum require- using the WHO PV indicators including lack of trained per-
ments for a functional PV system [42, 53]. Two studies [43, sonnel, poor documentation and the need for in-depth sur-
44] employed the Centres for Disease Control and Preven- veys which nascent systems are unable to execute. Further-
tion (CDC) updated guidelines for evaluating public health more, the WHO PV indicators were said to lack a scoring
surveillance systems [58] alongside the WHO PV indica- system that could quantify the indices thereby highlighting
tors [30]. One study employed a framework that combined system deficiencies numerically [46].
indicators from the IPAT and the WHO PV indicators [49].

Study Quality Studies’ Coverage of WHO Pharmacovigilance

Using Hawker et al.’s [34] nine-item checklist, the over-
all quality of included studies was deemed as ‘medium’ When investigating the number of all 63 WHO PV indi-
for seven and ‘high’ for 14. See Online Resource 3 for cators, the studies achieved an average score of 17.2 (see
detailed scoring. The lowest scoring parameter was “eth- Fig. 2). The highest score was 33.0 [39] and the lowest
ics and bias” (Average = 1.9, Standard Deviation ± 0.6); was 4.0 [45]. Studies placed a higher emphasis on evalu-
the highest scoring parameter was “abstract and title” ating ‘Core’ compared to ‘Complementary’ indicators as
(3.9 ± 0.3). The methods used were considered appropri- demonstrated by the median and average scores obtained
ate for all included studies; however, seven did not pro- for ‘Core’ (12.0 and 11.6/27, respectively) versus 4.0 and
vide sufficient detail on the data collection and recording 5.6/36 for ‘Complementary’. Studies obtained higher median
process [38, 44, 45, 50–52, 57]. Clear sample justification and average scores for ‘Structural’ indicators (8.0 and 7.0/10
and approaches were only described in three studies [43, for ‘Core’ and 4.0 and 3.3/11 for ‘Complementary’, respec-
44, 46]. Only three studies [45, 50, 57] were rated poorly tively) compared to ‘Process’ (3.0 and 2.7/9 for ‘Core’ along
or very poorly with respect to data analysis due to limited with 1.0 and 1.5/13 for ‘Complementary’, respectively) and
or no detail. Apart from one study [51], studies provided ‘Outcome’ indicators (2.0 and 1.9/8 for ‘Core’ and 0 and
clear descriptions of findings. Only three studies [41–43] 0.8/12 for ‘Complementary’). Further detail is supplied in
detailed ethical issues such as confidentiality, sensitiv- Online Resource 4.
ity and consent. No studies described or acknowledged
researcher bias/reflexivity. Study transferability or gener- Regions’ and Countries’ Pharmacovigilance
alisability was affected by the use of small sample sizes Performance
[37, 41], survey non-response [45, 48–50, 55], focus on the
national PV centre [53], the institutional level rather than Total Pharmacovigilance System Performance
the individual (Healthcare Professional (HCP) or patient)
level, exclusion of some types of institutions [56] and non- The average and median scores achieved by all countries
testing of questionnaire reliability [52]. Only four studies were 14.86 and 15.0/63, respectively. Although 51% of

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743 735

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Barry, A. et al. (2020)

Abiri, O. T. and Johnson, W. C. N. (2019)
Kabore, L. et al. (2013)
Opadeyi, A. O. et al. (2018)
Qato, D. M. (2018)
Shin, J. Y. et al. (2019)
Barry, A. et al. (2021)
Alshammari, T. M. et al. (2020)
Zhang, X. et al. (2019)
Ejekam C. S. et al. (2020)
Mugauri, H. et al. (2018)
Suwankesawong, W. et al. (2016)
Kaewpanukrungsi, W. and Anantacho“, P. (2015)
Wilbur, K. (2013)
Maige•er, K. et al. (2015)
Allabi, A. C. and Nwokike, J. (2014)
Chan, C. L. et al. (2017)
Muringazuva, C. et al. (2017)
Mustafa, G. et al. (2013)
Rorig, K. D. V. and de Oliveira, C. L. (2012)
Nwaiwu, O. et al. (2016)

Core Indicators Structure (out of 10) Core Indicators Process (out of 9) Core Indicators Outcome (out of 8)
Complementary Indicators Structure (out of 11) Complementary Indicators Process (out of 13) Complementary Indicators Outcome (out of 12)

