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2017 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT)


(Case Study : Surakarta City Indonesia)
Yusuf Sutanto Siti Hayati Efi Friantin Sri Wulandari
Faculty of Informatics Management Faculty of Banking Finance Faculty of Management
STIE Adi Unggul Bhirawa (AUB) STIE Adi Unggul Bhirawa (AUB) STIE Adi Unggul Bhirawa (AUB)
Surakarta, Indonesia Surakarta, Indonesia Surakarta, Indonesia
Email: pixel Email : Email : oel

Abstract—This research develops binary integer programming transportation investigated in this research is the market waste
model for optimization of garbage transportation by arranging that exist in Surakarta City
the type of vehicle used to transport garbage at each garbage
disposal based on the distance travel by each vehicle, the II. M ETODOLOGY
maximum carrying capacity of the vehicle, and the maximum
capacity of the landfill. This model is applied to the market Preliminary research by conducting interviews to stakehold-
garbage transportation in Surakarta City. The result shows that ers in Surakarta Market Office to find out the condition and
the fleet used only 6 trucks from 10 trucks, and from 6 trucks problems of garbage in Surakarta market. Direct observation
only 3 trucks that do the ritual, so it is expected to minimize the in some existing markets in Surakarta City and conducting
operational cost of the garbage transportation market.
interviews with parties related to the market garbage transport.
Index Terms—binary integer programming, waste manage-
ment model. The data used are as follows:
A. Data of existing market location in Surakarta City. (Market
I. I NTRODUCTION Agency, 2017)
One of the problems that is often faced in big cities is the B. Market volume of market waste. (Market Agency, 2017)
garbage problem. The volume of waste in big cities continues C. Data on the number of vehicles / trucks carrying market
to increase, in line with the rapidly growing population and waste and the maximum transport capacity of each vehicle.
rapid economic growth, changes in consumption patterns, and (Market Agency, 2017)
the lifestyles of people in big cities. The waste problem can be
D. Market data per market (Google map, 2017)
handled properly if there is waste management. Garbage prob-
lem in Surakarta city is managed by three parties namely En- E. The data is processed and analyzed by using binary in-
vironment Agency, market office, and district office. Garbage terger programming method.
collected at the temporary dump, garbage from the street, and Making this simulation model using MASIM (Material
garbage from activities is managed by Environment Agencies. Simulation) method, according to Blikstein and Wilensky
The Market Office manages the waste in the market, and MASIM is a simulation that was built using simulation tool
household waste is managed by district office. Garbage from for modeling the atom structure that make up an object or
offices, hospital waste, and garbage from the business world material. MASIM allows one to model and observe the process
is discharged directly to landfills in accordance with local through simulation, the results of the simulation can improve
regulation no 3 of 2010. Some researchers have provided mod- understanding of the concepts that want to be learned [4]. The
els for waste management, An integer programming model to simulation tool used for this study uses anylogic program [5]
determine the route of waste transport that can minimize the
total cost of transportation [1], A linear integer programming III. D EFINING RULES U SED IN T HE M ODEL
model to minimize the total cost of waste transportation in Vehicles / trucks that are in the depot will transport waste in
Surakarta City [2], An integer programming model for the the market to landfill. If the load of garbage has fulfilled the
selection of the best urban waste disposal site in East Jakarta maximum capacity of vehicle carrying capacity, the vehicle
[3]. This research will present a model for optimizing waste will go to the landfill to discharge the garbage, if the vehicle’s
transport by regulating the type of vehicle used to transport loading capacity is not yet maximum then the vehicle will go
garbage at each landfill based on the distance travel by each to another market to transport the garbage until it reaches its
vehicle, the maximum carrying capacity of the vehicle, and maximum capacity then to the landfill. Market selection based
the maximum capacity of the landfill. The problem of garbage on market distance and waste volume.

