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College of Industrial Technology

MGT 10
Philippine Industries and Management

Movie Analysis



Assistant Professor II

I. Movie Title: JOBS

• Steve Jobs – The Co-founder of Apple Inc.

• Joanna Hoffman – The marketing executive at Apple and NeXT.
• Steve Wozniak- The creator of the Apple II and Co-founder of.
• John Sculley- The CEO of Apple.
• Chrisann Brennan- It’s Lisa’s mother and former girlfriend of Jobs in the
• Andy Hertfeld- A founding member of the Mac team in the movie.
• Avie Tevanian – The manager of Macintosh and iMac launches.
• Andrea Cunningham- A software engineer for NeXT.

II. Movie Analysis

Jobs confuses the story of Apple, the company, with the story of guru
and guiding force, spending way too much time on backroom personnel dealing
than on encounter that might help us understand, on a deep level, the title
character. Admittedly, the story of Jobs’s entrepreneurship is a fascinating one in
its own right, and the film makes it clear that he was as much a corporate shark as
a creative visionary.

From the beginning of the movie, you can tell that Steve Jobs was a
bit different. He dropped acid, cheated on his girlfriend, went to India, and sat-in
on college courses without paying. Not only Jobs different, but he gravitated to
others who were strange, other with obsessions. You could label them as “geeks”
but it’s more about having a single-minded determination and focus. This movie is
a business organization called corporation because it builds among the
entrepreneurial community. Corporation company is not easy to build the owners
should hire the best employee or at least the qualified ones. In this movie there is
two hiring mistakes. The firs one came from Steve’s best friend, Daniel Kottke.
When hiring, there are numerous things to consider. First is if new hires can create
value for the company, the second is if they mesh with the team, the third is if they
can adapt and learn, and fourth is if they share the values as the company. The
movie portrayed that Kottke was only friends with Jobs and lacked the skills to
adopt as Apple grew. Although the movie took some liberties, the story is generally
true. The second hiring mistake in this movie was John Sculley, the former CEO of
Pepsi-Cola and a proclaimed “marketing genius”. Seeking to argument Apple’s
marketing department, Jobs hired Sculley, who had great success with Pepsi’s
brand in the late 70’s. Sculley did not directly fire Jobs, but let the board axe him
after Liza failed and the Mac did not produce the numbers they expected. Sculley
was more focused on gratification and revenue rather than long-term outcomes.
When picking a CEO, you not only need someone who is good executor, but
someone who aligns with the core ideals of the company. Sculley bent to the will
of the board instead of embracing the ideals of “thinking different”. In every
business there is always a competition, but in this economic system we called it
monopolistic competition. In the market situation where there is a relatively large
number of small producers or suppliers selling similar as their product but not as
identical as their products. Making the best product is not easy, especially when
your business is in the filed of technology. It’s a long way to the top. The only way
to get there is with unyielding drive. In this movie Steve is a good example of a
strong and competitive entrepreneur. Steve was a very direct person. He got
straight to the point and wasn’t afraid to cut through bullshit. As Woz said “Steve
doesn’t like foreplay”. Jobs had that single-minded determination to carry out a
project and that would be the character that I wanted to be in the future. Steve
was the company, the company was Steve. Without that love of values that Apple
espoused, there would be no Mac, iPod, or iPhone. If you watched the movie, you
will see how management, technology, facilities, financial incentives are all
applied in this movie or should I say in making Apple product. In making products
every detail matters. It is not overall product that the customer remembers, but
the little experiences that go with it.

In this movie the characteristic of Steve makes me realize that I wanted

to be like him in the future, because Steve understood many things at a moderate
level, which allowed him to communicate clearly and effectively with all sorts of
people and employees. At different points he was an engineer, artist, manager,
salesman, and advertiser. As a future entrepreneur I must be able to learn quickly
and do what ever job is necessary. We can all take value from the life that Steve
Jobs lived. His legacy lives on in Apple and in the numerous products he produced
while working there. The film ends on the cusp of his success with the iPod, and
shows the culmination of all lessons he learned during his lifetime. I would
recommend any aspiring entrepreneur to see the movie to discover what I
discover about how Apple became synonymous with innovation.

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