Fig. 2  Included studies’ aggregate scores (out of 63) for coverage of WHO pharmacovigilance indicators

countries had a higher-than-average total score and 49% had hand, in terms of the median score, the highest was
a score above the median, none of them achieved more than observed in Sub-Saharan Africa (11.5). And the lowest
40% of the WHO indicators. The Middle East and North was in South Asia (7.0). The highest scoring countries
Africa achieved the highest average total score (15.89), among the different regions were Nigeria, Indonesia and
and Latin America and the Caribbean the lowest (10.5). In Malaysia (15.0), whereas Bahrain, Syria, Djibouti and
comparison, the highest median score was achieved by the Myanmar scored zero.
Middle East and North Africa (18.0), and the lowest was
achieved by South Asia (10.0). The highest achieving coun- Structural Indicators  For ‘Core Structural’ indicators, the
try was Tanzania (26.0). Bahrain, Syria, Djibouti and Myan- average score for the 51 countries was 6.5 and the median
mar all scored zero. See Figs. 3 and 4 for the regions’ and was 7.0. The highest average and median scores, region-
countries’ aggregate scores, respectively, Online Resource ally, were observed in Sub-Saharan Africa (7.07 and 8.5,
4 for detailed information relating to each indicator, and respectively), whereas the lowest were observed in Latin
Online Resource 5 for detailed information on aggregate America and the Caribbean (5.0 and 5.5, respectively).
scores. Egypt had the highest country-level score (10.0) while
Bahrain and Syria, Djibouti and Myanmar scored zero.
Core Indicators Performance A facility for carrying out PV activities was reported as
existing in 92% of countries, and PV regulations existed in
Out of a possible score of 27 for ‘Core’ indicators, the 80% of countries. There were inconsistencies in the reported
average was 9.27 while the median was 9.0. East Asia information concerning PV regulations in Oman, Yemen and
and the Pacific achieved the highest average score (10.17), Cambodia. In Oman, two studies [48, 50] reported that such
whereas South Asia had the lowest (7.3). On the other regulations were present, whereas a third [49] reported they


736 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

Average Median Average Median Average Median Average Median Average Median
Middle East and North Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia East Asia and the Pacific Lan America and the
Africa Caribbean

Core Structure (out of 10) Core Process (out of 9) Core Outcome (out of 8)
Complementary Structure (out of 11) Complementary Process (out of 13) Complementary Outcome (out of 12)

Fig. 3  Aggregate scores (out of 63) of studied countries’ pharmacovigilance systems by region

Papua New Guinea

Saudi Arabia











South Africa






United Arab Emirates

Burkina Faso











Sierra Leone

Core Indicators Structure (out of 10) Core Indicators Process (out of 9) Core Indicators Outcome (out of 8)
Complementary Indicators Structure (out of 11) Complementary Indicators Process (out of 13) Complementary Indicators Outcome (out of 12)

Fig. 4  Aggregate scores (out of 63) of studied countries’ pharmacovigilance systems

were absent. In Yemen, Qato [49] reported the presence countries overall. There was an inconsistency in the informa-
of regulations, whereas Alshammari et al. [48] indicated tion provided for this indicator in Oman and the United Arab
the opposite. For Cambodia, conflicting information was Emirates (UAE) with two studies [48, 50] stating that this
reported by Suwankesawong et al. [53] and Chan et al. [52]. was present, and one [49] that it was not. In terms of human
In all such cases, the latest published results were adopted. resources, 75% of countries were found to possess dedicated
Concerning resources, regular financial provision for con- staff carrying out PV activities.
ducting PV activities was reported as present in only 35% of Most countries (86%) were found to possess a standard-
countries, most of which were among the highest achieving ised ADR reporting form. However, it was only highlighted

