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lask 1 Poge

he 9ph belo.uo qive information Om a 2

HepoHt about Consumph on 0f enegY inhe LA
since19&o ith pxojetion Until 2030
he line ycL ph ou tlines on ni vuur'O uC Patterno
DF fne diPPexent tpe OPcongumphon
brm eAiels nd enesg in Ameuco
between (98o t o 2030

Ovexall the 24nolsezhibit_an Ocullah

LRaveHIL 2005 Lthaugh with1hc
excephinn DbyduopowO ncoly auL
ph ue Sho2s intueaLinq 9LONci4
ince 2010

m 19R0 h peLol_ and ol consLIp

hod LConutant slelLinq xith 35
Quadci]liou n he iniMol uean and
thot 1 n to a peoK u 40 quad on
bu 20o5 It s enpeLt ed to Ea th50
nite h D30:Coal anol alaturul q a
Concumpron R e 9onked Second und
Lhind highestiq 1gtOyeipechvely
he xendA qe) aoM1and 2 0
quadULUD wik to a maket
26 qwoci u'onUnh by 2015 Coal
CoAum phon erpeLLed
30 qwadriluionUnit
30 bs 2030 alhile
Conumphi2 i_ezpeeted +0 stayNahini!
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V h e eneqIe Suth _ nuLeaHSDl H
Kind and hydopouie e e olmist
3 qvadAilion _unik 19&0. T 20R al))
Pluu TnG
he ConsumpHons_5houoed a
Lend Sola and nudean pous e
ezpeteod to have Signhcant s e by 2020
Conhrad'thing t th hudOPO DDeH nad
a decLng trend v t l 2OLO KI hicheKpecteA
Stem aio Stable_about 2auadaiuO
Un b 2030O

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