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Your guests are John and Chris. Your guests are Mary and Joe.

John is a vegan, so he doesn’t eat Mary is celiac, so she can’t have a

any animal products. lot of gluten.
Poel does eat animal products, but Joe only eats meat, but no fish.
he’s lactose intolerant. Neither of them really like
They don’t like onion. vegetables.

Your guests are Karl, Sue, and Your guests are Maureen and
Charlie. Joanne.
Karl doesn’t like fast food, but his They are both vegetarians, but
two little children don’t really eat they eat some animal products like
much other than hamburgers and dairy or eggs.
hot dogs. They don’t like spinach.

Your guests are Brenda and Your guests are Susan and Mike.
Herman. They like tasty food but their
Brenda likes traditional dishes, but stomachs are somewhat delicate,
Herman prefers something more so they shouldn’t eat anything too
modern and avant-garde. spicy.

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