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743 737

in 16 countries whether the form included medication errors; (5.5%), Tanzania (97%) and Zimbabwe (100%) reportedly
counterfeit/substandard medicines; therapeutic ineffective- performing this. The percentage of reports submitted to
ness; misuse, abuse, or dependence on medicines; or report- WHO was reported only in Vietnam (28%) and Zimbabwe
ing by the general public. (86%).
For only four countries (China, Egypt, Ethiopia and Among the countries which reported performing active
Uganda) was it reported that PV was incorporated into the surveillance, Algeria was the most active with 100 projects
national HCP curriculum. In 22 countries (43%), it was followed by Tunisia and Morocco with 50 and 10 activities,
either unknown if a PV information dissemination mech- respectively. All remaining countries had fewer than seven.
anism existed, or it did not exist. Sixty-three per cent of
countries had a PV advisory committee. Information regard- Outcome Indicators  The average and mean scores over-
ing this indicator was inconsistent between Qato [49] and all for the ‘Core Outcome’ indicators were 0.69 and 1.0/8,
Alshammari et al. [48] with the former reporting Jordan and respectively. Countries from East Asia and the Pacific (0.92)
Tunisia possessed an advisory committee, the latter report- had the highest average score collectively, whereas South
ing the opposite. Asia (0.33) had the lowest. In terms of the median score,
sub-Saharan Africa (1.0) had the highest, whereas South
Process Indicators  The overall average and median scores Asia (zero) had the lowest. Nine countries achieved the
for ‘Core Process’ indicators were 2.06 and 2.0/9, respec- highest score (2.0), while 25 countries only scored zero.
tively. The highest average score was in East Asia and the Signal detection was reported to have occurred in 10
Pacific (2.9), whereas South Asia (1.0) achieved the lowest. countries, with the highest number observed in Kenya (31
Similarly, in terms of the median score, East Asia and the signals), whereas seven countries scored zero. The reported
Pacific (3.0) was the highest while South Asia (1.0) was the number of signals detected was above 10 in only three coun-
lowest. No country achieved a higher score than Malaysia tries: Kenya, Tanzania (25 signals) and Singapore (20 sig-
(7.0), while seven countries scored zero. nals). Among the 23 countries where information regarding
The absolute number of ADR reports received per year the number of regulatory actions taken was reported, the
by the countries’ PV system ranged from zero (Afghanistan, highest number of actions taken was in Egypt (930 actions),
Bahrain, Comoros, Qatar, and Rwanda) to 50,000 (Thai- whereas in 15 countries, no actions had been taken.
land). Most countries (n = 27) received less than 10,000 The number of medicine-related hospital admissions per
reports per year, with Iran reporting the highest yearly rate 1000 admissions was only reported in Nigeria and ranged
(7532 reports) and Laos and Lebanon reporting the lowest from 0.01 to 1.7. The reporting of pertinent data regarding
(3 reports). Only four countries reported receiving 10,000 the remaining five Core Outcome indicators (CO3–CO8)
reports or more yearly, namely China (32,513 reports), was inadequate as no information was provided for any of
Malaysia (10,000 reports), Singapore (21,000 reports) and the countries.
Thailand (50,000 reports). The remaining 20 countries either
did not receive any reports or no data were provided. Complementary Indicators Performance
The number of ADR reports increased over time in 12
countries (Algeria, Cambodia, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, For ‘Complementary’ indicators, the overall average and
Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and median scores were 5.59 and 6.0/36, respectively. The
Yemen), whereas they decreased in eight countries (Laos, Middle East and North Africa (6.89 and 8.5, respectively)
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Sudan, Thailand, the UAE achieved the highest average and median scores among the
and Vietnam). The percentage of total annual reports sat- regions, whereas Latin America and the Caribbean (3.5 and
isfactorily completed and submitted to the PV centre was 4.0, respectively) achieved the lowest. The highest scoring
reported only in Nigeria (maximum of 84.6%). country was Tanzania (12.0), whereas Bahrain, Syria, Dji-
Only Singapore and Thailand reported cumulative num- bouti and Myanmar scored zero.
bers of reports as more than 100,000, while 17 countries
had fewer than 20,000 reports cumulatively. Some inconsist- Structural Indicators  For ‘Complementary Structural’ indi-
encies for this indicator were reported by Suwankesawong cators, the average and mean scores were 4.24 and 4.0/11,
et al. [53] and Chan et al. [52] for Malaysia, the Philippines, respectively. The highest average and median scores were
Singapore and Vietnam, with the numbers reported by the achieved by the Middle East and North Africa (5.44 and 6.0,
former higher than the latter. respectively), whereas Latin America and the Caribbean
Overall, the provision of ADR reporting feedback was (2.5 and 3.0, respectively) had the lowest. Five countries
poor, with all the countries either not performing this or achieved a score of 8.0, namely Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the
no information being provided. Documentation of causality UAE, Ethiopia and Tanzania. Seven countries scored zero.
assessment was also poor, with only Ethiopia (2%), Kenya


