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Long Term Plan

Chapter no 4: Programming:

Content: Linear Search Procedure

Learning Objective:
How to write a procedure to find a value in a list
What a linear search is.
Success criteria:
Students will be able to:
● Define linear search procedure
● Calling the linear search procedure
 def linsearch
 return.
The header of linear search:
 Programmer usually define the procedure at the top of the program .
 Every procedure start from header with a header.
 The header of the linear search look like this:
def linsearch ()
Body of linear procedure:
 Body of the procedre stores all the command to carry out the linear search
Def linsearch ():
name = input(“enter a name search term: “)
stop = len(atoms)
for I in range (stop):
if atoms[i] == name:
print (name, “is in the list”)
Call the linear procedure:
 To call the procedure, you must include the name of procedure in your code
linsaerch ()
If the search is not found:
 The user enter the name of an atom. The program searches for the name in
the list. If the name in the list , the program will display a message.
 If the name is not in the list, the program will display a different message.
Amal’s mistake:

The linear search procedure uses if.

If it finds the search term, it display a message.
Amal decided to use else to display a different message if the program did not find
the term
Here is linear procedure that amal made.
def linearch():
Name = input(“enter a search term: “)
Stop = len(atoms)
For i in range(stop):
If atoms[i] == name:
Print(name, “is in the list”)
Print(name, “is not in the list”)
Output of amal’s code:
 Amal ran his program. This was the output.
 The program displays the message “silver is not in the list”
 Everytime it finds an item that does not match the search term. That is not

A hint from Mr shakir:

 The computer science teacher mr shakir at city park school gave the students
some advices
 He told them about a new program commnad.
 The return command a python keyword.
 This keyword are used in python to control the structure of the program.
 A programmer can put the return command into the procedure.
 When computer sees the return command it will stop the procedure and
return to the main program.

Using return function

def linsearch():
name = input(“enter a search term: “)
stop = len(atoms)
for I in range(stop):
if atoms[i] == name:
prin(name, “is in the list”)
Print(name, “is not in the list”)
Using return feedback:
Mr shakir put the return command into the procedure:
 If the computer finds the search term, it will display the message. “the atom
is in the list”. Then it will return to the main program. It will never show the
final message
 If the computer does not find the search term in the list, it will finish the
loop and goto the final message. It will display the message “atom is not in
the list”.
Activity Task:
● Write the header of procedure?
● Write the line in the main program that call this procedure
● What happens when the computer sees the return command?
Question to think:
Write the header of procedure?

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