0-7695-6330-9/17/31.00 ©2017 IEEE 495

DOI 10.1109/PDCAT.2017.00084
In Fig. 1 shows 44 locations where the garbage collection, 4) Xij is a decision variable:
along with the truck that goes around to pick up the garbage.
Xij ∈ {0, 1} (6)
At the top left end there is a variable to calculate the distance
of each truck passing through the sieve, while the remaining  
variable is calculating the waste capacity of each truck carrying 1, if area i visit by truck j
X= (7)
the waste. 0, another
B. Model of vehicle / truck route
After obtaining the vehicles in charge in each region, then
determined the route of vehicles in each region. Objective
M in Sk Yjk (8)
j=1 k=1

with constrain
1) vehicle / truck is only assigned to 1 market and there is
at least 1 relationship with other markets:

Yjk = 1, ∀k (9)

Yij ≥ 1, ∀j (10)
Fig. 1. Output Simulation Model Waste Management

2) The volume of garbage transported per market can not

The model of garbage transportation market in this research
exceed the capacity of the vehicle and every day only 2
there are two, that is model for the selection of vehicle /
rotations are done:
garbage truck and model for vehicle route which formulated
mathematically as follows:
Yjk bk ≤ 2aj , ∀j (11)
A. Model of vehicle / truck picking k=1

3) Terms of the amount of garbage transported is positive:

The existing market in Surakarta City is divided into four
areas (Market Agency, 2017), so that the trash transport vehicle
bk ≥ 0 (12)
is arranged for the four areas first. Objective function:
4) Yjk is a decision variable :

M in xij (1) Yjk ∈ {0, 1} (13)
i=1 j=1

with constrain,  
1, if market k is visited by truck j
1) vehicle / truck only serves 1 area, and each area can Y = (14)
0, another
be visited by more than one truck:

xij ≤, ∀i (2) i = area location number
j=1 j = vehicle / truck number
k = market location number
 m = total area
xij ≥, ∀j (3)
n = number of vehicles / trucks
p = number of markets
2) The volume of waste transported per region should not Sk = distance of market in k
exceed the capacity of the vehicle: Qi = the volume of jurisdiction i
 aj = truckload capacity in j
xij Qi ≤ Aj , ∀i (4) bk = junk volume in k
3) Terms of the amount of garbage transported is positive: The data formulated in the above model is then processed
using Any Logic software from XJ Technologies [6] and
Qi ≥ 0 (5) obtained the following results:

A. Selection of trucks garbage as much as 9,729kg, truck 5 transporting garbage
The existing market in Surakarta City amounts to 44 markets as much as 933kg, 6 carrying 285kg of garbage. While the
which are divided into 4 regions. The Market Office has 10 distance in the truck 1 is 5.75km, truck 2 journey distance
fleets to transport garbage in 44 markets, consisting of 4 46.75km, truck 3 34.5km distance, truck 4 0.5km distance,
container trucks (4 tonnes / truck carrying capacity), 4 dump truck 5 39km distance, truck 6 distance 33.5km distance.
trucks (10 ton / truck load capacity), and 2 tailgate (8 ton /
truck) . The results of data processing obtained the result that
to transport garbage in 44 markets only need 7 trucks only.


Wilayah Total Jenis Truk Pengangkut Truk yang Digu-

Sampah Sampah nakan
I 15.800 1 Kontainer, 2 Bak truk 2 Bak Truk
II 22.500 2 Dump Truck 2 Dump Truck
III 10.300 1 Dump Truck 1 Dump Truck
IV 10.000 1 Dump Truck 1 Dump Truck

In the area I truck type of container is not used because

with 2 truck can already carry all garbage in region I, so total
truck which used is 6 trucks, that is 2 type of truck and 4
dump truck type. Fig. 2. Final Output Simulation Model Waste Management
B. Determination of truck route
After obtaining the vehicles in charge in each region, then V. C ONCLUSION
determined the route of vehicles in each region, the results as The model developed for the market waste disposal problem
follows: in Surakarta by using binary integer programming can min-
imize the operating costs of transporting market waste. This
can be seen from the use of trucks and ritual trucks. Aramada
is 10 and can be used only 6 trucks only, while for ritual,
Wilayah Jenis Truk Pasar Ritasi not all trucks do the ritual. Trucks carrying garbage in Pasar
I Bak Truk Tanggul, Rejosari, Ledoksari, 2x
Jebres, Mojosongo/Debegan,
Gede, Pasar Legi, and in region IV do not need to do the
Mebel, Panggung-rejo, ritual, because for once transport in one day can carry the
Tunggulsari, Buah Jurug, entire garbage in the place.
Ngemplak, Sangkrah, Sibela,
Bak Truk Gede 1x
II Dump Truk Nusukan, Depok, Nongko, Ayu 2x The author wish to thank A. Borshchev for providing The
Balapan, Elpabes, Bangunharjo, Big Book of Simulation Modeling Anylogic.
Sidomulyo, Joglo, Bambu, Ngum-
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