738 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

Three-fourths of the countries were reported to possess The number of HCPs who received face-to-face train-
dedicated computer facilities to carry out PV activities as ing over the previous year was only reported in Ethiopia
well as a database for storing and managing PV information. (90,814), Tanzania (76,405), Rwanda (43,725) and Kenya
There was inconsistency in the data reported for Libya, with (8706).
Qato [49] indicating the presence of a computer, whereas No information was found in any of the studies concern-
Alshammari et al. [48] reported it absent. It was indicated ing the ‘Complementary Process’ indicators 4, 6 and 9–13.
that in 47% of the countries, functioning communication
facilities such as telephone, fax, or internet were available. Outcome Indicators  Out of a possible score of 12, the over-
A library containing reference materials on drug safety was all average and median scores achieved for the ‘Comple-
found to be available in only 19 countries. For all the coun- mentary Outcome’ indicators of the studied countries were
tries, it was either reported that they did not have a source both zero, with no information reported concerning these
of data on consumption and prescription of medicines, or no indicators.
information was available.
In all 51 countries investigated, it was either reported that
web-based PV training tools for both HCPs and the pub- Discussion
lic were not available, or no information was reported. It
was found that in 30 (60%) of countries training courses for To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first sys-
HCPs were organised by the PV centre. There was insuf- tematic review of studies focussing on PV system perfor-
ficient information about the availability of training courses mance in developing countries. The review included 21
for the public in all countries. Less than half (41% and 49%, studies covering 51 countries from different regions across
respectively) of countries possessed a programme with a the globe. Using the WHO PV indicators (both ‘Core’ and
laboratory for monitoring drug quality or mandated MAHs ‘Complementary’) [30] as a framework, this review focussed
to submit Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs). Only on identifying the areas of strength and weakness within
8% of countries had an essential medicines list and only 18% these countries’ PV systems. The review also helped iden-
used PV data in developing treatment guidelines. tify where different developing countries’ systems lay on the
performance level spectrum. Moreover, the features associ-
Process Indicators The 51 countries achieved average ated with better performing systems were highlighted. The
and median scores of 1.4 and 1.0/13, respectively, for the insights from this review can be used to inform recommen-
‘Complementary Process’ indicators. Regionally, the high- dations for addressing areas requiring intervention or modi-
est average and median scores were achieved by the Middle fication, particularly within countries with PV systems at a
East and North Africa (1.44 and 2.0, respectively), while the nascent stage of development.
lowest scores were achieved by Latin America and the Car- The review revealed a lack of standardisation regarding
ibbean (both 1.0). The highest total scores were achieved by the methods of evaluating PV systems. While some studies
Kenya and Tanzania (both 4.0), while 12 countries scored focussed on the WHO indicators, others used assessment
zero. tools developed by other organisations including the United
Data regarding the percentage of healthcare facilities States Agency for International Development (USAID), East
possessing a functional PV unit (i.e. submitting ≥ 10 reports African Community (EAC), the United States Centre for
annually to the PV centre) was reported for seven countries. Disease Control (CDC) or some combination of these. The
However, only three of these reported a number above zero review also found that, overall, both studies’ coverage of the
(Kenya 0.14%, Tanzania 0.26% and Zimbabwe 2.2%). WHO PV indicators and developing countries’ PV system
In terms of the total number of reports received per mil- performance were both low. Furthermore, there was a mix
lion population; it was found that Singapore had the high- of some indicators which were present in most or all stud-
est number (3853 reports/year/million population), while ies/countries, while others were universally absent or only
Laos had the lowest (0.4 reports/year/million population). sporadically present. Generally, indicators that were either
In 17 countries, it was indicated that HCPs represented the universally absent or only sporadically present in the stud-
primary source of submitted ADR reports. Medical doc- ies/countries in this review belonged to the ‘Process’ and
tors were reported as the primary HCPs to submit ADR ‘Outcome’ indicator classes. In terms of the reviewed stud-
reports in five countries, namely Lebanon (100%), Libya ies, both the ‘Complementary Process’ and ‘Complemen-
(50%), Morocco (50%), Tunisia (96%) and Yemen (90%). tary Outcome’ indicators’ presence was mixed with some
In eight countries, manufacturers were found to be the pri- being universally absent (e.g. number of reports from each
mary source of ADR reports, namely Algeria (71%), Jordan registered pharmaceutical company received by the NPVC
(90%), Kuwait (93%), Mexico (59%), Pakistan 88%), Pales- in the previous year and cost savings attributed to PV activi-
tine (100%), Saudi Arabia (50%) and the UAE (72%). ties, respectively) and others being sporadically present (e.g.

