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Class ID No 0363530


✓ The Contemporary World involving all the history of getting together in the Globalization had
mostly a big impact to all nations. And we all know that Globalization is the process of
transformation and combining together all of aspects that the world had. The existence of
everything such as in combined economic ideas, technological, sociocultural and political forces
of every local government in a single function or into Global ones. We can defined that
Globalization is not an abstract idea and it is possible to determine some of the thematic essential
qualities about it’s processes. But the creation of new ideas and involves the multiplication
existence of activities in increasing the quality result of the work together. Because of the
process of Globalization in terms of economic, the world increase in levels of income and
employment and living standards of the people in the world. In the levels of income, as the world
grow old we can say that the increase knowledge of individuals that everyone has to be known to
it. In employment, as the population increase there is high demand in finding job because of too
much count of population. But because of world initiative they created job opportunity to help
reduce unemployment and continued to shape the world into good ones. Global influence has so
much to discover about, when it comes to production of the terms mentioned above and more.
The digital "double divide" is caused by political power, economic dependency, and
importation/exportation of resources. The transition of industrial production to cheaper labor
sources, international media, and expanding international trade and communication have in some
ways made the world smaller, yet in other ways made the gaps between nations larger by
creating greater dependency of poor nations to wealthy nations. The digital double divide as
listed the following reason cause by any miscommunication of Global Divides.Between differing
countries or regions of the world is referred to as the global digital divide, examining this
technological gap between developing and developed countries on an international scale.
It has a tremendous impact upon the culture and the people of every region. Technology effects
every culture in different ways. Because they do not have access to technology people in
technology poor nations suffer. However, in order to bridge the digital divide, people need
access to technology. The North mostly covers the West and the First World, along with much of
the Second World, while the South largely corresponds with the Third World. While the North
may be defined as the richer, more developed region and the South as the poorer, less developed
region, many more factors differentiate between the two global areas. 95% of the North has
enough food and shelter. The Global South "lacks appropriate technology, it has no political
stability, the economies are disarticulated, and their foreign exchange earnings depend on
primary product exports." Nevertheless, the divide between the North and the South increasingly
"corresponds less and less to reality and is increasingly challenged."

As we situate the Philippines where it is involved in the global Divides, I can say that
Philippines belongs to Global south countries and performing a simple role that brings good
production of product made with the influence of technological innovations and can contribute in
the world market as defined in the Economic Globalization.

I agree with the statement that diversity is the very definitions of Asia. According to the
research, Asia is a geographically expansive and populous region characterized by fascinating
social and cultural variation. Particularly striking to the outside observer is the region’s ethnic
and religious diversity. The majority of the countries in this region are home to dozens of
different ethnic groups (and in some cases, hundreds), many with their own distinct languages,
cultures, and styles of dress. Many of these groups have their own systems of religious belief and
practice as well. In part of the Southeast Asian countries has attach great importance to their
family lives and as a general rule relationships among family members tend to be highly valued,
strong, and enduring. In many Southeast Asian societies, children feel that they can never fully
repay their parents for either the“gift of life” or the countless sacrifices they have made to raise
them to adulthood. As with bonds between parents and children, relationships among siblings are
of tremendous moral and emotional significance and are capable of withstanding a good deal of

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