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Statement of Purpose

Sanket Palchaudhary

I am a student of Mechanical Engineering currently studying in the 8th semester of my

bachelor’s degree program. I took up the field of mechanical engineering especially
because of my deep interest in the working of machines. I strive to build something
which has the potential to change the world for something better. During the course of
my degree, as I watched many of my friends struggling to manage college with jobs
because of weak finances, I realised that we first need to create a financially strong
world before we can build a robust engineering setup for everybody’s comfort.

One of the best ways to understand a system is by creating a model that can be
analysed, verified, and then validated for use. The Model-Based Design system is better
than the traditional system because when a live model is placed for analysis we would
get better results as compared to when theories on paper are put up for analysis. I have
tried to use this approach for various of my previous technical and non-technical
projects and found this extremely useful. This is what attracted me towards the World
Bank and it’s initiative. They create a robust model where all elements are placed in
order and tested and experimented before the model is used in a real world scenario.
This method ensures a fast, effective and error-free approach which ensures better and
smarter results.

Through this internship, I intend to gain insights on how to analyse and obtain results
and understand the working of a system that revolves around the results obtained
through analysis of the model. Also, I intend to make myself ready to work in a world
where people aren’t limited because of their backgrounds or any other barriers, and
financial weakness is not the end of the road. By pursuing this internship, I wish to take
a step in building a world where everybody is equal no matter where they come from. An
internship program with the World Bank offers me the chance to create a change that
can make the world a better place.

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