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743 739

number of face-to-face training sessions in PV organised The 63 indicators developed by the WHO were not all
in the previous year and average number of medicines per assessed in the included studies. This meant that the data
prescription, respectively). Most of the ‘Core Process’ and collection process in some instances necessitated extract-
‘Core Outcome’ and ‘Complementary Structural’ indica- ing data from other sections of the studies such as the
tors were sporadically present (e.g. percentage of reports ‘Background’ or ‘Discussion’. In other instances, infer-
on medication errors reported in the previous year, average ences were made for certain indicators based on informa-
cost of treatment of medicine-related illness and existence tion provided for others. A notable example was inferring
of an essential medicines list which is in use, respectively), the presence of a computer for PV activities when it was
whereas most of the ‘Core Structural’ indicators were fre- indicated that a computerised case report management sys-
quently present (e.g. the NPVC has human resources to carry tem existed. Evaluation is defined as the systematic and
out its functions properly) and only a few were sporadically objective assessment of the relevance, adequacy, progress,
present (incorporation of PV into the national curriculum of efficiency, effectiveness and impact of a course of action
the various HCPs). in relation to objectives while considering the resources
In terms of the studied countries, all the ‘Complemen- and facilities that have been deployed [62]. An evaluation
tary Outcome’ (e.g. percentage of medicines in the pharma- based only on a few indicators is not likely to provide a
ceutical market that is counterfeit/substandard) indicators complete, unbiased evaluation of the system since multiple
were universally absent. The ‘Core Outcome’ and ‘Com- indicators are needed for tracking the system’s implemen-
plementary Process’ indicators’ presence was found to be tation and effects [58]. While the optimal number of indi-
mixed with some being universally absent (e.g. number of cators required to perform a proper assessment is likely to
medicine-related deaths and percentage of MAHs submit- vary depending on the evaluation’s objectives, it could be
ting PSURs to the NMRA, respectively) while others were argued that, based on definition, addressing the full set of
sporadically present (e.g. number of signals detected in the ‘Core’ indicators should be required to provide a satisfac-
past five years and percentage of HCPs aware of and knowl- tory evaluation [33].
edgeable about ADRs per facility). Most of the ‘Core pro- This review found that the presence of a dedicated budget
cess’ (e.g. percentage of submitted ADR reports acknowl- for PV was associated with higher system performance [30,
edgement or issued feedback) indicators were found to be 59, 60, 63]. The absence of sustained funding for PV hinders
sporadically present. Therefore, PV system performance was effective system operation since it prevents the development
found to be low in terms of the ‘Process’ and ‘Outcome’ of the necessary infrastructure [64]. According to the WHO,
indicators. This reflects immaturity and the inability to col- funding is what allows the carrying out of PV activities in
lect and utilise local data to identify signals of drug-related the setting [30] and it “signifies a gesture, the commitment
problems and to support regulatory decisions [22, 59–61]. and political will of the sponsors and the general importance
With regard to ‘Structural’ indicators, most of the ‘Core’ given to PV” (p. 20) [30]. It is only when the other structural
(e.g. an organised centre to oversee PV activities) and some components of a PV system are paired with a regular and
of the ‘Complementary’ (e.g. existence of a dedicated com- sustainable budget that real action and long-term planning
puter for PV activities) structural indicators were found to be can be achieved [65–67]. Any investment in PV should con-
frequently present among the studied countries. Hence, per- sider the substantial diversity in country characteristics such
formance with respect to the class of ‘Structural’ indicators as size and population as well as the anticipated rate at which
was relatively high. This points to government policymakers the system is going to generate reports [21, 68].
taking active steps towards establishing a PV system as a In this review, countries that had a PV information dis-
means of improving drug safety [3, 21]. semination tool as part of the system achieved higher-per-
High-performing PV systems in developing countries in formance scores than those that did not. The WHO indicates
this review were distinguished by the presence of a budget that an expected function of a country’s PV system is the
specifically earmarked for PV, a means of communicating effective dissemination of information related to medicines’
drug safety information to stakeholders (e.g. a newsletter safety to both HCPs and the public [3, 30, 69]. The lack of
or website) and technical assistance via an advisory com- such a tool in many developing countries systems points
mittee. On the other hand, lack of incorporation of PV to the absence of clear routine and crises communication
into the national curriculum of HCPs and underreporting strategies [30]. The use of a drug bulletin has been cited as
of ADRs plagued both high- and low-performing systems. an effective tool for improving safety communication as well
This suggests that strengthening PV systems in developing as increasing ADR reporting [70–72].
countries requires targeted measures addressing these fac- A feature of better performing PV systems was the pres-
tors. In what follows, this review’s key findings described ence of a PV (or ADR) advisory committee. The WHO
above will be discussed in more detail in the context of the views the existence of such a committee as essential given its
WHO PV indicators[30] and existing research. influential role in developing a clear communication strategy


