Synthesis Paper Group 1

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Hazelyn P.

Delco Section D - MWF 4:00 - 5:00 PM


Through this paper, I would like to discuss what the project management is as
well as its types and components. I find this paper relevant particularly for those who
are looking forward on creating and conducting their own project. Furthermore, this
discussion is highly essential for us students who are still in the process of learning
since we will be able to identify and learn what particular aspects we should consider
when creating a project.

First we must be familiarize with the definition of project. This refers to a set of
tasks that should be completed within a specific span of time which includes phases
or processes since it cannot be done using only one action. Along with the project,
there are set of goals which must be accomplished in order to say that the project is
fully functioning based on its purpose. Once these goals are accomplished, we can
now consider the following events as the output or the product of the processes that
we have done since the beginning of the project.

However, one must be aware on what specific type of project is he or she

particularly interested. These types of project may include: manufacturing projects,
construction projects, management projects, or research projects. Learning and
coming up on what specific type of project you would like to pursue is very important
as this will give direction to your project and clarity on the processes to be conducted.
One must remember that we can identify what project is we pursuing based on its
purpose. So for example, if we are going to conduct a project with the aim of
discovering something, then our project is a research type, and would definitely
include systematic and scientific processes.

Lastly, when conducting a project, one must conceptualize thoroughly. This

process shall include the assessment of risks and estimated duration, as well as its
strengths and weaknesses. Identifying these factors enables us to learn and get ready
for possible issues or problems that we may encounter during the duration or the
process. Furthermore, this will enable us to assess properly on what aspects should
we improved or are there any parts which we should reconsider, this process
minimized the risks and double the possibility of success.

Project management in general is actually complicated and time-consuming.

However, if the project is done systematically without missing the aforementioned
points, it is more likely to be possible and easier to conduct. Moreover, project
management is also a good practice of responsibility and accountability for us
students. Thus, we must never forget that despite the demanding efforts when
conducting a project, along with these are the experiences and outcomes aims for the
betterment. To be responsible for your project is a reflection on how much you value
your goals, so we must all take it seriously, and think about it thoroughly to assure
ourselves that the output will be achieved successfully.

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