740 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743

as well as providing technical assistance to the drug regula- performance status against the WHO PV indicators and
tory process. The absence of such a committee negatively that of other countries.
impacts system processes such as causality assessment, risk
assessment and management, as well as outcomes such as
communication of recommendations on safety issues and
regulatory actions. Evidence from developed countries has Conclusion
demonstrated the value of such a committee’s scientific and
clinical advice to support and promote drug safety [73, 74]. This is the first systematic review that focuses on studies
PV was found to be absent from the national curricula of that evaluate PV performance and activities in developing
HCPs in most of the countries studied, which may explain countries, using WHO PV indicators. The included stud-
low levels of competency regarding PV and ADR reporting ies provide an in-depth understanding of the various factors
[75]. Studies have demonstrated that the implementation of affecting PV system performance and activities. This study’s
PV-related training as a module or course for HCP students findings demonstrate that a multistakeholder approach
has a positive effect on their PV knowledge [76–78] and towards strengthening PV systems in developing countries
sensitises HCPs to issues regarding drug safety [30]. is required and the necessity of resource and data consoli-
This review found that ADR reporting rates were low dation and the establishment of regional collaborations to
overall, suggesting underreporting by ADR reporters [23, assist PV systems that are in their nascent stage. Further-
79], which may be partly due to the passive nature of the more, it highlights the need for applying a holistic approach
reporting systems in these [59]. Underreporting points to the that takes into account the resources and infrastructure avail-
PV system’s inability to collate data on the safety, quality able when addressing the policy and programmatic gaps in
and effectiveness of marketed drugs that have not been tested each country.
outside the confines of clinical trials. Consequently, system
processes and outcomes, including data analysis, signal
identification, regulatory actions, and communication and Author Contributions 
feedback mechanisms, will remain stagnant. The WHO’s All three authors conceived and designed the study. Planning, data
extraction and data analysis were led and performed by HYG and sup-
guidance points to the number of ADR reports received by ported by DKS and EIS. Screening and identification of citations were
the system as being an indicator of PV activity in the set- completed by HYG. The manuscript was written by HYG and com-
ting, the awareness of ADRs and the willingness of HCPs mented on by DKS and EIS. All authors read and approved the final
to report [30]. Despite underreporting being a significant manuscript for submission for publication.
barrier to the effective functioning of PV systems in both
developing and developed countries [65, 74], reporting rates
have been found to be lower in developing countries than The study was undertaken as part of a PhD fully funded by the Kuwaiti
in developed ones [80]. Based on international evidence, Ministry of Health. The authors were not asked nor commissioned
it is reasonable to expect a developed system to target an by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health to carry out this study and had no
annual reporting rate of 300 reports per million inhabitants role in its design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or
preparation of the manuscript. Open Access was funded through PhD
[81]. Countries struggling with underreporting should utilise fees managed by the University of Manchester.
the WHO’s global database (VigiBase) as a reference for
monitoring drug-related problems [60]. Furthermore, data
from countries with similar population characteristics and Declarations 
co-morbidities receiving smaller numbers of ADR can be
gathered into a single database which would allow an analy- Conflict of interest 
sis of the pooled data to provide relevant solutions [60, 64]. Hamza Y. Garashi is an employee on a PhD scholarship from
the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health. Douglas T. Steinke and Ellen I.
This review has a few limitations. First, the included
Schafheutle have no conflict of interest that is directly relevant to the
studies were very heterogeneous and differed in their aim, content of this study.
structure, content, method of evaluation and targeted level
of PV system/activity, which may limit the extent of the
findings’ generalisability. This was partially overcome Open Access
by applying the WHO indicators as a means of standard- This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
ising the extracted information. Second, a limitation of International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, dis-
tribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you
the WHO PV indicators is the lack of a scoring system give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, pro-
to quantifiably measure PV system performance. This vide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
was overcome by the development of a scoring system were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
thus enabling a comparison of a country’s PV system included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science (2022) 56:717–743 741

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